New Delhi Chalo Satyagraha by CNC on 01st November, 2016
1. His Excellency Shri Pranab Mukharjee,
The Hon’ble President Sovereign Republic of India,
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi – 01
2.Shri Narendra Modi ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi – 01
3.Shri Rajanath Singh ji,
The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs,
Union Govt of India
North Block, New Delhi – 01
4.His Excellency
Shri Vaaju Bhai Valla ji
The Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Raj Bhawan Bangalore – 01
5.Sri Prakash Javdekar ji,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for HRD,
24, Mahadev Road,
New Delhi – 110001
6.Dr. Mahesh Sharma Ji
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Culture
Govt of India, New Delhi.
7. Mr. Ban Ki-moon
His Excellency The Secretary General
1st ave.and46th street,NewYork,NY10017USA
Tel: 1(212)9631234
Fax: 1(212)9634879
8. Shri Jual Oram ji,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Tribal Affairs, (MOS)
Govt of India
1, Pt. Motilal Nehru Marg,
New Delhi – 110001
9. Her Excellency,
Irina Bokova,
The Director General UNESCO,
7, place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP France
10. Shri Pratap Simha ji
The Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Mysore, Kodagu – Coorg
11. His Excellency,
Prince Zaid Raad Al Hussain,
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner
For Human Rights (UNHRC)
Palais Wilson
52 rue des Pâquis
CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland
New Delhi Chalo Satyagraha by CNC on 01stNovember, 2016: We denigrate the very action of the merger of our dear homeland which was a full-fledged, respectable welfare Part C state of India with the then state of Mysore, now Karnataka on 01st November, 1956 which in fact was the blackest day on the part of Codava race. So we observe November 01stof every year as the blackest day by holding a peaceful satyagraha at JantarMantar in Parliament Street, New Delhi. Please take notice that if the GOI refuses or fail to consider all our below mentioned legitimate demands we would be constrained to continue our agitation until such day when all our below mentioned demands are conceded positively. We hereby announce that majority of Codava & Codavathis would participate in a massive Sathyagraha scheduled to be held at Janthar Manthar New Delhi on 01-11-2016 it coincides of our 20th Delhi Chalo program as a part and parcel of our agitation for our relentless struggle.

Charter of Demands:-
- We demand a permanent political package to grant Codava land with Union Territory Status for Coorg under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution.
- Autonomous Codava land under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava Naads in Coorg.
- Incorporate Codava Martial tribal Race in the Schedule list if our Constitution under articles 340 and 342 of our Constitution.
- Codava thakk should be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. Codava Thakk / Codava Language is as ancient as human civilization is rich and living spoken language throughout the history fit enough to be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution.
- Protect our land tenure under article 371 of our Constitution with inner line permit on the lines of North - East States of India. Protect our Land tenure under article 371 of our Constitution: (Inner Line Permit) The provisions of article 371 of our Constitution with inner line permit should be made applicable to Kodagu region at once as has been done in relation to Manipur and other North Eastern states.
- Codava race should be given exclusive political reservation and nomination in the August legislative chambers on the lines of Anglo Indians under article 331 of our Constitution.
- Under Indian Arms act 1959 section 3 & 4 for carry and posses fire arms by Codavas and Jamma holders should be continued and protected for ever without any hindrance.
- Demand for the implementation of the recommendations made by Constitution review Commission of India on the insistence of Codava National Council for the creation of Coorg Development Board under article 371 of (Please note: Chapter 8 Union State relation 8.23.1 of CRC report) as has been done in relation to touching Hyderabad Karnataka Region - appropriate amendment to the Constitution is desirable at once.
- Devatt Paramb massacre – a tragic human holocaust in the mankind – We Insist for National Memorial / Monument of that Memorial on the lines of Jallianwala Bagh in memory of Amritsar Massacre and established Live Holocaust Museum. In memory of those Codava families (approximately 60 thousand unarmed Codavas) who were massacred, raped and persecuted by tyrant Tippu sultan of Mysore and his rapacious soldiers, after 3 continuous invasions Tippu got defeated by Codava warriors disappointing in this insult he conspired to eliminate entire Codava martial Tribal race, cunningly invited them for a congenial feast in the pretext of entering a friendly treaty with Codavas at Devatt Paramb in the year 1785 13 December. This heinous inhuman tragic ethnic genocide/holocaust in the mankind happened in this place. – But their great souls are still alive in Devatt Paramb. In Washington DC, there is a live Holocaust museum in the memory of all the lives of Jews, who lost in Germany due to Hitler's inhumane act. The Government of India and the United Nations should jointly establish a similar live Holocaust Museum of Codavas who lost their precious lives in Devattparamb. Just like the Jallianwalla bagh and the Nagasaki memorial, the Government should make a monument in Devattparamb.
- Codava Race should be globally recognized on par with Jews, Parsis, Sindhi, Yezidi, Kurdi, Baloch and Pastun etc.
Hand over rampant tree felling case in Kodagu to CBI
Madikeri: The Codava National Council (CNC) has urged the Union government and Chief Justice of India (CJI) to hand over the rampant tree felling case in Kodagu to Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). For more details Click here
In a memorandum to the CJI, CNC has alleged that timber magnate PC Hassainar has demolished and stolen all well grown trees and is continuing doing so at the 122 acre of unredeemed Biddanda Male situated on the border of Kerala, adjacent to Iritti between Udumbe-Makutta-Kulimakki of Palangala and Karada village. CNC has even accused former MLC and advocate AK Subbaiah of being hand-in-glove with Hassainar in all his illegal dealings. Even though the property is in S.No 31, 121.67 acres, Assainar has destroyed more than about 1000 acres of government land around the area including Kodimaniyanda Male at Naladi village.
The timber mafia including the officials has dragged the boundary between Kerala and Karnataka inwards by a kilometer into Kodagu district. On account of this misdeed, the remaining land beyond the boundary has been allowed to be encroached by Kerala due to the timber mafia, accused CNC.
The CNC has also accused one Nilambur Rubber plantation of stealthily selling 200 acres of forest land in Thottipala to another person.

Even though not a single inch of Jamma property is misused by land owners, the corrupt bureaucrats are making false allegations against real Jamma holders in order to mislead the government. The entire show of stealing and looting forest wealth is strictly limited to government owned properties i.e reserved forests, said CNC.
Adding to the list of misdeeds, the CNC accused timber magnet Assainar of looting a large extent of property earlier owned by Kalachettira family and Moodalli family at Anjana Bettageri in Sunticoppa. In fact, the entire lot of unredeemed trees particularly teakwood, rosewood and white cedar have been looted. Similar drama is being played by these timber thieves in Devarakadu of Basthi Kadu situated at Anjana Bettageri. One example is that Assainar has used a crane to lift and transport an extraordinarily large tree from Anjana Bettageri Devarakad in the recent past, said CNC.
CNC further said that Assainar stays at Balabruhi Governmnet Guest house at Bengaluru through the help of one former chief minister of Karnataka who is having Benami estate in Coorg with the partnership of Assainar. He is always residing at the guest house and from there he operates his illegal activities. One more instance is that, a certain timber mafia has been destroying forest wealth past 25 years at one single estate. i.e Faith estate of Kutta. The entire Faith estate comes under compartment No.1 area of Nagarhole National Park and it is a prohibited area and no felling of trees are permitted.
Large numbers of rosewood trees are felled and are likely to be transported in Balecadu estate of Suntikoppa and the forest officials have issued permit for the operation without maintaining any ledger account and each and every tree was unredeemed. CNC has demanded a thorough investigation into all the incidents.
Illegal felling of valuable trees worth several crores in “Kopattimale” at Bhagamandala forest range in Kodagu Dist by one P.C Asainar a known timber thief by producing false records – CBI investigation is insisted besides attachment of all his properties
1. The Hon’ble Union Minister for Home Affairs,
Govt of India,
North Block,
New Delhi – 01.
2. The Hon’ble Union Minister for Forest & Environment,
Indira Paryavaran Bhavan,
Jorbagh Road, New Delhi - 110 003
3. National Security Advisor,
152, South Block,
Raisina Hill, New Delhi-110011
3. The Director, CBI,
Plot No. 5-B, 6th Floor,
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,
Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Marg,
New Delhi, Delhi 110003.
5. Joint Director,
Enforcement Directorate,
6th floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market,
New Delhi - 110003
Dear Sir,
Sub: Illegal felling of valuable trees worth several crores in “Kopattimale” at Bhagamandala forest range in Kodagu Dist by one P.C Asainar a known timber thief by producing false records – CBI investigation is insisted besides attachment of all his properties by Enforcement Directorate–better the property added to the attachment of his real estate properties and entire stock in trade in Kodagu and elsewhere should be investigated into and stopped at once.– request for
There has been a Govt land under nomenclature Kopattimale” of about 60 acres within the Bhagamandala range of Madikeri Taluk, Kodagu Dist in Karnataka, and there stood thick forest with valuable tree grows. The adjacent land is owned by Mrs. Daisy Jacob W/o One IPS Officer in Kerala. One P.C Asainar who owns extensive business as well as properties in Siddapur of Coorg and also in Kerala. The man hails from Kerala and has Voter ID cards of 2 states (Karnataka & Kerala) he purchased standing timber from Daisy Jacob. Even though forest Dept issues permits to fell trees at the rate of 2 to 4 standing trees per acre. Despite such restrictions the said Asainar illegally fell and complete all the trees that stood in Daisy Jacob’s property; by illegally utilizing the very same timber felling permit the man has cut and felledall the trees that stood in the above mentioned Kopattimale owned by the Forest Dept of Karnataka. After knowing through survey about the illegal act of Asainar the forest Dept enquired into the deliberate misdeeds and found the information about the illegal felling and transportation of trees to be correct. (there is a allegation that where in whichhe has grown illegal“Ganja” plants)The culprit Asainar was directed to pay a fine of Rs. Few crores, but instead paying the fine the law breaker Asainar engaged Zakhir Naik of Coorg,advocate lunatic Shri A.K Subbaiah a former MLC whose activities are well known in the state to file a writ petition in the High court of Karnataka at Bangalore in order to challenge the validity of the order of the Forest Dept. Incidentally Shri A.K Subbaiah’s son Shri A.S Ponnanna, advocate practicing in Bangalore High Court who also is an additional advocate general.
The Forest Dept somehow has initiated criminal proceedings against Asainar in relation to the timber theft at Kopattimale in Bagamandala range forest.
Only in order to save the culprit Asainar the perpetually dishonest fraudulent forest officials always havefiled and framed criminal cases against the original owners of the respective properties from where he Asainar has felledtrees illegally.
There is a civil suit pending in OS No.12/2000 in the court of the Civil Judge Madikeri & the RFA No 384/2011 on the file of the Hon’ble high court of Karnataka initiated is pending disposal.
Without any need to explain the entire transaction,it is enough to add that the son helped his father to get an order in his favor in the writ petitionfiled by Asainar. This is not one single incident where father & son have not caused irreparable loss to the Govt of Karnataka under the covertures of legal proceedings filed by this criminal Asainar. This instance requires in-depth investigation into and recover the dues from the culprits and also initiate investigation by CBI against main Culprit P C Asainar and his advocate A.K Subbaiah and son A.S Ponnanna who incidentally has been an Additional Advocate general. Added to it the CBI should seize and confiscatethe tree felling license issued in the name of P C Asainar so also the license if there be any of his Kith and Kin. Added to it all his bank accounts particularly the account with SBIat Madikeri 571201. Enquiry should also be made about the palatial structure he owns in Kerala and extensive landed properties in Kodagu, it seems he owns valuable properties at Dubai and such other places. It is a known fact that the man has extensive Hawala link which also should be investigated into. Both A.K Subbaiah and his son Ponnanna have shares in the said malicious deeds and capricious transactions.
Illegal felling of Male Balanji trees under the permit cover of female Balanji tree by Asainar.
One interesting fact is that the said Asainar somehow secured permit to cut and fell the standing female Balanji trees raised by owners of their respective lands extending to four forest ranges in the year 2014-15-16namely 1. Bhagamandala, 2. Sampaje, 3. Madikeri & 4. Somwarpet. Asainar even cut and felled all the natural growth of Male Balanji that stood only in the said four ranges even though permit to cut and fell such grows has never been issued to anyone in respect thereof. Male Balanji treeis a necessary protector of nature’sworth and soil of the area and besides raising springs.In the bargain Asainar is known to have illegally earned thousands of crores of Rupees. Interestingly the Father and son mentioned above are known to be necessary partners in the intentional breaking of law mentioned above. (incidentally a social worker has initiated a PIL on the file ofthe High Court of Karnataka regarding the illegal felling of male Balanji trees in the year 2015. But the father and son M/s Lunatic A K Subbaiah and his son A S Ponnanna the additional advocate general have done their best to save Asainar by illegitimate method helping the man come out free.
Under the cover &shade of Silver Oak trees at Bettageri estate of Suntikoppa Asainar felled thieved and transported valuable trees like teakwood, rosewood &White cedar across the Dist:
The Timber theft by Asainar in Kodagu –the very same Asainar is known to have purchased standing silver oaks from Bettageri Estate of Suntikoppa owned by D Vinod Shivappa in the year 2015-16 and admeasuring something 1200 acres and the exceptionally criminal Asainar has felled and transported all the valuable trees particularly rosewood, White cedar and teak besides the Silver Oak trees he had purchased from the Bettageri estate and transported stealthily to Mysore mentioning the same to be Silver Oak trees for which no permission to cut and fell is required.
Added to it the fellow has wrongfully cut, felled and transported large number of valuable standing trees for which special permits from the Dept concerned is required, but the cunning man has carried away the such timber logs in the same vehicles with silver oak tree logs in order to avoid notice at once of the authorities. All the timber logs he has stolen were deposited with M/s Pyramid Plywood factory where all the said logs have been converted into valuable furniture and exported to foreign countries in the transaction both this P C Asainar and the owners of pyramid timbers have minted money illegally. Besides the said transaction Asainar has illegally cut, felled and transported a great number of Rose wood, Teak Wood & White Cedarlogs transported along with Mango tree logs,for which he has obtained permits along with that he stealthily transported to Kerala.
The funniest part of the things attending the whole transaction is that all the Governmental offices starting from forest watcher up toprincipal chief conservator of forest (PCCFO), and the lowest stage in the forest office say from Attender to principal secretary to the Department of Forest and environment and from attenders to the level of principal secretary of the Revenue Dept and starting from chain man in the Survey Dept and ending up to State Chief Survey Officer reverentially bow this man Asainar proving their dishonesty, recklessness and illegal money they have earned from this man.
The funniest part of the whole transaction is that the permits so obtained by Asainar in connection with some property and the timber logs felled and stealthily transported to other places on the basis of false records and unconnected papers besides concocted Land Survey, Durasthi, Akarbandhu, and RTC etc.
The methodology and Modus operandiof this prime culprit is that he normally retains some pimps (brokers) in all the villages who gather information regarding the valuable standing trees like rosewood, teakwood&white cedar and thereafter thieve the trees under the guise of a Timber permit in relation to trees standing in a very small property and miss utilizing the permit proper and to cut fell and transport all other valuable trees thieved by him.
The main methodology he does is that he makes frequent gifts tasty “fresh sea food”particularly “King Fish & Prawn Fish” and “Scotch Whisky” from Kerala to the respectable Codava persons to silence their resistance; who would never know about the criminality and cunningness of the persons involved, employed by this Crook Asainar.One can watch Mr. Riyad a son of this Asainar loiter around all Govt offices in Kodagu specially revenue, forest and survey Depts 24x7 days and 365 days that must be curtailed.
One interesting item is that this Asainar took a good majority of officials of the Departments concerned and with whom he has connections were taken to the marriage ceremony of his son Riyad celebrated in Keralaand the funniest part is that he has taken all the persons by imported luxury cars from places like Coorg, Bangalore, Mysore etc.
One important thing is not mentioned so far is that this Asainar who was a peon in the Congress Office some 35 years back and he used to supply Coffee, Tea to Congress leaders, some 35 years ago who used to move by an old bicycle now he is the owner of hundreds of Foreign cars, Luxury Apartments & Extensive Properties in Bangalore, Mysore, Kodagu & Kerala (Cochin, Travancore & Calicut & Kannur) & Dubai included. It may not be an out of place act if we mention a real fact that a good majority of Ministers visits his Mansion houses frequently as guests and he Asainar provides them all hospitality including Wine & Women. Added to his criminal activities he has culminated in his dealings with Hawala agencies in order to whiten the illegal wealth he has earned and supports Anti National elements likeBANGLADESHI IMMIGRANTS, NAXALITES and ISISin their illegal activities in Kodagu.
Before finishing we would like to inform you that there would be a great demand for Jack fruit Timber barks in Kerala during the Onam & Diwali festival season and this Asainar has stealthily secured timber permit to jackfruit tree logs from Kodagu & he is in the process of converting the logs into small barks within the property owned by A.K Subbaiah at Konageri of Hudikeri in Coorgunder “Saw Pit License”(Dadepass) he has secured from Forest Dept& transporing finished product to Kerala. Very important fact is that he stealthily transportsquality timber logs such as Rose wood, Teak Wood & White Cedar under the cover of permit obtained for Jackfruit barks transportation from the forest Dept.
Forest Dept issues permits to transport timber logs to Kerala valid for 12 hours in respect of any particular vehicle, but this Asainar keeps ready 2 lorry loads of timber logs. First he transports one lorry load within the stipulated period of 12 hours, and reach the destination of Balapatna Saw mills in Kerala. Before unloading is done he removes the number plate of the lorry which he has been used to transport the timber load brings the same to the place in Kodagu and fixes the number plate to that lorry and transport the readied load. (The number plate will be brought to the coup in a car so as to make it appear that he has transported the timber load within the allowed period of for 1 single vehicle.)The then the superintend of Police Mr. P S Sandhu the very upright officer on information about the dubious activities of Asainar directed the issuance of passes valid from morning 06.00 to 10.00 a.m onlyand directed the transportation of timber loaded lorries within 04 hours from the borders of Kodagu. Since this hampered his illegal activities the Asainar somehow got this Officer Transported (Mr. P S Sandhu is in CBI now).
This man with the help of extraordinarymodern machineries cuts, fells and removes the entire bulk of timber so felled without leaving anysign of its existence of any single moment. Even though the trees so felled happens to be ancient. On account of the illegal felling trees by this man the standing trees in Kodagu would shed tears the moment they come to perceive the arrival of this nasty tree murderer Asainar within the Kodagu they even tremble. It pains any onlookers. Already draught has set in Kodagu and that too in Kakkada Monsoon period. The normal monsoon cycle has been disrupted consequent upon the misdeeds of this Asainar. The repercussion of “Jalakshama” in Kodagu would reach Mysore, Bangalore, Tanjavoor, Tiruchanapalli and Pumpuhar wherever lifeline river Kaveri flows and the entire area will become one more Ethiopia.
Therefore, we request you to be good enough to get all the misdeeds of this cruel tree killer and notorious timber tycoon Mr. P C Asainar is investigated into CBI besides attaching all his properties by Enforcement Directorate, such action must be taken against his lawyer crook A K Subbaiah & his son highest Govt legal Officer i.e Additional Advocate General A S Ponnanna and all others who help him in the misdeeds. Better always dig and attach the ill-gotten properties of AKS & his son in collusion with black partnership with this PC Asainar in the interest of justice and equity.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri Kodagu
1. Mr. Justice T S Thakur,
The Hon’ble Chief Justice of India,
Supreme Court of India,
Thilak Marg,
New Delhi -110201
2. Mr. Justice S K Mukherjee,
The Hon’ble Chief Justice of Karnataka,
High Court of Karnataka,
High Court Buildings,
Opp. to Vidhana Soudha,
Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore – 560001
3. Irina Bokova,
Her Excellecy
The Hon’ble Diirector General,
7, Place deo Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07
SP France
Rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15
4. Shri Vajubhai Vala ji,
His Excellency,
The Honourable Governor of Karnataka,
Raj Bhavan, Bangalore-01
Why? He has even demolished and stolen all well grown trees and his continuing destruction operation even now in 122 acres of unredeemed Biddanda Male situated on the border of Kerala adjacent to Iritti between Udumbe - Makutta – Kulimakki of Palangala & Karada Village for which this Zakir Naik AK Subbaiah has enlivened the timber felling operation of Bidandamale, besides his eagerness to destroy the Kodimaniyanda Male at Naladi Village, even though property is in S.No 31, 121.67 acres, this man has made best use of the same to destroy more than about 1000 acres of Govt land near around the area. Even though the line of control, i.e boundary between Kerala & Karnataka rivers the entire Mafia including officials have dragged the line of control by 1K.M towards inside Kodagu. On account of such a dangerous misdeed by these fellows the remaining land beyond line of control has been allowed to be encroachment by Kerala through these fellows.
One more incident is that the lease holders of Nilambur Rubber plantation has been stealthily sold 200 acres of forest land in Thottipala to another person.
Even though not a single inch of Jamma property is misused by land owners, the corrupt bureaucrats are making false allegation against real Jamma holders for nothing in order to mislead the Govt. The entire show of stealing and looting forest wealth is strictly limited to Govt owned properties i.e reserved forests unfortunately the officials are making derogatory allegation against land owners.
Added to this notorious timber magnet Asainar has looted a large extent of property earlier owned by Kalachettira family and Moodalli family at Anjana Bettageri in Sunticoppa. In fact, the entire lot of unredeemed trees particularly Teakwood, Rosewood & White cedar have been looted. Similar drama is being played by these Timber thieves in Devarakadu of BasthiKadu situated at Anjana Bettageri. One single example is that he has used a crane to lift and transport an extraordinarily large tree from Anjana Bettageri Devarakad near school at recent past.
This timber magnet Asainar normally has been accommodated at Balabruhi Govt Guest house at Bangalore through one former chief minister of Karnataka who is having Benami estate in Coorg with the partnership of this Asainar. He is always residing at Balabruhi guest house and from there he operates his illegal activities. What conclusion we may arrive at with regard to the distribution of Kaveri water made by Supreme Court in essence. Even though the generality demands supply for water during scarcity. Perhaps the destruction of forest growth in its entirety is one other case for scarcity of water reminds us of the misdeeds being played by this rascal.
One more example is that a certain timber Mafia has been destroying forest wealth during the past over 25 years in 1 single estate. i.e Faith estate of Kutta. Even though permission has been given to him for 1 single year and the entire Faith estate comes under compartment No.1 area of Nagarhole National Park and it is a prohibited area and no felling of trees are permitted.
Large number of rosewood trees felled and likely to be transported in Balecadu estate of Suntikoppa and forest officials have issued permit for the operation without maintaining any ledger account and each and every tree was unredeemed. Thorough investigation is to be made.
A Complaint Regarding ISIS Network & Naxal Red Corridor in Coorg
1. Shri. Rajnath Singh ji, The Honourable Union Minister for Home Affairs,
Government of India,
North Block, New Delhi-01.
2. Shri. Ajit Doval ji,
The Honourable National Security Advisor (NSA),
Government of India,
152, South Block, Raisina Hill,
New Delhi-110011
Through The Deputy Commissioner, Coorg.
A Complaint Regarding ISIS Network & Naxal Red Corridor in Coorg
Respected Sir,
Subject: Let not Kodagu (Coorg) become a hotspot of ISIS network and of Naxal activities (Red Corridor). Therefore, we hereby request the Government to engage National Investigation Agency (NIA) and arrest the persons spreading Naxalite activities and put them behind bars under National Security Act (NSA). And establish a permanent R&AW branch and National Investigating Agency in the region in order to check and suppress the spreading of deadliest Naxalite activities in the region-Better always keep vigil around the people mentioned above immediately, they will certainly transform the entire area into a hell:
1. Inviting your kind attention to a serious complaint initiated by us against M/S KR Vidyadhar, Advocate, Madikeri and ‘psychopathic’ Mr. AK Subbaiah (de-facto Zakir Naik), a lunatic character touching the intended attempt to form Mao-Naxalite Red Corridor in Kodagu (Coorg) who in actual fact extends all kind of logistical support and strategic help to Mao-Naxal groups. We take this opportunity to inform you that the said Mr. KR Vidyadhar has moved a bail application on behalf of the prime Naxal leader ‘Mr. Roopesh’ of Kerala; brought from Coimbatore jail in Tamilnadu in the court of the Magistrate, Madikerion 21st July, 2016 regarding his Naxal activities spread in Kodagu on the instigation and insistence of M/S KR Vidyadhar and AK Subbaiah.
2. Just now they tried to shift the trial jurisdiction from Coimbatore Court to Madikeri Court in relation to Roopesh and if they succeed in their venture, our prime actors AK Subbaiah and his son Government’s highest Legal Officer certainly will do all things in support of Roopesh and get him released on bail from the High Court of Karnataka and they will provide him all kinds of domicile facilities at Coorg. The said Roopesh conducted a secret meeting at Devarakkolli. The Naxalite criminal had also even terrorized by exploding handmade bombs during the year 2012. The South Indian Commander of Naxals even held a secret meeting at Hoovinkad estate at Kutta and hoisted Naxal flag during the year 2012.
3. Few years back, Roopesh had spread Naxal activities at the behest of the above mentionedtwo advocates in Kaloor, Devarakolli, Edavanad, Yevakapadi, Karike, Bhagamandala, Kutta, Thithimathi, B. Shettigeri, Birnani, Neetkund etc. villages in Kodagu district and Bisile of Sakleshpur Taluk in the border of Kodagu. Consequent upon the spreading of the Naxal activities, the Election Commission even has declared the said places to be Naxal infested areas during the assembly elections in 2013 and during Lok Sabha elections in 2014 and local body elections in 2016. Mr. Alok Kumar, a senior IPS officer,who was the then head of the Anti Naxal Force, who had eradicated Naxal activities successfully in Shringeri, Koppa, Chickamaglur, Shivamoga, Mudigere, Sakleshpura,Karkala, Belthangadiand Moodbidere etc. And the very same efficient officer also had caused combing operation at places as mentioned above in Kodagu district three years back. And in other words, such a thing is enough to prove the allegations that Naxal activities are deep rooted in Kodagu also through the said anti-national and anti-social elements.
4. Lesser said the better, the said two lawyers are the actual actors and they had taken active advice from one Manu Shenoy from Virajpet, who is a well-known yellow journalist, and Dr. TP VijayaHegde alias Dr. CP Vijay of Hampi University and one TK Thyagaraj, a notable pervert press reporter. One Sirimane Nagaraj who had surrendered before the officers of the Anti Naxal Force during the encounter at Shringeri who has been pardoned by the Government, presently is trying his hand with the help of the two advocates and three others as mentioned above; who in fact are the ‘Panchapishachis (Five demons)’ under the mask of land struggle/Boo horaata. This has to be checked. The persons including M/S Gauri Lankesh (the editor of tabloid) of Bangalore, Cheranda Nanda Subbaiah of Maldare, Kodagu, Kudiyara Muthappa of Yevokkapadi, Kodagu, Govindappa, Krishnappa, Parashuram, Philipose Mathew, all from Gonikoppa of Coorg, DS Nirvanappa of Somwarpet, Allaranda Vittalnanjappa of K Nidugane (Allaranda Rangachavadi) and one Indira Gajaraju (a notorious lady who was the then director of All India Radio, Madikeri, who is having a black history of looting lakhs together in AIR and in the name of conversion she looted money and in the name of helping handicaps she borrowed money from other countries through her NGO), VP Shashidhar (this Shashidhar now heads the labour organization and his activities should be watched seriously because he has nexus with all criminals and anti-national elements across India) and Dr. J Somanna of Balele in Coorg, Professor Rangappa (a former lecturer of Madikeri college) and Kandekala Shivanna from Periyapatna, who in fact propagate and exemplify Naxal activities in Kodagu. Lesser said the better, main culprit PC Hassainar, a notorious timber tycoon has been financing all said persons mentioned above and he had link with Bangladeshi infiltrators, ISIS and Naxals and has proximity with hawala racket. All the persons referred to above intended to give space to dreaded ISIS through Naxal activities. They use Naxalism as launchpad to promote ISIS. The entire group has active network with all the terrorist groups of different hue and colour in India and elsewhere particularly SIMI, Indian Mujahideen and D Company. One supporting incident we may quote is that the above mentioned KR Vidyadhar and Gowri Lankesh physically attended the funeral services of Naxalite leader Saketh Rajan and Hajima who died in an encounter by Anti Naxal Forces and vehemently participated in the meeting held in order to pay tribute to the souls of the departed Naxalites.
It will not be an out of place act on our part, if we recollect the Revelation made by Tadiyandaveedu Nazeer the Notorious Terrorist whosheltered at Kumboor and bombarded in Hosathota of Coorg is having given training to 300 Jehadist in Coorg for Bombing; when he was arrested & Interrogated by security agencies on the border of Bangladesh. In support of Tadiyandaveedu Nazeer & Abdul Naseer Madani, Reporter Shahina from Cochin, visited Hosatota & Kumboor in Coorg accompanied by one suspicious person from Kasargod and another one person from Nelliahudikeri in Coorg, and the said Criminal Shahina threatened the prime witness of the bombing one Yogendra and Prabhakar; later she has been booked under various sedition cases in Somawarpet Court, for which all help regarding her release extended by one Mr Manu shenoy, the otherwise doubtful character, who is editing a yellow journal, Under his guidance one K Muthappa of Yavakapadi and Villin Joseph of Virajpet gave surety for Shahina’s release on bail. This Manu Shenoy is the prime fund raiser for ISIS and Naxals in Coorg, Money channels of all Hostile Countries flow through him, he is strategically and logistically helping all criminals and anti-Nationals, hence his nefarious activities should be curbed at once.
5. The entire lot of persons attempt in all possible manner to project themselves to be honest, simple and ready to sacrifice their personal self to help people in general, but in reality each of them are anti-social elements and use all available opportunities to down Codava race, the aboriginal indigenous martial community of this land, who otherwise are patriotic people with their martial character and by their military service to the nation. These Naxal propagators have intimate connections with helm of affair and always take shelter under various public persons including officials everywhere from Delhi to local places and even they have infiltrated to All India Radio, Kodagu and other medias elsewhere. None of them are Shri Ramachandra incarnates and have extramarital connections with almost every harlot, none of them can pose themselves to be the followers of Buddha, Gandhi, Subhash Bose, Bhagat Singh, Maharana Pratap Singh, Mahavira, Karl Marx and Acharya Vinobha Bhave, but in reality each and every one of them are rascals at once and cruel, inhuman, corrupt and self-centred persons.
6. Please be informed that Codavas are the supporters of truthfulness and right-wing activities with nationalistic feelings. Even under poverty and such other adversary circumstances, we will not support Naxalite activities in any manner.
7. To quote one e.g., even though the prominent initial Naxal leader Ajitha of Kerala had spread her Naxal activities near border of Kodagu, i.e Mananthavady in Wayanad district, Kutta border and Kanjangad of Kasargod district, Karike border in the year 1969, not a single Codava helped, but instead have helped the authorities suppress her entry to Kodagu. Even though neighbouring Kerala happens to be a communist state, Coorg did not entertain communism in our area and always stood with our national integrity and unity.
8. The Naxalite activities has infiltrated in Kodagu together with main actors. The ones mentioned above attempted to bring under their control the entire generality of Kodagu by addressing individual threatening letters to Codava planters some 8 years ago, say in the year 2008, but nothing could happen and our organization CNC successfully tried to bring awareness within amongst the generality and brought the same to the notice of the Government. The very same gang tried much to confuse people in general by canvassing that no Naxal activities are there in Kodagu in order to divert the attention of the authorities and people.
9. Now the thing has changed and the very same people tried their best to propagate a false view to the effect that there was no Naxal activities in the district then, now they boldly pose themselves to be the guardians of Naxalism in Kodagu now.
10. These people have an innate desire and preparedness to spread Naxalite activities in Kodagu especially Western Ghats where in which they have all the plans to establish themselves and make the region to be the centre of diabolic criminal activities and they have a hundred years’ plan. It is with such an intention in mind they have opposed. a)The implementation of ‘Kasturirangan report’. In reality, the implementation of Kasturirangan report in its true sense would save the entire forest, especially the environment of the region. If the report is implemented in its true sense, there would be patrolling all around the year, 24/7, in and around Western Ghats by security agencies.Since these people have an idea to make Western Ghats as their Red Corridor, the presence of the Governmental troops i.e. forest watchdogs would certainly would defeat their evil design tooth and nail. b) If the plans envisaged by Codavas under which we had plans to establish a full pledged world ‘Codavalogy University’at Yevokkapady village near Thadiyandadmol hillocks in Western Ghats some 15 years ago. If in fact would be the hotspot for their Naxal activities. These people tooth and nail opposed our program. Should such a thing had come into being, they necessarily will attract Codava presence throughout the year, 24/7, and it will certainly hamper Naxalite activities. For that purpose, only they have opposed our program to establish Codava university program some 15 years ago. c) Our desired program of establishing a national monument at Devatt Paramb area where thousands of Codavas were butchered and massacred by tyrant ruler of Mysore, Tipu Sultan along with his French Allied forces, in the year 1785, which in reality is within the Western Ghats region, there would be presence of Codavas throughout the year if such a thing becomes reality. Regularly Codava presence in the area will certainly avoid the Naxalite activities as designed by them. In other words, these fellows will be barred from gaining entry into Western Ghats. In order to avoid such a thing, these people oppose our programs and our desire to establish national Codava monument.
11.One other inevitable factor which plays a great role in preventing the Naxalite activities certainly is the right to use guns by Codava race without the aid of any license, and in reality such a thing has certainly saved Codavas and the entire Kodagu and Western Ghat areas, and prevented the widespread peril of the Naxalite violence. It is with the dream of spreading Naxalite activities in the region and since the presence of guns in every Codava household has made these fellows tooth and nail to get such a special right abolished. One Chetan, who happens to be a close relative of the above mentioned KR Vidyadhar under the instigation of the said person he had initiated a writ petition seeking the intervention of the Honourable High Court of Karnataka to abolish the special right of the Codavas to hold guns without license.
12. Kodagu, which was accepted to be an ideal state i.e. Ramarajya earlier and till 1956 even the venerable Sardar Patel had extolled then ‘C’ State of Coorg (Kodagu) in the floor of the Parliament.But now these people with criminal background are trying their hard to spread anarchy in the region under the guise of Naxalism. Already the regions surrounding Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal are encircled by Chinese Intelligence agencies, who convinces these criminals to propagate Naxalism and convert the entire area into a Red Corridor. It is with such desire the hostile countries including Pakistan are helping these people with limitless finance, introduce these people to the international terrorist agencies and carry on hawala business only with an idea of destabilizing our nation in general.
13. Already Northeastern region of India, states like Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Telangana and our own Chikkamaglur, Shivamoga, South Canara i.e. Mangalore and Udupi areas have attained the Red Corrdior tag on account of the spreading of Naxalite activities. Already in Shivamoga, again on 01.08.2016 issue of Deccan Herald published about the combing operation by Anti Naxal Force against the Naxalites.
14. Let not Kodagu become an another hotspot of ISIS network and Naxal Red Corridor. Therefore, we hereby request the Government to engage National Investigation Agency (NIA) and arrest the persons spreading Naxalite activities and put them behind bars under National Security Act (NSA) and establish permanent R&AW branches and National Investigating Agency in the region in order to check and suppress the spreading of deadliest Naxalite activities in the region.
15. Better always keep vigil around the people mentioned above immediately, they will certainly transform the entire area into a hell.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
President, Codava National Council (CNC)
PB No. 12 Madikeri-571201,
Codava Land, Coorg,
Karnataka, India, South Asia.
Copies Marked to
1, Shri Narendra Modiji, The honourable Prime Minister of India and
2, His Excellency Shri Vajubhai Vala ji, The Honourable Governor of Karnataka
IT may not be an out of place act if you are permitted to unearth a dangerous factor that the de facto Zakir Naik of Kodagu, AK Subbaiah and de facto Madani of Kodagu, Manu Shenoy have instigated and advised anti-national elements to hoist Pakistan flag in Somwarpet few years ago. After that, Mr Subbaiah appeared for them as Advocate to defend them in the Court and they have turned out to be the patrons of these anti-national elements. Added to it, these two are playing their mischief in relation to our national security. Is it not proper that both of them are tried for sedition/treason under 124A of IPC?
The above said duo, ‘psychopathic’ AK Subbaiah and Manu Shenoy, have been creating unwanted things with a solitary intention of projecting themselves as great local collaborators of ISIS. The modus operandi of the men is that they persistently instigate others including Muslims who are known to be neutral in all respects to cause one or other illegal acts against Codavas. They unnecessarily complain against Codavas and carry out such illegal acts against Codavas and Kodagu in general and nation in particular in order to carry out the most dangerous ISIS corridor. The chief actors in this heinous deal are undoubtedly known to be M/S AK Subbaiah and his coterie. Both AK Subbaiah and Manu Shenoy alias Madani are the prime actors who are confident of creating ISIS corridor in the area and their main actors are none other than Abdul Nazer Madani and Thadiyandavedu Nazeer.
The said Thadiyandavedu Nazeer, the prime culprit is known to have caused a chain of bombings in Bangalore in which a person was killed. Before that, the Madani had attempted to assassinate prominent BJP national leader LK Advani in Coimbatore. He has been facing trials for all these offences. The story does not stop. Madani has deputed Thadiyandavedu Nazeer of Kerala to cause unwanted criminal activities in order to expatriate terrorist activities in Kodagu. Some agents and the nearer ones of duo Madani and Nazeer have threatened on 31.08.2016 some of the witnesses who are to say about the bombardment caused by Madani and Nazeer, and the matter has some light of publication in the local news dailies. He is also known to have threatened local legislator and elected representative of Madikeri Mr. Appacchu Ranjan of death fear. The prime actor behind all these activities is undoubtedly this Manu Shenoy an unemployed regular criminal.
The entire group mentioned above are being monetarily supported by agencies at hostile nations particularly like China and Pakistan. The said Manu Shenoy alias Madani is the actual recipient of the same to add lustre to the matter, this Manu Shenoy is generally known to have squandered large quantity of unearned money from the services of the erstwhile underworld don Kunjanda Ravi and Lateef. All these factors should be investigated and this Manu Shenoy should be fixed for the better. This Manu Shenoy’s parents are known to have come from Goa. The main method of his operations is to speak ill of Indian culture particularly Codava culture and Hindu culture.
CNC demands CBI, ED action against timber magnate Asainar
Madikeri: Codava National Council (CNC) has demanded action against timber magnate PC Asainar for illegal tree felling worth crores of rupees in Kopattimale in Bhagamandala forest range in Kodagu District. The Codava organization has also demanded action against former MLC and advocate AK Subbaiah and his son Additional Advocate General (AAG) of Karnataka AS Ponnanna for supporting the timber magnate in his clandestine deals.
CNC in its press release has demanded strong action against the timber magnate and sought attachment of all his properties by the enforcement directorate (ED) across India and abroad.
Asainar has been accused of involving in large scale tree felling in 60 acres government land at Kopattimale of Bhagamandala forest range of Madikeri Taluk, Kodagu District, Karnataka housing large trees valued at crores of rupees. CNC has accused Asainer of misusing the permit given to a nearby land holder Daisy Jacob, wife of an IPS officer in Kerala for felling all trees in the reserve forest range of Koppattimale owned by government of Karnataka. According to them, this was done in addition to felling all trees in Daisy Jacob’s land.

They further accused Asainar of evading fines levied on him by government agencies by utilizing the services of former MLC and a known advocate AK Subbiah and his son A.S Ponnanna, advocate practicing in Bengaluru High Court who is an additional advocate general as well. The press release clarified that the Forest department somehow has initiated criminal proceedings against Asainar in relation to the timber theft at Kopattimale in Bagamandala range forest. According to CNC, this is being done to save Asainar, a clever plot by dishonest fraudulent forest officials who filed and framed criminal cases against the original owners of the respective properties from where Asainar has felled trees illegally.
The CNC release said, that there is a civil suit OS No.12/2000 in the court of the Civil Judge, Madikeri and the RFA No 384 /2011 in the Hon’ble high court of Karnataka, pending disposal.
They accused Muthanna of getting an order in his favor after the writ petition was filed by Asainar which according to them caused irreparable loss to the government of Karnataka under the cover of legal proceedings benefitting Asainar. CNC also accused Asianar of illegal felling of Male Balanji male trees under the permit cover of female Balanji tree which caused environmental destruction as all permit rules were flouted to create barren land in many areas where Male Balanji trees were grown. They accused the father and son duo advocates of pulling out Asainar from trouble time and again including in a case where a PIL was filed in 2015 against his misdeeds for felling male Balanji trees.
CNC accused him of misusing his permit where under the cover and shade of Silver Oak trees at Bettageri estate of Suntikoppa, Asainar felled and transported valuable trees like teakwood, rosewood and white cedar blatantly violating all norms. He later transported them stealthily to Mysuru mentioning the same to be Silver Oak trees where permission is not required.
They accused him of transporting other high valued trees along with silver oak trees to hood wink forest officials to Pyramid Plywood factory where all the said logs have been converted into valuable furniture and exported to foreign countries. In this case, special permit is required from the forest department to transport Rose wood, Teak Wood and White Cedar logs, but used mango tree felling permit and stealthily transported expensive logs to Kerala, they alleged.
CNC further said, that a everything was done in connivance with government officials where forest guard to principal chief conservator of forest (PCCFO), peon to principal secretary in the Department of Forest, environment and from a lower cadre employee to State Chief Survey Officer in survey department worked hand in glove with the timber magnate. Officials’ dishonest ways to earn extra money has caused irreparable loss to state exchequer as well as irrevocable loss to the natural habitat across Kodagu. The press release said falsified revenue documents like land Survey, Durasthi, Akarbandhu, and RTC were used for illegal tree felling and transport.
According to CNC, Asainar used middlemen in all the villages who gather information regarding valuable standing trees like rosewood, teakwood and white cedar and misused small land permits to ferry large scale timber at will showing them as genuine permits which he didn’t possess in most cases where large felling was carried out. He offered freebies like costly liquor, expensive fish to people who resisted his moves while carrying out his shady business. They accused his son Riyad having a free hand in revenue, survey and forest departments where he can be found round the clock. CNC accused Asainar of ferrying government officials to Kerala in luxury cars to attend Riyad’s wedding.
An ordinary Congress worker 35 years ago who used to supply beverages like coffee and tea, Asainar today owns hundreds of Foreign cars, Luxury Apartments and Expensive Properties in Bengaluru, Mysuru, Kodagu and Kerala (Cochin, Travancore, Calicut and Kannur) and Dubai. They alleged even certain ministers are involved in his criminal activities who are treated with wine and women. They alleged that his business empire extends to hawala deals, supporting anti-national elements like Bangladeshi immigrants, naxalites and ISIS operatives in Kodagu. They accused him of possessing twin voter ID’s , both of Karnataka and Kerala and involving in planting drug (Ganja) plants thereby accused him of supporting drug trade.
The release said, that during Onam and Diwali , great demand exists for jack fruit timber barks for which he has already obtained license and is planning converting the logs into small barks in the property owned by A.K Subbaiah at Konageri in Hudikeri limits under “Saw Pit License” (Dadepass). They felt, that the license secured from Forest Dept for transporting finished product to Kerala might be misused again for transporting high valued timber in place of jack fruit trees.
The press release said, even the transport permit which is valid for 12 hours to transport one load of timber was misused on earlier occasions by Asainar where he managed to transport two loads using the same permit by changing the number plates of trucks and ensured that two loads reach destination, Balapatna Saw mills in Kerala.
The then superintendent of Police, P S Sandhu, an upright officer, on information about the dubious activities of Asainar directed the issuance of passes valid from morning 06.00 to 10.00 am and allowed four hours for shipment across border. Since this hampered his illegal activities, Asainar somehow got the officer transported (Presently P S Sandhu is in CBI).
CNC release further said Asainar used most modern tree felling machinery where no clues will be available to act upon for the investigating agencies. The rich land which is facing monsoon rainfall deficit due to such activities may turn into a barren land in the near future with the entire Cauvery basin region in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu may go dry, they feared.
They wanted CBI to investigate all his deals and ED to seize all his properties along with that of AK Subbiah and his son AS Ponnanna. In addition, they wanted ED to audit accounts held by Asainar at SBI Madikeri and cancellation of his tree felling license.
The CNC release were sent to Central Home Minister, Central forest minister, National security Advisor (NSA), CBI, Joint director ED with copies marked to Chief Justices of Supreme Court , High Court and UNESCO director general.
Demand for the implementation of the recommendation made by Constitution Review Commission of India on the insistence of CNC for the creation of Coorg Development Board under article 371....
October 19, 2015
To, 01.10.2015
1.His Excellency Shri Pranab Mukharjee,
The Hon’ble President Sovereign Republic of India,
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi – 01
2.Shri Narendra Modi ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi – 01
3.Shri Rajanath Singh ji,
The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs,
Union Govt of India
North Block, New Delhi – 01
4.Shri Vaju Bhai Vala ji,
His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Rajbhavan Bangalore - 01
5.Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
His Excellency The Secretary General
1st ave.and46th street,NewYork,NY10017USA
Tel: 1(212)9631234
Fax: 1(212)9634879
6.Shri K.G Bopaiah ji MLA
Virajpet Constituency &
The Hon’ble former Speaker of Karnataka Legislative Assembly.
7.Shri Pratap Simha ji
The Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Mysore, Kodagu – Coorg
8.Shri Appachu Ranjan ji
The Hon’ble Member Karnataka Legislative Assembly, Somwarpet.

Through the Deputy Commisioner of Kodagu (Coorg) Karnataka, Madikeri 571201 Dear Sirs, Memorandum
Sub: Demand for the implementation of the recommendation made by Constitution Review Commission of India on the insistence of CNC for the creation of Coorg Development Board under article 371 of (Please note: Chapter 8: union state relation 8.23.1 of CRC report) our Constitution as has been done in relation to touching Hyderabad Karnataka Region – appropriate amendment to the Constitution is desirable at once.
It may not be an out of place act on our part if we may be permitted to advert your kind attention to the subject and reference cited above and we take honor to remind you that the then Union Govt under the inimitable leadership of Bharat Rathna Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Constituted a Constitution Review Commission of India under the Chairmanship of Mr. Justice M.N Venkatachalaiah a former Chief Justice of India and 11 other reputed Scholars, Jurists, Socio - Political Scientists & Constitutional experts as its members in the year 2000. And we drag this opportunity that we have placed a honest representation before the Commission on 21-11-2000 at Vighyan Bhavan New Delhi. The Hon’ble CRC has submitted its detailed report and recommended a Constitution of a Coorg.
Development Board under Article 371 of our Constitution, starting of Central University and a Sainik School for Coorg. Sainik School has already been started.
No doubt true that our Prime objects are carving out of Union Territory status or Coorg under Articles 2&3 of our Constitution and the creation of Codava land Autonomous Region under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution. We will continue our struggle for the creation of Codava land with UT Status & Autonomy, but we unhesitatingly request you to be good enough to constitute a Development Board for Coorg Dist on the lines of the recommendations made by the said CRC (Constitution Review Commission of India). Already Hyderabad Karnataka region has been assigned special package under Article 371 of our Constitution in the year 2014. Such a scheme definitely has all the opportunities to implement developmental programs, Education and Job reservation Quota etc to be valid for entire State. We take this opportunity to make available such a scheme to Kodagu region at once with an appropriate Constitutional amendment to that respect. No doubt true that we will continue our agitation for our legitimate dear demands as mentioned above.
Development Board for Coorg Proposed by Constitution Review Commission of India “A Victory of CNC”The recommendations of the Constitution Review commission regarding the establishment of Coorg Development Council under Article 371, the demand was originated, initiated and pressurized by CNC only, should be given effect to at once. (Please note: Chapter 8: union state relation 8.23.1 of CRC report) “The recommendation for a separate Development Board for Codagu, made by the Constitution Review Commission is a step forward to the resurgence of Codava Land”. The CNC had presented memorandums before the Commission headed by Honorable Justice M. N. Venkatachalaiah and had met almost all the members of the Commission and apprised them of the need for the restoration of Codava land, constitutional special guarantee for the Codava race, reservation for Codavas on the basis of primitive ethno linguistic tribal minority national status’, and autonomous Central University.
I recall about the special meeting convened by the CRC for a 30 member delegation on November 21, 2000 when the delegation had visited Delhi in connection with the CNC's rally and apprised him of the demands of CNC. "No doubt many of our requests have been left untouched, yet we have half succeeded and we are grateful to Justice Venkatachalaiah and other Constituents of the Commission." That the ball is now in the Union Government’s court. I am sure that the report submitted by the Commission will see easy passage in the parliament on presentation. The actual procedure required amendments to each and every area touched by the statute book separately. Likewise a Constitutional Amendment under Article 371 has to be made, as have been made amendments to Article 371 {A) to 371(j) in case of Nagaland, Assam, Manipur, Andhra, Sikkim, Mizorarn, Arunachal, Goa, Vidarbha, Marathwada, Saurashtra Kutch and Hyderabad Karnataka Region. All aspects concerning Development Boards require President's special powers. In accordance the Governor of each given state is responsible to act in acc9rdance with the directions of the President from time to time.
Significance of the Development Board:A. Establishment of a separate Development Board for Coorg with the provision that a report on the working of this board will be placed each year before state legislative assembly.
B. The equitable allocation of funds for development expenditure over the said areas, subject to the requirements of the state as a whole and,
C. The equitable arrangement providing adequate facilities for technical education and vocational training and adequate opportunities for employment in Services Under the control of the state and Central Government.
The Governor has to act according to the directions issued by the President from time to time and the Governor has to act in his discretion. This means that even though the governor has to consult the ministers, the final decision in these matters shall be that of the Governor in his individual judgment, which no court can question. That the mention of “Coorg” was deleted when Article 242 of the Constitution (exclusively for Coorg when it was part C state) was repealed. Now that the amendment to Article 371 are expected to be made in course of time, it is more significant fact that the word “Coorg” shall find its entry into our Constitution once again.
PS “The aldermen of Coorg met the Simon Commission in 1930s and certain provisions have been incorporated in the Govt. of India Act, 1935. It was the first and only occasion when something positive was made by the Codavas to find place in nation’s prime statute book. Now it is my organization (CNC) has done the repeat performance I add more authoritatively that none except my organization has made anything so far in relation to the districts development Board and the entire credit should go to the Codava National Council only.
PS The person from Coorg who was a Cabinet Minister then in the J.H. Patel ministry who’ did not find it proper to say one single word regarding the need of Development Board for Coorg during July 1998, when the Karnataka Cabinet headed by J. H. Patel has the CM, recommended for the creation of a development board for Hyderabad Karnataka region, to the Union Government.
I and my organization will dedicate ourselves to strive for the prime demands viz. resurgence of Cadava Land, right to self determination of Codava minority race, separate Codava land and constitutional special guarantee for Codavas land, language, culture, and heritage, economic and political freedom. It took us 24 years of dedicated efforts and we will continue till the goal is attained.
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
CNC Delegation Under the leadership of CNC Chief Shri N.U Nachappa Codava met former Karnataka Legislative Assembly speaker and Virajpet MLA Shri K.G Bopaiah today at his Madikeri Office and apprised him about the subject. M/s Kaliyanda Prakash, Appachira Rammi Nanaiah, Mookonda Dilip, Areyada Girish, Manavattira Jagadish, Kulletira Aruna Beba, Katumaniyanda Umesh, Mandapanda Manoj and Cheyakpoovanda Manu were present in the deliberations.
Shri K.G Bopaiah Ji
The Hon’ble Member of Legislative Assembly
And Former Speaker of Karnataka Legislative Assembly
Madikeri -Koadgu-571201
Dear Sir,
Enclosed here with are the true extracts of the representation that we have made to all the important personages and Governmental heads of our Nation and also to you requesting to implement the recommendations made by the Constitution Review Commission of India(CRC) headed by Mr. Justice M.N Venkatachalaiah which was Constituted by Bharath Rathna Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee JI run NDA Government, requesting the Constitution of Coorg Development Board under Article 371 of our Constitution and we believe that you need know repetition of the same.
It is a fact that you used to be a Constitutionally appointed authority once and you have intimate and influential connections with all the important personages of the Union Government. We believe that you would certainly use your good offices to get the relief as sought for by us.
Hoping to be excused
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
A New Delhi Chalo program by CNC and proposal to hold a Sathyagraha at National Capital on 01 Nov 2015. Insisting the Union Govt to re-play the game as it did in the year 1991 with regard to the erstwhile part ‘C’ State of Delhi after 36 years ......
October 19, 2015
1. His Excellency The Hon’ble President,
Sovereign Republic of India
Raisina Hills
Rashtrapthi Bhawan
New Delhi - 01
2. Shri Narendra Modi Ji
The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block
New Delhi -1
3. Shri Rajanath Singh Ji
The Hon’ble Union Minister For Home Affairs
Govt of India
North Block
New Delhi-1
4. His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Raj Bhawan
Bangalore – 01
5. His Excellency
Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon
1st ave. and 46th street
New York, NY 10017 USA

Through the Hon’ble Deputy Commissoner /District Magistrate Codagu(Coorg)Madikeri-571201-Karnataka
Dear Sirs,
Sub: A New Delhi Chalo program by CNC and proposal to hold a Sathyagraha at National Capital on 01 Nov 2015. Insisting the Union Govt to re-play the game as it did in the year 1991 with regard to the erstwhile part ‘C’ State of Delhi after 36 years. And assign Union Territory status to Kodagu to be renamed as Union Territory of Codava land under Articles 2& 3 of our Constitution. – 100 members Codava Volunteers will squat in a Sathyagraha in the vicinity of Janthar MNanthar Parliament Street New Delhi thereafter will submit a detailed memorandum to the President and Union Govt.
It always is better if one goes deeply into the recent History of Delhi with that of Kodagu (Coorg). From 1952 to 1955 Delhi was a ‘C’ Type State (As is generally known that Shri Jawaharlal Nehru and G.B Panth prevailed upon the State re-Organization Commission to abolish State hood of Delhi and convert the same to be a Municipal Corporation understandably with a solitary intention of ousting Shri Chowdhri Bhrama Prakash the then Chief Minister of Delhi which resulted in the suppression of the natural aspirations of Delhi citizens). The Union Govt diluted the State hood Status of Delhi into Metropolitan Council on the basis of the recommendation of the State Reorganization Commission headed by justice Fazal Ali from 1955 and it remained so until 1991, and once again on the insistence of the general Civil society of Delhi and in reality it amounts to the realization of the past blunder, when once again Union Territory Status was conferred on Delhi with a new nomenclature as National Capital Territory of Delhi under a new insertion to the Constitution of India as articles 2&3 read with Articles 239AA. If we make a comparative study of the recent history of Kodagu with that of Delhi, we find a close similarity as between the two. A ‘C’ type State of Coorg merged with the state of Mysore; now Karnataka in the year 1956 once again consequent to the mischief played by the State re-Organization Commission headed by justice Fazal Ali. We believe that the some conspiracy identical to the one that transpired as between Jawaharlal Nehru and G.B Panth in order to abolish the Statehood of Delhi in the year 1955. It continues to be the very same even now. If Union Govt felt the need to feel the breath of the population while it reconverted the Civic – administrative body of Municipal Corporation of Delhi into a full fledged Politico – administrative Union Territory with a proper Legislative Assembly in the year 1991.
Our Organization i.e CNC took its birth only to reclaim Statehood initially since consequent upon amendment to the Constitution in renaming the ‘C’ Type States as Union Territories we too have changed our claim for the re -establishment of Coorg with a descriptive Codava Land Union Territory under Articles 2&3 of our Constitution and we stick to it. No doubt if the Union Govt could determine to re - establish a Statehood ; now Union Territory Status to Delhi, why not the same yard stick be made applicable with the claim for Union Territory of Codava Land of Coorg . Now we want the Union Govt to carry out the realization of the past mistake as mentioned and fulfill the definitive natural aspirations of Codava race at least now by conferring Codava land UT Status to Coorg. Such a thing is very essential if the disparity that has been applied to Kodagu and Codava race by the Successive State Govts in Karnataka we sincerely feel that with the things prevail just now the future of generality in Kodagu is felt to be very bleak. Our present Prime Minister has been speaking a lot extolling about the importance of Army and our Soldier Community these days why not our respectful P.M make applicable his mind to such a thing even with regard to Codavas by race who historically proved ourselves to be effective warriors and Soldiers always fighting for the Unity and Security of our Great Country by conferring UT Status to Coorg.
If the Union Govt could feel the aspirations of the generality of Delhi after 36 long years why not the same yardstick should be made applicable to the question of Kodagu even though it remains a disrespected part and parcel of Karnataka during the past over 59 years. Kodagu i.e Coorg, the Cradle of Military genius Codava Martial Race and it has its own Cultural heritage, Civilization, Language, Customary personal laws, way of thinking, Demographic mosaic, Topographical feature, and unique Geo - political aspiration to be renamed as Union Territory of Codava land.
With such a background we are determined to stick to our theory and press forward our claim and we certainly try to make the Union Govt feel our aspirations as we did during the past 25 years. Once again we are certain to exhibit our wish to disown our status as a District of Karnataka with such a determination our organization would hold a Sathyagraha on State re-Organization day i.e on Karnataka Rajyotsava day on 01-11-2015 ; but never to celebrate a State re-Organization day. It definitely is intended to be for the establishment of Union Territory Status of Codava land. Each and every soul inhabited in Kodagu/Coorg are breathing with us.
It may not be an out of place act on our part if we are permitted to mention the behavior of successive Union Governments while it converted the following erstwhile part ‘C’ states except Coorg (part ‘C’ States Ajmer, Bhopal,Bilaspur, Coorg, Himachal Pradesh, Kutch, Manipur, Tripura and Vindhya Pradesh.) into either Union Territories or State hood or Autonomous development bodies with the special Constitutional protections either under 6th Schedule or Article 371, but nothing has been mentioned with regard to Kodagu/Coorg. Now it is most appropriate time to seize the opportunity and establish Union Territory of Codava land in order to set right the historical wrong, blunder and fallacy committed in the year 1956 while Kodagu/Coorg became merged with a larger State and dislodge Kodagu from the Shackles of the tyrannical, rapacious and hegemonic State of Karnataka at once.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
PS Our Charter of Demands as mentioned below:-
- We demand a permanent political package to grant Codava land with Union Territory status for Coorg under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution.
- Autonomy to Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution.
- We demand Tribal status to Codavas by race under articles 340 and 342 of our Constitution.
- Codava thak should be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution.
- Protect our land tenure under article 371 of our Constitution.
- Exclusive Codava nominated representation in the parliament and assembly should be given under article 331 of our Constitution.
- Devati Paramb massacre ( massacred by Tippu in the year 1785)- we insist for a national monument of that memorial on the lines of Jallian walabagh in memory of Amritsar massacre.
- Under Indian Arms act 1959 section 3 & 4 for carry and posses fire arms by Codavas and Jamma holders should be continued and protected for ever without any hindrance.
- Demand for the implementation of the recommendations made by Constitution review Commission of India on the insistence of Codava National Council for the creation of Coorg Development Board under article 371 of (Please note : Chapter 8 Union State relation 8.23.1 of CRC report) as has been done in relation to touching Hyderabad Karnataka Region - appropriate amendment to the Constitution is desirable at once.
Damaged Elephants figures at Bhagamandala Shri Bagandeshwara Temple – Bad Omen according to Codava belief and Hindu Dharmashashtra – Hence replace the same at once before Talakaveri Jathra Mahotsava.
October 19, 2015
The Deputy Commissioner,
And Chairman Muzarai Committee,
Kodagu, Madikeri Karnataka.
Talakaveri Devasthana Vyavasthapana Samithi,
Kodagu, Madikeri Karnataka.
Damaged Elephants figures at Bhagamandala Shri Bagandeshwara Temple – Bad Omen according to Codava belief and Hindu Dharmashashtra – Hence replace the same at once before Talakaveri Jathra Mahotsava.
Without any reservation we would like to inform you that Two stone carved Elephants Statue at the entrance of Shri Bhangandeshwara Temple are damaged by Coward cruel Tippu Sulthan and his rapacious Soldiers during his continuous destructive invasions to Coorg during 1770’s and it certainly acts as bad Omen according to the Codava belief and Hindu Dharmashastra if you believe that the two stone carved elephants are to be preserved, better you take them to District Archeological Museum at Madikeri and replace the same with beautiful figures before 17 Oct 2015 on which day the Cauvery Tula Sankramana would be celebrated.
Your failure to replace the Elephant figures on or before this Tulasankramana, please take notice that CNC will hold Human Chain program to protest the same in the vicinity of the temple at Bagamandala.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu

CNC Delegation Submitted a Memorandum to Former Speaker of Karnataka Legislative Assembly Shri K.G Bopaiah regarding the creation of Coorg Development Board under Article 371 2 photos English & Kannada Memorandum and 1 Covering Letter and 1 CRC repor
October 19, 2015
1. His Excellency
The Hon’ble President &
Sovereign Republic of India
Raisina hills, Rashtrapathi Bhavan
New Dedlhi – 01
2. The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi – 01
3. The Hon’ble Union Minister of Home Affairs,
Govt of India, North Block New Delhi - 01
4. Shri Meer Aneesh Ahmed IAS
The Hon’ble Deputy Commissioner
Kodagu Madikeri (Coorg)
5. To Shri Pratap Simha ji,
The Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Mysore- Kodagu
Through the Deputy Commissioner of Kodagu / Coorg
Dear Sir, Sub: PIL initiated against the special privilege offered in the Indian Arms Act 1959 in Section 3&4 for Codavas and Jamma holders to carry fire Arms is a negation of snatching of the privilege so offered. - let not the Govt Violates the fundamental rights and our human rights as are enshrined in the Constitution of India by disturbing the entire class of Codavas who are known to be very strict, patriotic and loyal to our great Nation. The enigma so generated should stop at once. There is no locus stand. Hence the petition filed by mallafied intention may be closed in the interest of justice and equity.- A Human Chain program by Codavas on 09-10-2015 in the G.T circle Madikeri - Ref:
Firearms for Kodavas: HC asks petitioner to move Centre
The Karnataka High Court on Wednesday disposed of a PIL petition questioning exemption given to Kodavas and Jamma land holders in Kodagu district from obtaining a licence to possess firearms under Section 3 and 4 of the Indian Arms Act, 1959.
A Division Bench, comprising acting Chief Justice Subhro Kamal Mukherjee
And Justice B.V. Nagarathna, asked the petitioner, Chethan Y.K, a resident of Bengaluru, to submit a representation on his grievance about exemption to the Union Ministry of Home Affairs within two weeks.
The Bench also asked the Secretary, MHA to dispose of the representation within three months.
1963 notification
As per a notification issued on July 6, 1963, under the Arms Act, “every person of Coorg race (Kodavas) and every Jamma tenure holder in Coorg” are exempted from securing licence for possessing firearms.
Claiming that the continuation of the exemption, granted to some class of persons by the British government in pre-independent India in furtherance of their divide-and-rule policy, was unconstitutional, as it was based on irrational, fictitious and discriminatory grounds, such as race and ancestral land tenure, it was contended in the petition.
Since the matter involved happened to be a thing connected with Codava Race and its ancient heritage we seem it fit to oppose the subject matter which happend to be the theme of an PIL writ petition initiated by one Mr. Captain Y.K Chethan, a retired short service commissioned Officer and we oppose the move with all sincerity and vehemence. The Hon’ble High Court while disposing of the PIL directed the petitioner to make a regular application to Union Ministry of Home Affairs within 2 weeks seeking relief thereafter and also the Hon’ble High Court directed the secretary MHA to dispose of the petition within 3 months after such a petition is to be filed within 2 weeks after Hon’ble High Court handed down the judgement. Even before we touch the subject in question we proposed to remind all the concerned that such previlages as is in question just now is simply not restricted to Codavas by race. For instance Naga’s are empowered to carry and retain a long metallic sphere with each of them every time. Sikhs have right to carry sharp sword with them every time, Gorkha’s can carry Kukri’s and Mizo’s are empowered to retain and exhibit their ancient customary rights. For instance a Khalsa Regiment strictly only to Sikhs a Regiment in Indian Army and it has permitted the carrying of a 1 feet Sword by every Sikh component. In the like manner there are Regiments under the name and style as Gorkha regiment which has been empowered to carry a Kukri by every Gorkha soldiers. After all all such rights and practices have been drawn from respective ancient practices and Folk legal systems strict only to such of the racial groups from time immemorial. Those British rulers have continued the ancient rights and such things never been the result of their imagination. After all our Constitution came into being only in the year 1950. Nothing of the said practice is in violation of the privileges extended
under article 14 of our constitution.
In fact our Constitution is the continuation of the legacy of the West Minister system.
Afterall a good majority of all the provisions of our Constitution used to be in existence legally much prior to the coming into the practice of our Constitution. Take for instance the Patriarch of our Constitution i.e MAGNA CHARTA – the Great English Charter of Liberty got from King John in 1215 and
the Govt of India Act 1935 came into being by the Britishers only and both the Statutes have been handed down and strictly implemented by the British Rulers only. This does not stop with that our major enactments are the legacy of British Govts in essence the theme involved in IPC and CRPC in effect are the continuation of the legislation practiced by British rulers only and abolition of Sathi act, Widow Remarriage act and abolition of Child Marriage act all are the legacy of Britishers.
In order to curb the Criminal activities of “Pindari” resistance in and around Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh during the period of Sipoy Mutiny the British Govt has envisaged and introduced “Pindari” Act. Pindaris are known to create law and order problem in the area and banditry coupled with killing and looting of weapons from British Army and properties and their activities against the state incidentally “Sipoy Mutiny” also did so their atrocious behavior against the State which forced the British govt to introduce a “Pindari” Act and Disarmament Act. Fortunately not a single word about any Codava rising in Mutiny with the help of fire arms against the Govt for a single Moment. It is only in order to continue the special privileges accorded to Codavas to carry and retain Fire arms. The far sighted Mark Cubban has promulgated and has supported Codavas to continue our rights and privileges. The promulgation of Mark Cubban reads thus.
Notification 26-02-1861
“ in consideration of the exalted honour, loyalty and intrepidity, characteristics of this little Nation of warriors and in recollection of its conspicuous services in aid of the British Govt, it is my pleasing Duty to notify hereby, for general information, in virtue of the power vested in me by the Govt of India, that the provisions of the act, commonly called disarming Act are not applicable to the gallant people of Coorg”
Using of Gun is a customary practice amongst Codava Race. During the Male child births in the family, during Marriage celebrations and Rituals connected with deaths in the family and all festivals, no Codava is known to have misused fire arms against the State,
- During Freedom struggle
- When Coorg State become merged in the year 1956 with the state of Mysore, now Karnataka.
- During the period of Emergency in the year 1975.
- During the period of periodic General Elections and
- During the change of Govts.
Afterall fire arms to every Codavas is an Article of Worship and great reverence always reposited under the “Nellakki Nadubade” of every “Ainmane” and
individual Homes. Fire Arms is as well a religious symbol and cultural emblem for every born Codava. Nodoubt true it is a part and partial of every Codava traditional attire with, Kupya (Long Coat) Peechi Katthi, Qumar Bandh and Fire arms is complete and Codava traditional attire becomes complete with such articles only. Every ancient Codava used to posses and carry sword, Bow & Arrow along with sphere. Until such times when Babar introduced fire arms weapons in India.
The present PIL in question is an example of normal behavior of intruders, money bags and interested Tycoons swarming into Kodagu from outside with a solitary intention of Disarming of Codavas in order to enliven their evil designs have been propagating the theme against the special privileges of Codavas to carry Fire arms. At the same time the Govt of Karnataka which also has been trying to curb and eliminate Codavas is supporting such evil designs of the present writ petition. It may be understood that the Govt of Karnataka with an idea of avoiding comments and revolt from Codavas as instigated someone to filing of the PIL.
The main theme of our Constitution is to protect the Unity in Diversity & Diversity in Unity of our Demographic Mosaic within amongst the citizens of India. It is with such an idea only our Constitution has extended reservations to various tribal groups scheduled castes and special protection for religious, linguistic and ethnic minorities and their respective languages.
More ever our Govt has continued the legacy of the British rulers in keeping alive such caste based traditions and formalities touching groups and caste and communities in India For Ex: there is a Coorg 37 Medium rifles for Codavas and Coorg, there is a Sikh / Khlasa regiment for Sikhs, likewise there is a Rajputhan regiment for Rajputs, Marata regiment for Marathas, Mahar regiment for Mahar dalits, Kummou regiment for Kummou people, Gadwal regiment for Gadwal people, Jaat regiment for Jaats, Dogra regiment for Dogra people, Gorkha regiment for Gorkha people etc, etc and nothing is opposed the theme has enshrined in our Constitution.
As regards the protection for land tenure held by different class of
people has enshrined in our Constitution, the relief sought for by the petitioner against protection of Land tenure extended to Codavas his claim becomes a nullity in law if the Govt taken in account such special prevelege extended to different classes of peoples to hold lands such as Kashmiris under article 370 and the people of the 8 North Eastern states in India under Article 371 of our Constitution. Simply said the existence and belief of our Nation hood is akin to a common banquet with a variety of flowers and the same is enlivened in our Constitution. Strictly said the petition reflects the mental derangement of the person the writ petition is seem to have known the existence of different classes of people with different belief language and customary practices and folk legal systems in India. Strictly speaking the PIL writ petition is amounts to insult the flowering constitution of India and Nothing more than that. Therefore we desire that Govt be pleased to extend all the clauses touching the special privileges are mentioned above to Codavas should continue without any hindrance, let not the Govt Violates the fundamental rights and our human rights as are enshrined in the Constitution of India by disturbing the entire class of Codavas who are known to be very strict, patriotic and loyal to our Great Nation. The enigma so generated should stop at once. There is no locus stand hence the petition filed by mallafied intention may be closed in the interest of justice and equity.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
Human chain program will be conducted under the aegis of CNC at Napok on 28-09-2015
October 19, 2015
Dear Sir,
Editor- For the kind PublicationHuman chain program will be conducted under the aegis of CNC at Napok on 28-09-2015 – in order to herald the proposed Silver Jubilee “Codava National Day” celebrations at Gandhi Grounds Madikeri on 24-11-2015 demanding Codava land & a National Monument at Devati Paramb Massacre Tragic site on the lines of Jallian wallabagh.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
October 19, 201521.09.2015
1. His Excellency Shri Pranab Mukharjee,
The Hon’ble President Sovereign Republic of India,
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi – 01
2. Shri Narendra Modi ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi – 01
3. Shri Rajanath Singh ji,
The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs,
Union Govt of India
North Block, New Delhi – 01
4. Shri Vaju Bhai Vala ji,
His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Rajbhavan Bangalore - 01
5. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
His Excellency The Secretary General
1st ave.and46th street,NewYork,NY10017USA
Tel: 1(212)9631234
Fax: 1(212)9634879
6. Dr. Rakesh Tewari
Office of the Director General,
Archeological Survey of India,
Janpath, New Delhi – 11
7. The Director,
UNESCO House B-5/29,
Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi,
Delhi 110 029
8. Shri Pratap Simha
The Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Mysore, Kodagu – Coorg
9. Shri Jual Oram,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Tribal Affairs,
Govt of India,
Room No 750-A,
Shastri Bhawan, A – Wing,
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,New Delhi-110001.
10. Dr. Mahesh Sharma,
Hon’ble Union Minister for Culture,
Govt of India,
C – Wing, Shashthri Bhavan New Delhi -500081
Through the Deputy Commisioner of Kodagu (Coorg) Karnataka, Madikeri 571201

National Monument should be erected at Devati Paramb on the lines of jallian walabagh
The purpose for which the organization was established.
We take pleasure to inform about the purposeful completion of 24 years of the existence, and the continuation of Codava National Council and the incessant & our eventful political struggle for the demands of the establishment of Codava land UT status under articles 2&3 of our Constitution, Codava land Autonomous region under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution, Constitutional special protection to Codava Martial tribal Race under articles 340 & 342 of our Constitution, inclusion of Codava Thakk in the 8th schedule of our Constitution, coupled with protection for the Land tenure, customary practices and folk legal systems of Codava race including the continuation of right to hold Guns under article 371 of our Constitution on the lines of protection extended to Mizo’s and Naga’s. Special nomination of Codava race to Parliament and Assemblies under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indians. Our demand includes the establishment of National monument at Devati Paramb on the lines of Jallian Walla bagh.
- It is a fact that Modi Govt has entered a pact with NSCN (I-M) granting Naga people with a “shared sovereignty” with India on 3 Aug 2015 in order to strengthen our federal system. – we demand a permanent political package to grant Codava Land with UT status under articles 2&3 of our constitution as done with Naga question.
- The said fact includes granting Naga Patkai Autonomy to Naga inhabited areas in the state of Arunachal Pradesh and our demands also include granting Autonomy to Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution.
- We demand Tribal status to Codavas by race under articles 340 – 342 of our Constitution. We take pleasure to remind the Govt about the inclusion of Jain Community as religious minority even though they are known to be the wealthiest people in India besides being Hindus in real sense. Jaats are also granted OBC status despite the fact that they are economically, politically and socially most affluent class of people spread over in 9 states of our country. The Rajasthan state has granted tribal status to violent Gujjars whose numbers exceeds 8crore in the country. Even though Codavas by Race historically are known to be a Martial Class in Nature and numbering a meager 1 ½ lakhs population and that no other class of people would be affected or jeo paradize if we are granted with Tribal status. PS. unlike Zoroastrians who are scattered everywhere in the Nation besides being the richest and prominent in the judiciary, industrial arena and in general activities besides being most Cosmopolitan and urbane. They have a separate religion of their own called Zoroastrianism unlike Codavas who are rustic by nature confined to Kodagu /Coorg region. Hence tribal status is fittest for them.
- Codava Thakk / Codava Language is as ancient as human civilization is rich and living spoken language throughout the history fit enough to be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. We propose to cite MANORAMA YEAR BOOK which mentions about the 16 popular languages of our country which includes Codava language to strengthen our claim – Manorama year book page 680 - other Popular Languages 1. Angika 2. Awadhi 3. Bhojpuri 4. Bundeli 5. Chhatisgarhi 6. Hariyanavi 7. Hinduatani 8.Kanauji 9. Magadhi 10. Marwari 11. Bhili 12. Gondi 13. Kodava 14. Kutchi 15. Thulu 16. Mahi.
The provisions of article 371 of our constitution with inner line permit should be made applicable to Kodagu region at once as has been done in relation to Manipur and other North Eastern states. With a solitary intention of protecting our land from alienation and protecting our demography and such a things called as inner line permit. Important factor is that large number of underworld dons regular miscreants with harden criminality, and business Tycoons from across the Country with the active support and assistance from Hawala agencies and fake currency racketeers have been grabbing lands in the this District. With a major idea of protecting lands in the district and the interest of the natives the promulgation of such stringent law within Coorg is warranted.
- Exclusive codava nominated representation in the parliament and state Assembly should be given under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indian community.
- Devati Paramb massacre – a tragic human holocaust in the mankind – Insist for National Memorial / Monument of that Memorial on the lines of Jallianwala Bagh in memory of Amritsar Massacre. in memory of those Codava families (approximately 60 thousand unarmed Codavas) who were masssacred by ruthless tippu sulthan of srirangapatna and his rapacious soldiers, after 3 continuous invasions Tippu got defeated by Codava warriors disapointing in this insult he conspired to eliminate entire codava martial Tribal race, cunningly invited them for a grand feast in the pretext of entering a friendly treaty with Codavas at Devati Paramb in the year 1785 13 December. This heinous inhuman tragic genocide/holocaust in the mankind happened in this place. – but their great souls are still alive in Devati Paramb. PS All the proposals placed by CNC touching the request for treating Devati Parambu as National Monument are being hijacked and poached. The miscreants have not left, one single comma, semicolon, full stop, Subjects and Thok Namme etc., and the body language of all the communications, all the public lectures and statements of our leader verbatim. They have not even allowed untouched the dress code of CNC and contents of all the wordings of our official lettered in order to play miss chief we expect fellows to distort the very nature of the movement we are leading. They try to confuse the Government, the Press and the general public always. Therefore we cushion the general public, the media and the Governmental setup to be very careful about the unhealthy and diabolic mischievous activities of these Jackals.
- This organization CNC after performing a Pooja at Shri Paadi Igguthappa Temple held a massive Human Chain at Kakkabbe this day on 21-Sep-2015 in order to pressurize our prime demands as are mentioned above and awareness human chain program would be conducted thereafter in all villages and towns in the District – as the first human chain program of the season held at Kakkabbe on 21-Sep-2015 and followed by the one at Napoklu on 28-Sep-2015 and 5-Oct-2015 at Kutta and on 07-10-2015 at Virajpet.
Calendar of events:
- Pattholadhi at Devati Paramb on 20-10-2015
- New Delhi Chalo Sathyagraha on 1-11-2015
- Codava National Day celebrations on 24-11-2015
- CNC Annual Puthari festival on 25-11-2015 (Birchyar 9)
- CNC Mourning Day on 13-12-2015 (Devati Paramb Masacre Day)
- CNC Annual Thok Namme on 18 Dec 2015
- United Nations Holocaust remembrance day on 27-01-2016 (at Devati Paramb)
Hence we pressurize the Govt to consider our demands positively and as early as possible.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
Vaasthu Pooja by CNC conducted at Devati Paramb Site on 18.09.2015. Before the program CNC performed Pooja at Shri Paadi Igguthappa Templae at Kakkabbe.
October 19, 2015
Dear Sir,
After 3 continuous invasions tippu got defeated by codava warriors disapointing in this insult he conspired to eliminate entire codava martial tribal race,cunningly invited them for a grand feast in the pretext of entering a friendly treaty with codavas at devati paramb in the year 1785 13 december. This heinous inhuman tragic genocide/holocaust in the mankind happened in this place. – But their great souls are still alive in devati paramb. CNC conducted auspicious Vaasthu Pooja at Devati Paramb Monument site on 18.09.2015 i.e. immediate next day of auspicious Ganesh Chaturthi. The People who are known to have abundant experience in understanding and classifying the time factors in ordered to start any good work have suggested 18.09.2015 from 9.45 in the morning until 2.00 clock in the noon To be the most auspicious period. CNC erected one more stone at Massacre site.Before that CNC performed Pooja at Shri Paadi Igguthappa Templae at Kakkabbe.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu

A CODAVA SATHYAGRAHA ON THIS DAY i.e. 14.09.2015 in the vicinity of DC’s office Madikeri-Coorg
September 15, 2015 To,
1. His Excellency Shri Pranab Mukharjee,
The Hon’ble President Sovereign Republic of India,
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi – 01
2. Shri Narendra Modi ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi – 01
3. Shri Rajanath Singh ji,
The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs,
Union Govt of India
North Block, New Delhi – 01
4. Shri Vaju Bhai Vala ji,
His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Rajbhavan Bangalore - 01
5. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
His Excellency The Secretary General
1st ave.and46th street,NewYork,NY10017USA
Tel: 1(212)9631234
Fax: 1(212)9634879
6. Dr. Rakesh Tewari
Office of the Director General,
Archeological Survey of India,
Janpath, New Delhi – 11
7. The Director,
UNESCO House B-5/29,
Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi,
Delhi 110 029
8. Shri Pratap Simha
The Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Mysore, Kodagu – Coorg
9. Shri Jual Oram,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Tribal Affairs,
Govt of India,
Room No 750-A,
Shastri Bhawan, A – Wing,
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,New Delhi-110001.
10. Dr. Mahesh Sharma,
Hon’ble Union Minister for Culture,
Govt of India,
C – Wing, Shashthri Bhavan New Delhi -500081

National Monument should be erected at Devati Paramb on the lines of jallian walabagh
The purpose for which the organization was established
We take pleasure to inform about the purposeful completion of 24 years of the existence, and the continuation of Codava National Council and the incessant & our eventful political struggle for the demands of the establishment of Codava land UT status under articles 2&3 of our Constitution, Codava land Autonomous region under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution, Constitutional special protection to Codava Martial tribal Race under articles 340 & 342 of our Constitution, inclusion of Codava Thakk in the 8th schedule of our Constitution, coupled with protection for the Land tenure, customary practices and folk legal systems of Codava race including the continuation of right to hold Guns under article 371 of our Constitution on the lines of protection extended to Mizo’s and Naga’s. Special nomination of Codava race to Parliament and Assemblies under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indians. Our demand includes the establishment of National monument at Devati Paramb on the lines of Jallian Walla bagh.
1. It is a fact that Modi Govt has entered a pact with NSCN (I-M) granting Naga people with a “shared sovereignty” with India on 3 Aug 2015 in order to strengthen our federal system. – we demand a permanent political package to grant Codava Land with UT status under articles 2&3 of our constitution as done with Naga question.
2. The said fact includes granting Naga Patkai Autonomy to Naga inhabited areas in the state of Arunachal Pradesh and our demands also include granting Autonomy to Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution.
3. We demand Tribal status to Codavas by race under articles 340 – 342 of our Constitution. We take pleasure to remind the Govt about the inclusion of Jain Community as religious minority even though they are known to be the wealthiest people in India besides being Hindus in real sense. Jaats are also granted OBC status despite the fact that they are economically, politically and socially most affluent class of people spread over in 9 states of our country. The Rajasthan state has granted tribal status to violent Gujjars whose numbers exceeds 8crore in the country. Even though Codavas by Race historically are known to be a Martial Class in Nature and numbering a meager 1 ½ lakhs population and that no other class of people would be affected or jeo paradize if we are granted with Tribal status. PS. unlike Zoroastrians who are scattered everywhere in the Nation besides being the richest and prominent in the judiciary, industrial arena and in general activities besides being most Cosmopolitan and urbane. They have a separate religion of their own called Zoroastrianism unlike Codavas who are rustic by nature confined to Kodagu /Coorg region. Hence tribal status is fittest for them.
4. Codava Thakk / Codava Language is as ancient as human civilization is rich and living spoken language throughout the history fit enough to be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. We propose to cite MANORAMA YEAR BOOK which mentions about the 16 popular languages of our country which includes Codava language to strengthen our claim – Manorama year book page 680 - other Popular Languages 1. Angika 2. Awadhi 3. Bhojpuri 4. Bundeli 5. Chhatisgarhi 6. Hariyanavi 7. Hinduatani 8.Kanauji 9. Magadhi 10. Marwari 11. Bhili 12. Gondi 13. Kodava 14. Kutchi 15. Thulu 16. Mahi.
5. The provisions of article 371 of our constitution with inner line permit should be made applicable to Kodagu region at once as has been done in relation to Manipur and other North Eastern states. With a solitary intention of protecting our land from alienation and protecting our demography and such a things called as inner line permit. Important factor is that large number of underworld dons regular miscreants with harden criminality, and business Tycoons from across the Country with the active support and assistance from Hawala agencies and fake currency racketeers have been grabbing lands in the this District. With a major idea of protecting lands in the district and the interest of the natives the promulgation of such stringent law within Coorg is warranted.
6. Exclusive codava nominated representation in the parliament and state Assembly should be given under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indian community.
7. Devati Paramb massacre – a tragic human holocaust in the mankind – Insist for National Memorial / Monument of that Memorial on the lines of Jallianwala Bagh in memory of Amritsar Massacre. in memory of those Codava families (approximately 60 thousand unarmed Codavas) who were masssacred by ruthless tippu sulthan of srirangapatna and his rapacious soldiers, after 3 continuous invasions Tippu got defeated by Codava warriors disapointing in this insult he conspired to eliminate entire codava martial tribal race, cunningly invited them for a grand feast in the pretext of entering a friendly treaty with Codavas at Devati Paramb in the year 1785 13 December. This heinous inhuman tragic genocide/holocaust in the mankind happened in this place. – but their great souls are still alive in Devati Paramb. PS All the proposals placed by CNC touching the request for treating Devati Parambu as National Monument are being hijacked and poached. The miscreants have not left, one single comma, semicolon, full stop, Subjects and Thok Namme etc., and the body language of all the communications, all the public lectures and statements of our leader verbatim. They have not even allowed untouched the dress code of CNC and contents of all the wordings of our official lettered in order to play miss chief we expect fellows to distort the very nature of the movement we are leading. They try to confuse the Government, the Press and the general public always. Therefore we cushion the general public, the media and the Governmental setup to be very careful about the unhealthy and diabolic mischievous activities of these Jackals .
8. This organization CNC held a Sathyagraha in the vicinity of the office of the DC Kodagu Madikeri this day on 14-Sep-2015 in order to pressurize our prime demands as are mentioned above and awareness human chain program would be conducted thereafter in all villages and towns in the District – as the first human chain program of the season would be held at Kakkabbe on 21-Sep-2015 and followed by the one at Napoklu on 28-Sep-2015 and 5-Oct-2015 at Kutta and the like.
Calendar of events:1. Pattholadhi at Devati Paramb on 20-10-2015
2. New Delhi Chalo Sathyagraha on 1-11-2015
3. Codava National Day celebrations on 24-11-2015
4. CNC Annual Puthari festival on 25-11-2015 (Birchyar 9)
5. CNC Mourning Day on 13-12-2015 (Devati Paramb Masacre Day)
6. CNC Annual Thok Namme on 18 Dec 2015
7. United Nations Holocaust remembrance day on 27-01-2016 (at Devati Paramb)
Hence we pressurize the Govt to consider our demands positively and as early as possible.Press release
September 11, 2015 To, 07-09-2015 1. Shri Narendra Modi jiThe Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block, New Delhi 01
2.Shri Manohar Parrikar,
The Hon’ble Minister for Defense
Union Govt of India
South Block, New Delhi 01
3. Major General Satbir Singh ji & Col Indrajith Singh ji,
Indian Ex Servicemen Movement
All India Federation of Military Veterans Organization
543, Sector 23, Gurgaon – 122017, Haryana India
Hon’ble sir’s
Sub: CNC congratulates lead role played by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji, The Hon’ble Minister for Defense Govt of India Shri Manohar Parikar ji, for having taken courage to implement the OROP One Rank One Pension Scheme - The founder and pioneer of the OROP demand struggle Col Indrajith Singh ji & major General Satbir Singh ji who has effectively lead the agitation these days.
Welcoming the extraordinary decision to make available OROP One Rank One Pension to all the retired Army Personnel and respective war Widows. We take courage to inform you that the struggle has been going on during the past over 42 years, since 1973 incessantly and we sincerely hope that the entire Army Community will breathe solace. And it certainly will make each of Army people to act more effective in defending the bounds of our Nation.
It may not be an out of place act on our part to inform you that the Codavas by race are the actual largest fraction of Army personnel to be benefitted there from and it certainly will improve the economy of all the respective families in Kodagu / Coorg besides encourages young Codava to pursue Military life in the future. This organization CNC Codava National Council is grateful to our respectable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji, The Hon’ble Union Minister for Defense Shri Manohar Parikar ji, The founder and pioneer of the OROP demand struggle Col Indrajith Singh ji & Major General Satbir Singh ji who has effectively lead the agitation these days. Congratulations from our part are also due to all the veterans in uniform who have participated in the agitation continuously.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
September 11, 2015 To,1. His Excellency Shri Pranab Mukharjee,
The Hon’ble President Sovereign Republic of India,
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi – 01
2. Shri Narendra Modi ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi – 01
3. Shri Rajanath Singh ji,
The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs,
Union Govt of India
North Block, New Delhi – 01
4. Shri Vaju Bhai Vala ji,
His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Rajbhavan Bangalore - 01
5. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
His Excellency The Secretary General
1st ave.and46th street,NewYork,NY10017USA
Tel: 1(212)9631234
Fax: 1(212)9634879
6. Dr. Rakesh Tewari
Office of the Director General,
Archeological Survey of India,
Janpath, New Delhi – 11
7. The Director,
UNESCO House B-5/29,
Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi,
Delhi 110 029
8. Shri Pratap Simha
The Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Mysore, Kodagu – Coorg
9. Shri Jual Oram,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Tribal Affairs,
Govt of India,
Room No 750-A,
Shastri Bhawan, A – Wing,
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,New Delhi-110001.
10. Dr. Mahesh Sharma,
Hon’ble Union Minister for Culture,
Govt of India,
C – Wing, Shashthri Bhavan New Delhi -500081

Through the Deputy Commisioner of Kodagu (Coorg) Karnataka, Madikeri 571201
National Monument should be erected at Devati Paramb on t he lines of jallian walabagh
The purpose for which the organization was established.
We take pleasure to inform about the purposeful completion of 24 years of the existence, and the continuation of Codava National Council and the incessant & our eventful political struggle for the demands of the establishment of Codava land UT status under articles 2&3 of our Constitution, Codava land Autonomous region under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution, Constitutional special protection to Codava Martial tribal Race under articles 340 & 342 of our Constitution, inclusion of Codava Thakk in the 8th schedule of our Constitution, coupled with protection for the Land tenure, customary practices and folk legal systems of Codava race including the continuation of right to hold Guns under article 371 of our Constitution on the lines of protection extended to Mizo’s and Naga’s. Special nomination of Codava race to Parliament and Assemblies under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indians. Our demand includes the establishment of National monument at Devati Paramb on the lines of Jallian Walla bagh.
1. It is a fact that Modi Govt has entered a pact with NSCN (I-M) granting Naga people with a “shared sovereignty” with India on 3 Aug 2015 in order to strengthen our federal system. – we demand a permanent political package to grant Codava Land with UT status under articles 2&3 of our constitution as done with Naga question.
2. The said fact includes granting Naga Patkai Autonomy to Naga inhabited areas in the state of Arunachal Pradesh and our demands also include granting Autonomy to Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution.
3. We demand Tribal status to Codavas by race under articles 340 – 342 of our Constitution. We take pleasure to remind the Govt about the inclusion of Jain Community as religious minority even though they are known to be the wealthiest people in India besides being Hindus in real sense. Jaats are also granted OBC status despite the fact that they are economically, politically and socially most affluent class of people spread over in 9 states of our country. The Rajasthan state has granted tribal status to violent Gujjars whose numbers exceeds 8crore in the country. Even though Codavas by Race historically are known to be a Martial Class in Nature and numbering a meager 1 ½ lakhs population and that no other class of people would be affected or geo paradise if we are granted with Tribal status. PS. unlike Zoroastrians who are scattered everywhere in the Nation besides being the richest and prominent in the judiciary, industrial arena and in general activities besides being most Cosmopolitan and urbane. They have a separate religion of their own called Zoroastrianism unlike Codavas who are rustic by nature confined to Kodagu /Coorg region. Hence tribal status is fittest for them.
4. Codava Thakk / Codava Language is as ancient as human civilization is rich and living spoken language throughout the history fit enough to be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. We propose to cite MANORAMA YEAR BOOK which mentions about the 16 popular languages of our country which includes Codava language to strengthen our claim – Manorama year book page 680 - other Popular Languages 1. Angika 2. Awadhi 3. Bhojpuri 4. Bundeli 5. Chhatisgarhi 6. Hariyanavi 7. Hinduatani 8.Kanauji 9. Magadhi 10. Marwari 11. Bhili 12. Gondi 13. Kodava 14. Kutchi 15. Thulu 16. Mahi.
5. The provisions of article 371 of our constitution with inner line permit should be made applicable to Kodagu region at once as has been done in relation to Manipur and other North Eastern states. With a solitary intention of protecting our land from alienation and protecting our demography and such a things called as inner line permit. Important factor is that large number of underworld dons regular miscreants with harden criminality, and business Tycoons from across the Country with the active support and assistance from Hawala agencies and fake currency racketeers have been grabbing lands in the this District. With a major idea of protecting lands in the district and the interest of the natives the promulgation of such stringent law within Coorg is warranted.
6. Exclusive codava nominated representation in the parliament and state Assembly should be given under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indian community.
7. Devati Paramb massacre – a tragic human holocaust in the mankind – Insist for National Memorial / Monument of that Memorial on the lines of Jallianwala Bagh in memory of Amritsar Massacre. in memory of those Codava families (approximately 60 thousand unarmed Codavas) who were masssacred by ruthless tippu sulthan of srirangapatna and his rapacious soldiers, after 3 continuous invasions Tippu got defeated by Codava warriors disapointing in this insult he conspired to eliminate entire codava martial tribal race, cunningly invited them for a grand feast in the pretext of entering a friendly treaty with Codavas at Devati Paramb in the year 1785 13 December. This heinous inhuman tragic genocide/holocaust in the mankind happened in this place. – but their great souls are still alive in Devati Paramb.
This organization CNC proposes to hold a Sathyagraha in the vicinity of the office of the DC Kodagu Madikeri on 14-Sep-2015 in order to pressurize our prime demands as are mentioned above and awareness human chain program would be conducted thereafter in all villages and towns in the District – as the first human chain program of the season would be held at Kakkabbe on 21-Sep-2015 and followed by the one at Napoklu on 28-Sep-2015 and 5-Oct-2015 at Kutta and the like.
Calendar of events:1. Pattholadhi at Devati Paramb on 20-10-2015
2. New Delhi Chalo Sathyagraha on 1-11-2015
3. Codava National Day celebrations on 24-11-2015
4. CNC Annual Puthari festival on 25-11-2015 (Birchyar 9)
5. CNC Mourning Day on 13-12-2015 (Devati Paramb Masacre Day)
6. CNC Annual Thokk Namme on 18 Dec 2015
7. United Nations Holocaust remembrance day on 27-01-2016 (at Devati Paramb)
Hence we pressurize the Govt to consider our demands positively and as early as possible.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
CNC Delegation headed by its chief Mr. N.U Nachappa Codava met Coorg DC Mr. Mir Aneesh Ahmed and submitted a detailed Memorandum to the above concerned M/S Kaliyanda Prakash, Pullera Kalappa, Chambanda Janath and Mookonda Dilip were part of the delegation and later they addressed a press conference at press club Madikeri.
Madikeri: Codava National Council (CNC) has demanded action against timber magnate PC Asainar for illegal tree felling worth crores of rupees in Kopattimale in Bhagamandala forest range in Kodagu District. The Codava organization has also demanded action against former MLC and advocate AK Subbaiah and his son Additional Advocate General (AAG) of Karnataka AS Ponnanna for supporting the timber magnate in his clandestine deals.

CNC demands CBI, ED action against timber magnate Asainar-1CNC in its press release has demanded strong action against the timber magnate and sought attachment of all his properties by the enforcement directorate (ED) across India and abroad.
Asainar has been accused of involving in large scale tree felling in 60 acres government land at Kopattimale of Bhagamandala forest range of Madikeri Taluk, Kodagu District, Karnataka housing large trees valued at crores of rupees. CNC has accused Asainer of misusing the permit given to a nearby land holder Daisy Jacob, wife of an IPS officer in Kerala for felling all trees in the reserve forest range of Koppattimale owned by government of Karnataka. According to them, this was done in addition to felling all trees in Daisy Jacob’s land.
They further accused Asainar of evading fines levied on him by government agencies by utilizing the services of former MLC and a known advocate AK Subbiah and his son A.S Ponnanna, advocate practicing in Bengaluru High Court who is an additional advocate general as well. The press release clarified that the Forest department somehow has initiated criminal proceedings against Asainar in relation to the timber theft at Kopattimale in Bagamandala range forest. According to CNC, this is being done to save Asainar, a clever plot by dishonest fraudulent forest officials who filed and framed criminal cases against the original owners of the respective properties from where Asainar has felled trees illegally.
The CNC release said, that there is a civil suit OS No.12/2000 in the court of the Civil Judge, Madikeri and the RFA No 384 /2011 in the Hon’ble high court of Karnataka, pending disposal.
They accused Muthanna of getting an order in his favor after the writ petition was filed by Asainar which according to them caused irreparable loss to the government of Karnataka under the cover of legal proceedings benefitting Asainar. CNC also accused Asianar of illegal felling of Male Balanji male trees under the permit cover of female Balanji tree which caused environmental destruction as all permit rules were flouted to create barren land in many areas where Male Balanji trees were grown. They accused the father and son duo advocates of pulling out Asainar from trouble time and again including in a case where a PIL was filed in 2015 against his misdeeds for felling male Balanji trees.
CNC accused him of misusing his permit where under the cover and shade of Silver Oak trees at Bettageri estate of Suntikoppa, Asainar felled and transported valuable trees like teakwood, rosewood and white cedar blatantly violating all norms. He later transported them stealthily to Mysuru mentioning the same to be Silver Oak trees where permission is not required.
They accused him of transporting other high valued trees along with silver oak trees to hood wink forest officials to Pyramid Plywood factory where all the said logs have been converted into valuable furniture and exported to foreign countries. In this case, special permit is required from the forest department to transport Rose wood, Teak Wood and White Cedar logs, but used mango tree felling permit and stealthily transported expensive logs to Kerala, they alleged.
CNC further said, that a everything was done in connivance with government officials where forest guard to principal chief conservator of forest (PCCFO), peon to principal secretary in the Department of Forest, environment and from a lower cadre employee to State Chief Survey Officer in survey department worked hand in glove with the timber magnate. Officials’ dishonest ways to earn extra money has caused irreparable loss to state exchequer as well as irrevocable loss to the natural habitat across Kodagu. The press release said falsified revenue documents like land Survey, Durasthi, Akarbandhu, and RTC were used for illegal tree felling and transport.
According to CNC, Asainar used middlemen in all the villages who gather information regarding valuable standing trees like rosewood, teakwood and white cedar and misused small land permits to ferry large scale timber at will showing them as genuine permits which he didn’t possess in most cases where large felling was carried out. He offered freebies like costly liquor, expensive fish to people who resisted his moves while carrying out his shady business. They accused his son Riyad having a free hand in revenue, survey and forest departments where he can be found round the clock. CNC accused Asainar of ferrying government officials to Kerala in luxury cars to attend Riyad’s wedding.
An ordinary Congress worker 35 years ago who used to supply beverages like coffee and tea, Asainar today owns hundreds of Foreign cars, Luxury Apartments and Expensive Properties in Bengaluru, Mysuru, Kodagu and Kerala (Cochin, Travancore, Calicut and Kannur) and Dubai. They alleged even certain ministers are involved in his criminal activities who are treated with wine and women. They alleged that his business empire extends to hawala deals, supporting anti-national elements like Bangladeshi immigrants, naxalites and ISIS operatives in Kodagu. They accused him of possessing twin voter ID’s , both of Karnataka and Kerala and involving in planting drug (Ganja) plants thereby accused him of supporting drug trade.
The release said, that during Onam and Diwali , great demand exists for jack fruit timber barks for which he has already obtained license and is planning converting the logs into small barks in the property owned by A.K Subbaiah at Konageri in Hudikeri limits under “Saw Pit License” (Dadepass). They felt, that the license secured from Forest Dept for transporting finished product to Kerala might be misused again for transporting high valued timber in place of jack fruit trees.
The press release said, even the transport permit which is valid for 12 hours to transport one load of timber was misused on earlier occasions by Asainar where he managed to transport two loads using the same permit by changing the number plates of trucks and ensured that two loads reach destination, Balapatna Saw mills in Kerala.
The then superintendent of Police, P S Sandhu, an upright officer, on information about the dubious activities of Asainar directed the issuance of passes valid from morning 06.00 to 10.00 am and allowed four hours for shipment across border. Since this hampered his illegal activities, Asainar somehow got the officer transported (Presently P S Sandhu is in CBI).
CNC release further said Asainar used most modern tree felling machinery where no clues will be available to act upon for the investigating agencies. The rich land which is facing monsoon rainfall deficit due to such activities may turn into a barren land in the near future with the entire Cauvery basin region in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu may go dry, they feared.
They wanted CBI to investigate all his deals and ED to seize all his properties along with that of AK Subbiah and his son AS Ponnanna. In addition, they wanted ED to audit accounts held by Asainar at SBI Madikeri and cancellation of his tree felling license.
The CNC release were sent to Central Home Minister, Central forest minister, National security Advisor (NSA), CBI, Joint director ED with copies marked to Chief Justices of Supreme Court , High Court and UNESCO director general.
- See more at:
We are glad to congratulate our Prime Minister Shri Modiji for having successfully given a permanent stop to 85 year old, perhaps longest secessionist movement in the history of mankind to the fight for creation of separate Sovereign Nation of Naga’s c
Demand for the implementation of the recommendation made by Constitution Review Commission of India on the insistence of CNC for the creation of Coorg Development Board under article 371.....
October 19, 2015,
01.10.2015 To,
1.His Excellency Shri Pranab Mukharjee,
The Hon’ble President Sovereign Republic of India,
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi – 01
2.Shri Narendra Modi ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi – 01
3.Shri Rajanath Singh ji,
The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs,
Union Govt of India
North Block, New Delhi – 01
4.Shri Vaju Bhai Vala ji,
His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Rajbhavan Bangalore - 01
5.Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
His Excellency The Secretary General
1st ave.and46th street,NewYork,NY10017USA
Tel: 1(212)9631234
Fax: 1(212)9634879
6.Shri K.G Bopaiah ji MLA
Virajpet Constituency &
The Hon’ble former Speaker of Karnataka Legislative Assembly.
7.Shri Pratap Simha ji
The Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Mysore, Kodagu – Coorg
8.Shri Appachu Ranjan ji
The Hon’ble Member Karnataka Legislative Assembly, Somwarpet.

Sub: Demand for the implementation of the recommendation made by Constitution Review Commission of India on the insistence of CNC for the creation of Coorg Development Board under article 371 of (Please note: Chapter 8: union state relation 8.23.1 of CRC report) our Constitution as has been done in relation to touching Hyderabad Karnataka Region – appropriate amendment to the Constitution is desirable at once.
It may not be an out of place act on our part if we may be permitted to advert your kind attention to the subject and reference cited above and we take honor to remind you that the then Union Govt under the inimitable leadership of Bharat Rathna Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Constituted a Constitution Review Commission of India under the Chairmanship of Mr. Justice M.N Venkatachalaiah a former Chief Justice of India and 11 other reputed Scholars, Jurists, Socio - Political Scientists & Constitutional experts as its members in the year 2000. And we drag this opportunity that we have placed a honest representation before the Commission on 21-11-2000 at Vighyan Bhavan New Delhi. The Hon’ble CRC has submitted its detailed report and recommended a Constitution of a Coorg.
Development Board under Article 371 of our Constitution, starting of Central University and a Sainik School for Coorg. Sainik School has already been started.
No doubt true that our Prime objects are carving out of Union Territory status or Coorg under Articles 2&3 of our Constitution and the creation of Codava land Autonomous Region under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution. We will continue our struggle for the creation of Codava land with UT Status & Autonomy, but we unhesitatingly request you to be good enough to constitute a Development Board for Coorg Dist on the lines of the recommendations made by the said CRC (Constitution Review Commission of India). Already Hyderabad Karnataka region has been assigned special package under Article 371 of our Constitution in the year 2014. Such a scheme definitely has all the opportunities to implement developmental programs, Education and Job reservation Quota etc to be valid for entire State. We take this opportunity to make available such a scheme to Kodagu region at once with an appropriate Constitutional amendment to that respect. No doubt true that we will continue our agitation for our legitimate dear demands as mentioned above.
Development Board for Coorg Proposed by Constitution Review Commission of India “A Victory of CNC”The recommendations of the Constitution Review commission regarding the establishment of Coorg Development Council under Article 371, the demand was originated, initiated and pressurized by CNC only, should be given effect to at once. (Please note: Chapter 8: union state relation 8.23.1 of CRC report) “The recommendation for a separate Development Board for Codagu, made by the Constitution Review Commission is a step forward to the resurgence of Codava Land”. The CNC had presented memorandums before the Commission headed by Honorable Justice M. N. Venkatachalaiah and had met almost all the members of the Commission and apprised them of the need for the restoration of Codava land, constitutional special guarantee for the Codava race, reservation for Codavas on the basis of primitive ethno linguistic tribal minority national status’, and autonomous Central University.
I recall about the special meeting convened by the CRC for a 30 member delegation on November 21, 2000 when the delegation had visited Delhi in connection with the CNC's rally and apprised him of the demands of CNC. "No doubt many of our requests have been left untouched, yet we have half succeeded and we are grateful to Justice Venkatachalaiah and other Constituents of the Commission." That the ball is now in the Union Government’s court. I am sure that the report submitted by the Commission will see easy passage in the parliament on presentation. The actual procedure required amendments to each and every area touched by the statute book separately. Likewise a Constitutional Amendment under Article 371 has to be made, as have been made amendments to Article 371 {A) to 371(j) in case of Nagaland, Assam, Manipur, Andhra, Sikkim, Mizorarn, Arunachal, Goa, Vidarbha, Marathwada, Saurashtra Kutch and Hyderabad Karnataka Region. All aspects concerning Development Boards require President's special powers. In accordance the Governor of each given state is responsible to act in acc9rdance with the directions of the President from time to time.
Significance of the Development Board:A. Establishment of a separate Development Board for Coorg with the provision that a report on the working of this board will be placed each year before state legislative assembly.
B. The equitable allocation of funds for development expenditure over the said areas, subject to the requirements of the state as a whole and,
C. The equitable arrangement providing adequate facilities for technical education and vocational training and adequate opportunities for employment in Services Under the control of the state and Central Government.
The Governor has to act according to the directions issued by the President from time to time and the Governor has to act in his discretion. This means that even though the governor has to consult the ministers, the final decision in these matters shall be that of the Governor in his individual judgment, which no court can question. That the mention of “Coorg” was deleted when Article 242 of the Constitution (exclusively for Coorg when it was part C state) was repealed. Now that the amendment to Article 371 are expected to be made in course of time, it is more significant fact that the word “Coorg” shall find its entry into our Constitution once again.
PS “The aldermen of Coorg met the Simon Commission in 1930s and certain provisions have been incorporated in the Govt. of India Act, 1935. It was the first and only occasion when something positive was made by the Codavas to find place in nation’s prime statute book. Now it is my organization (CNC) has done the repeat performance I add more authoritatively that none except my organization has made anything so far in relation to the districts development Board and the entire credit should go to the Codava National Council only.
PS The person from Coorg who was a Cabinet Minister then in the J.H. Patel ministry who’ did not find it proper to say one single word regarding the need of Development Board for Coorg during July 1998, when the Karnataka Cabinet headed by J. H. Patel has the CM, recommended for the creation of a development board for Hyderabad Karnataka region, to the Union Government.
I and my organization will dedicate ourselves to strive for the prime demands viz. resurgence of Cadava Land, right to self determination of Codava minority race, separate Codava land and constitutional special guarantee for Codavas land, language, culture, and heritage, economic and political freedom. It took us 24 years of dedicated efforts and we will continue till the goal is attained.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
CNC Delegation Under the leadership of CNC Chief Shri N.U Nachappa Codava met former Karnataka Legislative Assembly speaker and Virajpet MLA Shri K.G Bopaiah today at his Madikeri Office and apprised him about the subject. M/s Kaliyanda Prakash, Appachira Rammi Nanaiah, Mookonda Dilip, Areyada Girish, Manavattira Jagadish, Kulletira Aruna Beba, Katumaniyanda Umesh, Mandapanda Manoj and Cheyakpoovanda Manu were present in the deliberations.
Shri K.G Bopaiah Ji
The Hon’ble Member of Legislative Assembly
And Former Speaker of Karnataka Legislative Assembly
Madikeri -Koadgu-571201
Dear Sir,
Enclosed here with are the true extracts of the representation that we have made to all the important personages and Governmental heads of our Nation and also to you requesting to implement the recommendations made by the Constitution Review Commission of India(CRC) headed by Mr. Justice M.N Venkatachalaiah which was Constituted by Bharath Rathna Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee JI run NDA Government, requesting the Constitution of Coorg Development Board under Article 371 of our Constitution and we believe that you need know repetition of the same.
It is a fact that you used to be a Constitutionally appointed authority once and you have intimate and influential connections with all the important personages of the Union Government. We believe that you would certainly use your good offices to get the relief as sought for by us.
Hoping to be excused
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
A New Delhi Chalo program by CNC and proposal to hold a Sathyagraha at National Capital on 01 Nov 2015. Insisting the Union Govt to re-play the game as it did in the year 1991 with regard to the erstwhile part ‘C’ State of Delhi after 36 years ......
October 19, 2015
1.His Excellency The Hon’ble President,
Sovereign Republic of India
Raisina Hills
Rashtrapthi Bhawan
New Delhi - 01
2. Shri Narendra Modi Ji
The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block , New Delhi -1
3. Shri Rajanath Singh Ji
The Hon’ble Union Minister For Home Affairs
Govt of India
North Block
New Delhi-1
5. His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Raj Bhawan
Bangalore – 01
5. His Excellency
Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon
1st ave. and 46th street
New York, NY 10017 USA

Through the Hon’ble Deputy Commissoner /District Magistrate Codagu(Coorg)Madikeri-571201-Karnataka
Dear Sirs,
Sub: A New Delhi Chalo program by CNC and proposal to hold a Sathyagraha at National Capital on 01 Nov 2015. Insisting the Union Govt to re-play the game as it did in the year 1991 with regard to the erstwhile part ‘C’ State of Delhi after 36 years. And assign Union Territory status to Kodagu to be renamed as Union Territory of Codava land under Articles 2& 3 of our Constitution. – 100 members Codava Volunteers will squat in a Sathyagraha in the vicinity of Janthar MNanthar Parliament Street New Delhi thereafter will submit a detailed memorandum to the President and Union Govt.
It always is better if one goes deeply into the recent History of Delhi with that of Kodagu (Coorg). From 1952 to 1955 Delhi was a ‘C’ Type State (As is generally known that Shri Jawaharlal Nehru and G.B Panth prevailed upon the State re-Organization Commission to abolish State hood of Delhi and convert the same to be a Municipal Corporation understandably with a solitary intention of ousting Shri Chowdhri Bhrama Prakash the then Chief Minister of Delhi which resulted in the suppression of the natural aspirations of Delhi citizens). The Union Govt diluted the State hood Status of Delhi into Metropolitan Council on the basis of the recommendation of the State Reorganization Commission headed by justice Fazal Ali from 1955 and it remained so until 1991, and once again on the insistence of the general Civil society of Delhi and in reality it amounts to the realization of the past blunder, when once again Union Territory Status was conferred on Delhi with a new nomenclature as National Capital Territory of Delhi under a new insertion to the Constitution of India as articles 2&3 read with Articles 239AA. If we make a comparative study of the recent history of Kodagu with that of Delhi, we find a close similarity as between the two. A ‘C’ type State of Coorg merged with the state of Mysore; now Karnataka in the year 1956 once again consequent to the mischief played by the State re-Organization Commission headed by justice Fazal Ali. We believe that the some conspiracy identical to the one that transpired as between Jawaharlal Nehru and G.B Panth in order to abolish the Statehood of Delhi in the year 1955. It continues to be the very same even now. If Union Govt felt the need to feel the breath of the population while it reconverted the Civic – administrative body of Municipal Corporation of Delhi into a full fledged Politico – administrative Union Territory with a proper Legislative Assembly in the year 1991.
Our Organization i.e CNC took its birth only to reclaim Statehood initially since consequent upon amendment to the Constitution in renaming the ‘C’ Type States as Union Territories we too have changed our claim for the re -establishment of Coorg with a descriptive Codava Land Union Territory under Articles 2&3 of our Constitution and we stick to it. No doubt if the Union Govt could determine to re - establish a Statehood ; now Union Territory Status to Delhi, why not the same yard stick be made applicable with the claim for Union Territory of Codava Land of Coorg . Now we want the Union Govt to carry out the realization of the past mistake as mentioned and fulfill the definitive natural aspirations of Codava race at least now by conferring Codava land UT Status to Coorg. Such a thing is very essential if the disparity that has been applied to Kodagu and Codava race by the Successive State Govts in Karnataka we sincerely feel that with the things prevail just now the future of generality in Kodagu is felt to be very bleak. Our present Prime Minister has been speaking a lot extolling about the importance of Army and our Soldier Community these days why not our respectful P.M make applicable his mind to such a thing even with regard to Codavas by race who historically proved ourselves to be effective warriors and Soldiers always fighting for the Unity and Security of our Great Country by conferring UT Status to Coorg.
If the Union Govt could feel the aspirations of the generality of Delhi after 36 long years why not the same yardstick should be made applicable to the question of Kodagu even though it remains a disrespected part and parcel of Karnataka during the past over 59 years. Kodagu i.e Coorg, the Cradle of Military genius Codava Martial Race and it has its own Cultural heritage, Civilization, Language, Customary personal laws, way of thinking, Demographic mosaic, Topographical feature, and unique Geo - political aspiration to be renamed as Union Territory of Codava land.
With such a background we are determined to stick to our theory and press forward our claim and we certainly try to make the Union Govt feel our aspirations as we did during the past 25 years. Once again we are certain to exhibit our wish to disown our status as a District of Karnataka with such a determination our organization would hold a Sathyagraha on State re-Organization day i.e on Karnataka Rajyotsava day on 01-11-2015 ; but never to celebrate a State re-Organization day. It definitely is intended to be for the establishment of Union Territory Status of Codava land. Each and every soul inhabited in Kodagu/Coorg are breathing with us.
It may not be an out of place act on our part if we are permitted to mention the behavior of successive Union Governments while it converted the following erstwhile part ‘C’ states except Coorg (part ‘C’ States Ajmer, Bhopal,Bilaspur, Coorg, Himachal Pradesh, Kutch, Manipur, Tripura and Vindhya Pradesh.) into either Union Territories or State hood or Autonomous development bodies with the special Constitutional protections either under 6th Schedule or Article 371, but nothing has been mentioned with regard to Kodagu/Coorg. Now it is most appropriate time to seize the opportunity and establish Union Territory of Codava land in order to set right the historical wrong, blunder and fallacy committed in the year 1956 while Kodagu/Coorg became merged with a larger State and dislodge Kodagu from the Shackles of the tyrannical, rapacious and hegemonic State of Karnataka at once.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
PS Our Charter of Demands as mentioned below:-
- We demand a permanent political package to grant Codava land with Union Territory status for Coorg under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution.
- Autonomy to Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution.
- We demand Tribal status to Codavas by race under articles 340 and 342 of our Constitution.
- Codava thak should be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution.
- Protect our land tenure under article 371 of our Constitution.
- Exclusive Codava nominated representation in the parliament and assembly should be given under article 331 of our Constitution.
- Devati Paramb massacre ( massacred by Tippu in the year 1785)- we insist for a national monument of that memorial on the lines of Jallian walabagh in memory of Amritsar massacre.
- Under Indian Arms act 1959 section 3 & 4 for carry and posses fire arms by Codavas and Jamma holders should be continued and protected for ever without any hindrance.
- Demand for the implementation of the recommendations made by Constitution review Commission of India on the insistence of Codava National Council for the creation of Coorg Development Board under article 371 of (Please note : Chapter 8 Union State relation 8.23.1 of CRC report) as has been done in relation to touching Hyderabad Karnataka Region - appropriate amendment to the Constitution is desirable at once.
Damaged Elephants figures at Bhagamandala Shri Bagandeshwara Temple – Bad Omen according to Codava belief and Hindu Dharmashashtra – Hence replace the same at once before Talakaveri Jathra Mahotsava.
October 19, 2015To,
The Deputy Commissioner,
And Chairman Muzarai Committee,
Kodagu, Madikeri Karnataka.
Talakaveri Devasthana Vyavasthapana Samithi,
Kodagu, Madikeri Karnataka.
Damaged Elephants figures at Bhagamandala Shri Bagandeshwara Temple – Bad Omen according to Codava belief and Hindu Dharmashashtra – Hence replace the same at once before Talakaveri Jathra Mahotsava.
Without any reservation we would like to inform you that Two stone carved Elephants Statue at the entrance of Shri Bhangandeshwara Temple are damaged by Coward cruel Tippu Sulthan and his rapacious Soldiers during his continuous destructive invasions to Coorg during 1770’s and it certainly acts as bad Omen according to the Codava belief and Hindu Dharmashastra if you believe that the two stone carved elephants are to be preserved, better you take them to District Archeological Museum at Madikeri and replace the same with beautiful figures before 17 Oct 2015 on which day the Cauvery Tula Sankramana would be celebrated.
Your failure to replace the Elephant figures on or before this Tulasankramana, please take notice that CNC will hold Human Chain program to protest the same in the vicinity of the temple at Bagamandala.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu

CNC Delegation Submitted a Memorandum to Former Speaker of Karnataka Legislative Assembly Shri K.G Bopaiah regarding the creation of Coorg Development Board under Article 371 2 photos English & Kannada Memorandum and 1 Covering Letter and 1 CRC repor
October 19, 2015To,
1. His Excellency
The Hon’ble President &
Sovereign Republic of India
Raisina hills, Rashtrapathi Bhavan
New Dedlhi – 01
2. The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi – 01
3. The Hon’ble Union Minister of Home Affairs,
Govt of India, North Block New Delhi - 01
4. Shri Meer Aneesh Ahmed IAS
The Hon’ble Deputy Commissioner
Kodagu Madikeri (Coorg)
5. To Shri Pratap Simha ji,
The Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Mysore- Kodagu
Through the Deputy Commissioner of Kodagu / Coorg

Dear Sir,
Sub: PIL initiated against the special privilege offered in the Indian Arms Act 1959 in Section 3&4 for Codavas and Jamma holders to carry fire Arms is a negation of snatching of the privilege so offered. - let not the Govt Violates the fundamental rights and our human rights as are enshrined in the Constitution of India by disturbing the entire class of Codavas who are known to be very strict, patriotic and loyal to our great Nation. The enigma so generated should stop at once. There is no locus stand. Hence the petition filed by mallafied intention may be closed in the interest of justice and equity.- A Human Chain program by Codavas on 09-10-2015 in the G.T circle Madikeri -
Firearms for Kodavas: HC asks petitioner to move Centre The Karnataka High Court on Wednesday disposed of a PIL petition questioning exemption given to Kodavas and Jamma land holders in Kodagu district from obtaining a licence to possess firearms under Section 3 and 4 of the Indian Arms Act, 1959.
A Division Bench, comprising acting Chief Justice Subhro Kamal Mukherjee
And Justice B.V. Nagarathna, asked the petitioner, Chethan Y.K, a resident of Bengaluru, to submit a representation on his grievance about exemption to the Union Ministry of Home Affairs within two weeks.
The Bench also asked the Secretary, MHA to dispose of the representation within three months. 1963 notification
As per a notification issued on July 6, 1963, under the Arms Act, “every person of Coorg race (Kodavas) and every Jamma tenure holder in Coorg” are exempted from securing licence for possessing firearms.
Claiming that the continuation of the exemption, granted to some class of persons by the British government in pre-independent India in furtherance of their divide-and-rule policy, was unconstitutional, as it was based on irrational, fictitious and discriminatory grounds, such as race and ancestral land tenure, it was contended in the petition.
Since the matter involved happened to be a thing connected with Codava Race and its ancient heritage we seem it fit to oppose the subject matter which happend to be the theme of an PIL writ petition initiated by one Mr. Captain Y.K Chethan, a retired short service commissioned Officer and we oppose the move with all sincerity and vehemence. The Hon’ble High Court while disposing of the PIL directed the petitioner to make a regular application to Union Ministry of Home Affairs within 2 weeks seeking relief thereafter and also the Hon’ble High Court directed the secretary MHA to dispose of the petition within 3 months after such a petition is to be filed within 2 weeks after Hon’ble High Court handed down the judgement. Even before we touch the subject in question we proposed to remind all the concerned that such previlages as is in question just now is simply not restricted to Codavas by race. For instance Naga’s are empowered to carry and retain a long metallic sphere with each of them every time. Sikhs have right to carry sharp sword with them every time, Gorkha’s can carry Kukri’s and Mizo’s are empowered to retain and exhibit their ancient customary rights. For instance a Khalsa Regiment strictly only to Sikhs a Regiment in Indian Army and it has permitted the carrying of a 1 feet Sword by every Sikh component. In the like manner there are Regiments under the name and style as Gorkha regiment which has been empowered to carry a Kukri by every Gorkha soldiers. After all all such rights and practices have been drawn from respective ancient practices and Folk legal systems strict only to such of the racial groups from time immemorial. Those British rulers have continued the ancient rights and such things never been the result of their imagination. After all our Constitution came into being only in the year 1950. Nothing of the said practice is in violation of the privileges extended.
under article 14 of our constitution.
In fact our Constitution is the continuation of the legacy of the West Minister system.
Afterall a good majority of all the provisions of our Constitution used to be in existence legally much prior to the coming into the practice of our Constitution. Take for instance the Patriarch of our Constitution i.e MAGNA CHARTA – the Great English Charter of Liberty got from King John in 1215 and
the Govt of India Act 1935 came into being by the Britishers only and both the Statutes have been handed down and strictly implemented by the British Rulers only. This does not stop with that our major enactments are the legacy of British Govts in essence the theme involved in IPC and CRPC in effect are the continuation of the legislation practiced by British rulers only and abolition of Sathi act, Widow Remarriage act and abolition of Child Marriage act all are the legacy of Britishers.
In order to curb the Criminal activities of “Pindari” resistance in and around Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh during the period of Sipoy Mutiny the British Govt has envisaged and introduced “Pindari” Act. Pindaris are known to create law and order problem in the area and banditry coupled with killing and looting of weapons from British Army and properties and their activities against the state incidentally “Sipoy Mutiny” also did so their atrocious behavior against the State which forced the British govt to introduce a “Pindari” Act and Disarmament Act. Fortunately not a single word about any Codava rising in Mutiny with the help of fire arms against the Govt for a single Moment. It is only in order to continue the special privileges accorded to Codavas to carry and retain Fire arms. The far sighted Mark Cubban has promulgated and has supported Codavas to continue our rights and privileges. The promulgation of Mark Cubban reads thus.
Notification 26-02-1861
“ in consideration of the exalted honour, loyalty and intrepidity, characteristics of this little Nation of warriors and in recollection of its conspicuous services in aid of the British Govt, it is my pleasing Duty to notify hereby, for general information, in virtue of the power vested in me by the Govt of India, that the provisions of the act, commonly called disarming Act are not applicable to the gallant people of Coorg”
Using of Gun is a customary practice amongst Codava Race. During the Male child births in the family, during Marriage celebrations and Rituals connected with deaths in the family and all festivals, no Codava is known to have misused fire arms against the State,
- During Freedom struggle
- When Coorg State become merged in the year 1956 with the state of Mysore, now Karnataka.
- During the period of Emergency in the year 1975.
- During the period of periodic General Elections and
- During the change of Govts.
Afterall fire arms to every Codavas is an Article of Worship and great reverence always reposited under the “Nellakki Nadubade” of every “Ainmane” and
individual Homes. Fire Arms is as well a religious symbol and cultural emblem for every born Codava. Nodoubt true it is a part and partial of every Codava traditional attire with, Kupya (Long Coat) Peechi Katthi, Qumar Bandh and Fire arms is complete and Codava traditional attire becomes complete with such articles only. Every ancient Codava used to posses and carry sword, Bow & Arrow along with sphere. Until such times when Babar introduced fire arms weapons in India.
The present PIL in question is an example of normal behavior of intruders, money bags and interested Tycoons swarming into Kodagu from outside with a solitary intention of Disarming of Codavas in order to enliven their evil designs have been propagating the theme against the special privileges of Codavas to carry Fire arms. At the same time the Govt of Karnataka which also has been trying to curb and eliminate Codavas is supporting such evil designs of the present writ petition. It may be understood that the Govt of Karnataka with an idea of avoiding comments and revolt from Codavas as instigated someone to filing of the PIL.
The main theme of our Constitution is to protect the Unity in Diversity & Diversity in Unity of our Demographic Mosaic within amongst the citizens of India. It is with such an idea only our Constitution has extended reservations to various tribal groups scheduled castes and special protection for religious, linguistic and ethnic minorities and their respective languages.
More ever our Govt has continued the legacy of the British rulers in keeping alive such caste based traditions and formalities touching groups and caste and communities in India For Ex: there is a Coorg 37 Medium rifles for Codavas and Coorg, there is a Sikh / Khlasa regiment for Sikhs, likewise there is a Rajputhan regiment for Rajputs, Marata regiment for Marathas, Mahar regiment for Mahar dalits, Kummou regiment for Kummou people, Gadwal regiment for Gadwal people, Jaat regiment for Jaats, Dogra regiment for Dogra people, Gorkha regiment for Gorkha people etc, etc and nothing is opposed the theme has enshrined in our Constitution.
As regards the protection for land tenure held by different class of
people has enshrined in our Constitution, the relief sought for by the petitioner against protection of Land tenure extended to Codavas his claim becomes a nullity in law if the Govt taken in account such special prevelege extended to different classes of peoples to hold lands such as Kashmiris under article 370 and the people of the 8 North Eastern states in India under Article 371 of our Constitution. Simply said the existence and belief of our Nation hood is akin to a common banquet with a variety of flowers and the same is enlivened in our Constitution. Strictly said the petition reflects the mental derangement of the person the writ petition is seem to have known the existence of different classes of people with different belief language and customary practices and folk legal systems in India. Strictly speaking the PIL writ petition is amounts to insult the flowering constitution of India and Nothing more than that. Therefore we desire that Govt be pleased to extend all the clauses touching the special privileges are mentioned above to Codavas should continue without any hindrance, let not the Govt Violates the fundamental rights and our human rights as are enshrined in the Constitution of India by disturbing the entire class of Codavas who are known to be very strict, patriotic and loyal to our Great Nation. The enigma so generated should stop at once. There is no locus stand hence the petition filed by mallafied intention may be closed in the interest of justice and equity.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
Human chain program will be conducted under the aegis of CNC at Napok on 28-09-2015
October 19, 2015
Dear Sir,
Editor- For the kind PublicationHuman chain program will be conducted under the aegis of CNC at Napok on 28-09-2015 – in order to herald the proposed Silver Jubilee “Codava National Day” celebrations at Gandhi Grounds Madikeri on 24-11-2015 demanding Codava land & a National Monument at Devati Paramb Massacre Tragic site on the lines of Jallian wallabagh.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
October 19, 2015
1. His Excellency Shri Pranab Mukharjee,
The Hon’ble President Sovereign Republic of India,
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi – 01
2. Shri Narendra Modi ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi – 01
3. Shri Rajanath Singh ji,
The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs,
Union Govt of India
North Block, New Delhi – 01
4. Shri Vaju Bhai Vala ji,
His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Rajbhavan Bangalore - 01
5. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
His Excellency The Secretary General
1st ave.and46th street,NewYork,NY10017USA
Tel: 1(212)9631234
Fax: 1(212)9634879
6. Dr. Rakesh Tewari
Office of the Director General,
Archeological Survey of India,
Janpath, New Delhi – 11
7. The Director,
UNESCO House B-5/29,
Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi,
Delhi 110 029
8. Shri Pratap Simha
The Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Mysore, Kodagu – Coorg
9. Shri Jual Oram,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Tribal Affairs,
Govt of India,
Room No 750-A,
Shastri Bhawan, A – Wing,
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,New Delhi-110001.
10. Dr. Mahesh Sharma,
Hon’ble Union Minister for Culture,
Govt of India,
C – Wing, Shashthri Bhavan New Delhi -500081
Through the Deputy Commisioner of Kodagu (Coorg) Karnataka, Madikeri 571201

National Monument should be erected at Devati Paramb on the lines of jallian walabagh
The purpose for which the organization was established.
We take pleasure to inform about the purposeful completion of 24 years of the existence, and the continuation of Codava National Council and the incessant & our eventful political struggle for the demands of the establishment of Codava land UT status under articles 2&3 of our Constitution, Codava land Autonomous region under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution, Constitutional special protection to Codava Martial tribal Race under articles 340 & 342 of our Constitution, inclusion of Codava Thakk in the 8th schedule of our Constitution, coupled with protection for the Land tenure, customary practices and folk legal systems of Codava race including the continuation of right to hold Guns under article 371 of our Constitution on the lines of protection extended to Mizo’s and Naga’s. Special nomination of Codava race to Parliament and Assemblies under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indians. Our demand includes the establishment of National monument at Devati Paramb on the lines of Jallian Walla bagh.
- It is a fact that Modi Govt has entered a pact with NSCN (I-M) granting Naga people with a “shared sovereignty” with India on 3 Aug 2015 in order to strengthen our federal system. – we demand a permanent political package to grant Codava Land with UT status under articles 2&3 of our constitution as done with Naga question.
- The said fact includes granting Naga Patkai Autonomy to Naga inhabited areas in the state of Arunachal Pradesh and our demands also include granting Autonomy to Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution.
- We demand Tribal status to Codavas by race under articles 340 – 342 of our Constitution. We take pleasure to remind the Govt about the inclusion of Jain Community as religious minority even though they are known to be the wealthiest people in India besides being Hindus in real sense. Jaats are also granted OBC status despite the fact that they are economically, politically and socially most affluent class of people spread over in 9 states of our country. The Rajasthan state has granted tribal status to violent Gujjars whose numbers exceeds 8crore in the country. Even though Codavas by Race historically are known to be a Martial Class in Nature and numbering a meager 1 ½ lakhs population and that no other class of people would be affected or jeo paradize if we are granted with Tribal status. PS. unlike Zoroastrians who are scattered everywhere in the Nation besides being the richest and prominent in the judiciary, industrial arena and in general activities besides being most Cosmopolitan and urbane. They have a separate religion of their own called Zoroastrianism unlike Codavas who are rustic by nature confined to Kodagu /Coorg region. Hence tribal status is fittest for them.
- Codava Thakk / Codava Language is as ancient as human civilization is rich and living spoken language throughout the history fit enough to be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. We propose to cite MANORAMA YEAR BOOK which mentions about the 16 popular languages of our country which includes Codava language to strengthen our claim – Manorama year book page 680 - other Popular Languages 1. Angika 2. Awadhi 3. Bhojpuri 4. Bundeli 5. Chhatisgarhi 6. Hariyanavi 7. Hinduatani 8.Kanauji 9. Magadhi 10. Marwari 11. Bhili 12. Gondi 13. Kodava 14. Kutchi 15. Thulu 16. Mahi.
The provisions of article 371 of our constitution with inner line permit should be made applicable to Kodagu region at once as has been done in relation to Manipur and other North Eastern states. With a solitary intention of protecting our land from alienation and protecting our demography and such a things called as inner line permit. Important factor is that large number of underworld dons regular miscreants with harden criminality, and business Tycoons from across the Country with the active support and assistance from Hawala agencies and fake currency racketeers have been grabbing lands in the this District. With a major idea of protecting lands in the district and the interest of the natives the promulgation of such stringent law within Coorg is warranted.
- Exclusive codava nominated representation in the parliament and state Assembly should be given under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indian community.
- Devati Paramb massacre – a tragic human holocaust in the mankind – Insist for National Memorial / Monument of that Memorial on the lines of Jallianwala Bagh in memory of Amritsar Massacre. in memory of those Codava families (approximately 60 thousand unarmed Codavas) who were masssacred by ruthless tippu sulthan of srirangapatna and his rapacious soldiers, after 3 continuous invasions Tippu got defeated by Codava warriors disapointing in this insult he conspired to eliminate entire codava martial Tribal race, cunningly invited them for a grand feast in the pretext of entering a friendly treaty with Codavas at Devati Paramb in the year 1785 13 December. This heinous inhuman tragic genocide/holocaust in the mankind happened in this place. – but their great souls are still alive in Devati Paramb. PS All the proposals placed by CNC touching the request for treating Devati Parambu as National Monument are being hijacked and poached. The miscreants have not left, one single comma, semicolon, full stop, Subjects and Thok Namme etc., and the body language of all the communications, all the public lectures and statements of our leader verbatim. They have not even allowed untouched the dress code of CNC and contents of all the wordings of our official lettered in order to play miss chief we expect fellows to distort the very nature of the movement we are leading. They try to confuse the Government, the Press and the general public always. Therefore we cushion the general public, the media and the Governmental setup to be very careful about the unhealthy and diabolic mischievous activities of these Jackals.
- This organization CNC after performing a Pooja at Shri Paadi Igguthappa Temple held a massive Human Chain at Kakkabbe this day on 21-Sep-2015 in order to pressurize our prime demands as are mentioned above and awareness human chain program would be conducted thereafter in all villages and towns in the District – as the first human chain program of the season held at Kakkabbe on 21-Sep-2015 and followed by the one at Napoklu on 28-Sep-2015 and 5-Oct-2015 at Kutta and on 07-10-2015 at Virajpet.
Calendar of events:
- Pattholadhi at Devati Paramb on 20-10-2015
- New Delhi Chalo Sathyagraha on 1-11-2015
- Codava National Day celebrations on 24-11-2015
- CNC Annual Puthari festival on 25-11-2015 (Birchyar 9)
- CNC Mourning Day on 13-12-2015 (Devati Paramb Masacre Day)
- CNC Annual Thok Namme on 18 Dec 2015
- United Nations Holocaust remembrance day on 27-01-2016 (at Devati Paramb)
Hence we pressurize the Govt to consider our demands positively and as early as possible.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
Vaasthu Pooja by CNC conducted at Devati Paramb Site on 18.09.2015. Before the program CNC performed Pooja at Shri Paadi Igguthappa Templae at Kakkabbe.
October 19, 2015
Dear Sir,
After 3 continuous invasions tippu got defeated by codava warriors disapointing in this insult he conspired to eliminate entire codava martial tribal race,cunningly invited them for a grand feast in the pretext of entering a friendly treaty with codavas at devati paramb in the year 1785 13 december. This heinous inhuman tragic genocide/holocaust in the mankind happened in this place. – But their great souls are still alive in devati paramb. CNC conducted auspicious Vaasthu Pooja at Devati Paramb Monument site on 18.09.2015 i.e. immediate next day of auspicious Ganesh Chaturthi. The People who are known to have abundant experience in understanding and classifying the time factors in ordered to start any good work have suggested 18.09.2015 from 9.45 in the morning until 2.00 clock in the noon To be the most auspicious period. CNC erected one more stone at Massacre site.Before that CNC performed Pooja at Shri Paadi Igguthappa Templae at Kakkabbe.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu

A CODAVA SATHYAGRAHA ON THIS DAY i.e. 14.09.2015 in the vicinity of DC’s office Madikeri-Coorg
September 15, 2015
1. His Excellency Shri Pranab Mukharjee,
The Hon’ble President Sovereign Republic of India,
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi – 01
2. Shri Narendra Modi ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi – 01
3. Shri Rajanath Singh ji,
The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs,
Union Govt of India
North Block, New Delhi – 01
4. Shri Vaju Bhai Vala ji,
His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Rajbhavan Bangalore - 01
5. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
His Excellency The Secretary General
1st ave.and46th street,NewYork,NY10017USA
Tel: 1(212)9631234
Fax: 1(212)9634879
6. Dr. Rakesh Tewari
Office of the Director General,
Archeological Survey of India,
Janpath, New Delhi – 11
7. The Director,
UNESCO House B-5/29,
Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi,
Delhi 110 029
8. Shri Pratap Simha
The Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Mysore, Kodagu – Coorg
9. Shri Jual Oram,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Tribal Affairs,
Govt of India,
Room No 750-A,
Shastri Bhawan, A – Wing,
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,New Delhi-110001.
10. Dr. Mahesh Sharma,
Hon’ble Union Minister for Culture,
Govt of India,
C – Wing, Shashthri Bhavan New Delhi -500081

Through the Deputy Commisioner of Kodagu (Coorg) Karnataka, Madikeri 571201
A CODAVA SATHYAGRAHA ON THIS DAY i.e. 14.09.2015 in the vicinity of DC’s office Madikeri-Coorg
National Monument should be erected at Devati Paramb on the lines of jallian walabagh
The purpose for which the organization was established
We take pleasure to inform about the purposeful completion of 24 years of the existence, and the continuation of Codava National Council and the incessant & our eventful political struggle for the demands of the establishment of Codava land UT status under articles 2&3 of our Constitution, Codava land Autonomous region under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution, Constitutional special protection to Codava Martial tribal Race under articles 340 & 342 of our Constitution, inclusion of Codava Thakk in the 8th schedule of our Constitution, coupled with protection for the Land tenure, customary practices and folk legal systems of Codava race including the continuation of right to hold Guns under article 371 of our Constitution on the lines of protection extended to Mizo’s and Naga’s. Special nomination of Codava race to Parliament and Assemblies under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indians. Our demand includes the establishment of National monument at Devati Paramb on the lines of Jallian Walla bagh.
1. It is a fact that Modi Govt has entered a pact with NSCN (I-M) granting Naga people with a “shared sovereignty” with India on 3 Aug 2015 in order to strengthen our federal system. – we demand a permanent political package to grant Codava Land with UT status under articles 2&3 of our constitution as done with Naga question.
2. The said fact includes granting Naga Patkai Autonomy to Naga inhabited areas in the state of Arunachal Pradesh and our demands also include granting Autonomy to Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution.
3. We demand Tribal status to Codavas by race under articles 340 – 342 of our Constitution. We take pleasure to remind the Govt about the inclusion of Jain Community as religious minority even though they are known to be the wealthiest people in India besides being Hindus in real sense. Jaats are also granted OBC status despite the fact that they are economically, politically and socially most affluent class of people spread over in 9 states of our country. The Rajasthan state has granted tribal status to violent Gujjars whose numbers exceeds 8crore in the country. Even though Codavas by Race historically are known to be a Martial Class in Nature and numbering a meager 1 ½ lakhs population and that no other class of people would be affected or jeo paradize if we are granted with Tribal status. PS. unlike Zoroastrians who are scattered everywhere in the Nation besides being the richest and prominent in the judiciary, industrial arena and in general activities besides being most Cosmopolitan and urbane. They have a separate religion of their own called Zoroastrianism unlike Codavas who are rustic by nature confined to Kodagu /Coorg region. Hence tribal status is fittest for them.
4. Codava Thakk / Codava Language is as ancient as human civilization is rich and living spoken language throughout the history fit enough to be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. We propose to cite MANORAMA YEAR BOOK which mentions about the 16 popular languages of our country which includes Codava language to strengthen our claim – Manorama year book page 680 - other Popular Languages 1. Angika 2. Awadhi 3. Bhojpuri 4. Bundeli 5. Chhatisgarhi 6. Hariyanavi 7. Hinduatani 8.Kanauji 9. Magadhi 10. Marwari 11. Bhili 12. Gondi 13. Kodava 14. Kutchi 15. Thulu 16. Mahi.
5. The provisions of article 371 of our constitution with inner line permit should be made applicable to Kodagu region at once as has been done in relation to Manipur and other North Eastern states. With a solitary intention of protecting our land from alienation and protecting our demography and such a things called as inner line permit. Important factor is that large number of underworld dons regular miscreants with harden criminality, and business Tycoons from across the Country with the active support and assistance from Hawala agencies and fake currency racketeers have been grabbing lands in the this District. With a major idea of protecting lands in the district and the interest of the natives the promulgation of such stringent law within Coorg is warranted.
6. Exclusive codava nominated representation in the parliament and state Assembly should be given under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indian community.
7. Devati Paramb massacre – a tragic human holocaust in the mankind – Insist for National Memorial / Monument of that Memorial on the lines of Jallianwala Bagh in memory of Amritsar Massacre. in memory of those Codava families (approximately 60 thousand unarmed Codavas) who were masssacred by ruthless tippu sulthan of srirangapatna and his rapacious soldiers, after 3 continuous invasions Tippu got defeated by Codava warriors disapointing in this insult he conspired to eliminate entire codava martial tribal race, cunningly invited them for a grand feast in the pretext of entering a friendly treaty with Codavas at Devati Paramb in the year 1785 13 December. This heinous inhuman tragic genocide/holocaust in the mankind happened in this place. – but their great souls are still alive in Devati Paramb. PS All the proposals placed by CNC touching the request for treating Devati Parambu as National Monument are being hijacked and poached. The miscreants have not left, one single comma, semicolon, full stop, Subjects and Thok Namme etc., and the body language of all the communications, all the public lectures and statements of our leader verbatim. They have not even allowed untouched the dress code of CNC and contents of all the wordings of our official lettered in order to play miss chief we expect fellows to distort the very nature of the movement we are leading. They try to confuse the Government, the Press and the general public always. Therefore we cushion the general public, the media and the Governmental setup to be very careful about the unhealthy and diabolic mischievous activities of these Jackals .
8. This organization CNC held a Sathyagraha in the vicinity of the office of the DC Kodagu Madikeri this day on 14-Sep-2015 in order to pressurize our prime
demands as are mentioned above and awareness human chain program would be conducted thereafter in all villages and towns in the District – as the first human chain program of the season would be held at Kakkabbe on 21-Sep-2015 and followed by the one at Napoklu on 28-Sep-2015 and 5-Oct-2015 at Kutta and the like. Calendar of events:1. Pattholadhi at Devati Paramb on 20-10-2015
2. New Delhi Chalo Sathyagraha on 1-11-2015
3. Codava National Day celebrations on 24-11-2015
4. CNC Annual Puthari festival on 25-11-2015 (Birchyar 9)
5. CNC Mourning Day on 13-12-2015 (Devati Paramb Masacre Day)
6. CNC Annual Thok Namme on 18 Dec 2015
7. United Nations Holocaust remembrance day on 27-01-2016 (at Devati Paramb)
Hence we pressurize the Govt to consider our demands positively and as early as possible.
Press release
September 11, 2015
07-09-2015 1. Shri Narendra Modi ji
The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block, New Delhi 01
2.Shri Manohar Parrikar,
The Hon’ble Minister for Defense
Union Govt of India
South Block, New Delhi 01
3. Major General Satbir Singh ji & Col Indrajith Singh ji,
Indian Ex Servicemen Movement
All India Federation of Military Veterans Organization
543, Sector 23, Gurgaon – 122017, Haryana India
Hon’ble sir’s
Sub: CNC congratulates lead role played by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji, The Hon’ble Minister for Defense Govt of India Shri Manohar Parikar ji, for having taken courage to implement the OROP One Rank One Pension Scheme - The founder and pioneer of the OROP demand struggle Col Indrajith Singh ji & major General Satbir Singh ji who has effectively lead the agitation these days.
Welcoming the extraordinary decision to make available OROP One Rank One Pension to all the retired Army Personnel and respective war Widows. We take courage to inform you that the struggle has been going on during the past over 42 years, since 1973 incessantly and we sincerely hope that the entire Army Community will breathe solace. And it certainly will make each of Army people to act more effective in defending the bounds of our Nation.
It may not be an out of place act on our part to inform you that the Codavas by race are the actual largest fraction of Army personnel to be benefitted there from and it certainly will improve the economy of all the respective families in Kodagu / Coorg besides encourages young Codava to pursue Military life in the future. This organization CNC Codava National Council is grateful to our respectable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji, The Hon’ble Union Minister for Defense Shri Manohar Parikar ji, The founder and pioneer of the OROP demand struggle Col Indrajith Singh ji & Major General Satbir Singh ji who has effectively lead the agitation these days. Congratulations from our part are also due to all the veterans in uniform who have participated in the agitation continuously.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
1. His Excellency Shri Pranab Mukharjee,
The Hon’ble President Sovereign Republic of India,
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi – 01
2. Shri Narendra Modi ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi – 01
3. Shri Rajanath Singh ji,
The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs,
Union Govt of India
North Block, New Delhi – 01
4. Shri Vaju Bhai Vala ji,
His Excellency The Hon’ble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Rajbhavan Bangalore - 01
5. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
His Excellency The Secretary General
1st ave.and46th street,NewYork,NY10017USA
Tel: 1(212)9631234
Fax: 1(212)9634879
6. Dr. Rakesh Tewari
Office of the Director General,
Archeological Survey of India,
Janpath, New Delhi – 11
7. The Director,
UNESCO House B-5/29,
Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi,
Delhi 110 029
8. Shri Pratap Simha
The Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Mysore, Kodagu – Coorg
9. Shri Jual Oram,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Tribal Affairs,
Govt of India,
Room No 750-A,
Shastri Bhawan, A – Wing,
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,New Delhi-110001.
10. Dr. Mahesh Sharma,
Hon’ble Union Minister for Culture,
Govt of India,
C – Wing, Shashthri Bhavan New Delhi -500081

Through the Deputy Commisioner of Kodagu (Coorg) Karnataka, Madikeri 571201
National Monument should be erected at Devati Paramb on t he lines of jallian walabagh
The purpose for which the organization was established.
We take pleasure to inform about the purposeful completion of 24 years of the existence, and the continuation of Codava National Council and the incessant & our eventful political struggle for the demands of the establishment of Codava land UT status under articles 2&3 of our Constitution, Codava land Autonomous region under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution, Constitutional special protection to Codava Martial tribal Race under articles 340 & 342 of our Constitution, inclusion of Codava Thakk in the 8th schedule of our Constitution, coupled with protection for the Land tenure, customary practices and folk legal systems of Codava race including the continuation of right to hold Guns under article 371 of our Constitution on the lines of protection extended to Mizo’s and Naga’s. Special nomination of Codava race to Parliament and Assemblies under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indians. Our demand includes the establishment of National monument at Devati Paramb on the lines of Jallian Walla bagh.
1. It is a fact that Modi Govt has entered a pact with NSCN (I-M) granting Naga people with a “shared sovereignty” with India on 3 Aug 2015 in order to strengthen our federal system. – we demand a permanent political package to grant Codava Land with UT status under articles 2&3 of our constitution as done with Naga question.
2. The said fact includes granting Naga Patkai Autonomy to Naga inhabited areas in the state of Arunachal Pradesh and our demands also include granting Autonomy to Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution.
3. We demand Tribal status to Codavas by race under articles 340 – 342 of our Constitution. We take pleasure to remind the Govt about the inclusion of Jain Community as religious minority even though they are known to be the wealthiest people in India besides being Hindus in real sense. Jaats are also granted OBC status despite the fact that they are economically, politically and socially most affluent class of people spread over in 9 states of our country. The Rajasthan state has granted tribal status to violent Gujjars whose numbers exceeds 8crore in the country. Even though Codavas by Race historically are known to be a Martial Class in Nature and numbering a meager 1 ½ lakhs population and that no other class of people would be affected or geo paradise if we are granted with Tribal status. PS. unlike Zoroastrians who are scattered everywhere in the Nation besides being the richest and prominent in the judiciary, industrial arena and in general activities besides being most Cosmopolitan and urbane. They have a separate religion of their own called Zoroastrianism unlike Codavas who are rustic by nature confined to Kodagu /Coorg region. Hence tribal status is fittest for them.
4. Codava Thakk / Codava Language is as ancient as human civilization is rich and living spoken language throughout the history fit enough to be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. We propose to cite MANORAMA YEAR BOOK which mentions about the 16 popular languages of our country which includes Codava language to strengthen our claim – Manorama year book page 680 - other Popular Languages 1. Angika 2. Awadhi 3. Bhojpuri 4. Bundeli 5. Chhatisgarhi 6. Hariyanavi 7. Hinduatani 8.Kanauji 9. Magadhi 10. Marwari 11. Bhili 12. Gondi 13. Kodava 14. Kutchi 15. Thulu 16. Mahi.
5. The provisions of article 371 of our constitution with inner line permit should be made applicable to Kodagu region at once as has been done in relation to Manipur and other North Eastern states. With a solitary intention of protecting our land from alienation and protecting our demography and such a things called as inner line permit. Important factor is that large number of underworld dons regular miscreants with harden criminality, and business Tycoons from across the Country with the active support and assistance from Hawala agencies and fake currency racketeers have been grabbing lands in the this District. With a major idea of protecting lands in the district and the interest of the natives the promulgation of such stringent law within Coorg is warranted.
6. Exclusive codava nominated representation in the parliament and state Assembly should be given under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indian community.
7. Devati Paramb massacre – a tragic human holocaust in the mankind – Insist for National Memorial / Monument of that Memorial on the lines of Jallianwala Bagh in memory of Amritsar Massacre. in memory of those Codava families (approximately 60 thousand unarmed Codavas) who were masssacred by ruthless tippu sulthan of srirangapatna and his rapacious soldiers, after 3 continuous invasions Tippu got defeated by Codava warriors disapointing in this insult he conspired to eliminate entire codava martial tribal race, cunningly invited them for a grand feast in the pretext of entering a friendly treaty with Codavas at Devati Paramb in the year 1785 13 December. This heinous inhuman tragic genocide/holocaust in the mankind happened in this place. – but their great souls are still alive in Devati Paramb.
This organization CNC proposes to hold a Sathyagraha in the vicinity of the office of the DC Kodagu Madikeri on 14-Sep-2015 in order to pressurize our prime demands as are mentioned above and awareness human chain program would be conducted thereafter in all villages and towns in the District – as the first human chain program of the season would be held at Kakkabbe on 21-Sep-2015 and followed by the one at Napoklu on 28-Sep-2015 and 5-Oct-2015 at Kutta and the like.
Calendar of events:1. Pattholadhi at Devati Paramb on 20-10-2015
2. New Delhi Chalo Sathyagraha on 1-11-2015
3. Codava National Day celebrations on 24-11-2015
4. CNC Annual Puthari festival on 25-11-2015 (Birchyar 9)
5. CNC Mourning Day on 13-12-2015 (Devati Paramb Masacre Day)
6. CNC Annual Thokk Namme on 18 Dec 2015
7. United Nations Holocaust remembrance day on 27-01-2016 (at Devati Paramb)
Hence we pressurize the Govt to consider our demands positively and as early as possible.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12,Madikeri Kodagu
CNC Delegation headed by its chief Mr. N.U Nachappa Codava met Coorg DC Mr. Mir Aneesh Ahmed and submitted a detailed Memorandum to the above concerned M/S Kaliyanda Prakash, Pullera Kalappa,
Chambanda Janath and Mookonda Dilip were part of the delegation and later they addressed a press conference at press club Madikeri.