Annual Activities of C.N.C

C.N.C. Rally at New Delhi Bodoland M.P's S.K. Biswamuthairy & Mr. Brahma with Nachappa
The timetable of activities of CNC starts from Edamyar 1st of Codava Almanac coinciding with 14 of April every year. And is being celebrated with enthusiasm and always with a torchlight procession by the enthusiastic youngsters at Madikeri.
A Study camp for children about “Codavalogy” is being held during the month of May every year.
The Codava Parliament sits in its session 4 times every year. The being Pre-Monsoon session during May-June, Monsoon session July-August, Winter session November-December and Summer session in March every year.
Added to these August 3 is celebrated as “Kakkada Padnet”.
August 15 Protest Sathyagraha Independents Day at Madikeri.
August 18 world Indigenous People day observed
Public “Kail Pold” celebrations on 1 September every year.
World Habitat Day observed on 3rd October every year at D.C. Office, Madikeri.
Observation of Sathyagraha against Karnataka Rajyothsava day on 1stNovember in front of Parliament, New Delhi.
Codava National Day celebrations on 24 November every year. This is grand finale of Codava Race.
On 10 December World Human Rights Day observed at Madikeri by organizing National Level symposium.
“Public Puthari” celebrations will be conducted every year.
18 December World Minorities Day observed as Gun Carnival (thok Namme)
January 26 a sathyagraha on Republic Day will be conducted every year at D.C. Office, Madikeri.
International Mother Tongue Day observed on 21 February every year in front of Linguistic Minorities Office at Belgaum and Madras or Programme at Bangalore.
UN Day for the elimination of racial discrimination observed on March 21 at D.C. Office, Madikeri every year.
Besides periodic village meetings, seminars, press conferences, mass awareness programs and presenting memorandum’s to the concerned.
Codava National Council which is fighting for an autonomous codava land on the lines of gurkha land celebrated annual codava public kail poud festival on 1st september at madikeri.