Sri. V.K. Duggal I.A.S
Hon’ble Secretary for Home affairs,
Government of India,North Block, New Delhi.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Codava Autonomous Region (CAR for short)- demand to table a bill of the floor of the Parliament during the Monsoon session together with the bill proposed to be tabled in connection with greater autonomy to Ghurkha Hill council under 6th schedule of the constitution, preparatory to the Constitutional amendments – regarding.
Ref: Memorandum to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Hon’ble Home Minister, Union of India, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka and his Excellency the Hon’ble Governor of Karnataka dated 12.7.06 - copy enclosed.
Please find herein enclosed a replica of Memorandum dated 12.7.06 as referred to above and I hereby request you to take pains to place Codava subject before the parliamentary session together with the subject of Ghurkhas, as mentioned in the Memorandum. It is a known fact that you have signed the tripartite draft accord on behalf of Government of India entered into as between Government of India, Govt. of West Bengal state, and the caretaker administrator of Darjeeling Ghurkha Hill council and GNLF Supremo Sri. Subash Ghising on 6.12.2005 at New Delhi. The Ghurkha Matter is likely to come up before the parliamentary session for the ratification of the draft accord in the ensuing Monsoon session.
Since we have been struggling peacefully for the Codava Autonomous Region (CAR) under the 6th schedule of the Constitution of India during the past over 15 years and such an animus has been created within amongst the entire Codava generality, it is desirable and deserving that our subject also passes through the parliamentary session this time at least.
Therefore, I request you to include the matter in hand in the subject to be discussed in the parliament together with the Gurkha subject in the ensuing session.
We request you to facilitate us with an audience to discuss on the point at your discretion.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
Members Codava Parliament .i.e. Codava National Assembly
1. A text of Prof. Balveer Arora, renowned political Scientist of JNU, New Delhi touching Codava subject Presented in the Seminar.
2. Charter of demands presented by CNC at New Delhi on 7 Apr. 2006
3. Paper clippings
1. His Excellency The Hon’ble president
Sovereign Republic of India
Rashtrapathi Bhavan,
New Delhi
2. The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block, New Delhi
Hon’ble Sir,
Sub: Proposed women reservation bill and internal quota to different communities and sects will be placed in the ensuing winter session of the parliament – internal quota to be reserved for Codavathis (Codava Women) request for –
We congratulate you for the bold step you have taken to place the women reservation bill ( i.e. 33 % seats for women in the highest legislative bodies i.e parliament and state assembly) together with allotment of internal quota therein to different sect and communities during the ensuing winter session of Parliament and we take this opportunity to remind you a crude fact that codavathis (Codava women) have been unscrupulously avoided being mentioned in the proposed bill. It is hard truth that Codavas perhaps are the only non religious ethno linguistic minority tribe with a racial background routed mother earth habitating in Codagu (Coorg) within the state of Karnataka from time immemorial. But we are yet to be considering officially as what we are and what we should be. No doubt true that some Codava individuals have been accommodated in the political arena and it strictly on account of mercy or such other consideration what we require is our demands should be assigned as a matter of mandatory provisions under the constitution and certainly not in the form of alms we do not beg for our rights, but it is the duty of Government’s to feel our heartthrobs and treat us on par with others. Since we too are equal stake holders legitimately in this great nation.
Therefore we request you to include mentioning about codavathis (Codava women) in the proposed internal quota women reservation bill programmed to be tabled in the immediate next winter session of the parliament.
We request you to facilitate us with an audience to discuss on the point at your discretion.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
Copy to :
1. Smt. Sonia Gandhiji, The Hon’ble Chair person, UPA New Delhi
2. The Hon’ble leader of the opposition in the Lok Sabha
3. Hon’ble leader of the opposition in the Rajya Sabha,
4. Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs, Union of India.
Amnesty International,
Dear Sir,
Sub: “Codava Land” – establishment of Codava Autonomous Region in Codagu”Coorg’ District of the Karnataka – Demand for – regarding.
I take pleasure to inform you that this organization has been peacefully struggling for the assignment of a autonomous status to Codava Land just now it is Codagu/Coorg with in the territory of the entire district of Codagu in the state of Karnataka and also to treat Codavas has having belonging to a totally primitive ethno linguistic minority tribe with a racial background special constitutional guarantee for our land, language, customary law etc.,. We demand for universal reorganization for Codavas as an independent racial tribal minority and also for the right of internal political self determination.
Even though we have been insisting for our demands during past over 15 years continuously and peacefully adopting Gandhian methods and more than any thing else we might have conducted massive public rallies, seminars and such other activities at distance Delhi, Bangalore and at many places in Codava Land on many occasions; We are yet to inch forward and reach the ultimate goal. Strictly speaking Codavas have no political or other lobbies to prevail upon and it certainly is our draw back. Such being the case we are determine to reach you for the help in achieving our desired goal.
Sources close to you inform that you have proposals to hold “world social forum meet” at Nyrobi in Kenya in the month of January next (2007).
We desired to take part in the deliberations of “world social forum” at Nyrobi, in Kenya in order to present our grimes and also to prove our inherent right for such demands as we have been making these years.
Therefore, I request you to be kind enough to take pains to guide us in the matter and please see that we are facilitated to take pains in the programmed “world social forum” meetings and deliberations in the month of January 2007.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
1. His Excellency The Hon’ble president
Sovereign Republic of India
Rashtrapathi Bhavan,
New Delhi
2. The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block, New Delhi
3. 3. The Hon’ble Chief Minister,
State of Karnataka
SVidhana Soudha, Bangalore-1.
The Hon’ble Deputy Commissioner, Codagu District, Madikeri- 571 201.
Hon’ble Sir,Sub: Demands of Codavas in South West Karnataka yet to be fulfilled – Republic day celebrations convey no message unless all our legitimate demands are met:-
1. While inviting your kind attention to the subject cited above, we take this opportunity to remind you of a crude fact that the demands of Codavas are yet to be fulfilled and there seems to be diabolic delay on the part of the concerned to make an attempt to understand our pangs and pains. It is a historical fact that Codavas still nurtured our own indomitable existence on the face of reckless attitude of both the Governments of India and Karnataka are suppressing our hopes and aspirations and obliterate Codava ethos and eliminate our very existence.
2. Now once again we have decided to choose the Republic Day celebrations in order to vent our feelings and thereby attract the attention of all the concerned to recognize our feelings and so our existence unless the long felt need of the entire Codava race is given a positive reception at least this year, we believe that the very notion of Indian Republic becomes a nullity in law and a total fiasco on moral grounds. Our prime demands are as follows:
1. Creation of Codava Autonomous Region (CAR) encompassed with 45 ancient Codava traditional naads under 6th schedule of our constitution on par with Darjeeling Ghurka Hill council.
2. Constitutional special guarantee for Codavas land, customary personal law, language, cultural heritage, economic and political freedom under Art.371 and 8th schedule of our constitution.
3. Codavas should be considered as an ethno lingual primitive tribal group under Article 340 and 342 of the constitution and reservation should be accorded in the field of education, employment and FINANCIALLinks to on par with other tribals of the nation.
4. State and Central Government should accord ethno linguistic minority status for Codavas.
5. Codavas should be given right to internal, political self-determination.
6. Universal recognition for Codavas as an independent race. In order to re-iterate our demands and also to re-dedicate ourselves to the cause that we have been advocating for the last over fifteen years, we are squatting in a sathyagriha in order to lay impetus for our legitimate demands as we did eight times during the last 8 years continuously to give a new and proper definition to Indian Republic by conceding Codava demands. We request that the Government should concede all our demands at least this time with a solitary intention of adding luster to the annual Republic Day celebrations.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
1) Excellency The Hon’ble
Sovereign Republic of India Rashtrapathi Bhavan
New Delhi.
2) Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block, New Delhi.
His Excellency the Hon’ble Governor of Karnataka
Raj Bhavan, Bangalore-1.
The Hon’ble Chief Minister
State of Karnataka Vidhana Soudha Bangalore – 01. Through:
The Deputy Commissioner
Codagu District, Madikeri – 571201 Karnataka. Through:
The Hon’ble Deputy Commissioner, Codagu District, Madikeri- 571 201.
Hon’ble Sir,The resolutions adopted in the special session of Codava Parliament (i.e. Codava Temporal Spiritual Legislature) held on Seventh Year Public Kail Poud Celebrations i.e. on 1st September, 2007 at Capital Village, Madikeri under the Chairmanship of Shri. N.U. Nachappa Codava. Resolved unanimously.
1) Resolved to greet all Codavas wherever they are during this solemn occasion of Keil Poud and may all of us blessed with riches, fulfillment and happiness throughout the year. May the mother earth continue its bounties to Codavas and this our sacred Codava land. Resolved to request the Government of India and Government of Karnataka to follow the footprints of the Government of Tamilnadu while it has declared a state holiday for “Onam” this year. Even though the same has never been a festival of Tamilians, but they done so only in order to respect the Malayali sentiment and Malayalis habitating in Tamilnadu. And declare a days state holiday for Keil Poud Festival. It is a truth that the “Navroz” festival of Parsi’s, a community which is numerically smaller than Codava’s that too who have entered into our nation some 400 years ego from erstwhile Persia, present Iran has been treated as national holiday by the Government of India.
2) Resolved to highlight the proposal to grant greater autonomy to Ghoorkha’s under 6th schedule of the constitution and a special guarantee under article 371 of the constitution to the Ghoorka’s land during the immediate very next parliamentary session and we hereby re-iterate our long pending demands i.e. greater autonomy to Codava Land i.e., Codava Autonomous Region for compraising 45 ancient traditional Codava Naads under 6th schedule and special guarantee to our law land i.e. jamma land tenure and other innumerable land tenures under articles 370 and 371 of the constitution and Codava language and cultural heritage under 8th schedule of our constitution and to club such a proposal along with the bill touching ghoorkha’s that is to be tabled during the ensuing parliamentary session for ratification.
3) Resolved further to enlighten the union government regarding the lack of political lobby to Codava’s who factually are an infinitesimal racial minority. It is desirable that the Government of India and all others concerned take up the matter expediously in order to enliven the principles that are enshrined in the charter of United Nation Organisation and so in the constitution of India.
4) Resolved to bring home to the Government of India regarding the ultimatum given by the “mahapanchayat” of Gujjar community of Rajasthan held on 12 June 2007 at Hadauti (Kota division) and on 26 August 2007 at Jhalrapatan in Jalwara district of Rajasthan and undertaking given by the Chief Minister of Rajasthan Smt. Vasundhara Raje Sindhiya to the effect that the matter will be taken before Government of India within 3 months thereafter regarding the recognition of Gujjar’s to be as a primitive tribal community and it is generally known that the political heavy weights including a congress parliamentarian of Gujjar community Shri. Sachin Pilot and others were participated and addressed the “mahapanchayat”. And it is simply a matter of time that their demands will be accepted by the union Government as such we hereby resolved to insist the Government of India to include Codava subject in the bill to be drafted and tabled on the floor of the parliament when it is done regarding the demands of Gujjar’s and it is high time that “Codava’s by race are treated as primitive ethno linguistic minority tribals and see that our long felt need is considered favourably, needless to add that the National Tribal Commission has already visited Codava land in order to assess and examine the truth underlying our demands and the matter is well on the table of the Governments. 4.a) Resolved to inform the union government that, even though Gujjar’s do not belong to any tribal group as is vehemently advocated and propogated by the meena tribes and billa tribes of Rajasthan respectively and All India Adivasi Mahasabha headed by Shri. Dilip Singh Buriya opposed the move to give tribal status to Gujjar’s and if the demands of Gujjar’s is to become a reality exclusively on the account of the heavy weight political lobby they could muster. Strictly Codavas lack a thing, which Gujjars have that is political lobbey. But in reality all the criterions and qualifications required to be established for being assigned tribal status.
5) Resolved to remind all Codava’s that Naxalites are trying to sneak into our land and in fact they are just at our portals with the help of disgruntled erstwhile political entities and some others trying to make hay while sunshines and make a grade in the political arena. Unless Codava’s are exuberant in retaining special exemption to hold firearm and such other rights, it is a well-known fact that the “Namak Haram’s” who behave themselves to be God sent leaders of Codava’s will one day certainly succeed in making Codava’s to give up our such a right. It is known fact that the exemption under Indian Arms Acts section 3 only has deterred such disruptive anti national and anti social elements gain entry into Codava land, our society and into our families. If a report made by responsible police officer (now retired SP Shri. M.A. Appaiah) is to be accepted as true the Naxalites are within Codava land and we know not when they will act. They are utilizing the services of such “Namak Haram’s” to succeed in erasing the “Codava identity and entity”, our special land tenure i.e. Jamma and exemption to hold fire arms and totally eliminate what is Codava etho’s. It is right time that Codava’s do forge ahead in order to enforce our identity i.e. our customary personal laws, save our lands, and retain our rights. We request the Government to identify such of “fifth columnists” political and other entities who are partisans in patronizing such elements and curb them totally.
6) Resolved to observe November 1 2007 as a black day for Codava’s and detestable on that score. And hold a sathyagraha either at New Delhi or at Bangalore whichever is felt convenient. 6.a) Resolved to celebrate “Codava National Day” on 21st November 2007 at Gandhi Maidan, Madikeri with utmost gaiety and grandeur and also to hold “seminars” touching the subjects being championed by CNC on 27 November 2007 at Madikeri. It is likely that internationally known social scientist and former chairman of International Sociology Conference and former professor of Jawahar Nehru University, New Delhi, Prof. T.K. Ommen will be participating in the seminar.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
Members Codava Parliament .i.e. Codava National Assembly
(Codava Temporal Spiritual Legislature)
The Hon’ble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India South Block, New Delhi. The Minister for Home Affairs
Govt. of India, North Block, New Delhi.
The Minister for Human Resources Development
Govt. of India, Parliament House, New Delhi.
His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor of Karnataka Raj Bhavan Bangalore-01.
The Deputy Commissioner
Codagu District, Madikeri – 571201 Karnataka. Through:
The Hon’ble Deputy Commissioner, Codagu District, Madikeri- 571 201.
Hon’ble Sir,1) Codava’s by race – apathy of the Govt. towards Codava’s and utter disregard of Governmental officers to accept the fact of existence of Codava’s and their refusal to mention so in the official gazettes.
2) To continue the exemption to hold fire arms given to Codava’s by race without any licence and a demand to safeguard the exemptive clause by means of a constitutional special guarantee – A peaceful sathyagraha touching the subject and coinciding world habitat day on 3 October 2007 in front of Deputy Commissioner’s Office, Madikeri at 10.00 am.
3) Reaffirmation of Codava demands – a sathyagraha at New Delhi to expose the perfidy of Govt. of Karnataka towards Codava’s on Rajyothsava day i.e. on 1 November 2007. A call attention notice to the Govt. regarding the programme.
1) It is disheartening to note that even to this day the Govt. of Karnataka has not changed its attitude towards Codava’s and it is too very much disturbing to inform you that all the transactions of Govt. of Karnataka continue to call “Codavas” as “Codaga”, “Codagaru” or “Codagas” a thing which has no historical basis and it is considered to be an insult to the entire Codava race, needless to add that it has caused the unwanted confusion in the minds of people and more so it has caused a dent in the Codava identity.
We take pride to call ourselves as “Codavas” only and never an equivalent term “Codaga”, “Codagaru” or “Codagas”. Codava parlance does not include the term “Codaga” and it is only a creation of demented people in their exuberance to denigrate Codavas, perhaps on account of our exclusively independent stature.
All the official correspondence at Govt. level and also the lowest rung of public officials such as “panchayath’s” and the like deliberately issue even bir/////th certificates to Codava children as “Codaga” as against the column “caste” instead of mentioning as “Codava”. This is a hand picked example to show the deliberate disregard for Codavas the Govt. of Karnataka, its departments and the entire officialdom bear towards. In other words this amounts to intentional denial of birth rights inherent in Codavas leading to the violation of fundamental and human rights as are contemplated in the constitution of India. This has to be rectified.
We hereby request you to do the needful directing the Govt. of Karnataka to effect necessary changes, if possible and need be by an enactment, and call ‘Codavas’ as “Codavas” only and delete the word “Codaga” or “Codagas” or “Codagaru” wherever it occurs in all the Governmental papers and communications and the official gazettes, so that Codavas feel elated. The word “Codava” is not a derivative of any other language and the “Codaga” is a quixotic invention of the concerned of the Government of Karnataka in order to assign a Kannada accent to it. Such a thing necessarily may be termed as a cultural aggression on Codavas.
2) We take this opportunity to take you through a public statement of an irresponsible member of Karnataka legislative council as could be understood from the media report on 24.09.2007 touching the statutory exemption to hold fire arms by Codava race without license. In fact such an exemption has been incorporated in the Indian Arms Act after nearly a century long duration of continued tests by the then rulers of India. And such an exemption has created a healthy atmosphere in the society. The concerned gentleman was speaking from his own heart or in the alternative exposing the latent wish of the Govt.of Karnataka? is not known. Should his statement be treated as Govt. intention to eke away the time tested necessity of exemption from holding fire arms without a license by Codavas or if it is from his own imagination, it is nothing but an attempt to cause mischief within the Codava race. And he calls for punishment in the nature of his expulsion from the legislative council and all other Governmental organizations.
It may not be in opportune act on our part if we may be permitted to inform you that such exemption have been traditionally extended to “Ghoorka’s and Sikh” community to hold Kukri and Kripan the way such an exemption given to Codavas to hold fire arms without license. Such exemptions did not emanated from demented minds and one must know that it was the result of understanding and discerning into the historical background of three races on the basis of the respective living styles, geo-politics, socio-cultural, ethno linguistic aspects, customary personnel laws, martial background and topographical features of respective habitats.
We are happy that poor Codava unemployed youngsters could secure employment as security personal in almost all the industrial establishments in Karnataka strictly on account of the fact that they could hold fire arms without the necessity of a license under Indian Arms Act. Should the exemption as made under section 3 of the Indian arms Act enabling Codavas by race to hold fire arms without the prerequisite of obtaining a regular license under Indian Arms Act will only end up in disaster to all Poor Codava youngsters whoever have secured employment as security personal these days. After all Codavas hold fire arms for the sole purpose of maintaining peace and security in Codava land the way India possesses nuclear weaponry for peaceful purposes. Such a right should be assured of being continued so long India remains as an independent democratic country by means of a constitutional guarantee such an end.
3) We desire to highlight our demands and denigrate the detestable Rajyothsava day on 1 November 2007, and the venue chosen being at Jantar Mantar on Parliament Street, in New Delhi. Our prime demands are:
a) Codava Land – with full pledged autonomy i.e. Codava Autonomous Region (CAR) encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava Nads on par with Darjiling Ghoorka Hill Council (DGHC) in Sovereign Republic of India, Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) in People’s Republic of China, and Kurdisthan Autonomous Region in Islamic Arab Republic of Iraq.
b) Primitive Ethno Linguistic Minority Tribal Status for Codava’s under article 340 and 342 of the Constitution and extend reservations facilities in the field of education, employment and finance on the lines of other tribals of our nation.
c) Special constitutional guarantee for Codavas Jamma land and other innumerable inherent land tenures to protect, preserve, conserve and develop the same and give sovereignty over spring, visible, latent and natural growths under Article 370 and 371 of our constitution on par with state of Jammu and Karshmir and North Eastern State of India.
d) State and Union Governments should accord ethno linguistic minority status for Codava race and give constitutional protection for their overall developments.
e) Codava language should be included in the 8th schedule of our constitution. Codava language is a ancient, rich and living spoken language of the region must be treated as a administrative language under article 350(b) of the Constitution of India on par with Konkani Language of the State.
f) Universal Recognition for Codava race as a unique and different independent, nationality and give us internal self determination rights.
A detailed memorandum regarding the demands of Codavas is being presented to the concerned after the sathyagraha.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
Members Codava Parliament .i.e. Codava National Assembly
(Codava Temporal Spiritual Legislature)
The Director & Census Commissioner
Govt. of India Loknayak Bhavan, Khan MARKET

The Deputy Commissioner
Codagu District, Madikeri – 571201 Karnataka. Hon’ble Sirs,
Sub: Annual Children census - mistakes mischievously caused-in by census enumerators – a request to reject the report of census.
Despite this organization having taken exception time and again regarding the deliberate fraud committed by children census enumerators in refusing to mention the word “Codava” against the column caste/ religion/ and Codava language opposite the column designated for mentioning the language of each person and much against the directions of the census commission of India to the effect that each census worker should make an entry in the necessary columns regarding whatever answer every person offers to the question. Instead of filling the columns in the presence of every person involved, the census workers always obtained signatures of Codavas whomsoever they have met to the blank forms and thereafter have written what they felt like are in the alternative as has been presumably asked to by the Chauvinists/ Kannadiga’s and thereby classify Codavas to be Kannadiga’s. In fact Codavas are not Kannadiga’s are Hindu’s as has been fraudulently projected by the census workers. Such a fraudulent mischief caused by these census workers squarely has eliminated the very notion of Codavas. Since the report of the census workers is expected to be the base document for future consideration, we request that the report of all census enumerator in Codagu and elsewhere wherever Codavas are involved shall be nullified, cancelled and set aside wholly. Unless our this warning is considered positively, the nation may expect still more agitations in the manner of peaceful sathyagraha’s involving the entire Codava generality.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
Members Codava Parliament .i.e. Codava National Assembly
(Codava Temporal Spiritual Legislature)
Copy sent to:
His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor, State of Karnataka, Bangalore.
February 21, 2008 Camp at Belgaum
Excellency The Hon’ble President
The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India South Block, New Delhi.
The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs
Union Government of India North Block, New Delhi.
His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor of Karnataka
Raj Bhavan Bangalore-01.
Mr. Suresh Keshwani
Hon’ble Chairman & Commissioner
National Linguistic Minorities
Government of India
Alahabad, State of Uthar Pradesh.
The Hon’ble Commissioner
National Linguistic Minorities
Government of India
Fort, Belagavi, Karnataka.
Sub: “Codava Thakk” (Codava Mother Tongue) – recognition due – non implementation of guarantees under article 350B of the Constitution of India – regarding, and inclusion of the same in the curriculum, administration, broadcast & telecasting news items in the Codava language.
1) Before harping on the main theme, we are pleased to introduce ourselves to you. Ours is an organization established some 17 years ago in order to fight for Codava causes. An ethno linguistic national minority tribe with a racial background primarily habitating in Codagu (Coorg); (the word Codagu is a grammatical derivation of the word Codava) in Karnataka and our main subjects and demands are seeking reservation facilities to Codavas as an ethno linguistic national minority tribe and recognition of Codava Thakk as a regular language under article 350B of the constitution and the inclusion of the same in the 8th schedule of our constitution. And our other demands are special protection to Codava Land under article 370/ 371 of our constitution, the exemption to hold arms under section 3 of the Indian Arms Act to be included in the Indian constitution in the manner of special guarantee as the same happens to be Codava customary personal laws and the establishment of a much needed university for Codavalogy.
2)Even though the above detailed subjects constitute our main demands the very purpose of addressing you this letter is restricted only to insist for the implementation of Codava language for primary educational and administrative purposes along with Kannada and English in Codagu as per Article 350B of the constitution. It may not be an out of place act on our part if we may be permitted to remind you an undertaking in the State Reorganization Act 1956 to the effect that, any languages spoken by 15% or more of the population in any given area should be treated as a regular language with proper recognisation and the same should be protected, promoted and preserved.
3)350A: (Language to be used in representation for redress of grievances – facilities for instruction in mother-tongue at primary stage) It shall be the endeavor of every state and of every local authority within the State to provide adequate facilities for instruction in the mother-tongue at the primary stage of education to children belonging to linguistic minority groups; and the President may issue such directions to any State as he considers necessary or proper for securing the provision of such facilities. Object of constitution 350A: This article is designed to implement one of the recommendations of the states re-organisation commission, to safeguard the interest of linguistic minorities after the re-organisation of states.
Linguistic Minority: The expression refers to a linguistic group which is in a numerical minority in the state as a whole as distinguished from any particular area or region therein. Article 29(I) & 350.A.: 1. Under Article 29(I), a linguistic minority has the fundamental right to conserve its own language and Article 350.A. directs every state to provide adequate facilities for education at the primary stage in the language of a linguistic minority for children belonging to such a community.
4)Article 350B: There shall be a special officer for linguistic minorities to be appointed by the president (special officer for linguistic minorities). It shall be the duty of the special officer to investigate all matters relating to the safeguards provided for linguistic minorities under this constitution and report to the President upon those matters at such intervals as the President may direct, and the President shall cause all reports to be laid before each House of Parliament, and sent to the Governments of the States concerned.
5)Objects of Article 350A, 350B have been inserted by the constitution (7th amendment) Act 1956, with the object of safeguarding the interests of the linguistic minorities which have particularly come into existence as a result of the reorganization of the States.
6)Article 350B was introduced by way of an amendment in the constitution of India, in 1956 thereby assuring certain facilities to the linguistic minorities and a commissioner for linguistic minorities as directed the State Government to publish their notice in the minority languages in such of the areas. Where such minority languages are spoken by 15% or more of the population in the said localities, through the Central Government Order No. ºÉZïr 27J¸ïJ¸ïJ¯ï63 dt.5.11.1966; ¹D¸ÀÄE12¨sÁªÀĨsÁ81 dt.24.11.1982; ¹D¸ÀÄE26¨sÁªÀĨsÁ 90 dt.16.11.1990; ¹D¸ÀÄE 15¨sÁªÀĨsÁ 98 dt.20.05.1999; ¹D¸ÀÄE 26¨sÁªÀĨsÁ 2000 dt.30.07.2001and J¸ïJA¹10J¯ïJAPÉ.2004 dt.31.01.2004. But, inspite of there being a direction to this effect, the Govt. of Karnataka had never bothered to adhere to the said directions.
7)It is pertinent here to mention that, the organized linguistic states in India are no separate countries, but mere administrative units with some autonomy. The mobility of the people is not only unavoidable but desirable. It is a fundamental right under the constitution and the languages of the states not become barriers for the developmental activities of the people of different languages. “No state is unilingual and in Karnataka all districts are multilingual except a very few are unilingual”. In all these districts, several Taluks have been identified as areas where people speak in either Urdu or Telugu or Tamil or Marathi or Malayalam or Konkani or Codava or Tulu or Byari, constitute 15% or more of the population, according to the annexures, a state G.O. No.DPAR 12 LML 81, dt.24.11.1982.
8)Unfortunately this constitutional undertaking has not been implemented even though it is more than half a century after coming into being the said State Reorganization Act Codavas are the major community habitating in Codagu and a National Minority Community in Karnataka and our language is “Codava Thakk” in other words Codava race is gradually becoming thinner due to various factors. Even though just now Codavas constitute more than 20% of the total population in Codagu, nobody can assure that such percentage would continue forever. Should the population dwindles to below the level fixed in the constitution of India under article 350B we have nobody to help us and such a rich language will one day become redundant. Before such an eventuality becomes a hard truth, is it not better that you come to our rescue by doing the needful in the matter.
9)May we at this juncture be permitted to bring to the kind knowledge of this commission that the state of Karnataka being a heterogeneous state with Urdu, Konkani, Tulu, Byari, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Codava Thakk are the minority languages. But, the commission is understood to have treated only those languages as minority ones except Codava language and we respectfully take this opportunity to further inform this commission that all the languages mentioned in except perhaps Tulu and Byari languages of Mangalore are being taken imitative by other states such as Kashmir, UP, Goa, Maharashtra, Andhra, Tamilnadu and Kerala. With this in context we request the commission to examine all the matters we have related with a judicious perspective and please see that Codava Thakk is included in the curriculum, administration, broadcast and telecasting under the tri-language policy envisaged by Union Government and enforced in the constitution of India. Codava language is restricted only to Codagu in Karnataka and it fulfills all the qualifications as are required to be taken into consideration in classifying any given language as minority language under Article 350B of the constitution of India.
10)We, as many as 70 Codavas and Codavathis in Codava traditional attire drawn from various places of Codava Land have reached this office in a procession from Kithoor Rani Chennamma Circle via Sangolli Rayanna Circle through main thorough fair of the city, on this 21 February 2008 in order to pressurize our legitimate demands and we are presenting this memorandum to the Commission now. And one way witness the dignified behavior of participant Codavas and Codavathis during this whole transaction and the same is intended to co-incide the “World Mother Tongue Day”. Please do the needful and oblige.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
Members Codava Parliament .i.e. Codava National Assembly
(Codava Temporal Spiritual Legislature)
Camp: Bangalore
His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor of Karnataka
Raj Bhavan Bangalore-01.
The Chief Minister
State of Karnataka Vidhana Soudha Bangalore-01.
Sub: Demanding Codava Autonomous Region to CODAVA LAND.
In compliance with a decision taken by Codava National Assembly i.e. Codava Parliament (The Codava Temporal Spiritual Legislature) on 2nd August 2008. We have staged a sathyagraha on 18th August 2008 to mark World Indegenous People’s Day at Gandhi Square, Cubbon Park, Bangalore, we Codavas and Codavathis have chosen to present this memorandum which may kindly be accepted and acted upon and the demands are as hereunder.
3) Codava Land – with full-fledged autonomy i.e. Codava Autonomous Region (CAR) encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava Nads on par with Darjiling Ghoorka Hill Council (DGHC) in Sovereign Republic of India, Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) in People’s Republic of China, and Kurdisthan Autonomous Region (KAR) in Arab Republic of Iraq. Which will ensure constitutional protection to Codava Race i.e. political autonomy, physical protection and FINANCIALLinks to security, over all development of Codavas. Once autonomy granted to Codava Land the state of Karnataka is understood to lose its power to enforce any enactment unless full concurrence is given by Codava Autonomous Region and the Codava Autonomous Land shall have power and rights to enact law pertaining to the region with the consent of and concurrence of the Governor only. In other words the establishment of Codava Land i.e. Codava Autonomous Region presupposes legislative, executive and judicial powers to us. Crisply said it is a state within the state. We are advancing our demand for establishment of Codava Autonomous Region only on the direction as are enshrined in the charter of united nations and the promise that may be gauged from 6th schedule of our constitution.
e) We dedicate to rewrite the magnificent history of Codavas that has been effaced and enliven the unique and independent identity we nurtured from ages now that is lost. Codavas should be recognised as significantly infinitesimal distinct minority nationality. Recognition of 45 Naads as their traditional and indivisible homeland, recognition of Codavas right to internal self determination - we mean The right of our people to decide their own political destiny. It can also apply to autonomy and self governance - i.e. Autonomous Codava Land.
f) Effective arrangements should be made to safeguard the interest of minority Codava ethno-linguistic nationality living out side Codava Land. So that they do not fall prey to any discrimination.
Our other demands are;
linguistic tribal status for Codavas under article 340, 342 of our constitution and extend reservation facilities in the field of education, employment and FINANCIALLinks to on the lines of other tribals of our nation. We have been demanding for an ethno linguistic minority tribal status for Codavas and it could be more appropriate if we may be permitted to draw your kind attention to the ferocious agitation that is being held by "Gujjars" in Rajasthan and elsewhere in the nation demanding tribal status and that the BJP Government in Rajasthan headed by the most prudent Mrs. Vasundhara Raje Sindhia having sent the proposal to the Union Government in support of Gujjar demands in spite of the fact that the national tribal commission has submitted its report with a negative approach. In our case we are glad to inform you that the National Tribal Commission after conducting a regular study through Sri. Buduru Srinivasulu, Hon'ble member of the Commission, regarding our demands has. submitted its report favouring the assignment of tribal status to Codavas to the Union Government and the same has also been intimated to the departments of state Social welfare and tribal directorate in Karnatala with such a thing in the context we request you to employee similar yard stick used by Mrs. Vasundhara Raje Government in Rajasthan. We request the Govt. to implement the same as expeditiously as possible. So that Codavas may also seek benefits therefrom.
Could it be presumed that the Vasundhara Raje Government had to yield to the demands of Gujjars only on account of the inevitable political pressure and the magnitude of the Gujjar population but it is a known fact that we Codavas lack such a thing and we are extremely a minority tribe besides our having no political heavy weight to support us which has given room to imagine that we lack the needed qualification to be treated so. Let nobody presume that we lack such a qualification and things what we have mentioned above will only explain the stark truth. We believe that your Government would certainly live upto all expectations.
Constitutional special guarantee for our land tenure and customary personnel laws on the lines of Jammu and Kashmir and North Eastern States of India under article 370 and 371 of the Constitution of India. This clause will guarantees us i.e. except alienation the entire supremacy over all the lands of Jamma tenure shall rest with hereditary traditional holders thereof. We seek constitutional protection to our land and customary law as done to the demands of Naga’s and Mijo’s under article 371A and 371C of our constitution respectively and political reservation on the lines of the one extended to the people of Sikkim under the provision of 371F of our constitution by the parliament. Codavas do deserve such a treatment and this perhaps is most appropriate line. The question of the lands in Codagu bearing Jamma tenure and the problem in relation therto which has been created, envisaged and flaunted by certain vested interests including the outrageous and self centred Codava political vagabonds and the elected representatives who have failed to make a mark in any sphere of their activities shall be settled as early as possible so has to see that a definitive scheme should be evolved so that the Jamma lands should never be allowed to change hands and the Government also should have no right or power over the same in any manner. Unless the alienation of Jamma properties are totally prohibited under Article 370/371 of our constitution as has been done successfully in relation to similar properties in Jammu & Kashmir and north-eastern states. So that the unrestricted supreme ownership over Jamma lands shall remain with the hereditary traditional holders thereof. Such a scheme is very essential in order to arrest the over bearing enthusiasm to oust Codavas from our home land by rich Hawala backed naxallite linked neorich class land mafias from Andhra Pradesh and north Indian business tycoons once and for all. Care must also be taken to nullify, abrogate and cancel all the sale deeds and such others transfer deeds already got registered as documents, in relation to the Jamma properties in Codagu.
As has been falsely promulgated and promised by the previous regime to the effect that the problem would be solved withing or about 24 hours and that the circular touching the subject would be withdrawn, it would be needless on our part to insist for suitable legislative action in that regard and all the concerned should prove their political will in that respect.
May we be permitted to remind you a truth that you have without mincing words assured and undertaken to bring in an amendment to the article 371 of the Indian Constitution so as to include a special package scheme you have evolved in relation to the Hyderabad Karnataka region in your election manifesto and it would be more appropriate if you may include Codava subject in your proposed scheme so that the long felt need of Codava race would be fulfilled.
15) The ministry of HRD should establish Central University for World “Codavalogy” at “Codava Kund” on the lines of North-Eastern Hill University, Alighar Muslim University, Banaras Hindu University, ancient Nalanda and Thakshila Universities, proposed world Sikh University at Fathegarh Sahib and the Universities of Grenada and Corodova of the yore. In this regard to clear all abstacles about the sanctioning and grant of “Codava Kund” bearing Sy.No.250/9 situated at Yavakapadi village, Madkeri taluk, in favour of CNC facilitating and making way to the establishment of World University for “Codavalogy”.
16) Codava language is an ancient, rich and living spoken language must be included in the 8th schedule of our constitution, Codava language should be implemented as an administrative language under article 350B of the constitution of India on par with Konkani language of the state.
17) Exemption under Indian Arms Act to hold firearms to Codava by race should continue without any hindrance forever and everafter. This statutory guarantee should be incorporated in the manner of constitutional guarantee which may be treated as our customary personal law.
18) Under no circumstances Virajpet area in Codagu should be classified as schedule area on the basis of the questionable and quixotic report submitted by Dilip Singh Bhuria commission. Should the Bhuriya commission report be implemented Codavas, Codava race, Codava ethnology, Codava ethos and very existence of such a thing will be wiped out from the very memories of human history.
19) We are pleased to remind the Government about successful sathyagraha having been held in 42 gram panchayath’s in Codava Land of Codagu in order to put forward our demands in legitamate manner so as to involve each and every Codava in the same. In this regard public meetings, rallies, seminars and conferences besides holding a New Delhi Chalo program on 1, November 2008 i.e. on Karnataka Rajyothsava Day in order to revitalize our demands and insist the Government to concede our demands. After carrying out a successful sathyagraha are presenting this memorandum regarding the demands as are mentioned above and please see that our whole demand is considered favorably with a judicious perspective.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
Members Codava Parliament .i.e. Codava National Assembly
(Codava Temporal Spiritual Legislature)
The Deputy Commissioner
Codagu District, Madikeri – 571201 Karnataka.
Dear Sir,
Sub: Nomenclature to be switched over to the ancient practice of using “Codava” instead of being as “Kodagaru” in Governmental papers – request for and a sathyagraha by Codavas.
The Government of Karnataka deliberately has been misguiding the general public by using “Kodagaru” instead of the word “Codava” – “Codavaru” in all its papers with a solitary intention of undermining the very existence of Codavas. In fact, there is no such race as “Kodagaru” or “Kodaga’s” or “Coorgi’s” or “Coorgs” (the word Coorgs - Coorgi’s is the contribution of Britishers’ on account of their inability to prounounce Codava properly) and the name entire race all along during centuries adopted has been “Codava” and never “Kodagaru”. The prime mischief has been caused by the quixiotic literary figures and some mis informed media persons of the yester years. The mistake has to be rectified immediately. We have been pressurizing the Government through the district administration for the past several years without any success.
Therefore, we request you to direct the concerned to issue the caste certificates touchig “Codavas” as “Codavas” only and not “Kodagaru”. The concerned may be directed to feed the word “Codava” to the computer in place of “Kodagaru” at once. With such an intention we are presenting this memorandum after the sathyagraha this day. Unless immediate compliance is not given, please be informed that Codavas will agitate in unison since our very sentiment is hurt by the erratic bureaucracy.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
Members Codava Parliament .i.e. Codava National Assembly
November 1, 2008
Her Excellency The Hon’ble President
Sovereign Republic of India
Rashtrapathi Bhavan,
New Delhi
The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block, New Delhi
The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs
Union Government of India North Block, New Delhi.
NEW DELHI CHALO PROGRAM followed by a peaceful sathyagraha today the 1, November 2008 to observe Karnataka Rajyothsava Day as the Blackest Day in the lives of Codavas and so the Codava Land.
The Demands for “Codava Autonomous Region – CAR” on the lines of Darjiling Ghoorka Land and other connected matters – Non fulfillment of Codava Demands Rajyothsava Day Celebrations conveys no meaning unless our demands are met – sathyagraha by Codavas and Codavathis opposing Rajyothsava Day celebrations – regarding.
CNC is the only unanimous vox populi of Codavas and has years of struggle to its credit. Struggle for “Codava Land” a sathyagraha by Codavas and Codavathis to inist the demand for establishment of Codava Autonomous Region CAR to Codava Land comprising 45 ancient traditional Codava Naads along with the Darjiling Ghorka Land Bill under the 6th schedule of our constitution and other connected subjects.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
Members Codava Parliament .i.e. Codava National Assembly
(Codava Temporal Spiritual Legislature)
Mr. Ban Ki- moon
His Excellency The Hon’ble Secretary General
United Nations Organization
First Avenue, U.N. Plaza,
NEW YORK City- NY-10017 U.S.A.
Your Excellency Sir,
Please find herein enclosed a copy of the resolutions passed and adopted in Unison at the “Codava National Day” celebrations held at Madikeri on 21.11.2008 for your kind perusal and we solemnly request you to take pains to direct the Government of India to carryout the sentiments expressed in the mass rally regarding the establishment of “Codava land” i.e. an Codava Autonomous Region (CAR) where members of Codava race habitat from time immemorial (i.e. situated in South West Karnataka) .
Our whole movement and struggle comes within the purview of the human rights as annunciated in the international covenant of human rights declaration under the banner of UNO which has been deliberately wiped out, erased and rendered to total elimination of our inherent right for our land, language and cultural heritage, customary personal laws and ethno political identity etc., which we are determined to regain.
We further request you to do the needful to see that this ancient tribal minority acquires its legitimate recognition as so and regain our land, language, customary personal laws & heritage and ethno political identity in its original shape.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
Members Codava Parliament .i.e. Codava National Assembly
1.Her Excellency The Hon’ble President
Sovereign Republic of India
Rashtrapathi Bhavan,
New Delhi
2. The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
3. The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs
Govt. of India.
4. His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor of Karnataka
Raj Bhavan, Bangalore-1.
5. The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka
Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore-1.
6. 6) The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs,
Government of Karnataka, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore-1.
Respected Sirs,
Sub: Codava heritage marker “Mandh”- the protection of by implementing necessary legislation- request for.
With the provisions relating to the protection of heritage sites as enshrined in the charter of UN in mind we take this opportunity to quote one solitary example as to how the physiologically aberrated entities identifying themselves to be the sole god sent protectors of Kannada as well as sole champions of class struggle and secularism and some such things including the root level naxalite cadres operating under Dalith Mafia, Budakattu Krishika Mafia, labour Mafia and Pragathipara Chintaka Mafia with the help of unimaginative disgruntled Codava political vagrants; better may be explained a time tested quotation of Alexander Pope “SWORN TO NO MASTER, NO SECT AM I, AS DRIVES THE STORM, AT ANY DOOR I KNOCK (Codava traitors) type of Codava politicians making Virajpet as their centre of nefarious; call them as devils workshop are actively trying to eliminate, efface and obliterate the very existence of Codava heritage and identity markers, starting with ancient “Kuruli Mandh’ at Kadagadal village of Madikeri taluk and extend their crude tentacles to other Mandh’s, Aine mane, Vade and patti in course of time, needless to add that the white collared arm chair politicians and the naxallite terrorists have plans to execute their evil designs into concrete shape, step by step and further that they have conspired even to press into service the bureaucrats, including the district administration and such others, in order to achieve their evil desire. The Kannada chauvinists are the actual brains behind the activities of these anti-social, anti-national and anti-Codava elements while they attempt to cause ethnic cleansing of Codava race, their heritage whatever is connected with Codavas. The only example what we proposed to mention for this purpose is, the incident at “Kuruli Naad Mandh” of Kadagadal which would have turned out to be a tragic affair should the district administration attempted on 3 January 2009 to render fruitless as programmed earlier the encompassing of the whole Mandh site with proper edges and their programme was failed when the CNC backed Codava enthusiast made their presence felt just at the moment. This is but one solitary example and we may relate the activities of such unorganized goonda elements in their wish to remove the traces of Codava race from the memory.
Mandh : Eventhough word “Mandh” needs no explanation we feel that it is desirable that we should explain to as to what it is. Any Codava Mandh of any given village, Naad (cluster villages) or cluster houses of Codavas is the sole centre of Codava activities. Be it is the aboriginal seat of justice or Codava folklore theatre or auditorium or stadium, or training camp for a battle and marshal arts and the celebration of Codava traditional festivities in other words Mandh is the power centre of the social activities of the entire Codava clannish families of any given area just on the line of Aine Mane is the centre of activities of any given Codava clannish Okka. Better said the Mandh is the sanctum sanctorum of conglomerate of Codava clannish okka. The conventional 45 ancient Naads within the periphery of the Codava land from Marenad to Surlabbinad from Gadinad to Nalnad from Pathkatnad to Bengnad, from Kurchi thorenad to Kadiathnad, from Beralinad to Thavunad, and from Thodanad to Anjigerinad have village Mandhs and Naad Mandhs a list of such few Mandhs are mentioned underneath.
Bappakocche Mandh
Ududoli Mandh
Machangi Mandh
Pariamani Mandh
Kote Kittappa Mandh
Chorange Mani Mandh
Pandane Mandh
Mailat Mandh
Kuruli Ambala Mandh
Perumal Patti Mandh
Pollengode Mandh
Demakkada Bane Mandh
Kadachibane Mandh
Pattibane Mandh
Deshamad Mandh
Gummathmad Mandh
Nanyabane Mandh
Kallira Bane Mandh
Pachabane Mandh
Poomale Mandh
Addandoliya Mandh
Beiliyane Mandh
Biddatandode Mandh
Machukode Mandh
Kaimudike Mandh
Kenjarane Mandh
Pebbattandane Mandh
Mandalapatti Mandh
We are duty bound to bring to your kind notice the theme expounded in Article 51 (a) of Indian Constitution which without mincing words directs the Governments and larger section of the society to protect, promote and help the development of composite cultural existence and the heritage of subaltern groups and their individual separate identities. To go a little further we may insist saying that any single act of violation of such a direction as contemplated in the said provisions of constitutional law shall be treated as war crimes under the charter of United Nations.
Now the time has come that the Government should take initiative to curtail and punish such forces which indulging rapacious and shameless tyranny against Codava race. After all Codava race is one facet of social existence of man from time immemorial and the behaviour of such ones imagining the effacement of Codava racial and ethnic existence coupled with heritage marks such as Mandh, Kaimada, Aine Mane, etc., etc., We drag this opportunity to request you to contemplate an enactment so as to protect, preserve, promote and develop the Codava heritage marks including Mandhs as early as possible.
We take this opportunity to give a general call to all Codavas to do all such things within the frame work of the legislation to protect the age old Codava heritage marks especially Mandh, Patti, Aine Mane, Kaimada and Vade, and oppose the infiltration of such elements in eroding the very notion of such things under any guise, be it is naxallite under the cover of Kannada, Dalitha, Budakattu Krishika and Pragathipara Chintaka etc
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
Copy marked to :
His Excellency Mr. Ban Ki Moon
The Hon’ble secretary General
United National Organization.
First Avenue, U.N. Plaza,
NEW YORK City- NY-10017
U.S.A. for the favour of kind perusal and
Necessary action at once.
Camp: Mysore
1. His Excellency The Hon’ble president
Sovereign Republic of India
Rashtrapathi Bhavan,
New Delhi
2. The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
3. The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs
Govt. of India.
4. His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor of Karnataka
Raj Bhavan, Bangalore-1.
5. The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka
Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore-1.
6. The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs,
Government of Karnataka, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore-1.
The Hon’ble Regional Commissioner
Mysore, State of Karnataka.
Hon’ble Sirs,
In compliance with a decision taken by Codava National Assembly i.e. Codava Parliament (The Codava Temporal Spiritual Legislature) on 10th December 2008 coinciding with World Human Rights Day.
Codavas and Codavathis after having conducted a “human chain” on 21st January 2009 (today) at K.R. Circle, Mysore to highlight and mark the solidarity for Codava Land have chosen to present this memorandum which may kindly be accepted and acted upon and the demands are as hereunder:
Despite our having submitted memorandums after memorandums to all the concerned and that even our having met in congregations at Delhi, Bangalore and elsewhere in the process of our relentless efforts towards the desired goal, the Government consistently has been showing cold shoulder and has been trying to dampen all our enthusiasm to enjoy the fruits of our labour, i.e. the establishment of our own dear Codava Land, while Government of Karnataka generally is known to have supported the disruptive anti-national forces i.e. Maoists and Naxalites, by allowing such elements infiltrate into the organizations what are normally recognized as that of Dalits, Budakattu Krishikas, Progressive thinkers, Labour mafias and Kannada chauvinists better said little about the once who identify themselves as front ranking and God sent sahithis and literary men intended only to eliminate, obliterate and ethnic cleansing of Codava Race and all that what is Codava. Should the Government fail or refuse to consider our long felt demands, it pains us to inform all the concerned that Codava race would be constrained to tap at the doors of the UNITED NATIONS.
It is a known fact that repressive and meaningless legislations and draconian laws in order to de-link Codavas from our own lands and has been trying to encroach up on our own properties by such ruthless anti-national elements one way or other, try to harass Codavas forcing them to face unwarranted and unethical prosecutions.
It is a tragedy that the reckless persecution meted out to Codavas for centuries by alien Rajas has been continued by the democratically constituted Governments successively and without any remarks even this day. The rapacious and tyrannical behaviour against Codavas by the Government of Karnataka shall be called a stop to.
The Government must know that it is committing a heinous crime while it attempts to eliminate the most ancient Codava tribe and its heritage from their own soil.
India being the largest ethnic diversity in the world and Karnataka being a heterogeneous state, the atrocious and rapacious behavior of Government of Karnataka in particular and the Union Government in general amounts to the violation of human rights as contemplated in the charter of United Nations. Unless the Government responses positively to the pulse of Codavas, it shall be a certainty that we take the matter to the world body. As such we hereby unanimously resolve to do the needful towards such a directions should the matter comes to that pass.
In furtherance of the demands all along this organization has been making, Sathyagrahas by Codavas and Codavathis in order to further demand the inclusion of and the need to establishment of Codava Autonomous Region (CAR) to Codava Land comprising of 45 ancient traditional Codava Naads along with the Darjiling Ghorka Land Bill under the 6th schedule of our constitution which has already been referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee. We request the union Government to refer Codava Land matter also to the same Parliamentary Standing Committee to deal along with the Ghorka Land Bill. In this regard to further pressurize the Government, Sathyagrahas have already been held at Panchayath levels within the Codava Land area and massive public rallies, sathyagrahas, seminars in Codagu and Bangalore on several occasions. It may not be an out of place act if we recall the fact that we have been holding public meetings in all villages of Codava Land in Codagu and village sojourn (grama vasthavya) at Mand and Ainmane (i.e. the most sacred sanctorum of Codavas) in order to generate enthusiasm within amongst Codava populace with a solitary intention of achieving resurgence of Codava civilization, psyche and Codavaism, besides our having been addressing innumerable memorandums to the Governments, both the Union and State.
2) Codava Land – with full-fledged autonomy i.e. Codava Autonomous Region (CAR) encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava Nads on par with Darjeeling Ghoorka Hill Council (DGHC) in Sovereign Republic of India, Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) in People’s Republic of China, and Kurdisthan Autonomous Region (KAR) in Arab Republic of Iraq which will ensure constitutional protection to Codava Race i.e. political autonomy, physical protection, FINANCIALLinks to security and recognition of Codava personal laws. over all development of Codavas. Once autonomy granted to Codava Land the state of Karnataka is understood to lose its power to enforce any enactment unless full concurrence is given by Codava Autonomous Region and the Codava Autonomous Land shall have power and rights to enact law pertaining to the region with the consent and concurrence of the Governor only. In other words the establishment of Codava Land i.e. Codava Autonomous Region presupposes legislative, executive and judicial powers to us. Crisply said it is a state within the state. We are advancing our demand for establishment of Codava Autonomous Region only on the direction as are enshrined in the charter of united nations and the promise that may be gauged from VI Schedule of our constitution.
c) We dedicate to rewrite the magnificent history of Codavas that has been effaced and enliven the unique and independent identity we nurtured from ages now that is lost. Codavas should be recognised as significantly infinitesimal distinct minority nationality. Recognition of 45 Naads as their traditional and indivisible homeland, recognition of Codavas right to internal self determination, we mean the right of our people to decide their own political destiny. It can also apply to autonomy and self governance - i.e. Autonomous Codava Land.
d) Effective arrangements should be made to safeguard the interest of minority Codava ethno-linguistic nationality living out side Codava Land. So that they do not fall prey to any discrimination.
Our other demands are;8) Ethno linguistic tribal minority status for Codavas under article 340, 342 of our constitution and extend reservation facilities in the field of education, employment and FINANCIALLinks to on the lines of other tribals of our nation.
9) Constitutional special guarantee for our land tenure and customary personal laws on the lines of Jammu and Kashmir and North Eastern States of India under article 370 and 371 of the Constitution of India. This clause will guarantee us i.e. except alienation the entire supremacy over all the lands of Jamma tenure shall rest with hereditary traditional holders thereof. We seek constitutional protection to our land and customary law as done to the demands of Nagas and Mijos under article 371A and 371C of our Constitution respectively and political reservation on the lines of the one extended to the people of Sikkim under the provision of 371F of our constitution by the Parliament. Codavas do deserve such a treatment and this perhaps is most appropriate line.
10) The ministry of HRD should establish Central University for World “Codavalogy” at “Codava Kund” on the lines of North-Eastern Hill University, Alighar Muslim University, Banaras Hindu University, ancient Nalanda and Thakshila Universities, proposed world Sikh University at Fathegarh Sahib and the Universities of Grenada and Corodova of the yore.
11) Codava language being an ancient, rich and living spoken language must be included in the VIII Schedule of our Constitution, Codava language should be implemented as an administrative language under article 350B of the Constitution of India on par with Konkani language of the state.
12) Exemption under Indian Arms Act, Sec 3 to hold firearms to Codavas by race should continue without any hindrance forever and everafter. This statutory guarantee should be incorporated in the manner of Constitutional guarantee, which may be treated as our customary personal laws.
Codavas and Codavathis hailing from within the bounds of 45 ancient exclusive Codava Naad’s (cluster villages) i.e. traditional Codava habitation which eventually would form the nucleus of the proposed “Codava Land” have reached Mysore today i.e. on 21, January 2009 only in order to participate in a “human chain” congregation and expressed their solidarity for Codava Land and Codava ethos. And now we are presenting this memorandum to Her Excellency The Hon’ble President of India, The Hon’ble Prime Minsiter of India, Hon’ble Union Minsiter for Home Affairs, His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor of Karnataka, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Karnataka and to Minister for Home Affairs, State of Karnataka. Therefore, we hopefully beseech you to be good enough to look into the matter with a judicious perspective and please do the needful so that our aims are reaches its logical end.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
Members Codava Parliament .i.e. Codava National Assembly
(Codava Temporal Spiritual Legislature)
Replicas of this memorandum are being sent to Mr. Ban-ki-Moon, His Excellency The Hon’ble Secretary General, United Nations Organisation and to Her Excellency Ms. Irene Zubaida Khan, The Hon’ble Secretary General, Amnesty International as a matter of gesture.
Enclosed herewith is the text of the paper presented by Prof. Dr. Balveer Arora, the eminent political scientist and farmer Rector and farmer Pro Vice Chanceller of JNU, New Delhi – for your kind perusal.
Shri. Bharathlal Meena I.A.S
Hon’ble Principal Secretary
Department of Social Welfare
First Avenue, U.N. Plaza,
Government of Karnataka Vikasa Soudha,
Dr. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore-1
Dear Sir,
Sub: Substituting the word “Kodaga” or “Kodagaru” Coorgis or Coorg with the words “ Codava” or Codavaru” in all the Governmental Records and communications – request for. ****
Ref No.1: communication vide No. MAG /205/ 2008-09 dated 19.11.08 from the Deputy Commissioner, Kodagu, Madikeri and copy to us. (CNC)
Ref No.2: The representation dated 24.10.2008 from us addressed to the Government sent through the Hon’ble Deputy Commissioner, Kodagu, Madikeri. Inviting your kind notice to the subject and reference cited above, we take this opportunity to inform you that all the governmental documents, papers and communications including the ones said in computers make mention of Codavas as Kodaga or Kodagaru which in fact is totally biased, baseless and mistaken and we have already submitted a representation in that regard as referred to (two) above which has been forwarded to the Government i.e. Principal Secretary, Social welfare department by the Deputy Commissioner of Kodagu, Madikeri with due recommendations to you.
We herewith standby the contents of the said representation and reassert that the wrong mentioning of caste name as Kodaga / Kodagaru or Coorgis / Coorg, certainly has caused irreparable damage to the very identity and existence of Codava race and the rectification is deemed necessary at once.
Therefore we request you to be good enough to take up the matter as a special task and please see that necessary corrections regarding the mentioning of the proper name is carried out at once and Gazzetted soon after without giving any opportunity to forcing Codavas to indulge in unnecessary agitations since our sentiments are hurt.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
Members Codava Parliament .i.e. Codava National Assembly
Dr. C.S. Dwarakanath,
Hon’ble Chairman
Karnataka State commission for backward class
No. 332, 2nd floor,
Daru Salam Complex Queen’s Road,
Bangalore- 52.
Dear Sir,
Sub: Substituting the word “Kodaga” or “Kodagaru” Coorgis or Coorg with the words “ Codava” or Codavaru” in all the Governmental Records and communications – request for.
Ref No.1: communication vide No. MAG /205/ 2008-09 dated 19.11.08 from the Deputy Commissioner, Kodagu, Madikeri and copy to us. (CNC)
Ref No.2: The representation dated 24.10.2008 from us addressed to the Government sent through the Hon’ble Deputy Commissioner, Kodagu, Madikeri.
Ref No.3 : ¸ÀPÀE 227/©.¹.J 2008 ¸ÀPÁðgÀzÀ ¥ÀæzsÁ£À PÁAiÀÄðzÀ²ðUÀ¼ÀÄ, ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ ¢| 20.12.08 ¸ÀzÀ¸Àå PÁAiÀÄðzÀ²ðUÀ¼ÀÄ, PÀ£ÁðlPÀ gÁdå »AzÀĽzÀ ªÀUÀðUÀ¼À DAiÉÆÃUÀ, £ÀA 332,zÀgÀÄ ¸À¯ÁA PÁA¥ÉèPïì, Qéãïì gÀ¸ÉÛ, ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ-
Inviting your kind notice to the subject and reference cited above, we take this opportunity to inform you that all the governmental documents, papers and communications including the ones said in computers make mention of Codavas as Kodaga or Kodagaru which in fact is totally biased, baseless and mistaken and we have already submitted a representation in that regard as referred to (two) above which has been forwarded to the Government i.e. Principal Secretary, Social welfare department by the Deputy Commissioner of Kodagu, Madikeri with due recommendations to Principal Secretary, Social Welfare Department and their Reply and response, Reference to (3) above, Karnataka Backward Class Commission, Bangalore.
We herewith standby the contents of the said representation and reassert that the wrong mentioning of caste name as Kodaga / Kodagaru or Coorgis / Coorg, certainly has caused irreparable damage to the very identity and existence of Codava race and the rectification is deemed necessary at once.
Therefore we request you to be good enough to take up the matter as a special task and please see that necessary corrections regarding the mentioning of the proper name is carried out at once and Gazzetted soon after without giving any opportunity to forcing Codavas to indulge in unnecessary agitations since our sentiments are hurt.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
Members Codava Parliament .i.e. Codava National Assembly
The Hon’ble Commission on Central State Relations
Govt. of India Chairman – Mr. Justice Madan Mohan Punchi
Former Chief Justice of India
Vigyan Bhavan Annex
New Delhi-110011
Hon’ble Sir,
Sub: Treat the demand for establishment of Codava Autonomous Region (CAR) to Codava Land on par with the bill touching Darjeeling Ghoorkha Land under 6th schedule of our constitution and connected subjects - request for..
While congratulating you for having been assigned the job of defining the Central-State relationships with more practical and judicious perspective in the changed circumstances and hopefully in continuation of the report that has been submitted by the Sarkaria Commission a score years ago, we have felt the need to present the case of “Codava Land” and the hopes and aspirations of a primarily minority Codava tribe with a racial background in its extinction.
Codagu formerly a separate “C” type state under the nomenclature as Coorg until the year 1956 when it became amalgamated with the then state of Mysore, now Karnataka, has been an exclusively bucolic background and existence. From time immemorial Codava’s have made Codagu their normal habitat and whose name is identified and with the name of the place or vice versa. For a time Codagu was ruled by Rajas ever since the year 1834 it came to be under the direct suzerainty of British rulers until such a day when India became independent. With India gaining independence Codagu became a “C” type state directly under the central administration. People were very happy and content, but the tragedy especially to Codavas, occurred when it became merged with Karnataka. What until then used to be a state of Coorg lost its existence and trace and so has been the case with the main populace Codavas. Politically Codavas became a total non entity. The larger section of the merged parts of the state of Karnataka have systematically raped, ravished and ruined the very trace of land, language, customary personal laws and culture. At this juncture we proposed to inform you that the Govt. of Karnataka deliberately has done all such things intended to eliminate our culture, land, heritage and existence by fomenting internal colonialism in all spheres. It is with a solitary intention of regaining the lost esteem and establishing a self governing autonomous region under the nomenclature as “Codava Autonomous Region” (CAR) on the lines of Darjiling Ghoorka Land under the 6th schedule of our constitution comprising of 45 ancient traditional Codava Naads where Codavas habitat primarily. With a solitary intention of attaining political freedom, FINANCIALLinks to security and physical protection for Codavas.
During the past 17 years this movement has been struggling for the attainment of such rights. Our main demand is to establish Codava Autonomous Region (CAR) to Codava Land on the lines of Darjiling Ghoorka Land which is becoming a reality with the Government having referred the Ghoorka Bill to convert the already existing statutory DGHC into a full fledged Autonomous Region under the 6th schedule with all constitutional guarantee to a parliamentary standing committee constituted for the purpose. It is likely that the standing committee will go into the subject in the near future. Since our demand is akin and equivalent to that of Ghoorka Land it is more appropriate that our matter also is looked into by this commission and examine the possibilities of positively considering our demands at your earliest. We fulfill all the criterion that are required for being considered so since we have a definitive territorial jurisdiction are where Codavas reside and a rich and ancient Codava language and a unique cultural heritage and Codavas living in a compact area. Our subject is fit enough to be considered in accordance with the charter of UN and the sacred constitution of India therefore we hopefully request you to be good enough to do the needful in the matter and please see that establishment of Codava Autonomous Region CAR becomes an absolute reality and that too in the 60th year of inclusion of Human Rights declaration in the United Nations Organisation’s charter.
Placed herewith is a replica of charter of demands that we have presented to the Govt. of India and we request you to consider our case since you are empowered to examine the questions of fedarilsm and decentralization. Should our case examined with contrast of you have wide jurisdiction covering questions of ethno cultural identity of any given people, language and autonomy, inter state water disputes etc etc., Ours is good case and favourable decision would be justify the issue.
1) Codava Land – with full-fledged autonomy i.e. Codava Autonomous Region (CAR) encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava Nads on par with Darjiling Ghoorka Hill Council (DGHC) in Sovereign Republic of India, Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) in People’s Republic of China, and Kurdisthan Autonomous Region (KAR) in Arab Republic of Iraq. Which will ensure statutory protection to Codava Race i.e. political autonomy, physical protection and FINANCIALLinks to security, over all development of Codava’s. Once autonomy granted to Codava Land the state of Karnataka is understood to lose its power to enforce any enactment unless full concurrence is given by Codava Autonomous Region and the Codava Autonomous Land shall have power and rights to enact law pertaining to the region with the consent of and concurrence of the Governor only. In other words the establishment of Codava Land i.e. Codava Autonomous Region presupposes legislative, executive and judiciary powers to us. Crisply said it is a state within the state. We are advancing our demand for establishment of Codava Autonomous Region only on the direction as are enshrined in the charter of united nations and the promise that may be gauged from 6th schedule of our constitution. your discretion.
a) We dedicate to rewrite the magnificent history of Codavas that has been effaced and enliven the unique and independent identity we nurtured from ages now that is lost. Codavas should be recognised as significantly infinitesimal distinct minority nationality. Recognition of 45 Nads as their traditional and indivisible homeland, recognition of Codavas right to internal self determination - we mean The right of our people to decide their own political destiny. It can also apply to autonomy and self governance - i.e. Autonomous Codava Land.
b) Effective arrangements should be made to safeguard the interest of minority Codava ethno-linguistic nationality living out side Codava Land. So that they do not fall prey to any discrimination.
Our other demands are;1) Ethno linguistic tribal status for Codavas under article 340, 342 of our constitution and extend reservation facilities in the field of education, employment and financial on the lines of other tribals of our nation.
2) Constitutional special guarantee for our land tenure and customary personnel laws on the lines of Jammu and Kashmir and North Eastern States of India under article 370 and 371 of the Constitution of India. This clause will guarantees us i.e. except alienation the entire supremacy over all the lands of Jamma tenure shall rest with hereditary traditional holders thereof. We seek constitutional protection to our land and customary law as done to the demands of Naga’s and Mijo’s under article 371A and 371C of our constitution respectively and political reservation on the lines of the one extended to the people of Sikkim under the provision of 371F of our constitution by the parliament. Codava’s do deserve such a treatment and this perhaps is most appropriate line.
3) The ministry of HRD should establish Central University for World “Codavalogy” on the lines of North-Eastern Hill University, Alighar Muslim University, Banaras Hindu University, ancient Nalanda and Thakshila Universities, proposed world Sikh University at Fathegarh Sahib and the Universities of Grenada and Corodova of the yore.
4) Codava language is a ancient, rich and living spoken language must be included in the 8th schedule of our constitution, Codava language should be implemented as a administrative language under article 350B of the constitution of India on par with Konkani language of the state.
5) Exemption under Indian Arms Act to hold firearms to Codava by race should continue without any hindrance forever and everafter. This statutory guarantee should be incorporated in the manner of constitutional guarantee which may be treated as our customary personal law.
6) Compensation for natural (water) resources: Since you have wide range of jurisdiction to deal with the inter state water dispute, ours is the most befitting case when compared with the state of Utharanchal and Himachal Pradesh. Codava Land is the prime catchment area of river Kaveri but unfortunately it is a district within the Karnataka unlike states of Utharanchal and Himachal Pradesh but the problems and principals are similarly identical and identically similar in relation to the sharing of the water. Even though Codava Land is the prime catchment area of river Kaveri and river Kaveri originates from Codava Land, we have been denied of our share in Kaveri waters by the larger portions of Karnataka as is the case of sharing of waters with Utharanchal and Himachal Pradesh by the lower riparian states. Therefore, we request you to see that justice is given to us.
7) 11th Five year Plan: Codava Land has been denied of even the just minimal benefits under all the 10 previous Five Year Plans and we deserve special attention. The benefits what the Government has extended to Codagu does not match in any way when compared with the natural resources it has exploited from Codava Land and the rich foreign exchange our land has been giving could it not be a justifiable act if Government enlarges the benefits under the 11th Five Year Plan at least?
Therefore, we request you to be kind enough to consider our subject with judicious perspective.
(N.U. Nachappa Codava)
Members Codava Parliament .i.e. Codava National Assembly
Copies sent to Hon’ble Members of the Commission
1) Sri. Dhirendra Sing
2) Sri. Vinod Kumar Duggal
3) Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon
4) Dr. Amaresh Bagchi
If our Nation and Several other Countries of the world could recognize a coterie of Tibetan refugees under the Leadership of his holiness Dalailama to be the Tibetan govt in exile at Dharmashala of Himachal Pradesh ever since the year 1962 and matter even has reached the tables of the security Council of U.N.O. regarding the membership in U.N. for the Govt in exile, and further that the Tibetan govt in exile has been pressurizing our govt to grant autonomous status to the region extending between Anechaukoor to Bailakoppa (Border of Coorg) where Tibetan refugees are camping ever since, why not Coorg and Codavas with glorious heritage and unique cultural identity and having potential of being a perennial FINANCIALLinks to sources be made a separate Codava ‘Home land’ as defined under Indian Constitution. In What way Codavas are inferior to refugee Tibetans. Have we not defended the boundaries of the Country at all times whenever danger to the integrity of the borders arose? Have we not contributed our entire might our resources and our own existence for the betterment of the country? Now a few forces with vested interest have been pressing into service ruthless Codavas against the interest of the logical demands of Codavas for separate Homeland with in the bounds of 45 Codava Ancient traditional naads.
It is an undeniable fact that Dalailama has been the fore runner leader in the world to advocate and support the demand for the right of self-determination through out and his such a statement made in support of Kashmir people no doubt has fomented a controversy in the recent past. It is for Codavas to gather courage from towering personalities like His holiness Dalailama and the like in our effort to achieve our cherished goals.
The Nobel piece Prize winners like the Tibetan spiritual leader His holiness Dalai Lama & Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) supremo Yasser Arafath and Velupillai Prabhakaran of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam those who gave up their original agenda of sovereign Nationhood and now restricted themselves to claim for autonomous ‘home land’ and self determination rights and, world, including some Codavas with vested interest try to extol them but in the very same breath they denigrate Nachappa and CNC even though he is the only individual sphereheading a combined movement for restoration of Coorg state and Independent ‘Codava home land’ as well as right to self – determination and none can understand the logic behind such attitude.
STICK TO ONE THEME-DON’T GET CONFUSED NEED OF THE OUR FOR CODAVASThe purpose behind our highlighting this news item is only to inform Codava’s that Mr. Vaiko (V.Gopalaswamy) M P basically is a man of Telugu heritage, by conviction he supported the cause of Tamil Elam and for that act, could it be called an offence or a sin? He went to jail under POTA. He was never an LTTE man but has been a sympathizer of its cause, that is independent home land for Tamilians of Lanka. He did not gain anything while supported the cause of LTTE and after having been incarcerated for the same. Never once after his incarceration did Mr. Vaiko compliance against the LTTE leadership or the people behind it. He did not even request the govt. for his release, but instead he only insisted his release, but instead he only insisted the govt of India to lift the ban on LTTE facilitating the functionaries to participating in the on going peace talks between Srilankan and the LTTE at Thailand.
With this in my mind I would like to question my people as to whatever has prompted some sections of the society to question my propriety or bonafides while I said nothing about some people regarding the prosecution they face in relation to a certain incident which was never intended to be fomented by organization or never intended to be fermented my organization or never connected with my movement or Codavas in general. Now the one question I may pose to the people who denigrate me on that score if they have the needed grit to face consequences had they been nurtured any wish to support the cause for which I strive. I feel that they lack courage for such a thing. Unless that be so the people who might have had involved themselves in a certain wayside incident, as has been alleged by the police, they would not have had said any thing against me as what they did. Let my people remember that both Mr. Voiko & Nedumaran stand for the cause they cherish and they did not comment against any one for not having tried to get their release.
The CNC's political aim is definetly based on the directives of the Codavas revered Guru and Karonas,which is engraved on the pages of Codava history and is in the mind of the Codava Struggle. There is not a single word or even an oblique hint in the entire Codava land resolution and struggle which could denote either Secessionism or Separatism.
Diaspora Codava minority nationality which is relatively strong in its economic and professional development, but insecure politically and psychologically