1.His Excellency
The Hon’ble President
Sovereign of Republic of India
Rashtra pathi Bavan
New Delhi - 01
2.His Excellency
The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block
New Delhi – 01.
3.The Hon’ble Union Minister for Home Affairs
North Block
New Delhi - 01.
Through The Deputy Commissioner
Kodagu ,Madikeri ( Coorg)- 571 201, Karnataka..
A MEMORANDUMDeclaration of Codava Land U.T is warranted
Respected Sirs,
. SUB: Declare Codava Region in Coorg , Karnataka to be an Union Territory. i.e. Codava Land Union Territory under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution Since it fulfils all the required criterion and qualifications on par with the 11 points guideline prescribed in the Constitution of India with regard to the Constitution of Union Territories in India- request for.Without any need to introduce ourselves to be the one and the only organization established with the sole purpose of getting established Autonomous Codava Land. We take this opportunity to bring to your kind notice the 11 point criterion as are prescribed in the Constitution of India for the Constitution of Union Territories . We would like to inform you that Codava Land fulfils all the required qualifications in that regard and it may not be an out of place act on our part if we may be permitted to inform you that the State of Karnataka after the merger of the then ‘ C ’ type of state of Coorg i.e., the traditional Codava home land, with the state of Karnataka in the year 1956. The successive Governments and all the concerned there with have seized the opportunity to discriminate this region and indigenous Codava race and natives and in reality we have been suffering all the anomalies inflicted by our Government. The Government of Karnataka deliberately has discriminated against Codava Region with a solitary intension of erasing the very existence of the native people, Codava race and render the entire area to disuser and spoil our soil, cultural heritage, language and aboriginal indigenes Codava identity and historic existence in totality. Besides causing insecurity in all spheres. The only method to safe guard the entire region ; the then “C” State of Coorg. The Cultural heritage of the people and the financial background of the region can be caused done by declaring this region to be an Union Territory under the direct control of the Union Government. The successive Karnataka Government has considered this region to be an occupied territory in a war, treating the region a resource generating colony besides continuously having ill-treated the natives here. Added to it State of Karnataka has treated the native Codavas to be the subjects of their occupied territory and never as a citizens proper.
With full-fledged autonomy i.e. Codava Autonomous Region (CAR) encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava Naads on par with Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC) in Sovereign Republic of India, Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) in people’s Republic of China and Kurdisthan Autonomous Region (KAR) in Arab Republic of Iraq. Which will ensure constitutional protection to Codava Race i.e. political autonomy, physical protection and financial security, over all development of Codava’s. Once autonomy granted to img/Codava Land the state of Karnataka is understood to lose its power to enforce any enactment unless full concurrence is given by Codava Autonomous Region and the Codava Autonomous Land shall have power and rights to enact law pertaining to the region with the consent of and concurrence of the Governor only. In other words the establishment of img/Codava Land i.e. Codava Autonomous Region presupposes legislative, executive and judiciary powers to us. Crisply said it is a state within the state. We are advancing our demands for establishment of Codava Autonomous Region only on the direction as are enshrined in the charter of United Nations and the promise that may be gauged from VI schedule of our constitution.
Union territories are ruled directly by the Union Government ( Central Government)
The President of India appoints an administrator or lieutenant – Governor for each U.T.
Union territories of India have special rights and status due to their constitutional formation and development.
For safeguarding the rights of Indigenous cultures, averting political turmoil related to matters of governance.
- All the tax money goes to center as a U.T., region will be able to attract central funds exclusively for its development.
- Union territories serve the purpose of administering regions which are small yet diverse may be because of their history or culture or geography.
- Correct the anomaly caused by the reorganization of States which took place in 1956.
- Sustain the economic, linguistic and cultural affinities of the region.
- Politically, economically and educationally as they are in varying phases of development Central Government can take care of them without discrimination.
- Administration as U.T will not drain the public exchequer.
- Apart from improving the administrative setup move would help instill a sense of security among those from other regions of the state, who despite their decades - long stay in the region are feeling the jitters.
With a solitary idea of managing the affairs of any certain given area and also to make it known that the particular area is being governed properly and justice reaches to each and everyone, the Constitution framers have after much discussion and studying elaborately about the attending features of any particular given group of Towns and areas have formulated the idea of creating Union Territories in contrast with larger states. Before terming any particular area to be made Union Territory the Constitution framers have deeply studied about the topographical features , Geo-political aspirations of the indigenous people of that particular areas besides historical back ground and Economic criteria until that point of time. Added to it they have attempted to make an in-depth study in to the language and culture of the indigenous people of that area and such other attending features. Take instance for the cases of 7 Union Territories in India .
- (a) Pandichery (b) Mahe (c) Enam (d) Karikal
- Dadra & Nagara Haveli
- Daman & Dive
- Andaman & Nicobar Islands
- Lakshadweepa
- Chandigarh
- Delhi National Capital Territory
To assert our economic viability for the formation of U.T the point No.5 mentions about the economic base and fund raiser in the manner of tax to be extracted to the Union Government which in turn remits a substantial thereof to the developmental programs Union Territory if it created. The financial resources from Coffee production, Forest wealth, Royalty from Cauvery waters and promotion of Tourism shall last until Son and Moon exists and Union Governments must remember for this real truthful fact.
The things explained below fulfils criterion for budgetary provisions. Our Coffee ( Coorg Coffee) is classified to be the best in world. After Petroleum Coffee is the Second largest traded commodity in the world. India is considered to be the 6th largest Coffee producer in the world, and Coorg produces an average 40% of total national production. Enough if we arrive at a conclusion that gross foreign exchange from Coffee India earns every year is around Rs. 5 thousand Crores and it is safest method to add that Codagu supplies 40% of it. The forest wealth in Codagu is considered to be the best carbon supplier in the world. Added to it the average annual yield of Cauvery river waters from Coorg exceeds 180 TMC feet. What more, the role of income from tourism activities Codagu stands next only to that of Isthanbul in world should Codava Land of Coorg be classified as Union Territory. It is very easy to take these features to be the main budgetary base for the maintenance and management of the Union Territories sought to be created. No doubt the actual money supply is addressed to the Union Governament and it is just practical to understand the money shall be allotted from the Union Government to this region ( Coorg) should it become a separate U.T. and unconnected with the State of Karnataka.
Hence C.N.C demands for the immediate creation of Codava Land Union Territory in the interest of justice and equity.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri - 571201
Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India
Cell No. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com
Date: 10.10.2014
The Deputy CommissionerKodagu
Madikeri – 571 201
Dear Sir,
1. C.N.C. Celebrates Annual “Codava National Day ” Celebrations on 24 Nov 2014 at Gandhi Grounds Madikeri to mark the beginning of 24 years of our eventful political struggle for Codava Land.
Our organization C.N.C is already 23 years and we would continue our relentless struggle for the creation of Codava Land Union Territory and autonomous region until our desired goal is reached. And the celebrations of Codava National Day fixed to be held on 24 Nov 2014 at Gandhi Grounds to mark the beginning of 24 years of our eventful political struggle for Codava Land . Be it is known that we resolve to seek the rectification of the entire Codava generality to include the manifest demands we hither to made also shall be understood to be the main grounds for the creation of U.T states on that occasion.
Demanding Codava land Autonomous Region and Codava land Codava land Union Territory status
Union Govt of India should rectify the mistake and removing the anomaly of having merged in the year 1956 Which otherwise a full-fledged “C” Type state until 1956 by Constituting Union Territory of Codava land together with Codava land Autonomous Region.
Our demands are as follows:- Codava Land Autonomous region under the 6th schedule of our Constitution.
- Codava land Union Territory Status Under the article 2 & 3 of our Constitution.
- Codava Thak should be incorporated in the 8th schedule of our Constitution.
- Codava Tribal race should be included in the schedule of the Constitution Under articles 240 and 242 of our Constitution.
- Codava race should be nominated to the August legislative bodies of our nation on par with Anglo Indians under article 331 of our Constitution.
- Exemption under Indian arms act section 3 to posses fire arms (Gun) to Codava race should be continued without any hindrance forever. We here by request all Codava enthusiasts to whole heartedly support the Codava cause by joining us in Codava National Day programme and the Delhi Challao programme and the actual time table will be published later. One must remember that the Union Govt of India should rectify the mistake and removing the anomaly of having merged in the year 1956 which otherwise a full-fledged “C” Type state until 1956 by Constituting Union Territory of Codava land together with Codava land Autonomous Region. As such it is the duty of every Codava to treat Karnataka Rajyothsava day on 1st Nov to be the Black day for us.
In order to insist for positive consideration of all Codava demands i.e. Codava land- Human chain programme to continue.
This organization i.e. CNC has decided to hold public agitations including human chain programme at various place to start with
- Kakkabe, 2. Cherambane, 3. Balale & 4. Gonikoppa
- Kakkabe on 13.10.2014
- Cherambane on 14.10.2014
- Balale on 20.10.2014
- Gonikoppa on 27.10.2014. in the first phase and re-iterate our insistence for the creation of Codava land autonomous region together with UT status for Codava Land
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri - 571201
Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India
Cell No. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com

Sri Narendra Modi Ji
The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block
New Delhi -1
Through the Deputy Commissioner Kodagu/Coorg, Karnataka
MemorandumDear Sir,
Sub: Demand for the establishment of Codava land Autonomous Region in south west Karnataka and request to carry out the same, and also to congratulate you on the occasion of your having led the Election campaign and achieved it with an unheard of thumping majority and also for having elevated to the Prime Minister of this largest democratic nation in the world.
This organization i.e CNC(Codava National Council) takes special privilege to congratulate you for the unheard of success to the party which you represent and by all standards your indomitable courage that has brought such an un precedent success. We wish you a great success in all steps you take. At this juncture we feel it proper to introduce ourselves to you and the thing we stand for at this moment and a replica of the Memorandum that we have addressed to the President of India before we could hold a massive New Delhi chalo public rally of Codavas and Codavathies on 1-Nov-2013 which will explain our demands in detail.
We have been struggling during the past over 23 years relentlessly demanding the creation of Codava land Autonomous Region and we only hope that you will consider our demand when you place your hands on the demands for Gorkhaland and etc. We are happy that you have assured that you would take into cognizance of the needs of all the regions, caste and groups without any reservation and we only hope that you would do the need full in our achieving the long felt perceptible demand for the creation of Codava land Autonomous Region at your earliest. We believe that you would certainly carry out a permanent and durable political solution to our long pending demand for the establishment of Codava land Autonomous Region while you implement all the developmental programs that you have assured in your election manifesto. In fact if you take formidable & tangible step to carve out Autonomous Codava Land at your earliest it would be treated as true act towards strengthening our Federal Constitution and Republican system. Now the ball is in your court and we believe that only you can raise the status of Kodagu to its original status utilizing your indefatigable statesmanship and hither to unknown popularity. At this juncture we drag this opportunity to invite you to this region, better always inaugurate the Codava Land. We proposed to meet you one of the days very soon. We wish you good health and great success.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB# 12, Madikeri-571201
Codava land-Coorg
Karnataka state,India
Cell No:09448721200
www. codavanationalcouncil. com
codavanational council.blogspot. com
My Posterous - ybhi.Posterous.com
P.S - Charter of Codava Demands.
- Autonomous Codava land under the 6th schedule of our constitution encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava naads in coorg.
- Ethno-Linguistic -Tribal - Minority status for Codava race under article 340 and 42 of our Constitution. Codava Thak should be included in the 8th schedule of our constitution.
- Special exemption for Codava race to posses and carry weapons under Indian arms act section 3 and 4 to be continued forever and ever after without any hindrance as our customary personal law and also as the religious symbol of Codava race.
- Internal political self determination right for Codava minority race
- Universal recognition for Codava race as a separate independent nationality.
- Codava race should be given exclusive political reservation and nomination in the August legislative chambers on the lines of Anglo Indians under article331 of our Constitution.
His Excellency
The Hon’ble President
Sovereign Republic of India
Raisina Hills
Rastra Pathi Bhavan
New Delhi- 1
Your Excellency Sir:
Sub: Carve out Autonomous Codava land (Coorg) in South West Karnataka under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution with that of Telangana - direct the union Government to place a Constitutional amendment Bill in the ensuing session of parliament and also promulgate the presidential ordinance in that regard even before such a thing - demand for:
We have reached Delhi by special chartered train. As many as 3000 Codavas and Codavathis in traditional Codava costumes will participate in New Delhi Chalo rally, the massive public rally slated to be held at New Delhi on 01-11-2013- regarding
It may not be an out of place act on our part if we may relate the historical back ground of the entire facts, originally Coorg/ Kodagu the traditional home land of Codava race was a separate 'C' type state say the tiniest of the states, designated under article 242 of our Constitution in the year 1952. Even though Coorg has had easily perceptible extraordinary cultural back ground. One must remember that the aboriginal indigenous Codava race has a noticeable existence from time immemorial as a distinctive class of people with exhaustive heritage value. We have a typical living style, unique clannish system of social order and structure habited and confined in a Compact land space, and civilization, customary personal laws , language i.e Codava Thak, and age old folk legal systems in comparable with other groups of the people anywhere on the earth. We are determined to struggle until such day when all the below mentioned demands are addressed positively with an idea of giving durable and permanent political solution for long standing Codava unrest.
Charter of Codava Demands.
- Autonomous Codava land under the 6th schedule of our constitution encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava naads in coorg.
- Ethno-Linguistic -Tribal - Minority status for Codava race under article 340 and 42 of our Constitution.
- Codava Thak should be included in the 8th schedule of our constitution.
- Special exemption for Codava race to posses and carry weapons under Indian arms act section 3 and 4 to be continued forever and ever after without any hindrance as our customary personal law and also as the religious symbol of Codava race.
- Internal political self determination right for Codava minority race
- Universal recognition for Codava race as a separate independent nationality.
- Codava race should be given exclusive political reservation and nomination in the August legislative chambers on the lines of Anglo Indians under article331 of our Constitution.
Even though we have been struggling for the case during the past nearly a quarter century without any break the Govts both the GOI and GOK have always discriminated us , marginalized us and excluded us with a solitary intention of causing the extinction of Codava race and forever. Even though nothing of the sort as comparable with the pains we have suffered on account of the discrimination against the entire Codava race by the people what now is called as Karnataka. Now the time is ripe to consider our demands are positively. One must know that the respective Govts are trying to throat the entire Codava race, and Codava cultural identity in the name of PAN Indian concept, which ultimately prove us to be akin to Red Indians of America, Palestinians of Jerusalem, Kurdish, Tibetans, Ethnic Catholics of northern Ireland and kashmiri Pundits who lost their mother land, like wise we Codavas will one day will become aliens in our own home land. India being the largest ethnic diversity nation in the world it will be a greatest tragedy of 21" century.
It is an undeniable fact that Codavas by all reckoning besides being the most aboriginal indigenous tribal group nurturing all the racial characters by all standard we are an Ethnic minority group, Linguistic minority group, National minority group, Racial minority group and also a cultural minority group all in one and one in all. Even though there has been an under taking in well defined terms in the 7th amendment of the Constitution under States reorganization act 1956 to protect the interests in all respects of the minority segments to be merged with the larger States.
Even though our sacred national document the Constitution of India provides for the protection of all such minority groups however much insignificant it is, under articles, 25, 26, 51 (a), 340, 342, 347, 350B, 370, 371, 6th, 7th and 8th schedules envisaged and such things are enshrined in UNO charter and the international human right declaration also, our Govts systematically have failed to give effect to the things as appear in the Constitution by neglecting Codavas by all these years
It is a known fact that the Union Govt has formed a Group of Ministers GOM to ascertain the modalities for the creation of the state of Telangana and place the Bill for the proposed amendments to the articles 2,3 and 4 of our Constitution in the Parliament touching the carving out of Telangana. Now this is the most appropriate opportunity to receive, acknowledge and answer our demands for the creation of Autonomous Codava Land together with the things as are enlisted above.
Even though our claim is weightier than Telangana we do not demand for a separate state as did Telanagana people. We do not oppose the creation of Telangana even though it has neither qualification nor historical heritage when compared with the claim of Codava land. Since the Union Govt has announced about the creation of Telangana state we take this opportunity to request you to apply your judicious mind and see that the demand for Autonomous Codava Land is included in the agenda hand in hand with the subject of Telangana and please see that our demand is turns out to be a reality.
Let not the Govts try to suppress our claim for the single reason that we do not have proper political representation and that we are not violent in any manner. Should the Govt failed to concede our legitimate demands at once and failed to consider our claim positively in the ensuing parliamentary session we are definite that we would knock at the doors of UNO in order to herald to the entire universe about the failure, refusal also may be correct to listen to Codava voice in a vibrant democratic nation in the world. After all this is one opportunity to give the most appropriate and colorful explanation for the flowering of democracy as enshrined in the Constitution of India
Our struggle is based on the principles of Mahatma Gandhiji, The Dalai Lama & Nelson Mandela and our Constitution is wedded to the principles of unity in diversity and diversity in unity. So please address our grievances and provide us durable and permanent political solution. Kindly do the needful.
Our event full political struggle has 23 years of relentless history. Our lack of political lobby and Gandhian methods should never be considered as our weakness. Hence concede our legitimate demands.
We request Your Excellency to promulgate Presidential Ordinance at once about carving out the Codava land Autonomous Region Comprising of ancient 45 traditional Codava naads (the prime habitation of Codava race) in the district of Coorg \ Kodagu in South West Karnataka.
Presented at Rashtrapathi Bhavan. On31-11-2013.
Camp- New Delhi
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB# 12, Madikeri-571201
Codava land-Coorg
Karnataka state,India
Cell No:09448721200
www. codavanationalcouncil. com
codavanational council.blogspot. com
My Posterous - ybhi.Posterous.com

His Excellency
The Hon’ble President
Sovereign Republic of India
Raisina Hills
Rastra Pathi Bhavan
New Delhi- 1
Your Excellency Sir:
Sub: Carve out Autonomous Codava land (Coorg) in South West Karnataka under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution with that of Telangana - direct the union Government to place a Constitutional amendment Bill in the ensuing session of parliament and also promulgate the presidential ordinance in that regard even before such a thing - demand for:
We have reached Delhi by special chartered train. As many as 3000 Codavas and Codavathis in traditional Codava costumes will participate in New Delhi Chalo rally, the massive public rally slated to be held at New Delhi on 01-11-2013- regarding It may not be an out of place act on our part if we may relate the historical back ground of the entire facts, originally Coorg/ Kodagu the traditional home land of Codava race was a separate 'C' type state say the tiniest of the states, designated under article 242 of our Constitution in the year 1952. Even though Coorg has had easily perceptible extraordinary cultural back ground. One must remember that the aboriginal indigenous Codava race has a noticeable existence from time immemorial as a distinctive class of people with exhaustive heritage value. We have a typical living style, unique clannish system of social order and structure habited and confined in a Compact land space, and civilization, customary personal laws , language i.e Codava Thak, and age old folk legal systems in comparable with other groups of the people anywhere on the earth. We are determined to struggle until such day when all the below mentioned demands are addressed positively with an idea of giving durable and permanent political solution for long standing Codava unrest.
Charter of Codava Demands.
- Autonomous Codava land under the 6th schedule of our constitution encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava naads in coorg.
- Ethno-Linguistic -Tribal - Minority status for Codava race under article 340 and 42 of our Constitution.
- Codava Thak should be included in the 8th schedule of our constitution.
- Special exemption for Codava race to posses and carry weapons under Indian arms act section 3 and 4 to be continued forever and ever after without any hindrance as our customary personal law and also as the religious symbol of Codava race.
- Internal political self determination right for Codava minority race
- Universal recognition for Codava race as a separate independent nationality.
- Codava race should be given exclusive political reservation and nomination in the August legislative chambers on the lines of Anglo Indians under article331 of our Constitution.
Even though we have been struggling for the case during the past nearly a quarter century without any break the Govts both the GOI and GOK have always discriminated us , marginalized us and excluded us with a solitary intention of causing the extinction of Codava race and forever. Even though nothing of the sort as comparable with the pains we have suffered on account of the discrimination against the entire Codava race by the people what now is called as Karnataka. Now the time is ripe to consider our demands are positively. One must know that the respective Govts are trying to throat the entire Codava race, and Codava cultural identity in the name of PAN Indian concept, which ultimately prove us to be akin to Red Indians of America, Palestinians of Jerusalem, Kurdish, Tibetans, Ethnic Catholics of northern Ireland and kashmiri Pundits who lost their mother land, like wise we Codavas will one day will become aliens in our own home land. India being the largest ethnic diversity nation in the world it will be a greatest tragedy of 21" century.
It is an undeniable fact that Codavas by all reckoning besides being the most aboriginal indigenous tribal group nurturing all the racial characters by all standard we are an Ethnic minority group, Linguistic minority group, National minority group, Racial minority group and also a cultural minority group all in one and one in all. Even though there has been an under taking in well defined terms in the 7th amendment of the Constitution under States reorganization act 1956 to protect the interests in all respects of the minority segments to be merged with the larger States.
Even though our sacred national document the Constitution of India provides for the protection of all such minority groups however much insignificant it is, under articles, 25, 26, 51 (a), 340, 342, 347, 350B, 370, 371, 6th, 7th and 8th schedules envisaged and such things are enshrined in UNO charter and the international human right declaration also, our Govts systematically have failed to give effect to the things as appear in the Constitution by neglecting Codavas by all these years
It is a known fact that the Union Govt has formed a Group of Ministers GOM to ascertain the modalities for the creation of the state of Telangana and place the Bill for the proposed amendments to the articles 2,3 and 4 of our Constitution in the Parliament touching the carving out of Telangana. Now this is the most appropriate opportunity to receive, acknowledge and answer our demands for the creation of Autonomous Codava Land together with the things as are enlisted above.
Even though our claim is weightier than Telangana we do not demand for a separate state as did Telanagana people. We do not oppose the creation of Telangana even though it has neither qualification nor historical heritage when compared with the claim of Codava land. Since the Union Govt has announced about the creation of Telangana state we take this opportunity to request you to apply your judicious mind and see that the demand for Autonomous Codava Land is included in the agenda hand in hand with the subject of Telangana and please see that our demand is turns out to be a reality.
Let not the Govts try to suppress our claim for the single reason that we do not have proper political representation and that we are not violent in any manner. Should the Govt failed to concede our legitimate demands at once and failed to consider our claim positively in the ensuing parliamentary session we are definite that we would knock at the doors of UNO in order to herald to the entire universe about the failure, refusal also may be correct to listen to Codava voice in a vibrant democratic nation in the world. After all this is one opportunity to give the most appropriate and colorful explanation for the flowering of democracy as enshrined in the Constitution of India
Our struggle is based on the principles of Mahatma Gandhiji, The Dalai Lama & Nelson Mandela and our Constitution is wedded to the principles of unity in diversity and diversity in unity. So please address our grievances and provide us durable and permanent political solution. Kindly do the needful.
Our event full political struggle has 23 years of relentless history. Our lack of political lobby and Gandhian methods should never be considered as our weakness. Hence concede our legitimate demands.
We request Your Excellency to promulgate Presidential Ordinance at once about carving out the Codava land Autonomous Region Comprising of ancient 45 traditional Codava naads (the prime habitation of Codava race) in the district of Coorg \ Kodagu in South West Karnataka.
Presented at Rashtrapathi Bhavan. On31-11-2013.
Camp- New Delhi
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB# 12, Madikeri-571201
Codava land-Coorg
Karnataka state,India
Cell No:09448721200
www. codavanationalcouncil. com
codavanational council.blogspot. com
My Posterous - ybhi.Posterous.com
Human chain program at Cherambane to instil awareness about Codava Land Union Territory Status and other subjects by CNC on 14.oct.2014.
Our organisation CNC (Codava National Council) held a fascinating human chain programme at Cherambane on 14.Oct.2014 and the CNC leader N.U.Nachappa Codava explained in detail about the necessity of creating Codava Land Union tertiary together with autonomy, seeking Tribal status to Codava race and inclusion of Codava Thak in the 8th schedule of our constitution and exemption under Indian Arms Act to possess Guns by Codava Race should continue without any hindrance. He justified about the claim of UT status to CODAVA LAND of Coorg citing basic criterion such as politico-historical and cultural back ground , Economic viability and geo-political aspiration of the indigenous Codava race and martial quality inherent in Codava race. M/s Ajjinanda Papanna, Pattamada Kusha, Mandapanda Manoj, Almanda Jai, Kuttetira Kunjappa, Natolanda Jayaraj, Biddanda Thamma, Podnolanda Subbaiah, Bolarapanda Sabhu, Kottukathira Boliappa, Kottukathira Manu, Bachiraniyanda Sumanth, Bopadthanda Harish and Baddira Nanda were present in the programa. Before terminating all the participants took oath in the name of Guru and Karona and Sun and Moon.

Press Release
Date : 20.10.2014
Human chain program at Balele to instil awareness about Codava Land Union Territory Status and other subjects by CNC on 20.10.2014.
Our organisation CNC (Codava National Council) held a fascinating human chain programme at BALELE on 20.10.2014 and the CNC leader N.U.Nachappa Codava explained in detail about the necessity of creating Codava Land Union tertiary together with autonomy, seeking Tribal status to Codava race and inclusion of Codava Thak in the 8th schedule of our constitution and exemption under Indian Arms Act to possess Guns by Codava Race should continue without any hindrance. He justified about the claim of UT status to CODAVA LAND of Coorg citing basic criterion such as politico-historical and cultural back ground , Economic viability and geo-political aspiration of the indigenous Codava race and martial quality inherent in Codava race. M/s Kandera Suresh, Paruvangada Naveen, Malachira Ponnappa, Sullimada Prabhu, Adengada Prakash, Adengada Rana, Machamada Arum, Kandera Prakash, Adengada Vasu, Alamengada Bose, Paruvangada Bose, Machangada Suja, Adengada Prakash Devaiah, Alamengada Biddappa were present in the programa. Before terminating all the participants took oath in the name of Guru and Karona and Sun and Moon.
NU Nachappa Codava.BA.LLB
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri 571201- Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India,
Cell NO. 9448721200
www.codavanationalcouncil.in, www.codavanationalcouncil.org
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com

Press Release
Date : 27.10.2014
Human chain program at Gonikoppa to instil awareness about Codava Land Union Territory Status and other subjects by CNC on 27.10.2014.
Our organisation CNC (Codava National Council) held a fascinating human chain programme at GONIKOPPA on 27.10.2014 and the CNC leader N.U.Nachappa Codava explained in detail about the necessity of creating Codava Land Union tertiary together with autonomy, seeking Tribal status to Codava race and inclusion of Codava Thak in the 8th schedule of our constitution and exemption under Indian Arms Act to possess Guns by Codava Race should continue without any hindrance. He justified about the claim of UT status to CODAVA LAND of Coorg citing basic criterion such as politico-historical and cultural back ground , Economic viability and geo-political aspiration of the indigenous Codava race and martial quality inherent in Codava race. M/s Jammada Nandappa, Jammada Sajan, Jammada Arasu, Jammada Ashok, Kadyamada Gowtham, Kollira Gaya, Kollira Gopi, Sullimada Prabhu, Podamada Uthappa, Paruvangada Naveen, Paruvangada Harsha, Kandera Suresh, Kaliyanda Prakash, Ajjikuttira Lokesh, Badumanda Ramesh, Bacharaniyanda Chippanna, Pullangada Natesh, Madrira Karumbaiah, Koniyanda Sanju, Bottangada Girish, Bottangada Savitha, Appengada Male, Jammada Mohan, Machimada Lava, Mookonda Dilip were present in the programa. Before terminating all the participants took oath in the name of Guru and Karona and Sun and Moon.
NU Nachappa Codava.BA.LLB
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri 571201- Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India,
Cell NO. 9448721200
www.codavanationalcouncil.in, www.codavanationalcouncil.org
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com

Codava National Council
Press Release
The Editor / Bureau Chief
Date : 28.10.2014Charter of Demands:
Dear Sir/ Madam,
We (Codava National Council/CNC) have scheduled to hold a sathyagraha by Codava enthusiasts at Janthar Manthar, New Delhi , to pressurize our 23 years old demand for the establishment of Codava Land Autonomous region coupled with assigning Union Territory status to Coorg District, now in Karnataka on 1 Nov 2014 and observation of Karnataka Rajyothsava Day as black day. The participant would be traveling from different corners of Coorg District in South West Karnataka and would be in Codava Traditional attire. After the Sathyagraha we are presenting a detailed Memorandum to the Union Government of India. Programme starts at 9:30 AM and it terminates at 1PM. We are struggling for a positive result touching our long pending demands as are mentioned above.
Charter of Demands:
- Codava Land Union Territory under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution.
- Autonomous Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava Naads in Coorg.
- Codava tribal race should be included in the Schedule of our Constitution under articles 340 and 342.
- Codava Thakk should be included in the 8th scheduled of our Constitution.
- Special exemption for Codava race to posses and carry weapons under India arms act section 3 and 4 to be continued forever and ever after without any hindrance as our customary personal laws and also as the religious symbol of Codava race.
- Internal political self - determination right for Codava minority race.
- Universal recognition for Codava race as a separate independent nationality.
- Codava race should be given exclusive political reservation and nomination in the August legislative chambers on the lines of Anglo Indians under article 331 of our Constitution.
NU Nachappa Codava.BA.LLB
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri 571201- Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India,
Cell NO. 9448721200
www.codavanationalcouncil.in, www.codavanationalcouncil.org
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com
The Editor/Bureau Chief,
Date: 28.10.2014
Dear Sir / Madam,
An Invitation
Sub: Codava National Council’s (CNC) proposed Sathyagraha by Codava enthusiasts from Coorg in Karnataka to demand ‘Codava land’ Autonomous region and Union Territory status to Coorg District in Karnataka to be held on 1st November 2014 @ Janthar Manthar, New Delhi, and observation of Karnataka Rajyothsava day as black day. I take liberty to request the media brothrin to attend a press conference on 29th Oct 2014 in Bangalore Press club at 12:30 noon to explain about the programmed Sathyagrha – Invitation to that affect.
We (Codava National council) have scheduled to hold a Sathyagraha by Codava enthusiasts at Janthar Manthar, New Delhi, to pressurize our 23 year old demand for the establishment of ‘Codava land’ Autonomous Region coupled with assigning Union Territory status to Coorg District, Now in Karnataka on 1 November 2014 and observation of Karnataka Rajyothsava day as black day. The participants would be traveling from different corners of Coorg District in South West Karnataka and would be in Codava traditional attire. After the Sathyagraha we are presenting a detailed Memorandum to the Union Govt of India. Therefore I take liberty to request the media brethren to attend a press conference on 29th Oct 2014 in Bangalore Press Club at 12:30 noon to explain about the programmed sathyagraha
We desire active support from the media and we request the press community to herald our genuine and legitimate demands and do the needful in securing durable and permanent political solution to our claims.
Therefore we request you to be kind enough to depute your press correspondent, TV correspondent, and visual mediagraphers and photographers to the “Press Conference” in the interest of justice and equity.
NU Nachappa Codava.BA.LLB
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri 571201- Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India,
Cell NO. 9448721200
www.codavanationalcouncil.in, www.codavanationalcouncil.org
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com
Press Release
The Editor / Bureau Chief
Date: 29.10.2014
Dear Sir/ Madam,
We (Codava National Council/CNC) have scheduled to hold a sathyagraha by Codava enthusiasts at Janthar Manthar, New Delhi , to pressurize our 23 years old demand for the establishment of Codava Land Autonomous region coupled with assigning Union Territory status to Coorg District, now in Karnataka on 1 Nov 2014 and observation of Karnataka Rajyothsava Day as black day. The participant would be traveling from different corners of Coorg District in South West Karnataka and would be in Codava Traditional attire. After the Sathyagraha we are presenting a detailed Memorandum to the Union Government of India. Programme starts at 9:30 AM and it terminates at 1PM. We are struggling for a positive result touching our long pending demands as are mentioned above.
Declaration of Codava Land U.T is warrantedRespected Sirs,
Sub: Declare Codava Region in Coorg , Karnataka to be an Union Territory. i.e. Codava Land Union Territory under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution Since it fulfils all the required criterion and qualifications on par with the 11 points guideline prescribed in the Constitution of India with regard to the Constitution of Union Territories in India - request for.
Without any need to introduce ourselves to be the one and the only organization established with the sole purpose of getting established Autonomous Codava Land, we take this opportunity to bring to your kind notice the 11 point criterion as are prescribed in the Constitution of India for the Constitution of Union Territories . We would like to inform you that Codava Land Coorg fulfils all the required qualifications in that regard and it may not be an out of place act on our part if we may be permitted to inform you that the State of Karnataka after the merger of the then ‘ C ’ type of state of Coorg i.e., the traditional Codava home land, with the state of Karnataka in the year 1956. The successive Governments and all the concerned there with have seized the opportunity to discriminate this region and indigenous Codava race and natives and in reality we have been suffering all the anomalies inflicted by our Government. The Government of Karnataka deliberately has discriminated against Codava Region with a solitary intension of erasing the very existence of the native people, Codava race and render the entire area to disuser and spoil our soil, cultural heritage, language and aboriginal indigenes Codava identity and historic existence in totality, besides causing insecurity in all spheres. The only method to safe guard the entire region ; the then “C” State of Coorg. The Cultural heritage of the people and the financial background of the region can be caused done by declaring this region to be an Union Territory under the direct control of the Union Government. The successive Karnataka Government has considered this region to be an occupied territory in a war, treating the region a resource generating colony besides continuously having ill-treated the natives here. Added to it State of Karnataka has treated the native Codavas to be the subjects of their occupied territory and never as a citizens proper. Forget not the fact that each and every Codava regardless of status has contributed his might much beyond his capacity to rescue the boarders of India and safeguard the interest of our mother country, needless to add that Codava’s are a martial race to every inch and not single Codava family is not without a member in active military service. Despite Coorg being the known cradle of warriors has been and continuously being neglected and disrespected intentionally with a solitary idea of erasing its existence totally. The rapacious and tyrannical behavior of everyone concerned with the Government of Karnataka is continuing without any stop.
Therefore we would like to re-iterate a fact that now time is ripe to get eradicated all the anomalies caused by the Government of Karnataka. A declaration of Codava Land Union Territory to that effect is clearly warranted in the attending circumstances. Codava Land U.T. is more essential, humane and deserving.
Following are the criterion fixed in the Constitution touching the Constitution of U.T.- Union territories are ruled directly by the Union Government (Central Government)
- The President of India appoints an administrator or lieutenant – Governor for each U.T.
- Union territories of India have special rights and status due to their constitutional formation and development.
- For safeguarding the rights of Indigenous cultures, averting political turmoil related to matters of governance.
- All the tax money goes to center as a U.T., region will be able to attract central funds exclusively for its development.
- Union territories serve the purpose of administering regions which are small yet diverse may be because of their history or culture or geography.
- Correct the anomaly caused by the reorganization of States which took place in 1956.
- Sustain the economic, linguistic and cultural affinities of the region.
- Politically, economically and educationally as they are in varying phases of development Central Government can take care of them without discrimination.
- Administration as U.T will not drain the public exchequer.
- Apart from improving the administrative setup move would help instill a sense of security among those from other regions of the state, who despite their decades - long stay in the region are feeling the jitters.
With a solitary idea of managing the affairs of any certain given area and also to make it known that the particular area is being governed properly and justice reaches to each and everyone, the Constitution framers have after much discussion and studying elaborately about the attending features of any particular given group of Towns and areas have formulated the idea of creating Union Territories in contrast with larger states. Before terming any particular area to be made Union Territory the Constitution framers have deeply studied about the topographical features , Geo-political aspirations of the indigenous people of that particular areas besides historical back ground and Economic criteria until that point of time. Added to it they have attempted to make an in-depth study in to the language and culture of the indigenous people of that area and such other attending features. Take instance for the cases of 7 Union Territories in India.
- (a) Pondichery (b) Mahe (c) Enam (d) Karaikal
- Dadra & Nagara Haveli
- Daman & Dive
- Andaman & Nicobar Islands
- Lakshadweepa
- Chandigarh
- Delhi National Capital Territory
To assert our economic viability for the formation of U.T the point No.5 mentions about the economic base and fund raiser in the manner of tax to be extracted to the Union Government which in turn remits a substantial thereof to the developmental programs Union Territory if it created. The financial resources from Coffee production, Forest wealth, Royalty from Cauvery waters and promotion of Tourism shall last until Son and Moon exists and Union Governments must remember for this real truthful fact.
The things explained below fulfils criterion for Economic viability ( budgetary provisions). 1.Our Coffee ( Coorg Coffee) is classified to be the best in world. After Petroleum Coffee is the Second largest traded commodity in the world. India is considered to be the 6th largest Coffee producer in the world, and Coorg produces an average 40% of total national production. Enough if we arrive at a conclusion that gross foreign exchange from Coffee India earns every year is around Rs. 5 thousand Crores and it is safest method to add that Codagu supplies 40% of it. 2.The flora & fauna and never hazardous rivulets and water falls are exceptional only to Coorg. The forest wealth in Codagu is considered to be the best carbon supplier in the world. 3. Added to it the average annual yield of Cauvery river waters from Coorg exceeds 180 TMC feet. (The lifeline of South India River Cauvery has taken its birth in Coorg, particularly at Talacauvery). 4. What more, the role of income from tourism activities ( The panoramic natural beauty, innumerable hillocks, pleasing natural atmosphere, added to it the kindly people are worth mentioning. It would be right if Coorg is termed as Gods own heaven on earth) Codagu stands next only to that of Isthanbul in world should Codava Land of Coorg be classified as Union Territory. It is very easy to take these features to be the main budgetary base for the maintenance and management of the Union Territories sought to be created. No doubt the actual money supply is addressed to the Union Governament and it is just practical to understand the money shall be allotted from the Union Government to this region ( Coorg) should it become a separate U.T. and unconnected with the State of Karnataka.
Hence C.N.C demands for the immediate creation of Codava Land Union Territory in the interest of justice an
NU Nachappa Codava.BA.LLB
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri 571201- Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India,
Cell NO. 9448721200
www.codavanationalcouncil.in, www.codavanationalcouncil.org
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com
P:S:- In the nature of addenda we seek your kind permission to request you to read the following lines which in fact are the main contents of our charter of demands.
They are as follows:
- Autonomous Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava Naads in Coorg.
- Codava tribal race should be included in the Schedule of our Constitution under articles 340 and 342.
- Codava Thakk should be included in the 8th scheduled of our Constitution.
- Special exemption for Codava race to posses and carry weapons under India arms act section 3 and 4 to be continued forever and ever after without any hindrance as our customary personal laws and also as the religious symbol of Codava race.
- Internal political self - determination right for Codava minority race.
- Universal recognition for Codava race as a separate independent nationality.
- Codava race should be given exclusive political reservation and nomination in the August legislative chambers on the lines of Anglo Indians under article 331 of our Constitution.

The Editor /Bureau Chief,
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Codava National Council’s (CNC) proposed Sathyagraha by Codava enthusiasts from Coorg in Karnataka to demand Codava land Autonomous region and Union Territory status to Coorg District in Karnataka to be held on 1st November 2014 @ Janthar Manthar, New Delhi, and Observation of Karnataka Rajyothsava day as black day – Invitation to media persons and agencies. Program starts at 9.30 am and it terminates at 1 pm:
We (Codava National Council) have scheduled to hold a sathyagraha by Codava enthusiasts at Janthar Manthar, New Delhi,to pressurize our 23 year old demand for the establishment of Codava land Autonomous Region coupled with assigning Union Territory status to Coorg District, Now in Karnataka on 1 November 2014 and observation of Karnataka Rajyothsava day as black day. The participants would be travelling from deferent corners of Coorg District in South west Karnataka and would be in Codava traditional attire. After the Sathyagraha we are presenting a detailed Memorandum to the Union Govt of India. Program starts at 9.30 am and it terminates at 1 pm. We are struggling for a positive result touching our long pending demands as are mentioned above.
We desire active support from the media and we request the press community to herald our genuine and legitimate demands and do the needful in securing durable and permanent political solution to our claims.
Therefore we request you to be kind enough to depute your press correspondents and visual mediagraphers and photographers to the sathyagraha site in the interest of justice and equity.
NU Nachappa Codava.BA.LLB
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri 571201- Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India,
Cell NO. 9448721200
www.codavanationalcouncil.in, www.codavanationalcouncil.org
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com
Date : 01 NOV 2014
The Editor / Bureau Chief
Dear Sir/ Madam,
We (Codava National Council/CNC) have squatted in a sathyagraha by Codava enthusiasts at Janthar Manthar, New Delhi , to pressurize our 23 years old demand for the establishment of Codava Land Autonomous region coupled with assigning Union Territory status to Coorg District, now in Karnataka on 1 Nov 2014 and observation of Karnataka Rajyothsava Day as black day. All the participant have traveled from different corners of Coorg District in South West Karnataka with an intention of taking part in the agitation in the manner of sathyagraha. After the Sathyagraha we have presented a detailed Memorandum to the Union Government of India. Programme started from 9:30 AM and it terminated at 1:00 PM. We are struggling for a positive result touching our long pending demands as are mentioned above.
Declaration of Codava Land U.T is warrantedRespected Sirs,
Sub: Declare Codava Region in Coorg , Karnataka to be an Union Territory. i.e. Codava Land Union Territory under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution Since it fulfils all the required criterion and qualifications on par with the 11 points guideline prescribed in the Constitution of India with regard to the Constitution of Union Territories in India - request for.
Without any need to introduce ourselves to be the one and the only organization established with the sole purpose of getting established Autonomous Codava Land, we take this opportunity to bring to your kind notice the 11 point criterion as are prescribed in the Constitution of India for the Constitution of Union Territories . We would like to inform you that Codava Land Coorg fulfils all the required qualifications in that regard and it may not be an out of place act on our part if we may be permitted to inform you that the State of Karnataka after the merger of the then ‘ C ’ type of state of Coorg i.e., the traditional Codava home land, with the state of Karnataka in the year 1956. The successive Governments and all the concerned there with have seized the opportunity to discriminate this region and indigenous Codava race and natives and in reality we have been suffering all the anomalies inflicted by our Government. The Government of Karnataka deliberately has discriminated against Codava Region with a solitary intension of erasing the very existence of the native people, Codava race and render the entire area to disuser and spoil our soil, cultural heritage, language and aboriginal indigenes Codava identity and historic existence in totality, besides causing insecurity in all spheres. The only method to safe guard the entire region ; the then “C” State of Coorg. The Cultural heritage of the people and the financial background of the region can be caused done by declaring this region to be an Union Territory under the direct control of the Union Government. The successive Karnataka Government has considered this region to be an occupied territory in a war, treating the region a resource generating colony besides continuously having ill-treated the natives here. Added to it State of Karnataka has treated the native Codavas to be the subjects of their occupied territory and never as a citizens proper. Forget not the fact that each and every Codava regardless of status has contributed his might much beyond his capacity to rescue the boarders of India and safeguard the interest of our mother country, needless to add that Codava’s are a martial race to every inch and not single Codava family is not without a member in active military service. Despite Coorg being the known cradle of warriors has been and continuously being neglected and disrespected intentionally with a solitary idea of erasing its existence totally. The rapacious and tyrannical behavior of everyone concerned with the Government of Karnataka is continuing without any stop.
Therefore we would like to re-iterate a fact that now time is ripe to get eradicated all the anomalies caused by the Government of Karnataka. A declaration of Codava Land Union Territory to that effect is clearly warranted in the attending circumstances. Codava Land U.T. is more essential, humane and deserving.
Following are the criterion fixed in the Constitution touching the Constitution of U.T.- Union territories are ruled directly by the Union Government (Central Government)
- The President of India appoints an administrator or lieutenant – Governor for each U.T.
- Union territories of India have special rights and status due to their constitutional formation and development.
- For safeguarding the rights of Indigenous cultures, averting political turmoil related to matters of governance.
- All the tax money goes to center as a U.T., region will be able to attract central funds exclusively for its development.
- Union territories serve the purpose of administering regions which are small yet diverse may be because of their history or culture or geography.
- Correct the anomaly caused by the reorganization of States which took place in 1956.
- Sustain the economic, linguistic and cultural affinities of the region.
- Politically, economically and educationally as they are in varying phases of development Central Government can take care of them without discrimination.
- Administration as U.T will not drain the public exchequer.
- Apart from improving the administrative setup move would help instill a sense of security among those from other regions of the state, who despite their decades - long stay in the region are feeling the jitters.
With a solitary idea of managing the affairs of any certain given area and also to make it known that the particular area is being governed properly and justice reaches to each and everyone, the Constitution framers have after much discussion and studying elaborately about the attending features of any particular given group of Towns and areas have formulated the idea of creating Union Territories in contrast with larger states. Before terming any particular area to be made Union Territory the Constitution framers have deeply studied about the topographical features , Geo-political aspirations of the indigenous people of that particular areas besides historical back ground and Economic criteria until that point of time. Added to it they have attempted to make an in-depth study in to the language and culture of the indigenous people of that area and such other attending features. Take instance for the cases of 7 Union Territories in India .
- (a) Pondichery (b) Mahe (c) Enam (d) Karaikal
- Dadra & Nagara Haveli
- Daman & Dive
- Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
- Lakshadweepa
- Chandigarh
- Delhi National Capital Territory
To assert our economic viability for the formation of U.T the point No.5 mentions about the economic base and fund raiser in the manner of tax to be extracted to the Union Government which in turn remits a substantial thereof to the developmental programs Union Territory if it created. The financial resources from Coffee production, Forest wealth, Royalty from Cauvery waters and promotion of Tourism shall last until Son and Moon exists and Union Governments must remember for this real truthful fact.
The things explained below fulfils criterion for Economic viability ( budgetary provisions). 1.Our Coffee ( Coorg Coffee) is classified to be the best in world. After Petroleum Coffee is the Second largest traded commodity in the world. India is considered to be the 6th largest Coffee producer in the world, and Coorg produces an average 40% of total national production. Enough if we arrive at a conclusion that gross foreign exchange from Coffee India earns every year is around Rs. 5 thousand Crores and it is safest method to add that Codagu supplies 40% of it. 2.The flora & fauna and never hazardous rivulets and water falls are exceptional only to Coorg. The forest wealth in Codagu is considered to be the best carbon supplier in the world. 3. Added to it the average annual yield of Cauvery river waters from Coorg exceeds 180 TMC feet. (The lifeline of South India River Cauvery has taken its birth in Coorg, particularly at Talacauvery). 4. What more, the role of income from tourism activities ( The panoramic natural beauty, innumerable hillocks, pleasing natural atmosphere, added to it the kindly people are worth mentioning. It would be right if Coorg is termed as Gods own heaven on earth) Codagu stands next only to that of Isthanbul in world should Codava Land of Coorg be classified as Union Territory. It is very easy to take these features to be the main budgetary base for the maintenance and management of the Union Territories sought to be created. No doubt the actual money supply is addressed to the Union Governament and it is just practical to understand the money shall be allotted from the Union Government to this region ( Coorg) should it become a separate U.T. and unconnected with the State of Karnataka.
Hence C.N.C demands for the immediate creation of Codava Land Union Territory in the interest of justice and equity.
NU Nachappa Codava.BA.LLB
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri 571201- Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India,
Cell NO. 9448721200
www.codavanationalcouncil.in, www.codavanationalcouncil.org
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com
P:S:- In the nature of addenda we seek your kind permission to request you to read the following lines which in fact are the main contents of our charter of demands. They are as follows:
- Autonomous Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava Naads in Coorg.
- Codava tribal race should be included in the Schedule of our Constitution under articles 340 and 342.
- Codava Thakk should be included in the 8th scheduled of our Constitution.
- Special exemption for Codava race to posses and carry weapons under India arms act section 3 and 4 to be continued forever and ever after without any hindrance as our customary personal laws and also as the religious symbol of Codava race.
- Internal political self - determination right for Codava minority race.
- Universal recognition for Codava race as a separate independent nationality.
- Codava race should be given exclusive political reservation and nomination in the August legislative chambers on the lines of Anglo Indians under article 331 of our Constitution.
The Hon’ble Chair Person
U.P.A & President A.I.C.C (I)
10 Janpath
New Delhi - 01.
Camp: New Delhi
Enclosed herewith a true replica of the Memorandum presented by Codava National Council/ CNC, Coorg in Karnataka to His Excellency The Hon’ble President of India, The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs Union Government of India after having squatted in a sathyagraha at Janthar Manther New Delhi by Codava participants from Coorg in South West Karnataka for your kind notice. We only request you to be kind enough to put in your helping and in the matter and please see that our goal is achieved at an earliest. We hope that your goodself will do the needful in the matter.
NU Nachappa Codava.BA.LLB
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri 571201- Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India,
Cell NO. 9448721200
www.codavanationalcouncil.in, www.codavanationalcouncil.org
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com
Date : 28/10/2014
1. His Excellency
The Hon’ble President
Sovereign of Republic of India
Raisina Hills
Rashtra pathi Bavan
New Delhi - 01
2.His Excellency
The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block
New Delhi – 01.
3.The Hon’ble Union Minister for Home Affairs
Government of India
North Block
New Delhi - 01.
Through the Deputy Commissioner Kodagu / Coorg, Karnataka , Madikeri.
We (Codava National Council/CNC) have scheduled to hold a sathyagraha by Codava enthusiasts at Janthar Manthar, New Delhi , to pressurize our 23 years old demand for the establishment of Codava Land Autonomous region coupled with assigning Union Territory status to Coorg District, now in Karnataka on 1 Nov 2014 and observation of Karnataka Rajyothsava Day as black day. The participant would be traveling from different corners of Coorg District in South West Karnataka and would be in Codava Traditional attire. After the Sathyagraha we are presenting a detailed Memorandum to the Union Government of India. Programme starts at 9:30 AM and it terminates at 1PM. We are struggling for a positive result touching our long pending demands as are mentioned above.
CHARTER OF DEMANDS:- Codava Land Union Territory under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution.
- Autonomous Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava Naads in Coorg.
- Codava tribal race should be included in the Schedule of our Constitution under articles 340 and 342.
- Codava Thakk should be included in the 8th scheduled of our Constitution.
- Special exemption for Codava race to posses and carry weapons under India arms act section 3 and 4 to be continued forever and ever after without any hindrance as our customary personal laws and also as the religious symbol of Codava race.
- Internal political self - determination right for Codava minority race.
- Universal recognition for Codava race as a separate independent nationality.
- Codava race should be given exclusive political reservation and nomination in the August legislative chambers on the lines of Anglo Indians under article 331 of our Constitution.
NU Nachappa Codava.BA.LLB
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri 571201- Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India,
Cell NO. 9448721200
www.codavanationalcouncil.in, www.codavanationalcouncil.org
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com
CNC Codava National Council Press Release To, Date : 28.10.2014 The Editor / Bureau Chief Dear Sir/ Madam, We (Codava National Council/CNC) have scheduled to hold a sathyagraha by Codava enthusiasts at Janthar Manthar, New Delhi , to pressurize our 23 years old demand for the establishment of Codava Land Autonomous region coupled with assigning Union Territory status to Coorg District, now in Karnataka on 1 Nov 2014 and observation of Karnataka Rajyothsava Day as black day. The participant would be traveling from different corners of Coorg District in South West Karnataka and would be in Codava Traditional attire. After the Sathyagraha we are presenting a detailed Memorandum to the Union Government of India. Programme starts at 9:30 AM and it terminates at 1PM. We are struggling for a positive result touching our long pending demands as are mentioned above. CHARTER OF DEMANDS:
- Codava Land Union Territory under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution.
- Autonomous Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava Naads in Coorg.
- Codava tribal race should be included in the Schedule of our Constitution under articles 340 and 342.
- Codava Thakk should be included in the 8th scheduled of our Constitution.
- Special exemption for Codava race to posses and carry weapons under India arms act section 3 and 4 to be continued forever and ever after without any hindrance as our customary personal laws and also as the religious symbol of Codava race.
- Internal political self - determination right for Codava minority race.
- Universal recognition for Codava race as a separate independent nationality.
- Codava race should be given exclusive political reservation and nomination in the August legislative chambers on the lines of Anglo Indians under article 331 of our Constitution.
NU Nachappa Codava.BA.LLB
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri 571201- Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India,
Cell NO. 9448721200
www.codavanationalcouncil.in, www.codavanationalcouncil.org
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com
Date :03.11.2014
Camp New Delhi
Sri. Kiron Rizuju ji
The Hon’ble Union State Minister for Home Affairs
Government of India
North Block
New Delhi - 01.
Hon’ble Sir,
Enclosed herewith is a detailed Memorandum demanding “Codava Land”Autonomous Region together with the formation of Union Territory to Coorg to be under the direct control of Central Government ( Union Government ) as enshrined in our Constitution. In order to save your valuable time we refrain from narrating the contents thereof to you and a simple glance through the same will certainly inform you about our legitimate struggle for the purpose during the last 23 years continuously and without any break. We only hope that your Hon’ble goodself will do the needful. We are presenting this Memorandum to your Honour after having squatted in a Sathyagraha at Janthar Manthar New Delhi on 1 Nov 2014. The participants having traveled from different places of Coorg District in Karnataka.
The main purpose behind our having conducted this Sathyagraha at New Delhi is only to register our discontent to the treatment meted out to by the Government of Karnataka to Coorg, and its people, and incidentally such a thing co-insides with the elaborate celebrations of Rajyothsava Day being carried out by the Government of Karnataka in the manner of State re-organisation a typically ominous thing that has been carried out to Coorg in general and Codava race in particular. Therefore With a fervent request to give us a permanent and durable political solution to our long pending struggle in the nature of assigning Union Territory status to Codava Land and ensuring the Constitutional guarantee to aboriginal indigenous Codava race in the interest of justice & equity and good morals.
NU Nachappa Codava.BA.LLB
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri 571201- Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India,
Cell NO. 9448721200
www.codavanationalcouncil.in, www.codavanationalcouncil.org
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com
Press Release
Date :05/11/2014
To whom so ever it may concern 1. CNC meeting with President of India and Union Home Minister for State at New Delhi- Demanding Codava Land Union Territory status- A successful event.
Dear sir/madam,
We are happy to announce that CNC's New Delhi Chalo program was a great success. And immediately after the Satiyagraha a delegation led by Codava National Council chief Mr. N.U. Nachappa Codava had a meeting with his excellency, the President of India, The hon'ble Pranab Mukerjee at Rashtrapathi Bhawan, Raisina Hills, New Delhi. The delegation presented a detailed memorandum touching the creation of Codava Land Union Territory coupled with the assigning of Constitutional guarantee for Codava Tribals and the inclusion of Codava Thakk in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. The Memorandum also insisted the continuation of special exemption to hold firearms without being issued license, Constitutional protection to our land tenure and a reserved nomination for political representation at the highest level. The President went through the Memorandum in detail and assured the party that he would talk(speak) to the Hon'ble Union Home Minister in this regard. The party had met his excellency the President at 12:45pm on 1st November 2014, Mr. Bijesh Kalappa, The Supreme Court Advocate was part in the delegation and photographs have been made during the time but we could not receive the photocopies immediately there after. Any how, The Presidential office assured us that the photographs would be sent to us in due course.
2. CNC Meeting with The Hon'ble Union Home Minister for State,Govt. of India, Mr. Kiron Rijijuat North Block, New Delhi.On 3rd November 2014 the CNC delegation led by Mr. N. U. Nachappa Codava took an opportunity to meet Mr. Kiron Rijiju The Hon'ble Union Home Minister for state Government of India during the evening hours at North Block Office, New Delhi and presented a Memorandum touching all the subjects particularly Union Territory status for Codava Land and Constitutional special guarantee for Codava tribal race. The Hon'ble Minister received the delegation with warm expressions and greeted us whole heartedly. He took pains to go through the Memorandum in its entirety and he also examined our claim for UT status and Tribal Status from the Google Map at the spot and he watched the entire Coorg. The Hon'ble Minister expressed his readiness to do the job as demanded and also felt that our demands are genuine. He could examine our claim watching Coorg through Google Map. And he felt that whatever we have mentioned about Codava Land UT and assigning of tribal status to Codava race to be legitimate and humane. The Hon'ble Home Minister assured us about the willingness to carry out the job as desired since our claims are more deserving.
3. Annual Codava National Day Celebrations to be held on 24th November 2014 at MadikeriWe are happy to announce that CNC would be celebrating annual Codava National Day on 24th November 2014 at 10:30am in Gandhi Grounds Madikeri, Coorg and in reality it signifies our eventful, relentless struggle for Codava Land during past 23 years and we are entering 24th year of the sam
NU Nachappa Codava.BA.LLB
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri 571201- Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India,
Cell NO. 9448721200
www.codavanationalcouncil.in, www.codavanationalcouncil.org
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com
Press Release
Date : 11/11/2014
To whom so ever it may concern
CNC meeting with President of India Sri Pranab Mukerjee at Rastrapathi Bhavan New Delhi- Demanding Codava Land Union Territory status- A successful event. Dear sir/madam,
We are happy to announce that CNC's New Delhi Chalo program was a great success. And immediately after the Satiyagraha a delegation led by Codava National Council chief Mr. N.U. Nachappa Codava had a meeting with his excellency, the President of India, The hon'ble Pranab Mukerjee at Rashtrapathi Bhawan, Raisina Hills, New Delhi. The delegation presented a detailed memorandum touching the creation of Codava Land Union Territory coupled with the assigning of Constitutional guarantee for Codava Tribals and the inclusion of Codava Thakk in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. The Memorandum also insisted the continuation of special exemption to hold firearms without being issued license, Constitutional protection to our land tenure and a reserved nomination for political representation at the highest level. The President went through the Memorandum in detail and assured the party that he would talk(speak) to the Hon'ble Union Home Minister in this regard. The party had met his excellency the President at 12:45pm on 1st November 2014, Mr. Bijesh Kalappa, The Supreme Court Advocate was part in the delegation.
NU Nachappa Codava.BA.LLB
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri 571201- Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India,
Cell NO. 9448721200
www.codavanationalcouncil.in, www.codavanationalcouncil.org
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com