Irrepressible Codava voice & domineering Socio -Political & Politico -Cultural movement Stands for 'Codava Land' - Union Territory (UT) Now a part of Karnataka since 1956 A struggle for the Codava Ethno - Linguistic, National Minority Tribal Racial Identity & Codava Land to Blossom.
The entire transaction of this meeting today started with offering oblations to the departed Codava souls and followed by suitable tributes to the once who left for heavenly abode during the recent past. We take this opportunity to make special prayers for Smt. Nandirenavanda Kunjammi who breathed her last, on 29-10-2015 the mother of our trusted leader Shri N.U Nachappa Codava.
It is our innate duty to keep ourselves thankful to all the participants this day and that entire gentleman who have stood beside me all through the struggle for Codava land.
Our Geo- Political Goal & Aspirations- Codava Land. UT & incorporate Codava Martial Tribal Race in the schedule list of our constitution.(I) Prime Resolution We are happy to announce that the mammoth gathering of the Codava enthusiasts on 04-12-2015 to this day annual Codava National Day congregation held under the aegis of CNC commemorating the entry of 25th year Silver Jubilee of our relentless and eventful political struggle for Codava Land Union Territory coupled with incorporating Codava Martial Tribal Race in the Schedule list of our Constitution and we sincerely hope and believe that our cherished goals will be fulfilled very soon. The participants solemnly here by unanimously resolved to adopt the below mentioned charter of demands and we take this opportunity to insist to the union government to classify Codava Land Union Territory (UT) on the lines of other existing seven (7) Union Territories (Centrally Administered Territories) of our country under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution. there by remove the shackles from the Tyrannical and totally hostile state of Karnataka.
Charter of Demands:-1. We demand a permanent political package to grant Codava land with Union Territory status for Coorg under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution. It is a fact that Modi Govt has entered a pact with NSCN (I-M) granting Naga people with a āshared sovereigntyā with India on 3 Aug 2015 in order to strengthen our federal system. ā we demand a permanent political package to grant Codava Land with UT status under Articles 2&3 of our constitution as done with Naga question.
2. Autonomous Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava Naads in Coorg. The said fact includes granting Naga Patkai Autonomy to Naga inhabited areas in the bordering State of Arunachal Pradesh and our demands also include granting Autonomy to Codava land under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution.
3. Incorporate Codava Martial tribal Race in the Schedule list if our Constitution under articles 340 and 342 of our Constitution. We demand Tribal status to Codavas by race under articles 340 ā 342 of our Constitution. We take pleasure to remind the Govt about the inclusion of Jain Community as religious minority even though they are known to be the wealthiest people in India besides being Hindus in real sense. Jaats are also granted OBC status despite the fact that they are economically, politically and socially most affluent class of people spread over in 9 states of our country. The Rajasthan state has granted Tribal status to violent Gujjars whose numbers exceeds 8crore in the country. And recommendation of āKashmiri Panditsā as Minority by Parliamentary standing Committee. Even though Codavas by Race historically are known to be a Martial Class in Nature and numbering a meager 1 Ā½ lakhs population and that no other class of people would be affected or Jeopardize if we are granted with Tribal status. PS. Unlike Zoroastrians who are scattered everywhere in the Nation besides being the richest and prominent in the judiciary, Industrial arena and in general activities besides being most Cosmopolitan and urbane. They have a separate religion of their own called Zoroastrianism unlike Codavas who are rustic by nature confined to Kodagu /Coorg region. Hence Tribal status is fittest for them.
4. Codava thakk should be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. Codava Thakk / Codava Language is as ancient as human civilization is rich and living spoken language throughout the history fit enough to be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. We propose to cite MANORAMA YEAR BOOK 2015 which mentions about the 16 popular languages of our Country which includes Codava language to strengthen our claim ā Manorama year book page 680 - Other Popular Languages 1. Angika 2. Awadhi 3. Bhojpuri 4. Bundeli 5. Chhatisgarhi 6. Hariyanavi 7. Hinduatani 8. Kanauji 9. Magadhi 10. Marwari 11. Bhili 12. Gondi 13. Kodava 14. Kutchi 15. Thulu 16. Mahi.
5. Protect our land tenure under article 371 of our Constitution with inner line permit on the lines of North - East States of India. Protect our Land tenure under article 371 of our Constitution: (Inner Line Permit) The provisions of article 371 of our Constitution with inner line permit should be made applicable to Kodagu region at once as has been done in relation to Manipur and other North Eastern states. With a solitary intention of protecting our land from alienation and protecting our demography and such a thing called as āinner line permitā. Important factor is that large number of underworld dons, partriculary D company, regular miscreants with harden criminality, and business Tycoons from across the Country with the active support and assistance from Hawala agencies and fake currency racketeers have been grabbing lands in the this District. With a major idea of protecting lands in the district and the interest of the natives the promulgation of such stringent law within Coorg is warranted.
6. Codava race should be given exclusive political reservation and nomination in the August legislative chambers on the lines of Anglo Indians under article 331 of our Constitution.
7. Under Indian Arms act 1959 section 3 & 4 for carry and posses fire arms by Codavas and Jamma holders should be continued and protected for ever without any hindrance.
8. Demand for the implementation of the recommendations made by Constitution review Commission of India on the insistence of Codava National Council for the creation of Coorg Development Board under article 371 of (Please note: Chapter 8 Union State relation 8.23.1 of CRC report) as has been done in relation to touching Hyderabad Karnataka Region - appropriate amendment to the Constitution is desirable at once.
9. Devati Paramb massacre ā a Tragic human holocaust in the mankind ā We Insist for National Memorial / Monument of that Memorial on the lines of Jallianwala Bagh in memory of Amritsar Massacre. In memory of those Codava families (approximately 60 thousand unarmed Codavas) who were masssacred, raped and persecuted by tyrant Tippu sulthan of Mysore and his rapacious soldiers, after 3 continuous invasions Tippu got defeated by Codava warriors disapointing in this insult he conspired to eliminate entire Codava martial Tribal race, cunningly invited them for a grand feast in the pretext of entering a friendly treaty with Codavas at Devati Paramb in the year 1785 13 December. This heinous inhuman tragic genocide/holocaust in the mankind happened in this place. ā But their great souls are still alive in Devati Paramb. It is always better to make mention of the treacherous behavior of Hyder Ali of Srirangapatna during the last days of 18th Century. When he was defeated by Codava warriors and such defeat his son Tippu Sultan experienced on two separate occasions. In all three Guerilla type war fares Codava Heroes definitely have silenced Hyder Ali and his Son. In order to take revenge against brave Codavas Tippu Sultan invited Codavas to hold a congenial meeting with a special request to all Codavas along with their families to attend such a Feast party and asked them to participate without Arms (Weapon) at āDevatti Parambuā village between Aiyangeri and Bhagamandala under the false assurance that he would bring about friendly relationship with Coorgs. One historical truth is that Tippu sulthan even had appointed his friend a French Col. Laali to be a negotiator to hold talks with Codava chielfs and codava chieftains seeking their support and invited them for feast and stating that his enemies are Britons and Marathas and never Codavas. As such he insisted that Codavas and he develop friendly treaty. The innocent Codavas trusted him and attended the Feast meeting on 13 Dec 1875; when the function was in progress the ruthless Tippu have already arranged to instruct his rapacious Soldiers to kill them. The Tippuās soldiers were hiding near around the Bushes and suddenly attacked Codavas. Even though unarmed a good number of Codavas did resist the onslaught, but the large number of Tippuās Soldiers only took many of them massacred and some thousands have been arrested and taken to Srirangapatna where each of them were persecuted and forcibly converted them, this Tragic incident reminds the memory of Jalianwallabagh massacre & Hitlerās Concentration Camp massacre and Codavas those who have lost their lives since this incident was harsher than jalian wallabagh incident we insist that Memorial on the lines of Jallian Wallabgh heroes should be erected at āDevatti parambuā. The information regarding the massacre of Codavas at Devati Paramb may be ascertained and confirmed from the historical records made by the official historian Mr.Mir Hussain Ali Kirmani of Tippu Sulthanās Court himself. Unfortunately the original extent of the memorial land due to reasons that we cannot expose has been slashed from 150 acres to 60 acres.
Resolution No 2.- America's Pentagon, which was destroyed by Osama bin laden and killed 3 thousand people which terrorised America and the entire globe. If one day, few of America s officials decide to celebrate his birthday and honour him, would that be right? Will that be accepted?
- Hitler massacred Jews during 1939-45 concentration camp, which was such big crime. Now, would the Jews in Israel celebrate and honour him on his birthday?
- Three lakh Kurds, in the Suleimania mountain were killed by Saddam Husain, is that acceptable? Should his birthday be a time for celebration?
- During the 2nd world war, Japan was bombed by America under Mac Arthur s leadership. Humanity was destroyed, and the effect of the atom bomb is still very prominent. He, a hero in america, a villain in Japan.
- Polpot massacred 10 lakh natives in Cambodia, will his bday celebration be accepted in the capital?
- Stalin massacred a huge bunch of Ukrainians. Will there be a celebration on his birthday in Ukraine? I highly doubt that.
We Codavas have lived in peace and respect with every community, have respected Muhammad paigambar, Allah, and the Quran.
The disheartening part is that, for centuries we have lived with the Muslim community with peace and harmony, done business together and they didn't support us in our time of need. Tipu Sultan was born into Islam just by a miss. We respect Islam and the Muslim community with all our hearts. He literally irradiated our community and after all why should we celebrate anybody's jayanthi anyway? Only the Father of the nation - Gandhi, and, the Father of the constitution - Ambedkar's Jayanthis ought to be celebrated, because if we try and celebrate every other Achiever's birthday, then we will have holidays and bandhs 365 days a year. So when will we really work on making our country and the lives of our citizens better if we only propagate celebration of the late kings and the politicians? We insist and request the government to not celebrate Tipu Sultan s Jayanthi anymore, as it only creates a state of anarchy in the country and does not in any way help the country grow.
2. B: Japan's officials recently apologized to Korea for what the then Japanese forces had done to Korea during the world war2. Since the Karnataka government is such a big fan on Tipu Sultan and has given him the title of a hero and declared a 'jayanthi' in his name, they should apologize to Codavas in his behalf.
2. C : We further resolved to assert the Fact that Devat Paramb battle ground used to be war field centuries ago and it should be restored with such eminence on par with Kurukshetra Panipath, Water Loo of French, Baxar and Plasi & War of Nile battle fields. It may not be an out of place act if we are permitted to recollect the battle seen some 500 years ago (bygone era) has between our revered Kalyat Ajjappa and Karunyambavu Nayaka.
We resolved to insist the Union Govt and all State Govts to restrict Birthday Celebrations only of Mahatma Gandhi the father of the Nation, Shri Sardar Patel Architect of our Counties unification and Dr. B.R Ambedkar who authored our Constitution and avoid Birth anniversaries of any other persons however much grate he / she was.
3. (II) We the participants present here to express our heart felt and sincere gratitude to His Excellency the Honāble President of India Sri Pranab Mukerjee for having extended an audience to CNC delegation on 2nd November 2015 at Rastrapathi Bhavan New Delhi. Needless to add that we were fortunate enough to be given audience 2 times earlier also (III) We resolved to express our thankfulness to the His Excellency The Honāble Governor of Karnataka Mr. Vaaju Bai Vaala for having extended a resourceful audience to CNC delegation in Raj Bhawan Bangalore on 7-10-2015 (IV) We resolved to express our special gratitude to Sri Oscar Fernandes The Former Union Minister, Sri B.K Hariprasad Member of Parliament and Sri K.G Bopaiah MLA & Former Speaker of Karnataka assembly took pains to introduce us to The Honāble President of India and the Honāble Governor of Karnataka (V)Resolved to make special mention about our trusted friend Sri. Brijesh Kalappa, Advocate, Supreme Court of India for having extended moral & philosophical support for our long pending sustained strugle and also resolved to make mention about our respected MP Sri Prathap Simha & MLA Appachu Ranjan for having extended political and strategic support for our legitimate struggle. We resolved to thank our esteemed P.M Shri Narendra Modiji and our Union Home Minister Shri Rajanath Singh ji for having acknowledged the receipt of all memorandums and communications presented by CNC to them periodically.
1. His Excellency The Honāble President Sovereign Republic of India, Raisina Hills, Rashtra pathi Bavan, New Delhi - 01
2. His Excellency, The Honāble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India ,South Block, New Delhi ā 01.
3. The Honāble Union Minister for Home Affairs, Government of India, North Block , New Delhi - 01.
Declaration of Codava Land U.T is warranted
Respected Sirs, .
Sub: Declare Codava Region in Coorg, Karnataka to be an Union Territory. i.e. Codava Land Union Territory under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution since it fulfils all the required criterion and qualifications on par with the 11 points guideline prescribed in the Constitution of India with regard to the Constitution of Union Territories in India- request for.
Without any need to introduce ourselves to be the one and the only organization established with the sole purpose of getting established Autonomous Codava Land, we take this opportunity to bring to your kind notice the 11 point criterion as are prescribed in the Constitution of India for the Constitution of Union Territories . We would like to inform you that Codava Land Coorg fulfils all the required qualifications in that regard and it may not be an out of place act on our part if we may be permitted to inform you that the State of Karnataka after the merger of the then ā C ā type of state of Coorg i.e., the traditional Codava home land, with the state of Karnataka in the year 1956. The successive Governments and all the concerned there with have seized the opportunity to discriminate this region and indigenous Codava race and natives and in reality we have been suffering all the anomalies inflicted by our Government. The Government of Karnataka deliberately has discriminated against Codava Region with a solitary intension of erasing the very existence of the native people, Codava race and render the entire area to disuser and spoil our soil, cultural heritage, language and aboriginal indigenes Codava identity and historic existence in totality, besides causing insecurity in all spheres. The only method to safe guard the entire region ; the then āCā State of Coorg. The Cultural heritage of the people and the financial background of the region can be caused done by declaring this region to be an Union Territory under the direct control of the Union Government. The successive Karnataka Government has considered this region to be an occupied territory in a war, treating the region a resource generating colony besides continuously having ill-treated the natives here. Added to it State of Karnataka has treated the native Codavas to be the subjects of their occupied territory and never as a citizens proper. Forget not the fact that each and every Codava regardless of status has contributed his might much beyond his capacity to rescue the boundaries of India and safeguard the interest of our mother country, needless to add that Codavaās are a martial race to every inch and not a single Codava family is not without a member in active military service. Despite Coorg being the known cradle of warriors has been and continuously being marginalised, excluded, neglected and disrespected intentionally with a solitary idea of erasing its existence totally. Despite the fact that the president of India has ratified the Karnataka Land Revenue amendment Act 2011 touching the confirmation of absolute ownership and tittle over the ancient jamma tenure lands in Codagu and even though Gazette notification has been published, the always corrupt and treacheries officialdom in Revenue department deputed by state Govt have proved themselves to be still more lethargic and dishonest and they deliberately play fraud with the natives by suppressing the law that prevails just now. The rapacious and tyrannical behavior of everyone concerned with the Government of Karnataka is continuing without any stop Therefore we would like to re-iterate a fact that now time is ripe to get eradicated all the anomalies caused by the Government of Karnataka. A declaration of Codava Land Union Territory to that effect is clearly warranted in the attending circumstances. Codava Land U.T. is more essential, humane and deserving. It may be recalled that at the time of reorganisation of states on 1 November 1956, parts of erstwhile Hyderabad Nizam province were merged with Karnataka (then state of Mysore), Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. If Bidar, Gulbarga and Raichur became parts of Hyderabad Karnataka, the parts merged with Maharashtra came to be identified as Marathawada region. The parts merged with Vishalandra. Later that entire region got identified as Telangana. But despite Codagu being a C state and the traditional homeland of the Codava race, it was merged with Karnataka.
After having failed to bring the leader of this organization under their Control together with CNC the interested Real Estate Mafias, deal makers, builders, Fixers, Negotiators, Power Brokers, Land Mafias, Contractor Mafias, Pimps and Commission Agents within amongst Codavas at the behest of State Govt under the name and style as federation/Samaja are trying to implement their Satanic designs through their agencies and groups caused for the purposes. Every born Codavas should be very careful about the existence and modalities of such patently ruinous Chameleon type groups.
It is a truth that the Government of Karnataka has been treating Codavas with recriminatary attitude and partial treatment made this organization to be a force to reckon with. Unable to tolerate any more CNCās continued & sustained resistance the government of Karnataka has installed many traitor Codavas by focusing them as its human shield and thing has worked out to rescue the government continuously, we warn Codavas in general against those treacherous Codava and be keep being alarmed against reckless ploy of Government.
All the proposals placed by CNC touching the request for treating Devati Parambu as National Monument are being hijacked and poached. The miscreants have not left, one single comma, semicolon, full stop, Subjects and Thok Namme etc., and the body language of all the communications, all the public lectures and statements of our leader verbatim. They have not even allowed untouched the dress code of CNC and contents of all the wordings of our official letter head in order to play mischief we expect fellows to distort the very nature of the movement we are leading. They try to confuse the Government, the Press and the general public always. Therefore we cushion the general public, the media and the Governmental setup to be very careful about the unhealthy and diabolic mischievous activities of these Jackals. We are eager to remind the Codava generality that we have taken the activities of our organization towards the desired goal through unimaginable and totally adverse atmosphere and opposition of treacherous persons.
Following are the criterion fixed in the Constitution touching the Constitution of U.T.01. Union territories are ruled directly by the Union Government ( Central Government)
02. The President of India appoints an administrator or lieutenant ā Governor for each U.T.
03. Union territories of India have special rights and status due to their Constitutional formation and development
04. For safeguarding the rights of Indigenous cultures, averting political turmoil related to matters of governance.
05. All the tax money goes to center as a U.T., region will be able to attract central funds exclusively for its development 06. Union territories serve the purpose of administering regions which are small yet diverse may be because of their history or culture or geography.
07. Correct the anomaly caused by the reorganization of States which took place in 1956.
08. Sustain the economic, linguistic and cultural affinities of the region.
09. Politically, economically and educationally as they are in varying phases of development Central Government can take care of them without discrimination.
10. Administration as U.T will not drain the public exchequer.
11. Apart from improving the administrative setup move would help instill a sense of security among those from other regions of the state, who despite their decades - long stay in the region are feeling the jitters.
With a solitary idea of managing the affairs of any certain given area and also to make it known that the particular area is being governed properly and justice reaches to each and everyone, the Constitution framers have after much discussion and studying elaborately about the attending features of any particular given group of Towns and areas have formulated the idea of creating Union Territories in contrast with larger states. Before terming any particular area to be made Union Territory the Constitution framers have deeply studied about the topographical features , Geo-political aspirations of the indigenous people of that particular areas besides historical back ground and Economic criteria until that point of time. Added to it they have attempted to make an in-depth study in to the language and culture of the indigenous people of that area and such other attending features. Take instance for the cases of 7 Union Territories in India .
01. (a) Puduchery (b) Pondichery (c) Mahe (d) Yenam (e) Karaikal. 02. Dadra & Nagara Haveli. 03. Daman & Dive.
04. Andaman & Nicobar Islands. 05. Lakshadweepa. 06. Chandigarh. 07.Delhi National Capital Territory.
To assert our economic viability for the formation of U.T the point No.5 mentions about the economic base and fund raiser in the manner of tax to be extracted to the Union Government which in turn remits a substantial thereof to the developmental programs Union Territory if it created. The financial resources from Coffee production, Forest wealth, Royalty from Cauvery waters and promotion of Tourism shall last until Sun and Moon exists and Union Governments must remember for this real truthful fact.
The things explained below fulfils criterion for Economic viability ( budgetary provisions). 1.Our Coffee ( Coorg Coffee) is classified to be the best in world. After Petroleum Coffee is the Second largest traded commodity in the world. India is considered to be the 6th largest Coffee producer in the world, and Coorg produces an average 40% of total national production. Enough if we arrive at a conclusion that gross foreign exchange from Coffee India earns every year is around Rs. 5 thousand Crores and it is safest method to add that Codagu supplies 40% of it. 2.The flora & fauna and never hazardous perennial rivulets and water falls are exceptional only to Coorg. The lasting long forest wealth in Codagu is considered to be the best carbon supplier in the world. 3. Added to it the average annual yield of Cauvery river waters from Coorg exceeds 180 TMC feet. (The lifeline of South India River Cauvery has taken its birth in Coorg, particularly at Talacauvery). 4. What more, the role of income from tourism activities ( The panoramic natural beauty, innumerable hillocks, pleasing natural atmosphere, added to it the kindly people are worth mentioning. It would be right if Coorg is termed as Gods own paradise on earth) Codagu stands next only to that of Isthanbul in world should Codava Land of Coorg be classified as Union Territory. It is very easy to take these features to be the main budgetary base for the maintenance and management of the Union Territories sought to be created. No doubt the actual money supply is addressed to the Union Governament and it is just practical to understand the money shall be allotted from the Union Government to this region ( Coorg) should it become a separate U.T. and unconnected with the State of Karnataka.
Hence C.N.C demands for the immediate creation of Codava Land Union Territory in the interest of justice and equity.
Demand for the implementation of the recommendation made by Constitution Review Commission of India on the insistence of CNC for the creation of Coorg Development Board under article 371.....
October 19, 2015 To,01.10.2015
1.His Excellency Shri Pranab Mukharjee,
The Honāble President Sovereign Republic of India,
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi ā 01
2.Shri Narendra Modi ji,
The Honāble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi ā 01
3.Shri Rajanath Singh ji,
The Honāble Minister for Home Affairs,
Union Govt of India
North Block, New Delhi ā 01
4.Shri Vaju Bhai Vala ji,
His Excellency The Honāble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Rajbhavan Bangalore - 01
5.Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
His Excellency The Secretary General
1st ave.and46th street,NewYork,NY10017USA
Tel: 1(212)9631234
Fax: 1(212)9634879
6.Shri K.G Bopaiah ji MLA
Virajpet Constituency &
The Honāble former Speaker of Karnataka Legislative Assembly.
7.Shri Pratap Simha ji
The Honāble Member of Parliament,
Mysore, Kodagu ā Coorg
8.Shri Appachu Ranjan ji
The Honāble Member Karnataka Legislative Assembly, Somwarpet.
Through the Deputy Commisioner of Kodagu (Coorg) Karnataka, Madikeri 571201
Dear Sirs,
Sub: Demand for the implementation of the recommendation made by Constitution Review Commission of India on the insistence of CNC for the creation of Coorg Development Board under article 371 of (Please note: Chapter 8: union state relation 8.23.1 of CRC report) our Constitution as has been done in relation to touching Hyderabad Karnataka Region ā appropriate amendment to the Constitution is desirable at once.It may not be an out of place act on our part if we may be permitted to advert your kind attention to the subject and reference cited above and we take honor to remind you that the then Union Govt under the inimitable leadership of Bharat Rathna Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Constituted a Constitution Review Commission of India under the Chairmanship of Mr. Justice M.N Venkatachalaiah a former Chief Justice of India and 11 other reputed Scholars, Jurists, Socio - Political Scientists & Constitutional experts as its members in the year 2000. And we drag this opportunity that we have placed a honest representation before the Commission on 21-11-2000 at Vighyan Bhavan New Delhi. The Honāble CRC has submitted its detailed report and recommended a Constitution of a Coorg.
Development Board under Article 371 of our Constitution, starting of Central University and a Sainik School for Coorg. Sainik School has already been started.No doubt true that our Prime objects are carving out of Union Territory status or Coorg under Articles 2&3 of our Constitution and the creation of Codava land Autonomous Region under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution. We will continue our struggle for the creation of Codava land with UT Status & Autonomy, but we unhesitatingly request you to be good enough to constitute a Development Board for Coorg Dist on the lines of the recommendations made by the said CRC (Constitution Review Commission of India). Already Hyderabad Karnataka region has been assigned special package under Article 371 of our Constitution in the year 2014. Such a scheme definitely has all the opportunities to implement developmental programs, Education and Job reservation Quota etc to be valid for entire State. We take this opportunity to make available such a scheme to Kodagu region at once with an appropriate Constitutional amendment to that respect. No doubt true that we will continue our agitation for our legitimate dear demands as mentioned above.
Development Board for Coorg Proposed by Constitution Review Commission of India āA Victory of CNCāThe recommendations of the Constitution Review commission regarding the establishment of Coorg Development Council under Article 371, the demand was originated, initiated and pressurized by CNC only, should be given effect to at once. (Please note: Chapter 8: union state relation 8.23.1 of CRC report) āThe recommendation for a separate Development Board for Codagu, made by the Constitution Review Commission is a step forward to the resurgence of Codava Landā. The CNC had presented memorandums before the Commission headed by Honorable Justice M. N. Venkatachalaiah and had met almost all the members of the Commission and apprised them of the need for the restoration of Codava land, constitutional special guarantee for the Codava race, reservation for Codavas on the basis of primitive ethno linguistic tribal minority national statusā, and autonomous Central University.
I recall about the special meeting convened by the CRC for a 30 member delegation on November 21, 2000 when the delegation had visited Delhi in connection with the CNC's rally and apprised him of the demands of CNC. "No doubt many of our requests have been left untouched, yet we have half succeeded and we are grateful to Justice Venkatachalaiah and other Constituents of the Commission." That the ball is now in the Union Governmentās court. I am sure that the report submitted by the Commission will see easy passage in the parliament on presentation. The actual procedure required amendments to each and every area touched by the statute book separately. Likewise a Constitutional Amendment under Article 371 has to be made, as have been made amendments to Article 371 {A) to 371(j) in case of Nagaland, Assam, Manipur, Andhra, Sikkim, Mizorarn, Arunachal, Goa, Vidarbha, Marathwada, Saurashtra Kutch and Hyderabad Karnataka Region. All aspects concerning Development Boards require President's special powers. In accordance the Governor of each given state is responsible to act in acc9rdance with the directions of the President from time to time.
Significance of the Development Board:A. Establishment of a separate Development Board for Coorg with the provision that a report on the working of this board will be placed each year before state legislative assembly.
B. The equitable allocation of funds for development expenditure over the said areas, subject to the requirements of the state as a whole and,
C. The equitable arrangement providing adequate facilities for technical education and vocational training and adequate opportunities for employment in Services Under the control of the state and Central Government.
The Governor has to act according to the directions issued by the President from time to time and the Governor has to act in his discretion. This means that even though the governor has to consult the ministers, the final decision in these matters shall be that of the Governor in his individual judgment, which no court can question. That the mention of āCoorgā was deleted when Article 242 of the Constitution (exclusively for Coorg when it was part C state) was repealed. Now that the amendment to Article 371 are expected to be made in course of time, it is more significant fact that the word āCoorgā shall find its entry into our Constitution once again.
PS āThe aldermen of Coorg met the Simon Commission in 1930s and certain provisions have been incorporated in the Govt. of India Act, 1935. It was the first and only occasion when something positive was made by the Codavas to find place in nationās prime statute book. Now it is my organization (CNC) has done the repeat performance I add more authoritatively that none except my organization has made anything so far in relation to the districts development Board and the entire credit should go to the Codava National Council only.
PS The person from Coorg who was a Cabinet Minister then in the J.H. Patel ministry whoā did not find it proper to say one single word regarding the need of Development Board for Coorg during July 1998, when the Karnataka Cabinet headed by J. H. Patel has the CM, recommended for the creation of a development board for Hyderabad Karnataka region, to the Union Government.
I and my organization will dedicate ourselves to strive for the prime demands viz. resurgence of Cadava Land, right to self determination of Codava minority race, separate Codava land and constitutional special guarantee for Codavas land, language, culture, and heritage, economic and political freedom. It took us 24 years of dedicated efforts and we will continue till the goal is attained.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri - 571201
Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India
Cell No. 9448721200,
CNC Delegation Under the leadership of CNC Chief Shri N.U Nachappa Codava met former Karnataka Legislative Assembly speaker and Virajpet MLA Shri K.G Bopaiah today at his Madikeri Office and apprised him about the subject. M/s Kaliyanda Prakash, Appachira Rammi Nanaiah, Mookonda Dilip, Areyada Girish, Manavattira Jagadish, Kulletira Aruna Beba, Katumaniyanda Umesh, Mandapanda Manoj and Cheyakpoovanda Manu were present in the deliberations.
Shri K.G Bopaiah Ji
The Honāble Member of Legislative Assembly
And Former Speaker of Karnataka Legislative Assembly
Madikeri -Koadgu-571201
Dear Sir,
Enclosed here with are the true extracts of the representation that we have made to all the important personages and Governmental heads of our Nation and also to you requesting to implement the recommendations made by the Constitution Review Commission of India(CRC) headed by Mr. Justice M.N Venkatachalaiah which was Constituted by Bharath Rathna Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee JI run NDA Government, requesting the Constitution of Coorg Development Board under Article 371 of our Constitution and we believe that you need know repetition of the same.
It is a fact that you used to be a Constitutionally appointed authority once and you have intimate and influential connections with all the important personages of the Union Government. We believe that you would certainly use your good offices to get the relief as sought for by us.
Hoping to be excused
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri - 571201
Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India
Cell No. 9448721200,
A New Delhi Chalo program by CNC and proposal to hold a Sathyagraha at National Capital on 01 Nov 2015. Insisting the Union Govt to re-play the game as it did in the year 1991 with regard to the erstwhile part āCā State of Delhi after 36 years ...........
October 19, 2015TO,
1. His Excellency The Honāble President,
Sovereign Republic of India
Raisina Hills
Rashtrapthi Bhawan
New Delhi - 01
2. Shri Narendra Modi Ji
The Honāble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block
New Delhi -1
3. Shri Rajanath Singh Ji
The Honāble Union Minister For Home Affairs
Govt of India
North Block
New Delhi-1
4. His Excellency The Honāble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Raj Bhawan
Bangalore ā 01
4. His Excellency
Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon
1st ave. and 46th street
New York, NY 10017 USA

Dear Sirs,
Sub: A New Delhi Chalo program by CNC and proposal to hold a Sathyagraha at National Capital on 01 Nov 2015. Insisting the Union Govt to re-play the game as it did in the year 1991 with regard to the erstwhile part āCā State of Delhi after 36 years. And assign Union Territory status to Kodagu to be renamed as Union Territory of Codava land under Articles 2& 3 of our Constitution. ā 100 members Codava Volunteers will squat in a Sathyagraha in the vicinity of Janthar MNanthar Parliament Street New Delhi thereafter will submit a detailed memorandum to the President and Union Govt.
It always is better if one goes deeply into the recent History of Delhi with that of Kodagu (Coorg). From 1952 to 1955 Delhi was a āCā Type State (As is generally known that Shri Jawaharlal Nehru and G.B Panth prevailed upon the State re-Organization Commission to abolish State hood of Delhi and convert the same to be a Municipal Corporation understandably with a solitary intention of ousting Shri Chowdhri Bhrama Prakash the then Chief Minister of Delhi which resulted in the suppression of the natural aspirations of Delhi citizens). The Union Govt diluted the State hood Status of Delhi into Metropolitan Council on the basis of the recommendation of the State Reorganization Commission headed by justice Fazal Ali from 1955 and it remained so until 1991, and once again on the insistence of the general Civil society of Delhi and in reality it amounts to the realization of the past blunder, when once again Union Territory Status was conferred on Delhi with a new nomenclature as National Capital Territory of Delhi under a new insertion to the Constitution of India as articles 2&3 read with Articles 239AA. If we make a comparative study of the recent history of Kodagu with that of Delhi, we find a close similarity as between the two. A āCā type State of Coorg merged with the state of Mysore; now Karnataka in the year 1956 once again consequent to the mischief played by the State re-Organization Commission headed by justice Fazal Ali. We believe that the some conspiracy identical to the one that transpired as between Jawaharlal Nehru and G.B Panth in order to abolish the Statehood of Delhi in the year 1955. It continues to be the very same even now. If Union Govt felt the need to feel the breath of the population while it reconverted the Civic ā administrative body of Municipal Corporation of Delhi into a full fledged Politico ā administrative Union Territory with a proper Legislative Assembly in the year 1991.
Our Organization i.e CNC took its birth only to reclaim Statehood initially since consequent upon amendment to the Constitution in renaming the āCā Type States as Union Territories we too have changed our claim for the re -establishment of Coorg with a descriptive Codava Land Union Territory under Articles 2&3 of our Constitution and we stick to it. No doubt if the Union Govt could determine to re - establish a Statehood ; now Union Territory Status to Delhi, why not the same yard stick be made applicable with the claim for Union Territory of Codava Land of Coorg . Now we want the Union Govt to carry out the realization of the past mistake as mentioned and fulfill the definitive natural aspirations of Codava race at least now by conferring Codava land UT Status to Coorg. Such a thing is very essential if the disparity that has been applied to Kodagu and Codava race by the Successive State Govts in Karnataka we sincerely feel that with the things prevail just now the future of generality in Kodagu is felt to be very bleak. Our present Prime Minister has been speaking a lot extolling about the importance of Army and our Soldier Community these days why not our respectful P.M make applicable his mind to such a thing even with regard to Codavas by race who historically proved ourselves to be effective warriors and Soldiers always fighting for the Unity and Security of our Great Country by conferring UT Status to Coorg.
If the Union Govt could feel the aspirations of the generality of Delhi after 36 long years why not the same yardstick should be made applicable to the question of Kodagu even though it remains a disrespected part and parcel of Karnataka during the past over 59 years. Kodagu i.e Coorg, the Cradle of Military genius Codava Martial Race and it has its own Cultural heritage, Civilization, Language, Customary personal laws, way of thinking, Demographic mosaic, Topographical feature, and unique Geo - political aspiration to be renamed as Union Territory of Codava land.
With such a background we are determined to stick to our theory and press forward our claim and we certainly try to make the Union Govt feel our aspirations as we did during the past 25 years. Once again we are certain to exhibit our wish to disown our status as a District of Karnataka with such a determination our organization would hold a Sathyagraha on State re-Organization day i.e on Karnataka Rajyotsava day on 01-11-2015 ; but never to celebrate a State re-Organization day. It definitely is intended to be for the establishment of Union Territory Status of Codava land. Each and every soul inhabited in Kodagu/Coorg are breathing with us.
It may not be an out of place act on our part if we are permitted to mention the behavior of successive Union Governments while it converted the following erstwhile part āCā states except Coorg (part āCā States Ajmer, Bhopal,Bilaspur, Coorg, Himachal Pradesh, Kutch, Manipur, Tripura and Vindhya Pradesh.) into either Union Territories or State hood or Autonomous development bodies with the special Constitutional protections either under 6th Schedule or Article 371, but nothing has been mentioned with regard to Kodagu/Coorg. Now it is most appropriate time to seize the opportunity and establish Union Territory of Codava land in order to set right the historical wrong, blunder and fallacy committed in the year 1956 while Kodagu/Coorg became merged with a larger State and dislodge Kodagu from the Shackles of the tyrannical, rapacious and hegemonic State of Karnataka at once.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri - 571201
Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India
Cell No. 9448721200,
PS Our Charter of Demands as mentioned below:-
- We demand a permanent political package to grant Codava land with Union Territory status for Coorg under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā
- Autonomy to Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution.
- We demand Tribal status to Codavas by race under articles 340 and 342 of our Constitution.
- Codava thak should be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution.
- Protect our land tenure under article 371 of our Constitution.
- Exclusive Codava nominated representation in the parliament and assembly should be given under article 331 of our Constitution.
- Devati Paramb massacre Ā ( massacred by Tippu in the year 1785)- we insist for a national monument of that memorial on the lines of Jallian walabagh in memory of Amritsar massacre.
- Under Indian Arms act 1959 section 3 & 4 Ā for carry and posses fire arms by Codavas and Jamma holders should be continued and protected for ever without any hindrance.
- Demand for the implementation of the recommendations made by Constitution review Commission of India on the insistence of Codava National Council for the creation of Coorg Development Board under article 371 of (Please note : Chapter 8 Union State relation 8.23.1 of CRC report) as has been done in relation to touching Hyderabad Karnataka Region - appropriate amendment to the Constitution is desirable at once.
Damaged Elephants figures at Bhagamandala Shri Bagandeshwara Temple ā Bad Omen according to Codava belief and Hindu Dharmashashtra ā Hence replace the same at once before Talakaveri Jathra Mahotsava.
October 19, 2015To,
09-10-2015 The Deputy Commissioner,
And Chairman Muzarai Committee,
Kodagu, Madikeri Karnataka.
Talakaveri Devasthana Vyavasthapana Samithi,
Kodagu, Madikeri Karnataka.
Damaged Elephants figures at Bhagamandala Shri Bagandeshwara Temple ā Bad Omen according to Codava belief and Hindu Dharmashashtra ā Hence replace the same at once before Talakaveri Jathra Mahotsava.
Without any reservation we would like to inform you that Two stone carved Elephants Statue at the entrance of Shri Bhangandeshwara Temple are damaged by Coward cruel Tippu Sulthan and his rapacious Soldiers during his continuous destructive invasions to Coorg during 1770ās and it certainly acts as bad Omen according to the Codava belief and Hindu Dharmashastra if you believe that the two stone carved elephants are to be preserved, better you take them to District Archeological Museum at Madikeri and replace the same with beautiful figures before 17 Oct 2015 on which day the Cauvery Tula Sankramana would be celebrated.
Your failure to replace the Elephant figures on or before this Tulasankramana, please take notice that CNC will hold Human Chain program to protest the same in the vicinity of the temple at Bagamandala.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri - 571201
Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India
Cell No. 9448721200,

CNC Delegation Submitted a Memorandum to Former Speaker of Karnataka Legislative Assembly Shri K.G Bopaiah regarding the creation of Coorg Development Board under Article 371 2 photos English & Kannada Memorandum and 1 Covering Letter and 1 CRC repor
October 19, 2015
1. His Excellency
The Honāble President &
Sovereign Republic of India
Raisina hills, Rashtrapathi Bhavan
New Dedlhi ā 01
2. The Honāble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi ā 01
3. The Honāble Union Minister of Home Affairs,
Govt of India, North Block New Delhi - 01
4. Shri Meer Aneesh Ahmed IAS
The Honāble Deputy Commissioner
Kodagu Madikeri (Coorg)
5. To Shri Pratap Simha ji,
The Honāble Member of Parliament,
Mysore- Kodagu
Through the Deputy Commissioner of Kodagu / Coorg
Dear Sir,
Sub: PIL initiated against the special privilege offered in the Indian Arms Act 1959 in Section 3&4 for Codavas and Jamma holders to carry fire Arms is a negation of snatching of the privilege so offered. - let not the Govt Violates the fundamental rights and our human rights as are enshrined in the Constitution of India by disturbing the entire class of Codavas who are known to be very strict, patriotic and loyal to our great Nation. The enigma so generated should stop at once. There is no locus stand. Hence the petition filed by mallafied intention may be closed in the interest of justice and equity.- A Human Chain program by Codavas on 09-10-2015 in the G.T circle Madikeri -
br> Ref:
Firearms for Kodavas: HC asks petitioner to move Centre
The Karnataka High Court on Wednesday disposed of a PIL petition questioning exemption given to Kodavas and Jamma land holders in Kodagu district from obtaining a licence to possess firearms under Section 3 and 4 of the Indian Arms Act, 1959.
A Division Bench, comprising acting Chief Justice Subhro Kamal Mukherjee
And Justice B.V. Nagarathna, asked the petitioner, Chethan Y.K, a resident of Bengaluru, to submit a representation on his grievance about exemption to the Union Ministry of Home Affairs within two weeks.
The Bench also asked the Secretary, MHA to dispose of the representation within three months.
1963 notification
As per a notification issued on July 6, 1963, under the Arms Act, āevery person of Coorg race (Kodavas) and every Jamma tenure holder in Coorgā are exempted from securing licence for possessing firearms.
Claiming that the continuation of the exemption, granted to some class of persons by the British government in pre-independent India in furtherance of their divide-and-rule policy, was unconstitutional, as it was based on irrational, fictitious and discriminatory grounds, such as race and ancestral land tenure, it was contended in the petition.Since the matter involved happened to be a thing connected with Codava Race and its ancient heritage we seem it fit to oppose the subject matter which happend to be the theme of an PIL writ petition initiated by one Mr. Captain Y.K Chethan, a retired short service commissioned Officer and we oppose the move with all sincerity and vehemence. The Honāble High Court while disposing of the PIL directed the petitioner to make a regular application to Union Ministry of Home Affairs within 2 weeks seeking relief thereafter and also the Honāble High Court directed the secretary MHA to dispose of the petition within 3 months after such a petition is to be filed within 2 weeks after Honāble High Court handed down the judgement. Even before we touch the subject in question we proposed to remind all the concerned that such previlages as is in question just now is simply not restricted to Codavas by race. For instance Nagaās are empowered to carry and retain a long metallic sphere with each of them every time. Sikhs have right to carry sharp sword with them every time, Gorkhaās can carry Kukriās and Mizoās are empowered to retain and exhibit their ancient customary rights. For instance a Khalsa Regiment strictly only to Sikhs a Regiment in Indian Army and it has permitted the carrying of a 1 feet Sword by every Sikh component. In the like manner there are Regiments under the name and style as Gorkha regiment which has been empowered to carry a Kukri by every Gorkha soldiers. After all all such rights and practices have been drawn from respective ancient practices and Folk legal systems strict only to such of the racial groups from time immemorial. Those British rulers have continued the ancient rights and such things never been the result of their imagination. After all our Constitution came into being only in the year 1950. Nothing of the said practice is in violation of the privileges extended
under article 14 of our constitution.
In fact our Constitution is the continuation of the legacy of the West Minister system.
Afterall a good majority of all the provisions of our Constitution used to be in existence legally much prior to the coming into the practice of our Constitution. Take for instance the Patriarch of our Constitution i.e MAGNA CHARTA ā the Great English Charter of Liberty got from King John in 1215 and
the Govt of India Act 1935 came into being by the Britishers only and both the Statutes have been handed down and strictly implemented by the British Rulers only. This does not stop with that our major enactments are the legacy of British Govts in essence the theme involved in IPC and CRPC in effect are the continuation of the legislation practiced by British rulers only and abolition of Sathi act, Widow Remarriage act and abolition of Child Marriage act all are the legacy of Britishers.
In order to curb the Criminal activities of āPindariā resistance in and around Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh during the period of Sipoy Mutiny the British Govt has envisaged and introduced āPindariā Act. Pindaris are known to create law and order problem in the area and banditry coupled with killing and looting of weapons from British Army and properties and their activities against the state incidentally āSipoy Mutinyā also did so their atrocious behavior against the State which forced the British govt to introduce a āPindariā Act and Disarmament Act. Fortunately not a single word about any Codava rising in Mutiny with the help of fire arms against the Govt for a single Moment. It is only in order to continue the special privileges accorded to Codavas to carry and retain Fire arms. The far sighted Mark Cubban has promulgated and has supported Codavas to continue our rights and privileges. The promulgation of Mark Cubban reads thus.
Notification 26-02-1861
ā in consideration of the exalted honour, loyalty and intrepidity, characteristics of this little Nation of warriors and in recollection of its conspicuous services in aid of the British Govt, it is my pleasing Duty to notify hereby, for general information, in virtue of the power vested in me by the Govt of India, that the provisions of the act, commonly called disarming Act are not applicable to the gallant people of Coorgā
Using of Gun is a customary practice amongst Codava Race. During the Male child births in the family, during Marriage celebrations and Rituals connected with deaths in the family and all festivals, no Codava is known to have misused fire arms against the State,
- During Freedom struggle
- When Coorg State become merged in the year 1956 with the state of Mysore, now Karnataka.
- During the period of Emergency in the year 1975.
- During the period of periodic General Elections and
- During the change of Govts.Ā Ā Ā
Afterall fire arms to every Codavas is an Article of Worship and great reverence always reposited under the āNellakki Nadubadeā of every āAinmaneā and
individual Homes. Fire Arms is as well a religious symbol and cultural emblem for every born Codava. Nodoubt true it is a part and partial of every Codava traditional attire with, Kupya (Long Coat) Peechi Katthi, Qumar Bandh and Fire arms is complete and Codava traditional attire becomes complete with such articles only. Every ancient Codava used to posses and carry sword, Bow & Arrow along with sphere. Until such times when Babar introduced fire arms weapons in India.
The present PIL in question is an example of normal behavior of intruders, money bags and interested Tycoons swarming into Kodagu from outside with a solitary intention of Disarming of Codavas in order to enliven their evil designs have been propagating the theme against the special privileges of Codavas to carry Fire arms. At the same time the Govt of Karnataka which also has been trying to curb and eliminate Codavas is supporting such evil designs of the present writ petition. It may be understood that the Govt of Karnataka with an idea of avoiding comments and revolt from Codavas as instigated someone to filing of the PIL.
The main theme of our Constitution is to protect the Unity in Diversity & Diversity in Unity of our Demographic Mosaic within amongst the citizens of India. It is with such an idea only our Constitution has extended reservations to various tribal groups scheduled castes and special protection for religious, linguistic and ethnic minorities and their respective languages.
More ever our Govt has continued the legacy of the British rulers in keeping alive such caste based traditions and formalities touching groups and caste and communities in India For Ex: there is a Coorg 37 Medium rifles for Codavas and Coorg, there is a Sikh / Khlasa regiment for Sikhs, likewise there is a Rajputhan regiment for Rajputs, Marata regiment for Marathas, Mahar regiment for Mahar dalits, Kummou regiment for Kummou people, Gadwal regiment for Gadwal people, Jaat regiment for Jaats, Dogra regiment for Dogra people, Gorkha regiment for Gorkha people etc, etc and nothing is opposed the theme has enshrined in our Constitution.
As regards the protection for land tenure held by different class of
people has enshrined in our Constitution, the relief sought for by the petitioner against protection of Land tenure extended to Codavas his claim becomes a nullity in law if the Govt taken in account such special prevelege extended to different classes of peoples to hold lands such as Kashmiris under article 370 and the people of the 8 North Eastern states in India under Article 371 of our Constitution. Simply said the existence and belief of our Nation hood is akin to a common banquet with a variety of flowers and the same is enlivened in our Constitution. Strictly said the petition reflects the mental derangement of the person the writ petition is seem to have known the existence of different classes of people with different belief language and customary practices and folk legal systems in India. Strictly speaking the PIL writ petition is amounts to insult the flowering constitution of India and Nothing more than that. Therefore we desire that Govt be pleased to extend all the clauses touching the special privileges are mentioned above to Codavas should continue without any hindrance, let not the Govt Violates the fundamental rights and our human rights as are enshrined in the Constitution of India by disturbing the entire class of Codavas who are known to be very strict, patriotic and loyal to our Great Nation. The enigma so generated should stop at once. There is no locus stand hence the petition filed by mallafied intention may be closed in the interest of justice and equity.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri - 571201
Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India
Cell No. 9448721200,
Human chain program will be conducted under the aegis of CNC at Napok on 28-09-2015
October 19, 2015Dear Sir,
Editor- For the kind PublicationHuman chain program will be conducted under the aegis of CNC at Napok on 28-09-2015 ā in order to herald the proposed Silver Jubilee āCodava National Dayā celebrations at Gandhi Grounds Madikeri on 24-11-2015 demanding Codava land & a National Monument at Devati Paramb Massacre Tragic site on the lines of Jallian wallabagh.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri - 571201
Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India
Cell No. 9448721200,
1. His Excellency Shri Pranab Mukharjee,
The Honāble President Sovereign Republic of India,
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi ā 01
2. Shri Narendra Modi ji,
The Honāble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi ā 01
3. Shri Rajanath Singh ji,
The Honāble Minister for Home Affairs,
Union Govt of India
North Block, New Delhi ā 01
4. Shri Vaju Bhai Vala ji,
His Excellency The Honāble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Rajbhavan Bangalore - 01
5. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
His Excellency The Secretary General
1st ave.and46th street,NewYork,NY10017USA
Tel: 1(212)9631234
Fax: 1(212)9634879
6. Dr. Rakesh Tewari
Office of the Director General,
Archeological Survey of India,
Janpath, New Delhi ā 11
7. The Director,
UNESCO House B-5/29,
Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi,
Delhi 110 029
8. Shri Pratap Simha
The Honāble Member of Parliament,
Mysore, Kodagu ā Coorg
9. Shri Jual Oram,
The Honāble Union Minister for Tribal Affairs,
Govt of India,
Room No 750-A,
Shastri Bhawan, A ā Wing,
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,New Delhi-110001.
10. Dr. Mahesh Sharma,
Honāble Union Minister for Culture,
Govt of India,
C ā Wing, Shashthri Bhavan New Delhi -500081
Through the Deputy Commisioner of Kodagu (Coorg) Karnataka, Madikeri 571201
National Monument should be erected at Devati Paramb on the lines of jallian walabagh
The purpose for which the organization was established.
We take pleasure to inform about the purposeful completion of 24 years of the existence, and the continuation of Codava National Council and the incessant & our eventful political struggle for the demands of the establishment of Codava land UT status under articles 2&3 of our Constitution, Codava land Autonomous region under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution, Constitutional special protection to Codava Martial tribal Race under articles 340 & 342 of our Constitution, inclusion of Codava Thakk in the 8th schedule of our Constitution, coupled with protection for the Land tenure, customary practices and folk legal systems of Codava race including the continuation of right to hold Guns under article 371 of our Constitution on the lines of protection extended to Mizoās and Nagaās. Special nomination of Codava race to Parliament and Assemblies under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indians. Our demand includes the establishment of National monument at Devati Paramb on the lines of Jallian Walla bagh.
- It is a fact that Modi Govt has entered a pact with NSCN (I-M) granting Naga people with a āshared sovereigntyā with India on 3 Aug 2015 in order to strengthen our federal system. ā we demand a permanent political package to grant Codava Land with UT status under articles 2&3 of our constitution as done with Naga question.
- The said fact includes granting Naga Patkai Autonomy to Naga inhabited areas in the state of Arunachal Pradesh and our demands also include granting Autonomy to Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution.
- We demand Tribal status to Codavas by race under articles 340 ā 342 of our Constitution. We take pleasure to remind the Govt about the inclusion of Jain Community as religious minority even though they are known to be the wealthiest people in India besides being Hindus in real sense. Jaats are also granted OBC status despite the fact that they are economically, politically and socially most affluent class of people spread over in 9 states of our country. The Rajasthan state has granted tribal status to violent Gujjars whose numbers exceeds 8crore in the country. Even though Codavas by Race historically are known to be a Martial Class in Nature and numbering a meager 1 Ā½ lakhs population and that no other class of people would be affected or jeo paradize if we are granted with Tribal status. PS. unlike Zoroastrians who are scattered everywhere in the Nation besides being the richest and prominent in the judiciary, industrial arena and in general activities besides being most Cosmopolitan and urbane. They have a separate religion of their own called Zoroastrianism unlike Codavas who are rustic by nature confined to Kodagu /Coorg region. Hence tribal status is fittest for them.Ā
- Codava Thakk / Codava Language is as ancient as human civilization is rich and living spoken language throughout the history fit enough to be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. We propose to cite MANORAMA YEAR BOOK which mentions about the 16 popular languages of our country which includes Codava language to strengthen our claim ā Manorama year book page 680 - other Popular Languages 1. Angika 2. Awadhi 3. Bhojpuri 4. Bundeli 5. Chhatisgarhi 6. Hariyanavi 7. Hinduatani 8.
Calendar of events:
- Pattholadhi at Devati Paramb on 20-10-2015
- New Delhi Chalo Sathyagraha on 1-11-2015
- Codava National Day celebrations on 24-11-2015
- CNC Annual Puthari festival on 25-11-2015 (Birchyar 9)Ā
- CNC Mourning Day on 13-12-2015 (Devati Paramb Masacre Day)
- CNC Annual Thok Namme on 18 Dec 2015
- United Nations Holocaust remembrance day on 27-01-2016 (at Devati Paramb)
Hence we pressurize the Govt to consider our demands positively and as early as possible.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri - 571201
Codava Land & Southwest Karnataka, India
Cell No. 9448721200,
Vaasthu Pooja by CNC conducted at Devati Paramb Site on 18.09.2015. Before the program CNC performed Pooja at Shri Paadi Igguthappa Templae at Kakkabbe.
October 19, 2015Dear Sir,
After 3 continuous invasions tippu got defeated by codava warriors disapointing in this insult he conspired to eliminate entire codava martial tribal race,cunningly invited them for a grand feast in the pretext of entering a friendly treaty with codavas at devati paramb in the year 1785 13 december. This heinous inhuman tragic genocide/holocaust in the mankind happened in this place. ā But their great souls are still alive in devati paramb. CNC conducted auspicious Vaasthu Pooja at Devati Paramb Monument site on 18.09.2015 i.e. immediate next day of auspicious Ganesh Chaturthi. The People who are known to have abundant experience in understanding and classifying the time factors in ordered to start any good work have suggested 18.09.2015 from 9.45 in the morning until 2.00 clock in the noon To be the most auspicious period. CNC erected one more stone at Massacre site.Before that CNC performed Pooja at Shri Paadi Igguthappa Templae at Kakkabbe.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri - 571201

A CODAVA SATHYAGRAHA ON THIS DAY i.e. 14.09.2015 in the vicinity of DCās office Madikeri-Coorg
September 15, 2015To,
1. His Excellency Shri Pranab Mukharjee,
The Honāble President Sovereign Republic of India,
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi ā 01
2. Shri Narendra Modi ji,
The Honāble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi ā 01
3. Shri Rajanath Singh ji,
The Honāble Minister for Home Affairs,
Union Govt of India
North Block, New Delhi ā 01
4. Shri Vaju Bhai Vala ji,
His Excellency The Honāble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Rajbhavan Bangalore - 01
5. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
His Excellency The Secretary General
1st ave.and46th street,NewYork,NY10017USA
Tel: 1(212)9631234
Fax: 1(212)9634879
6. Dr. Rakesh Tewari
Office of the Director General,
Archeological Survey of India,
Janpath, New Delhi ā 11
7. The Director,
UNESCO House B-5/29,
Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi,
Delhi 110 029
8. Shri Pratap Simha
The Honāble Member of Parliament,
Mysore, Kodagu ā Coorg
9. Shri Jual Oram,
The Honāble Union Minister for Tribal Affairs,
Govt of India,
Room No 750-A,
Shastri Bhawan, A ā Wing,
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,New Delhi-110001.
10. Dr. Mahesh Sharma,
Honāble Union Minister for Culture,
Govt of India,
C ā Wing, Shashthri Bhavan New Delhi -500081
Through the Deputy Commisioner of Kodagu (Coorg) Karnataka, Madikeri 571201

A CODAVA SATHYAGRAHA ON THIS DAY i.e. 14.09.2015 in the vicinity of DCās office Madikeri-Coorg
National Monument should be erected at Devati Paramb on the lines of jallian walabagh
The purpose for which the organization was established
We take pleasure to inform about the purposeful completion of 24 years of the existence, and the continuation of Codava National Council and the incessant & our eventful political struggle for the demands of the establishment of Codava land UT status under articles 2&3 of our Constitution, Codava land Autonomous region under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution, Constitutional special protection to Codava Martial tribal Race under articles 340 & 342 of our Constitution, inclusion of Codava Thakk in the 8th schedule of our Constitution, coupled with protection for the Land tenure, customary practices and folk legal systems of Codava race including the continuation of right to hold Guns under article 371 of our Constitution on the lines of protection extended to Mizoās and Nagaās. Special nomination of Codava race to Parliament and Assemblies under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indians. Our demand includes the establishment of National monument at Devati Paramb on the lines of Jallian Walla bagh.
1. It is a fact that Modi Govt has entered a pact with NSCN (I-M) granting Naga people with a āshared sovereigntyā with India on 3 Aug 2015 in order to strengthen our federal system. ā we demand a permanent political package to grant Codava Land with UT status under articles 2&3 of our constitution as done with Naga question.
2. The said fact includes granting Naga Patkai Autonomy to Naga inhabited areas in the state of Arunachal Pradesh and our demands also include granting Autonomy to Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution.
3. We demand Tribal status to Codavas by race under articles 340 ā 342 of our Constitution. We take pleasure to remind the Govt about the inclusion of Jain Community as religious minority even though they are known to be the wealthiest people in India besides being Hindus in real sense. Jaats are also granted OBC status despite the fact that they are economically, politically and socially most affluent class of people spread over in 9 states of our country. The Rajasthan state has granted tribal status to violent Gujjars whose numbers exceeds 8crore in the country. Even though Codavas by Race historically are known to be a Martial Class in Nature and numbering a meager 1 Ā½ lakhs population and that no other class of people would be affected or jeo paradize if we are granted with Tribal status. PS. unlike Zoroastrians who are scattered everywhere in the Nation besides being the richest and prominent in the judiciary, industrial arena and in general activities besides being most Cosmopolitan and urbane. They have a separate religion of their own called Zoroastrianism unlike Codavas who are rustic by nature confined to Kodagu /Coorg region. Hence tribal status is fittest for them.
4. Codava Thakk / Codava Language is as ancient as human civilization is rich and living spoken language throughout the history fit enough to be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. We propose to cite MANORAMA YEAR BOOK which mentions about the 16 popular languages of our country which includes Codava language to strengthen our claim ā Manorama year book page 680 - other Popular Languages 1. Angika 2. Awadhi 3. Bhojpuri 4. Bundeli 5. Chhatisgarhi 6. Hariyanavi 7. Hinduatani 8. Kanauji 9. Magadhi 10. Marwari 11. Bhili 12. Gondi 13. Kodava 14. Kutchi 15. Thulu 16. Mahi.
5. The provisions of article 371 of our constitution with inner line permit should be made applicable to Kodagu region at once as has been done in relation to Manipur and other North Eastern states. With a solitary intention of protecting our land from alienation and protecting our demography and such a things called as inner line permit. Important factor is that large number of underworld dons regular miscreants with harden criminality, and business Tycoons from across the Country with the active support and assistance from Hawala agencies and fake currency racketeers have been grabbing lands in the this District. With a major idea of protecting lands in the district and the interest of the natives the promulgation of such stringent law within Coorg is warranted.
6. Exclusive codava nominated representation in the parliament and state Assembly should be given under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indian community.
7. Devati Paramb massacre ā a tragic human holocaust in the mankind ā Insist for National Memorial / Monument of that Memorial on the lines of Jallianwala Bagh in memory of Amritsar Massacre. in memory of those Codava families (approximately 60 thousand unarmed Codavas) who were masssacred by ruthless tippu sulthan of srirangapatna and his rapacious soldiers, after 3 continuous invasions Tippu got defeated by Codava warriors disapointing in this insult he conspired to eliminate entire codava martial tribal race, cunningly invited them for a grand feast in the pretext of entering a friendly treaty with Codavas at Devati Paramb in the year 1785 13 December. This heinous inhuman tragic genocide/holocaust in the mankind happened in this place. ā but their great souls are still alive in Devati Paramb. PS All the proposals placed by CNC touching the request for treating Devati Parambu as National Monument are being hijacked and poached. The miscreants have not left, one single comma, semicolon, full stop, Subjects and Thok Namme etc., and the body language of all the communications, all the public lectures and statements of our leader verbatim. They have not even allowed untouched the dress code of CNC and contents of all the wordings of our official lettered in order to play miss chief we expect fellows to distort the very nature of the movement we are leading. They try to confuse the Government, the Press and the general public always. Therefore we cushion the general public, the media and the Governmental setup to be very careful about the unhealthy and diabolic mischievous activities of these Jackals .
8. This organization CNC held a Sathyagraha in the vicinity of the office of the DC Kodagu Madikeri this day on 14-Sep-2015 in order to pressurize our prime demands as are mentioned above and awareness human chain program would be conducted thereafter in all villages and towns in the District ā as the first human chain program of the season would be held at Kakkabbe on 21-Sep-2015 and followed by the one at Napoklu on 28-Sep-2015 and 5-Oct-2015 at Kutta and the like.
1. Pattholadhi at Devati Paramb on 20-10-2015
2. New Delhi Chalo Sathyagraha on 1-11-2015
3. Codava National Day celebrations on 24-11-2015
4. CNC Annual Puthari festival on 25-11-2015 (Birchyar 9)
5. CNC Mourning Day on 13-12-2015 (Devati Paramb Masacre Day)
6. CNC Annual Thok Namme on 18 Dec 2015
7. United Nations Holocaust remembrance day on 27-01-2016 (at Devati Paramb)
Hence we pressurize the Govt to consider our demands positively and as early as possible.Press release
September 11, 2015To,
07-09-2015 1. Shri Narendra Modi ji
The Honāble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block, New Delhi 01
2.Shri Manohar Parrikar,
The Honāble Minister for Defense
Union Govt of India
South Block, New Delhi 01
3. Major General Satbir Singh ji & Col Indrajith Singh ji,
Indian Ex Servicemen Movement
All India Federation of Military Veterans Organization
543, Sector 23, Gurgaon ā 122017, Haryana India
Honāble sirās
Sub: CNC congratulates lead role played by the Honāble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji, The Honāble Minister for Defense Govt of India Shri Manohar Parikar ji, for having taken courage to implement the OROP One Rank One Pension Scheme - The founder and pioneer of the OROP demand struggle Col Indrajith Singh ji & major General Satbir Singh ji who has effectively lead the agitation these days.
Welcoming the extraordinary decision to make available OROP One Rank One Pension to all the retired Army Personnel and respective war Widows. We take courage to inform you that the struggle has been going on during the past over 42 years, since 1973 incessantly and we sincerely hope that the entire Army Community will breathe solace. And it certainly will make each of Army people to act more effective in defending the bounds of our Nation.
It may not be an out of place act on our part to inform you that the Codavas by race are the actual largest fraction of Army personnel to be benefitted there from and it certainly will improve the economy of all the respective families in Kodagu / Coorg besides encourages young Codava to pursue Military life in the future. This organization CNC Codava National Council is grateful to our respectable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji, The Honāble Union Minister for Defense Shri Manohar Parikar ji, The founder and pioneer of the OROP demand struggle Col Indrajith Singh ji & Major General Satbir Singh ji who has effectively lead the agitation these days. Congratulations from our part are also due to all the veterans in uniform who have participated in the agitation continuously.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri - 571201
September 11, 2015To,
1. His Excellency Shri Pranab Mukharjee,
The Honāble President Sovereign Republic of India,
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi ā 01
2. Shri Narendra Modi ji,
The Honāble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi ā 01
3. Shri Rajanath Singh ji,
The Honāble Minister for Home Affairs,
Union Govt of India
North Block, New Delhi ā 01
4. Shri Vaju Bhai Vala ji,
His Excellency The Honāble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Rajbhavan Bangalore - 01
5. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
His Excellency The Secretary General
1st ave.and46th street,NewYork,NY10017USA
Tel: 1(212)9631234
Fax: 1(212)9634879
6. Dr. Rakesh Tewari
Office of the Director General,
Archeological Survey of India,
Janpath, New Delhi ā 11
7. The Director,
UNESCO House B-5/29,
Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi,
Delhi 110 029
8. Shri Pratap Simha
The Honāble Member of Parliament,
Mysore, Kodagu ā Coorg
9. Shri Jual Oram,
The Honāble Union Minister for Tribal Affairs,
Govt of India,
Room No 750-A,
Shastri Bhawan, A ā Wing,
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,New Delhi-110001.
10. Dr. Mahesh Sharma,
Honāble Union Minister for Culture,
Govt of India,
C ā Wing, Shashthri Bhavan New Delhi -500081

National Monument should be erected at Devati Paramb on t he lines of jallian walabagh
The purpose for which the organization was established.
We take pleasure to inform about the purposeful completion of 24 years of the existence, and the continuation of Codava National Council and the incessant & our eventful political struggle for the demands of the establishment of Codava land UT status under articles 2&3 of our Constitution, Codava land Autonomous region under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution, Constitutional special protection to Codava Martial tribal Race under articles 340 & 342 of our Constitution, inclusion of Codava Thakk in the 8th schedule of our Constitution, coupled with protection for the Land tenure, customary practices and folk legal systems of Codava race including the continuation of right to hold Guns under article 371 of our Constitution on the lines of protection extended to Mizoās and Nagaās. Special nomination of Codava race to Parliament and Assemblies under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indians. Our demand includes the establishment of National monument at Devati Paramb on the lines of Jallian Walla bagh.
1. It is a fact that Modi Govt has entered a pact with NSCN (I-M) granting Naga people with a āshared sovereigntyā with India on 3 Aug 2015 in order to strengthen our federal system. ā we demand a permanent political package to grant Codava Land with UT status under articles 2&3 of our constitution as done with Naga question.
2. The said fact includes granting Naga Patkai Autonomy to Naga inhabited areas in the state of Arunachal Pradesh and our demands also include granting Autonomy to Codava land under the 6th schedule of our Constitution.
3. We demand Tribal status to Codavas by race under articles 340 ā 342 of our Constitution. We take pleasure to remind the Govt about the inclusion of Jain Community as religious minority even though they are known to be the wealthiest people in India besides being Hindus in real sense. Jaats are also granted OBC status despite the fact that they are economically, politically and socially most affluent class of people spread over in 9 states of our country. The Rajasthan state has granted tribal status to violent Gujjars whose numbers exceeds 8crore in the country. Even though Codavas by Race historically are known to be a Martial Class in Nature and numbering a meager 1 Ā½ lakhs population and that no other class of people would be affected or geo paradise if we are granted with Tribal status. PS. unlike Zoroastrians who are scattered everywhere in the Nation besides being the richest and prominent in the judiciary, industrial arena and in general activities besides being most Cosmopolitan and urbane. They have a separate religion of their own called Zoroastrianism unlike Codavas who are rustic by nature confined to Kodagu /Coorg region. Hence tribal status is fittest for them.
4. Codava Thakk / Codava Language is as ancient as human civilization is rich and living spoken language throughout the history fit enough to be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. We propose to cite MANORAMA YEAR BOOK which mentions about the 16 popular languages of our country which includes Codava language to strengthen our claim ā Manorama year book page 680 - other Popular Languages 1. Angika 2. Awadhi 3. Bhojpuri 4. Bundeli 5. Chhatisgarhi 6. Hariyanavi 7. Hinduatani 8. Kanauji 9. Magadhi 10. Marwari 11. Bhili 12. Gondi 13. Kodava 14. Kutchi 15. Thulu 16. Mahi.
5. The provisions of article 371 of our constitution with inner line permit should be made applicable to Kodagu region at once as has been done in relation to Manipur and other North Eastern states. With a solitary intention of protecting our land from alienation and protecting our demography and such a things called as inner line permit. Important factor is that large number of underworld dons regular miscreants with harden criminality, and business Tycoons from across the Country with the active support and assistance from Hawala agencies and fake currency racketeers have been grabbing lands in the this District. With a major idea of protecting lands in the district and the interest of the natives the promulgation of such stringent law within Coorg is warranted.
6. Exclusive codava nominated representation in the parliament and state Assembly should be given under article 331 of our Constitution on the lines of Anglo Indian community.
7. Devati Paramb massacre ā a tragic human holocaust in the mankind ā Insist for National Memorial / Monument of that Memorial on the lines of Jallianwala Bagh in memory of Amritsar Massacre. in memory of those Codava families (approximately 60 thousand unarmed Codavas) who were masssacred by ruthless tippu sulthan of srirangapatna and his rapacious soldiers, after 3 continuous invasions Tippu got defeated by Codava warriors disapointing in this insult he conspired to eliminate entire codava martial tribal race, cunningly invited them for a grand feast in the pretext of entering a friendly treaty with Codavas at Devati Paramb in the year 1785 13 December. This heinous inhuman tragic genocide/holocaust in the mankind happened in this place. ā but their great souls are still alive in Devati Paramb.
This organization CNC proposes to hold a Sathyagraha in the vicinity of the office of the DC Kodagu Madikeri on 14-Sep-2015 in order to pressurize our prime demands as are mentioned above and awareness human chain program would be conducted thereafter in all villages and towns in the District ā as the first human chain program of the season would be held at Kakkabbe on 21-Sep-2015 and followed by the one at Napoklu on 28-Sep-2015 and 5-Oct-2015 at Kutta and the like.
Calendar of events:1. Pattholadhi at Devati Paramb on 20-10-2015
2. New Delhi Chalo Sathyagraha on 1-11-2015
3. Codava National Day celebrations on 24-11-2015
4. CNC Annual Puthari festival on 25-11-2015 (Birchyar 9)
5. CNC Mourning Day on 13-12-2015 (Devati Paramb Masacre Day)
6. CNC Annual Thokk Namme on 18 Dec 2015
7. United Nations Holocaust remembrance day on 27-01-2016 (at Devati Paramb)
Hence we pressurize the Govt to consider our demands positively and as early as possible.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri - 571201
CNC Delegation headed by its chief Mr. N.U Nachappa Codava met Coorg DC Mr. Mir Aneesh Ahmed and submitted a detailed Memorandum to the above concerned M/S Kaliyanda Prakash, Pullera Kalappa, Chambanda Janath and Mookonda Dilip were part of the delegation and later they addressed a press conference at press club Madikeri.
Date: 02.05.2015
1.Sri Narendra Modi ji
The Honāble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block, New Delhi-1
2.Sri Rajanath Singh Ji
The Honāble Union Minister for Home Affairs
Government of India
North Block, New Delhi-1
3.Sri Vaaju Bhai Ruda Bhai Vaala Ji
His Excellency The Honāble Governor of Karnataka
Raj Bhavan, Bangalore-1
4.Sri Venkaiah Naidu Ji
The Hon.ble Union Minister for Parliamentary Affairs
Government of India,
Room. No. 86-B, Parliament House, New Delhi - 110001 (India)
5.Smt. Smrithi Irani Ji
The Honāble Union Minister for HRD
Government of India,127-C, Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra prasad Road
New Delhi-110011.
6.Sri Kiren-Rijiju Ji
The Honāble MOS for Home Affairs
Union Government of India North Block New Delhi-1
7.Sri Jual Oram
The Honāble Union Minister for Tribal Affairs
Government of India
Shastri Bhawan Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road- New Delhi,110011
8.The Honāble Director-General
UNESCO, New Delhi Desk
UNESCO House B-5/29, Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi - 110 029. India
9.Sri. Mahesh Sharma Ji
The Honāble Union Minister of Culture
Government of India,
C-wing, Shastri Bhawan,New Delhi,110001
10.Sri Prathap Simha Ji
The Honāble Member of Parliament
Coorg, Mysore-Lok Sabha Constituency
Through the Honāble Deputy Commissioner Kodagu, Madikeri 571201 Karnataka.
Through The Deputy Commissioner
Kodagu ,Madikeri ( Coorg)- 571 201, Karnataka..
Sub : The Resolutions passed in the Annual āCodava National Day ā Celebrations held under the auspicious of Codava National Council/ CNC on 24.11.2014 at Madikeri- Codava Land ā Coorg in South West Karnataka ā touching the carving out of Codava Land Union Territory (U.T) & inclusion of Codava Martial Tribal Race in the Schedule List of our Constitution- Copies enclosed.
Inviting your kind attention to the subject cited above , we take this opportunity to inform you that the largely attended 24th Dayā Celebrations held under the auspices of of CNC at Madikeri, Coorg in South- West Karnataka on 24 Nov 2014 have Resolved to request the Union Government to Carve out Codava Land Union Territory under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution and also to include Codava Martial Tribal Race in the Schedule list of our Constitution under articles 340 & 342 of our Constitution as early as possible and as many 8 Resolutions have been adopted unanimously.
We hereby enclosed the true copies of the Resolutions adopted in the said massively attended Rally as mentioned above for your kind consideration and early favourable action in that regard. We only hope that our long pending legitimate demands would be accepted and acted upon as early as possible and give out a durable and permanent political solution for our unbroken, sustained & relentless Codava struggle.
With Warm regards NU Nachappa Codava President CNC Codava National Council PB No 12 Madikeri 571201 - Codava Land & South West Karnataka,India Cell NO. 9448721200 Email:,
Press release-
For the kind publication
Dear Sir,Pombolak (Torch Light Procession) held at Gonikoppa under the aegis of CNC on the evening of 14-04-2015 in Connection with Codava New Year Edmyar 1
The actual ceremony in connection with Codava New Year āEdmyarā 1 started with āPombolakā (Torch Light) procession, starting from RMC yard Gonikoppa on 14-04-2015.The procession started with Gun firing and Dudikott Paat at 6.30 in the evening. The procession passed through main thorough fare of the town with large number of Codava participants in the ritual. In course of Torch light procession the participants formed a Human chain at Bus stand place in Gonikoppa and CNC chief Mr. N.U Nachappa Codava took the opportunity to explain and re-affirm Consitutional Protection for Codava tribal Race, and claim for Union Territory status to Codava land with usual vehemence. The function connected with Edmyar celebrations is intended to herald to the World about Codava rich Heritage and our claim for Constitutional rights together with the religious rituals followed by ceremonial Oath taking by the participants to show solidarity with the CNCās legitimate struggle. The Torch light procession terminated at Parimala Mangala Vihar and ended with a sumptuous Codava cereal.
With warm regards
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri
Press release
For the kind publicationDate:14-04-2015
1.As per solar calendar Codava New year Edmyar 1 celeberated today on 14-04-2015 ā to mark the function a traditional Ploughing ritual of Paddy Field ceremoniously conducted by CNC today morning 6.30a.m
CNC celebrated Codava New Year as per Solar Almanac Edmyar 1 today morning 6.30 a.m on 14-04-2015 by ceremoniously with religious fervor ploughing of paddy fields of Shri Nandi Neravanda Uthappa of Chikkabettageri near Kushalnagar. Shri N.U Nachappa lead the ploughing ritual at 6.30p.m in order to re-affirm with unbreakable connection of Codavas with Mother soil and re-dedicated our title to all Constitutional rights. The ploughing ritual started with showing respect to guru Karona and Mahaguru Igguthappa and Mother Godess Cauvery at Nellakki Nadubade and before ploughing Nachappa Respected with reverence to Sun God & Mother Earth and Bullocks. The actual ploughing was done with the help of 2 bullocks thereafter. M/S Pullera Kalappa, Nandineravanda Viju, Manavattira Motaiah, Manavattira Somaiah, Manavattira Lokesh and Papu were present.
2.Pombolak Procession / Torch Light procession will be held by by CNC together with Human Chain program this day(14-04-2015) evening at 6.30 p.m to mark the Codava New year Edmyar 1 in Gonikoppa under the aegis of CNC.
The actual ceremony in connection with Edmyar 1 will start with Pombolak (Torch light) procession at 6.30 in the evening of 14-04-2015 starting from RMC yard Gonikoppa and it terminates at Parimala Mangala Vihar. The procession goes through the main thorough fare of Gonikoppa and a Human chain will be formed at bus stand place. All are welcome
With warm regards
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri
Press release
For the kind publicationDate:12.04-2015
To whom so ever it may concern
A Largely attended Human chain programme by CNC held at Kannada Circle in Suntikoppa regarding Hawala Black Money and Fake currency racketeering involved in the Coffee Trade-an awareness programme .According to reliable sources Underworld Don Dawood Ibrahim invested more than Rs. 5,000 Crores in the Coffee Trade through his henchmen in Kodagu. CNC / Codava National Council held a largely attended human chain program at Bus Stand place of Napoklu this day i.e on 12.04-2015 in order to agitate against the Hawala Racketeering and Fake Currency network under the behest of āDāCompany (Dawood Ibhrahim Operating from Karachi) touching Coffee trading in Kodagu (Coorg), needless to add that Kodagu being the epicenter of best Coffee production in the world, the entire class of unscrupulous Coffee traders with a solitary intention of gathering as much profit as possible taking the free market in Coffee into undue advantage and exploit every gullible Coffee cultivator by misinforming them adding that prevalent differences in Coffee āOutturnā and āMoistureā contents only has forced them to pay smaller price to the growers. In other words it certainly is the intentional exploitation of innocent and hapless growers. According to reliable sources Underworld Don Dawood Ibrahim invested more than Rs. 5,000 Crores in the Coffee Trade through his Hench men in Kodagu. Unless the Govt introduces stringent law necessitating the traders to obtain license to deal Coffee and eradicate Hawala Racketeering and Fake currency network and all the Banks should strictly be directed to follow RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) touches Coffee transaction. Mr. Nachappa termed that Coffee is a black gold and second largest traded commodity in the world after petroleum it is our duty to protect this industry for ever. The growers should not entertain coffee lorry without the measurement at Weighing Bridge.
Shri N.U Nachappa Codava the President of CNC vociferously spoke and explained about the things in order to educate the massive gathering and insisted that the menace of Hawala and Fake currency Racketeering should be curtailed by Introducing special stringent laws. M/s Nagasettira Manu, Kechira Bhagesh, M.A. Vasanth, Pullera Kalappa, Pullera Bopaiah, Maleyanda Muthappa, Nandireravanda Appaiah, Nandineravanda Dinesh, Nandineravanda Madhu, Nandineravanda Nanda, Cheppudira Sathish, Konerira manu, Dasanda Ramesh, Dasanda Jagadish, Dasanda Kiran, Dasanda Ranjith, Mollera Ravi, Mollera Chimmi, Mollera Subbaiah, Mollera Ravi were present in the program. Mr.Nagasettira Cliva Ponnappa welcome the gathering. The function terminated with all the participants taking oath in the name of Sun & Moon, Guru & Karona. The repetition program would be held at Suntikoppa on 12th April & at Gonikoppal respectively.
With warm regards
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri
To whom so ever it may concern
1.āCodavaā and not āCodagaruā āHonāble High Courtās Order āāCodavaā nomenclature instead of Codagaru to be incorporated in all the Governmental records before 11April 2015, i.e. before starting of Caste wise Census enumeration- Karnataka High Courts Land Mark Direction-Writ of Mandamus filed by CNC Chief N.U. Nachappa Codava.
The Honāble High Court of Karnataka in WP No.11812 of 2015 (GM-RES) Dated 01.04.2015 has directed the Government of Karnataka to cause affected the cabinet decision on the basis of the report submitted by Dr. Dwarakanath Commission on the representation made by Sri N.U. Nachappa Codava, President of Codava National Council Seeking a definitive direction to mention as āCodavaā instead of being mentioned as āCodagaā or āCodagaruā in all the Governmental records. The Honāble Mr. Justice āAbdull Nazeer while disposing of the Writ petition initiated by the CNC as represented by its chief Mr. N.U. Nachappa Codava Seeking a Writ of Mandamus towards such an end has directed the Government of Karnataka to implement the order before the 11.04.2015 when the Caste wise Census enumeration is to be started. This perhaps is the greatest achievement even though there never has been any documentary evidence suggesting such a thing in the Governmental records. This certainly enables every āCodavaā to stick on to the legitimate identity of being a āCodavaā or āCodavathiā. Without any such concrete evidence all the efforts of āCodavasā to prove their legitimate identity asā Codavaā as failed so far.
Even though all the official documents and Caste Certificates used to mention āCodagaruā which in reality looked āawkwardā and Codavas in general were helpless. None of the so called leaders and big wigs of the community have attempted to take such an action which CNC and its leader Mr. N.U. Nachappa Codava did. The credit certainly goes to Nachappa Codava and CNC. The renowned High Court Advocate Sri. Ballachanda A. Bolliyappa presented and argued the case, every Codava Shall be thank full to him for his efforts. Our special thanks is due also to our friend Dr. C.S. Dwarakanath the then Chairman of the Karnataka Backward Class Commission who did Extraordinary job while submitting the report based on the Historical facts and Socio- Cultural aspects of Codava Race and every born Codava Shall be grateful to him forever.
The below mentioned true replicas of the documents are attested here with for your kind perusal.1. Writ petition No. 11812 of 2015 (GM-RES) Dated 10.03.2015
2. High Court Judgment passed on 01 April 2015.
3. Report of the Dr. Dwarakanath Commission Which became the actual foundation of the High Courtās order.
4. Karnataka Cabinet decision Okaying the report submitted by Dr. Dwarakanath Commission.
5. The sworn affidavit of Sri N.U. Nachappa Codava presented to Dr. Dwarakanath Commission in the initial stages.
6. The notice issued by the Dr. Dwarakanath Commission to Sri. Nachappa Codava to keep himself presents before the Commission and produce the evidence.
7.The remainder letters seeking the implementation of cabinet decision on the basis of the report submitted by Dr. Dwarakanath Commission addressed to The Chief Secretary Government of Karnataka , but he deliberately have failed to implement the same for reason not disclosed.
2. Direct the Census enumerators to mention as āCodavaā against the āCaste Columā and āCodavā Thak against the āLanguage Columā in the Caste wise Census enumeration 2015-a demand by CNC.
Whenever the enumeration of Caste wise Census enumerator comes to any Codava home and meets Codavas, all Codavas should ask him to enter āCodavaā against the Caste Colum and Codava Thakk against the Language Colum compulsorily. And please furnish correct figures and do not exaggerate for any purpose.
With warm regards
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri
Smt. Varthika Katiyar IPS
The Superintendent of Police(SP)
Kodagu āMadikeri 571201
3. Miss Dravya Gowramma of 10th standard Student in Lions School Gonikoppa and a resident of Ponnampet Missing-request to trace her back as early as possible.
Miss Muddiyada Dravya Gowramma a 10th standard minor girl studying in Lions High School Gonikoppa has disappeared and has not returned home after attending the school. On 18 March 2015 itself an FIR has been registered in this regard at Ponnampet Police Station, but this far her whereabouts are not known. Hence we request you to be good enough to trace her back at once.
With warm regards
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri
Copy to :-
1. To The Director General of Police(DGP), State of Karnataka, Nripathunga Road, Bangalore.
2. To The Inspector General of Police (IGP), Southern Range, Mysore-Mysore Cit
PB #1.2, MADIKERI -571 241
BANGALORE - 560 052
ORDERI have heaRd the learned counseL for the parties.
2. The petitioner has filed a representation at Annexure-D dated 10.6.2014 requesting the first respondent for implementation of recommendation at Annexure-B. It is contended that the said representation has not been considered.
3.Having heard the learned counsel for the parties, I am of the view that the first respondent has to consider the representation at Annexure-D at an early date. Therefore, the first respondent is directed to consider the representation in accordance with law as expeditiously as possible, keeping in mind the census is likely to commence from 11.4.2015. Writ petition is accordingly disposed of.
A copy of this order shall be furnished to the learned counsel for the parties forwith. No costs.
Press release
For the Kind Publication
Date: 06.04-2015
To whom so ever it may concern
A Largely attended Human chain programme by CNC held at Bus Stand Place in Birunani regarding Hawala Black Money and Fake currency racketeering involved in the Coffee Trade-an awareness programme .
CNC / Codava National Council held a largely attended human chain program at Bus Stand place of Napoklu this day i.e on 06.04-2015 in order to agitate against the Hawala Racketeering and Fake Currency network under the behest of āDācompany (Dawood Ibhrahim Operating from Karachi) touching Coffee trading in Kodagu (Coorg), needless to add that Kodagu being the epicenter of best Coffee production in the world, the entire class of unscrupulous Coffee traders with a solitary intention of gathering as much profit as possible taking the free market in Coffee into undue advantage and exploit every gullible Coffee cultivator by misinforming them adding that prevalent differences in Coffee āOutturnā and āMoistureā contents only has forced them to pay smaller price to the growers. In other words it certainly is the intentional exploitation of innocent and hapless growers. Unless the Govt introduces stringent law necessitating the traders to obtain license to deal Coffee and eradicate Hawala Racketeering and Fake currency network and all the Banks should strictly be directed to follow RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) touches Coffee transaction.
Shri N.U Nachappa Codava the President of CNC vociferously spoke and explained about the things in order to educate the massive gathering and insisted that the menace of Hawala and Fake currency Racketeering should be curtailed by Introducing special stringent laws. M/S Ajjikuttira Lokesh, Bottangada Savi, Bottangada Raju, Keekanamada Nanaiah, Keekanamada Milan, Kuppudira Ponnu Muthappa, Guddamada Appi, Kalakanda Bosu, Balyameederira Asha, Balyameederira Raja, took the opportunity to speak vehemently. Mr. Bacharaniyanda Chippanna welcomed and Mr. Bottangada Girish extended the Vote of Thanks. The function terminated with all the participants taking oath in the name of Sun & Moon, Guru & Karona. The repetition program would be held at Suntikoppa on 12th April & at Gonikoppal respectively.
With warm regards
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri
N.U. Nachappa Codava. BA. LLB
President Codava National Council
P.B. No:12 Madikeri
Smt. Nirmala Seetharaman
The Honāble MOS for Commerce
Union Government of India
New Delhi-01
Through the Deputy Commissioner Coorg, Madikeri 571201
Dear Madam,
Sub:-Amendments to the Coffee Act to be incorporated to save the Coffee Industry ārequest for.
1.Ref:- addressed to 1).The Honāble Union Minister for Home Affairs, Govt of India, North Block, New Delhi ā 01 2) The Honāble Minister for Finance, Union Govt of India, North Block, New Delhi ā 01 3) The Honāble Governor of R.B.I, Reserve Bank of India P.B No.696, 6- Sansad Marg, New Delhi ā 01 - Express Towers, Nariman Point,Mumbai - 400021 4) His Excellency The Honāble Governer of Karnataka 5) Shri Prathap Simha, Honāble Member of Parliament, Coorg ā Mysore.
Dated 17.03.2015. regarding Fake currency and Black Money /Hawala racketeering in Coffee Trade & Transaction in Coorg. Traders from Malabar region involved in this nefarious network under the shade of āDā company ā Bank people seems to have hand in glove in the tardy transaction. ā take stringent action ā request for
At the same time no Bank or Coffee agencies are Traders should be allowed to pay money by Cash. RTGS ( Real Time Gross Settlement ) system is utilized at once.- Annexure to
Inviting your kind attention to the subject and reference cited above we propose to request you to cause effected the amendments to Coffee Act incorporating provisions of law under which the below mentioned portion to be incorporated as early as possible in order to save the future of the Coffee Industry in general & small growers in particular , and they are:
1. Each and every Coffee Trader/Buyer should obtain license from the Coffee Board for a specified period in the name of the intended Applicants.
2. The name of all the applicants seeking license to carry on Coffee Trading should be registered and maintained by the Coffee Board.
3. Coffee Board should prescribe the method and quality of hulling of Coffee and the hulling should be caused don by reputed Coffee curing works under the supervision of quality controller of Coffee Board and only the one who has been issued with proper license by the
Coffee Board Should carry on the hulling with a Specific direction not to appoint subsidiaries for the purpose in any manner. Hulling by the ones who have been caring on the business just now should be banned. Since at least 70% of Coffee produced in Coorg (Kodagu) is being exported and the practice of the hulling by local duplicate agencies and fraudulent Hawala and Fake Currency Malabar Coffee buyers only spoils the quality of the āOutturnā and it definitely cause adverse affect in the international Market.
4. Since all the sundry Coffee Dealers are exploiting the Gullible Coffee Growers by forcing them to believe that the Coffee they are purchasing is both high or low āMoistureā contents and low āOutturnā in order to pay just minimal price. The fraudulent Coffee buyers who do the hulling of Coffee are miss informing the growers to the effect that Coffee they have purchased is below quality and they act themselves to be the self appointed quality controllers. Only the quality controllers of the Coffee Board should be permitted to ascertain the āMoistureā content and āOutturnā of the Coffee.
5. Since the lack of authentic information regarding the Coffee Production every season after the starting of open market and no trader has attempted to furnish the correct account of the Coffee so produced by such ones. The quantum of the Coffee produced every year is kept in dark and in the result the Coffee grower is a prime loser, the Coffee grower does not get the actual price and the Government also is the prominent loser since no taxes is being levied and collected from the traders.
6. It is a known fact that the āHuskā( the byproduct of the Coffee) remains after the pulping is the base requirement for brewing potable Liquor and it is a known fact that the CFTRI Mysore has already produced wine there from. It is a known fact that the Liquor is produced from the byproduct of the Sugar Cane after manufacturing Sugar from the Sugar Industry under the direct Supervision of Government in My-sugar Liquor factory at Mandya. Such a thing should be got done from the husk under the direct supervision of Coffee board and it certainly is a Money spinner which otherwise compensate the global warning, natural calamities, labour cost, pesticide and manure coast of Coffee Production.
7. Hawala racketeering and Fake Currency network with the involvement of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim operating from Karachi colluding with the nationalized Bankers in the Coffee Trading should be curbed by introducing RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) System compulsorily. (It is a known fact that the price of the Coffee Stagnates on account of the fraud that is being practiced by the Hawala agencies and Fake Currency Racketeering traders).
Unless the above mentioned suggestions are strictly incorporated by appropriate amendments and additions to the Coffee Act it should be know that all the Coffee growers (persons owning Coffee land below 25 acres are small Growers as fixed by the Coffee Board) who constitute 95% of the entire Coffee Industry will become ruined.
With warm regards
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri
1. Sri. D.V. Sadanada Gowda,
The Honāble Union Minister for Law
Govt. of India .
2. The Commerce Secretary
Ministry of Commerce Union Govt. of India.
3. The chairman Coffee Board of India , Bangalore.
Dear Sir,
Human Chain Program by CNC on 06-04-2015 at Birunani Bus Stand Place at 10.30, and on 07-04-2015 at Cherambane at 10.30 and 12-04-2015 at Suntikoppa at 10.30. ā regarding
A massive human chain program by CNC together with other lawful activities in order to agitate and oppose the malpractices that is being practiced by ruthless traders, the Hawala Racketeering and Fake Currency Circulation touching Coffee industry and in the name of āMoistureā content and āOut Turnā a large scale exploitation of coffee growers being done by these scrupouls will be held on 06-04-2015 at Birunani Bus Stand Place at 10.30, and on 07-04-2015 at Cherambane at 10.30 and 12-04-2015 at Suntikoppa at 10.30.
With warm regards
N.U Nachappa Codava, B.A, LLB,
President, Codava National Council,
P.B No 12, Madikeri -571201,
Kodagu 9448721200.
N.U Nachappa Codava, B.A, LLB,
President, Codava National Council,
P.B No 12, Madikeri -571201,
Kodagu 9448721200.
Dear Sir,
Sub: Edmyar, annual Codava new day celebrations on 14-04-2015 by CNC ā Torch Light ( Pombolak) procession at Gonikoppa
Codava auspicious New year day Edmyar 01 falls on 14-04-2015 and we are celebrating the same with usual religious fervor. The celebrations would start with the ceremonial ploughing of wet land of Nandi Neravanda Shri Uthappa at Chikka Bettageri village in Kushalnagar at 6.30 am. The actual public celebrations as usual would be held at Gonikoppa Town on the evening of 14-04-2015. The celebration starts with Torch light (Pombolak) procession starts from RMC yard Gonikoppa at 6.30 in the evening. Move through main thorough fares including Bangalore-Mysore road and terminate at Parimala Mangala Vihar where important Cultural activities would be done. We intend to advertise about the function in and around Gonikoppa Town and also use Microphone system during the Torch light ( Pombolak) procession and the actual cultural program as mentioned above.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri
A Largely attended Human chain programme by CNC held at Bus Stand Place inNapoklu regarding Hawala Black Money and Fake currency racketeering involved in the Coffee Trade-an awareness programme .
CNC / Codava National Council held a largely attended human chain program at Bus Stand place of Napoklu this day i.e on 30-03-2015 in order to agitate against the Hawala Racketeering and Fake Currency network under the behest of āDācompany (Dawood Ibhrahim Operating from Karachi) touching Coffee trading in Kodagu (Coorg), needless to add that Kodagu being the epicenter of best Coffee production in the world, the entire class of unscrupulous Coffee traders with a solitary intention of gathering as much profit as possible taking the free market in Coffee into undue advantage and exploit every gullible Coffee cultivator by misinforming them adding that prevalent differences in Coffee āOutturnā and āMoistureā contents only has forced them to pay smaller price to the growers. In other words it certainly is the intentional exploitation of innocent and hapless growers. Unless the Govt introduces stringent law necessitating the traders to obtain license to deal Coffee and eradicate Hawala Racketeering and Fake currency network and all the Banks should strictly be directed to follow RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) touches Coffee transaction.
Shri N.U Nachappa Codava the President of CNC vociferously spoke and explained about the things in order to educate the massive gathering and insisted that the menace of Hawala and Fake currency Racketeering should be curtailed by Introducing special stringent laws. M/S Kundyolanda Ramesh Muddayya and Maleyanda Ponnani Aiyappa took the opportunity to speak vehemently. Mr. Kaliyanda Prakash welcomed and Mr. Kulletira Beba Aruna extended the Vote of Thanks. M/S Apparanda Shrinivas, Areyada Girish, Bachamanda Bellu, Mandira Nanda, Kandanda Joyappa, Manavattira Dore Somanna, Katumaniyanda Umesh, Cheakpoovanda Manu, Appachira Rammi Nanaiah, Biddatanda Bellu and Mundanda Shantha Aiyanna were present in the program. The function terminated with all the participants taking oath in the name of Sun & Moon, Guru & Karona. The repetition program would be held at Birunani on 6th April, Cherambane on 7th April & Suntikoppa on 12th April respectively.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri
Series of Human chain programme by CNC regarding Hawala Black Money and Fake currency racketeering in the Coffee Trade-an awareness programme.
A Human chain programme is proposed to be held at Napoklu on 30th March 2015 and at Birunani on 6 April 2015 and at Cherambane on 7th April 2015 and at Suntikoppa on 12th April 2015 by CNC to educate the people in the manner of regular massage to the Government regarding the activities of the Hawala Black Money and Fake Currency under the behest of Dawood Ibrahim in Coffee Trade, (in Real-estate business, Land Conversion, Coffee estate lease and Timber Trade) in reality is exploiting the Grower under the excuse of āMoistureā and āOut āTurnā.
In order to control mall practices such as stealing and illegal trading in Coffee Hawala personages and Fake currency racketeering and involvement of Coffee smugglers in exploiting normal Coffee Growers, better always to introduce licensing system both to the Coffee producers who intends to sell their Coffee and to any purchasers, be it is normal Agency or Big Business Houses or Exporters on the lines of āTP3āthat was in vogue.
Sub: Request to Establish Tree Groverās Co-Operative Society and Small Scale Timber Industries to curtail the activities of Timber Mafia under the patronage of Hawala Black Money agents and Fake Currency racketeers āall the Money transaction of Timber sale should be under the RTGS(Real Time Grass Settlement ) āRequest for.Ref:- Official communication No: B5KPT/CR-50/2011-12/1080 Dated 07.02.2015 From Additional Principal Conservator of Forest and Environment Resource Management, Aranya Bhavan, Malleswaram, Bangalore-3.
Inviting your kind attention to the reference cited above we take this opportunity to welcome the amendment to the Karnataka Tree Reservation (amendment) Act 2014, but the thing as promulgated if becomes active one must remember that the Grower would be the Ultimate loser and the actual beneficiaries would once again be the Timber Mafia, who already are known to have programmed to exploit the situation created after stopping the Import of Timber from foreign Countries on account of the Ozone layer depilation and global warning everywhere. Added to it the Import of Timber would be a stupendous costly affair. in order to exploit such a Situation the Mafias, i.e Fly wood Factory owners from Malabar region in particular and Mangalore in general, even active here would certainly by exploiting the situation and fell the entire lot of Timber along with eleven variety of Trees as mentioned in the enactment grown by agriculturist and earn huge profits. And ultimate loser would be the cultivators and the government as well.
One example what we may cite is that this people will certainly force the cultivator to receive pay the value at the rate of Rs. 50 to 75 per CFT, Example Balanji Tree instead of paying the actual Market Rate the minimum is Rs. 500 per CFT. Added to it the Timber intended to be sold they would pay the tax at the rate of 10Rs per CFT, but show just minimal Quantity of the Timber so involved. If the timber so purchased is 1,000 CFT, they will show it be at 500 CFT only and there by cheat the actual cultivator and the government as usual. Not satisfied with such a transaction the Mafia involved would certainly cut, fell & thieve and illegally transport all the quality Timbers such as Rosewood, Teak wood and White seeder, under the pretext of transporting the permitted Trees. No doubt our ever corrupt officials would certainly help them. One example just now what we may quote is that thousands of CFTās of quality would (Rosewood, Teak wood and White seeder logs) have been illegally transported keeping under Neath the lot of Silver oaks logs from one Estate in Suntikoppa in Kodagu and the matter found its mention in daily News papers also. One more example what we seek permission to quote is that Timber thieves have already felled and transported Teakwood logs gathered from Thithimati National Park to Decson Saw -Mills at Ammati and Virajpet and in the bargain thieve have earned the profit at the rate of Rs. 1,500 per CFT and the Mill Owner has already sold the same at the rate of Rs. 4,000 or more per CFT. It is a known fact that the Mill owner has already sold more than 5,000 CFT Teak logs and earned sums above Rs. 2 Crores without any investment and already the man has acquired landed properties around Ammathi area. One must remember that the Timber so transported wills certainly goes to outside places and in reality the Government would never get a single pai in the manner of any tax and the actual cultivator would be the worst loser.
All these things involves Hawala activities and Fake currency Racketeering. One unhealthy picture we watch around Aranya Bhavana at Madikeri & Bangalore and all the Forest offices both in Madikeri and in around Coorg we seldom find ordinary farmers but instead we forced to see only Timber Mafias. The funniest part is that the Fake currency agents and Hawala Racketeering Timber Mafias always speak volumes about their effort to protect the interest of farmers (Tree Growers), interest of our Nation and interest of our Environment and eke out unbelievably huge profits.
As such we request you to establish small scale Timber Industries and the entire lot of Timbers so collected should be sold through the proposed Tree Growers co-operative society only to small scale Industries so established. We request you to suspend the permission to Timber felling operation and transportation of the same until the Tree Growers co-operative society and small scale Industries are established in Coorg as suggested by us. In the bargain both the actual cultivator and the Government would be the benefactors.
Request the DCC Bank to stop harassing Farmers
The DCC Bank has started Threatening cultivators of rigorous action should they failed to re- pay the lone raised by them, the threat includes public auction of the their property mortgaged and publish the photography of the person. The concerned of the DCC Bank must know that the said Bank vows its existence only on account of the un flinching support extended by actual Farmers. We request the DCC Bank to help the cultivators by keeping off the programmed Harassment until each such borrower could arrange the money needed.
Pepper ThievingThe Pepper Mafia now active in entire Kodagu cause the thieving of pepper at the behest of traders at the actual transaction is believed to be a sum of Rs. 25 Lakhs per day in Siddapur area alone. The main culprits who cause the thieving of pepper known to from the estates are included TATA, BBTC, Swarnagiri, Green Field and Teak wood Estates ect. This as to be called a stop at once.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri
N.U. Nachappa Codava. BA. LLB
President Codava National Council
P.B. No:12 Madikeri
1. His Excellency
The Honāble President
Sovereign Republic of India
Raisina Hills
Rashtrapathi Bhavan
New Delhi-1
2. The Honāble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block
New Delhi-1
3. The Honāble Union Minister for
Home Affairs
Government of India
North Block
New Delhi-1
4. His Excellency
The Honāble Governor of Karnataka
Raj Bhavan
5. Sri Prathap Simha
The Honāble Member of Parliament
Coorg- Mysore
Through the Deputy Commissioner and District Magistrate, Kodagu/Coorg-Karnataka, Madikeri- 571201
Dear Sir, 1) Codava Land Union Territory (UT)-Demand for:
Sub:-Codava Sathygraha by CNC enthusiasts at the precinct of DCās office Madikeri on 20.03.2015 time at 10.30am - Demanding 1. Codava Land Union Territory under Articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution 2. Constitutional guarantee for Codava Martial Tribal Race under Articles 340 & 342 of our Constitution and 3. Include Codava thakk in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution-regarding.
Since 21.03.2015 happens to be the āChandramaana Ugadiā day which is a general holiday for the entire state including the press people, we have decided to observe the Sathyagraha on 20.03.2015 which happens to be a day prior to the observance of āInternational day for the Elimination of Racial Discriminationā.
However much the Government of Karnataka may try to suppress an undeniable fact that the very existence of the District of Kodagu; the Traditional & Indivisible Home land of Codava Martial racial Tribe; a former āCā type state of Coorg until it became merged with the state of Mysore, now Karnataka in the year 1956, the truth remains that the Governments ever since then has attempted to eliminate the very memory of the historical back ground of Codava race, their contribution to the security, both internal and external, of our Nation and their contribution to National wealth. Now the Government has reached such a diabolic extent that it simply does not mention anything about Coorg/Codava Land /Codava Sthan and Codava Race.
What would have been the identical features in such things the places which until then were under the domain of Nizam of Hyderabad, the Region of Telangana became merged with Vishalandhra, Beedar, Gulbarga and Raiachur known as Hyderabad Karnataka Region became merged with the state of Mysore, now Karnataka the same day Kodagu last its heritage and existence by becoming a part and partial of now state of Karnataka. The happiest moment for Telangana Region and Hyderabad Karnataka Region are that Telangana became a full fledged State in the year 2014 after having positively considering their struggle for such a thing and the Hyderabad Karnataka Region has been given special politico-Economic status under Article 371 (J) of our Constitution respectively in the year 2013 after taking in to consideration of their identical demand and irresistible struggle to such an end. But the fact remains the same what it used to be on the day of merger. The Government of Karnataka has not taken in to consideration of our endless, relentless and legitimate struggle for such a thing. All our demands have been denied by the ruthless attitude of our successive Governments. One special reason for such a thing might be the lack of Political representation from Codava race and naturally the large section take precedence. We have been struggling for the definitive and separate Politico-Cultural and Geo-Political existence of Kodagu/Coorg/Codava Land and we insist that Union Territory (UT) Status for Codava Land under Articles 2 and 3 of our constitutions should be guaranteed to Kodagu.
2) Include Codava Thakk in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution
Added to it Codava Thakk the only the regional, aboriginal and indigenous Language, rich in all verity has been suppressed throughout. If Maithili, Santhali, Dogri, Bodo and Konkani could find their entry in to the 8th Schedule of Constitution and the entry there in to of Tulu and Bojpuri are likely to take shape very soon, why not the rich Codava Thakk, the ancient living spoken language of Codava Race. The governments are very particularly are surpassing the benefits open to the regional languages after respective States became merged with larger the States as enshrined under Articles 347 and 350B of our Constitution. The said provision of law insists that the mother Tongue should be included in the Curriculum and also in the Administration. Leave alone these things our Government has forgotten the very Contents of Articles 29 and 30 of our Constitution by denying the status of linguistic Minority for Codava run educational institutions throughout and it necessarily is a violation and negation of inherent rights, birth rights, fundamental rights, Constitutional rights and human rights as such we pressurize for the inclusion of Codava Thakk in the 8th schedule of our Constitution, introduce Codava Thakk in the Curriculum and Administration under Articles 347 and 350B of our Constitution and the facilities to be extended to all Codava run educational institutions as enshrined in the Articles 29 and 30 of our Constitution.
Codava Martial Tribal Race should be Specially Guaranteed under Articles 340 and 342 of our Constitution.
We insist for the extension of Constitutional special guarantee for Codava Martial Tribal Race under Articles 340 and 342 of our Constitution. Unless such a protection and benefit is extended as under Articles mentioned above Codava race and their unique identity very soon will become a non- entity. Such a thing is absolutely required to preserve, protect and support our land, our language, our Political rights and our all round Socio- Economic empowerment as under the relevant provisions of the Articles of our Constitution and this certainly is a definitive anti dote to prevent the extinction of Codava race. Codava race naturally fulfill the entire requirement as are felt necessary for being clasified as martial tribe.
Better Always our legitimate demands are considered favorably at your earliest and show your political will to solve our long felt demand and give a permanent and durable political solution to our long standing struggle.
We are presenting this Memorandum together with the Memorandums already we have submitted earlier.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri
[P.S. Unfortunately the authorities are much generous in accommodating Bangladeshi Nationals without any doubt not possessing any official travel documents and Patronizing land mafias who are known to be Hawala (Black Money) racketeers and Malabari Coffee Traders who are known to circulate Fake Currency under the behest of āDā Company instead of supporting the interest of the native Codava Race.]
International day for the elimination of racial descrimination
Sub: Codava Sathyagraha by CNC enthusiasts at the precinct of DCās Office Madikeri on 20-03-2015 time at 10.30am ā demanding 1. Codava Land Union Territory under articles 2&3 of our Constitution 2. Constitutional guarantee for Codava Martial Tribal Race under articles 240&242 of our Constitutions and 3. Include Codava Thakk in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution ā regarding
Since 21-03-2015 happens to be the Chandramaana Ugadi day which is a general holiday for the entire state including the press people, we have decided to observe the Sathyagraha on 20-03-2015 which happens to be a day prior to the observance of International day for the elimination of Racial discrimination. The prime subjects for the Sathyagraha are demanding 1. Codava Land Union Territory under articles 2&3 of our Constitution 2. Constitutional guarantee for Codava Martial Tribal Race under articles 240&242 of our Constitutions and 3. Include Codava Thakk in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution. The enthusiasts are requested to gather at the DCās office precincts in Madikeri. A regular Memorandum will be presented to the Union Govt ā President of India and others concerned immediately after the Sathyagraha 20-03-2015.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri
1. The Honāble Union Minister for Home Affairs,
Govt of India,
North Block New Delhi ā 01
2 Honāble Minister for Finance,
Union Govt of India,
North Block New Delhi ā 01
3 Honāble Governor of R.B.I,
Reserve Bank of India
a. P.B No.696,
6- Sansad Marg,
New Delhi ā 01
b.Express Towers, Nariman Point,
Mumbai - 400021
4 His Excellency
The Honāble Governer of Karnataka
5. Shri Prathap Simha
Honāble Member of Parliament,
Coorg ā Mysore.
Through the Deputy Commissioner Kodagu, Madikeri ā 571201, Karnataka
Dear sir,
Sub: Fake currency and Black Money /Hawala racket in Coffee Trade & Transaction in Coorg. Traders from Malabar region involved in this nefarious network under the shade of āDā company ā Bank people seems to have hand in glove in the tardy transaction. ā take stringent action ā request for At the same time no Bank or Coffee agencies are Traders should be allowed to pay money by Cash. RTGS ( Real Time Gross Settlement ) system is utilized at once.
Without any doubt the coffee that is being grown in Kodagu is known to be the best in the entire world. Of the 6 Coffee Producing Nations in the world India happens to be one and happily 40% of the estimated output in India is from Kodagu (Coorg). As is generally known to that the ordinary local cultivator used to cure the Coffee by employing manual methods during pre-second world war period. Two of the big Coffee Exporters M/S Peerslessly and Lakshmayya Shetty & Sons of Chikkamagalur used to exploit the local cultivators by collecting Coffee beans the way how paddy used to be purchased by big Mill owners and paddy merchants. But only the then Consolidated Company and āSakammaā Group and few wealthy individual Coffee growers used to export Coffee they have produced through transporting by the Bullock Carts to Cochin Harbor and Mangalore Harbors respectively and export the same to England via Sea route through Ships. Consequent upon Germans blocking Suez canal during the 2nd world war the coffee trade was hit and it gave opportunities to Coorg Coffee growers gathered in a Coffee Conference in Delhi (for internal market &trade activities) under the patronage of British India Province of Coorg Legislative Council Member and leader of Consolidated Coffee company Mr. Ivor Bull and nodoubt then Viceroy of India took up the matter seriously and the result was promulgation of Coffee ordinance which happens to be the bed rock of the legislation under the nomenclature of 1942 Coffee Act became a fact thereafter, which gave birth to Coffee Board and the Coffee Board took the whole control over the Coffee transaction thereafter. No doubt Coffee growers got extraordinary support, respect, guarantee and restrictions from the Coffee Board in the initial stages, but as usual the concerned of the Coffee Board exploited the situation which in the result ended up in extraordinary misery to local producers. During 1990ās Coffee growers asserted their rights by going ahead agitations which resulted in open market Coffee transactions thereafter.
The ultimate result of open market Coffee Transaction has given birth to exploitations by Mushrooming traders particularly from Malabar region in an extraordinary manner. They misguided the Coffee producers by representing that the Coffee grown in Kodagu is Moisture contents and of low Outturns and in the bargain they thieve large portions of Coffee they have collected from the growers. The moisture level fixed by the Coffee board is between 8% to 12% and surprisingly each and every Coffee bean so grown in Kodagu/ Coorg happens to be within the limits of Coffee Board & International Parameters but the crooked traders make representations to the effect that the moisture contents of Coffee grown in Coorg either is below 8% or in the alternative beyond the 12% level. The outturn they mention is 24k.g per bag of 50kg raw coffee (and in the bargain they earn between Rs.300 ā 400 per bag ) Coffee even though the entire bulk of Coffee so cultivated in Kodagu is within the limit of āOutturnā so fixed by the Coffee Board. The Coffee Outturn in Kodagu is always 26.5 per bag of 50k.g in dry zones like Balele and Ammathi and 27.52 ā 29 per bag of 50k.g raw Coffee in the Western Ghat sectors. The situation in the coffee transaction in Kodagu is surprisingly pathetic on account of the crooked behavior of traders. Even though none expect the persons so licensed by the Coffee board are pollution clearance board can hull the Coffee but the crooked persons in the village panchayat permit the establishment of fake Hullers (The original one is āKappaā and āTecatorā Moisture meter as per ISO 6673) within their regions without the involvement of pollution control board and coffee board not satisfied with these they always threaten the growers one way or other and make life miserable for them which has forced any normal grower to abandon Coffee cultivation added to it they normally try their level best to fluctuate the market price of the Coffee and naturally these crooked Hawala Malabari traders are minting money. Should these Hawala agents find the real fact that moisture and āOutturnā are within the limits prescribed by the Coffee Board they blatantly inform the growers that they do not have necessary āCashā that they, But the funniest part is that they make available limitless bags of money to those rich and influencial Coffee cultivators only in order to cover and influence them. It certainly is painful fact that the growers cultivate every Coffee plant with natural calamities surrounding and they certainly require all such help to earn respectable returns. One other reason for creation of such a diabolic situation by the traders is that the Coffee cultivators are bound to clear the debts contracted by them on the strength of their property before the expiry of the month of March to Bankers every year. Added to it thieving of Coffee caused by these ruthless Hawala and fake Currency backed Malabari traders under the shade of āDā company is the trend in the market. No doubt true these thieves get involved in criminal activities not the receiver. One other thing they do is they cause thieving of Coffee from Estates or their drying yards through their own agents (mainly Bangladeshis) who are known criminals and if they goes to the police, the police normally cite these purchasers as witness and never as accused person.
One other disgraceful act what these ruthless traders done is that they mix up the low grade Coffee they have collected through from places elsewhere in India and the same with the bulk of good variety of Coffee they have collected in Kodagu with the mixing of water again (it destroys the silver cover of Coffee bean and it loses its flavor and quality. One interesting news is that all the persons involved in adulteration of Coffee powder deliberately mix wooden powder with Coffee and expand their business at a secrete place in Malapuram called Chammad, Thirur and Nadapura) and export the same with bulk of good variety of Coffee they have collected in Kodagu and export the same to the foreign Countries. Naturally instances of rejection of Coffee by European countries is the rule of the day, some 3 years ago 100 numbers of Coffee containers from Coorg to European countries totally have been rejected and returned from European countries which ended up in lowering the quality of Indian Coffee standard to 10th place.
The diabolic activities the traders mostly from Malabar region always in doubtful character. The lower level Coffee collectors spread every where in Kodagu happens to be under the supervision of big traders mainly located in Kutta, Gonikoppa, Virajpet, Pollibetta, Siddapura, Murnad, Nopoklu, Suntikoppa, Madapura, Madikeri, Kushalnagar & Somwarpet who are known to receive money from Hawala agents and Fake note from āDā company. The rumors just now suggest that the note printing white papers smuggled from Canada and Australia to Karachi and Indian fake notes currency (500 -1000 Rs) being stealthily printed in Karachi under the knowledge of Pakistan Govt and active supervision of underworld Don Dawood Ibhrahim. The Fake currency notes so printed and supplied by Pakistan is known to reach Kasargod from where these underworld Hawala agents they receive which they distribute among the local traders in Kodagu. Three of the such Coffee traders with their head quartress at Virajpet, Gonokoppa and Siddapur are the real beneficiaries of the fake transaction (One can make out their arrogance is that they are having intimate connection with and protection from the āDā company in Karachi only in order to intimidate the ordinary growers. The one nefarious activities what these Hawala backed and fake currency D company network Coffee merchants are involved in violence they fomenting in creating communal riots within amongst locals and thereafter they supply the names of local gentleman Codava residents who never had any criminal background to the police stating that they have caused the āGalaataā or whatever and creating circumstances forcing such innocent people to leave once for all from Coorg, so that they can have free entry in the market without any hindrance.) used to beg for a leaving yester years, but each of them posses unbelievably large extends of properties. One interesting factor is that these Hawala backed fake note Coffee traders from Malabar employee known Hi-Fi Codavthi Women Folk to speak about their tardy transaction and they canvas that no Coffee business would be carried out without any such traders. Unfortunately a good number of progressive thinkers and intellectuals are known to be under the pay roll of these fraudulent business people. These traders are known to keep 2 types of account books and ledger books. Once for their own individual private use and other one for Governmental purpose. In fact every ledger should maintain about the bulk of stocks and the money involved. The department of sale tax should try to ascertain the real fact. Not satisfied with these they also thieve and misuse Coffee husks in the bargain making limitless money. The fellows who never used to be known to own any property have gathered landed properties worth about more than 1000crores. Branches of 4 popular banking agents like Axis bank in Kushalnagar, SBM bank Kushalnagar, ICICI in Madikeri and Kushalnagar and SBI of Madikeri, Virajpet, Gonikoppa who used to distribute monies not beyond 5lakhs to any individual per day are known to distribute monies upto 30crores per day to any such individuals involved in Sham transaction(for example one must know that Rs.100crores white money will be compensated with the double the fake currency and Black money to the beneficiary bankers, agents and Coffee traders ). If an ordinary person needs to a sum of Rs.5000/- these bank people make such applicants loiter around and keep them waiting during the whole day, but these fake currency traders get white money what they require within 10 minutes of their appearance. One can compare the present trend in banking business touching Coffee trade may well be compared with the situation some 26years ago Harshad Mehta and others have created in Bombay. Some foreign agencies with a solitary intention of causing breakdown of Coffee transaction in India and Wholesale rejection of Indian Coffee in the world market and ultimately destroy Indian economy through the Hawala network Black Money and through fake Currency racket unless RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement ) system is utilized at once, the whole Coffee cultivation will end up. At the same time no Bank or Coffee agencies are Traders should be allowed to pay money by Cash. Better always the known and reputed Coffee curing works like TATAS, BBTC, SLN and Raj traders etc who always operate in accordance with RTGC should only be permitted to carry on the trade and money transaction. One must know that Coffee is the largest traded commodity in the world next after petroleum product & highest foreign exchange earner commodity. Therefore we request to be good enough to bring in legislation as may be desired to control the whole Coffee transaction and to prevent the nefarious trading practice touching the Coffee commodities and investigate the matter and take stringent action against those anti nationals in the interest of our Nation in general and Coorg in Particular.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri
1. His Excellence The Honāble Governor of Karnataka
2. Sri Prathap Simhaji The Honāble Member of Parliament, Coorg- Mysore
1.Shri Rajanath Singh Ji
The Honāble Union Minister For Home Affairs
Govt of India
North Block, New Delhi ā 01
2.Smt. Sushma Swaraj ji
The Honāble Union Minister For External Affairs
Govt of India
South Block, New Delhi ā 01
Dear sir/ Madam
Sub: Under the shade of sham transaction of 1.Coffee plantation lease holding
ā2. Purchase and sale of lands 3. Conversion of agricultural lands under bogus names in Coorg by the Hawala backed global terrorist network with the active aid and indulgence of Panchayaths, Banks , Revenue department and Registry (Sub-Registrar) ā demanding thorough investigation under National Investigating Agency at once ā Book those culprits involved in the rocket under National Security act ā trace out the epicenter of the financial flow:
Frankly speaking the district of Coorg / Kodagu in Karnataka is in the process of converted into a safe heaven for infiltrators, uncalled for Foreign investors, hawala agents and not easily identifiable investors on rich soil, especially the persons with exhaustive criminal International backed Hawala agents from Malabar region, those who have regular business connection and contacts in Middle Eastern countersā The modus aparendi is that they go for acquiring agricultural lands and such other rich estate properties on lease basis, no doubt they promise extraordinarily high price. The information reaching us suggests that these people some how influenced local people, especially Codavas, in order to gain entry into the needed properties. Initially they acquire lease hold rights for more than 10 years and subsequently they hope to gain ownership there of and only Codava brokers are known to be the agents for their illegal activities. They intend to acquire such of the properties they are holding as lessees and in due course of time they have acquired ownership there on by threatening such owners of dire consequences, by intimidation, creating labour problem and indulging in influencing women. With the establishment of International Airport in Mattanur of Malabar region of Kerala, these Mafia have already promising Ten fold price to the already high priced lands, particularly either side of the State Highways in Virajpet, Gonikpoppa and Bittangala regions in Kodagu District. The epicenter of the illegitimate flow of financial sources for land grabbing , acquisition of lease hold rights and conversion of agricultural lands at once is looks to be questionable and it should be detected If any of the local residents should contact owners for purchase of such of the lands, the owners of the such of the lands expecting support from these criminal Mafia quate to exceptionally high price with a solitary intention of preventing and avoiding locals acquiring such properties. They even indulge in by using the names of popular Codava personages Political personages like Ex MP, present MP including the names of Union and State Ministers as Shield suggesting that only such of the persons intends to acquire such properties and thereby avoid local resistance.
Even though wet lands are not allowed to be acquired by non-agriculturists under the Karnataka Land Revenue Act 79(B) these people always use the names of local Codavas and the initial indentures would be got done in the names of local Codavas and get the wet lands converted for non-agricultural purposes with the active participation of the departments and other offices by avoiding the necessity of obtaining prior permission from the environmental department and local Panchayats. One must know that Harangi, Lakshmanatheertha and Chikli reservoir projects have come up and besides providing IP sets to agriculturists to gather water from streams and other water sources only in order to increase the food production permanently. But all those things have been neglected with the sole idea of supporting such Mafia.
One disturbing feature is that the local Panchayats, Banks, Revenue Departments and Registry dispose of the paper from such of the infiltrate Foreign backed Hawala rocket in connection with the 1.conversion of agricultural lands for non-agricultural purposes, 2. Acquiring lease hold rights and 3. Purchase of lands / Coffee estates by these infiltrators with a solitary intention of supporting such illegal transaction touching the 3 varieties of the land dealings. Unless the matter is investigated into thoroughly by NIA at once, the District of Kodagu will certainly become of paradise for global terrorism.
Therefore we request you to use your prudence and see that the matters are investigated into by appropriate investigating agencies and initiate legal actions against all the concerned including the land owners who intend to sell their respective properties to these unknown infiltrators and the four (4) class of officialdom namely 1. Panchayat 2. Banks 3. Revenue 4. Registry indulging in the nefarious activities officially. Hence we request you to take immediate steps to trace out the financial sources of the individuals invalid in the land grabbing Please save Kodagu and let it not become the homeland of global terrorism.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri
ā1) His Excellency ,
The Honorable President,
Sovereign Republic of India .
Rashtrapathi Bhavan, New Delhi-01
2) The Honorable Prime Minster President,
Sovereign Republic of India.
South Block ,New Delhi ā 01
3) The Honorable Union Minister for Home Affairs
Govt. of India.
North Block ,New Delhi ā 01
4) His Excellency
The Honorable Governor State of Karnataka,
Raj bhavan Bangalore ā 01
5) Sri Prathap Simha
The Honorable Member of Parliament Coorg-Mysore,
Jaladarshini Guest House,
ā 6) His Excellency The Honorable Governor
State of Karnataka
Raj Bhavan - Bangalore-0
Through The Honorable Deputy Commissioner
Kodagu- Madikeri-571201
Dear sir,
Subject: Include Codava Thak in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution along with Tulu- direct to treat Codava-Tulu and Konkani as Mother Tongue on par with Kannada in the proposed legislation by the Govt of Karnataka for Mother Tongue as compulsory medium of instruction ā request for ā This memorandum is presented after a long duration Sathyagraha by large number of Codava enthusiasts held at the vicinity of office of the Deputy Commissioner and District Magistrate, Kodagu/ Coorg Madikeri to mark āInternational Mother Tongue Dayā on this day i.e 21st Feb 2015- This includes a demand for Codava land Union Territory (Coorg) under articles 2&3 of our Constitution.
*****āāIn continuation of innumerable Memorandums and requests submitted by Codava National Council touching the demand for the inclusion of Codava Thak in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution and also treat Codava Thak as the administrative language and in the curriculum as medium of instruction under articles 347 and 350b of our Constitution respectively. We hereby take this opportunity to remind that about the action of state Government while they sent their recommendations to the Union Government pressurizing for the inclusion of Tulu language in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution and we feel it proper to question them as to whatever has prevented from applying the very same justice in connection with Codava Thak.
We further deem it proper to question their readiness to introduce a Bill in the ensuing session making Mother Tongue to be compulsory language in the medium of instruction until 5th std. and we propose to request you to inform the general public which language they have in mind to define as Mother Tongue with the Supreme Court ruling handed down very recently. Without any second thought the Apex Court has questioned as to determine which language to be the mother tongue, the language taught by the Teacher or the language taught by Parents of the children. One must remember that Kannada strictly speaking can not be implemented as Mother Tongue with the under taking extended in the 7th amendment of the Constitution under the state reorganization act 1956 to save, protect and develop the regional languages spoken in various regions that became amalgamated and those regions which had a different languages of their own such as āTuluā language spoken in South Canara (Mangalore) which then was a part and parcel of a erstwhile Madras presidency, Tamil in Kollegala region of erstwhile Madras State, Urdu in Hydrabad Karnataka region namely Bidar, Gulbarga and Raichur, Marathi in Bombay Karnataka region namely Bijapura, Darawada and Belgaum region, Konkani language spoken in Karwar (Uthara Kannada) region of Bombay Karnataka, And āCodava Thakā in the erstwhile āCā type state of Kodagu (Coorg). It may not be an out of place act on our part if they we are permitted to inform you that our Constitution without any doubt insists the introduction of Tri- language policy which definitely suggests that the original language taught by the parents of the child, then language of the State and internationally accepted English language to be taught in Educational institution. By their action proved themselves to be ruthless they proposed to introduce only Kannada as the Mother Tongue even though in reality it never has been unless you direct the State Govt of abandon their idea of introducing Kannada as a sole Mother Tongue, the interest of the section of the people referred to above will stand to lose their very existence on account of your diabolic attitude.
āTo quote one example we would like to inform you that Shrilanka Government introduced āSimhala the only actā Bill in the year 1956, one of the , most respected Tamil parliamentarian MR. Coline Dāsilva objected such proposal insisting that Shrilanka will become divided in to 2 nations if you insisted for the introduction of āSimhala the only actā as the language by side lining Tamil and if you introduce 2 languages Srilanka will be one single Nation. As such we here by request you to direct the State Govt of abandoning their idea of introducing Kannada to be sole State language, but instead treat the languages mentioned above particularly Codava, Tulu and Konkani to be the Mother Tongue along with Kannada as mentioned. By amalgamating all the languages referred to above in the proposed Bill and save Karnataka as one.
It may not be an out of place act on our part if we may be permitted to remind you that any ancient cultural heritage of any class of people becomes completely destroyed and thing of the past if the language as old as humanity being spoken by them is to be suppressed and diabolically directed to be forgotten.Codava Thakk together with our land holdings and the way of our social behavior is attempted to turn out to be a passing passage in exterminating the whole identity of Codava race. As such as we here by repeat our pressure to recognize Codava Thakk in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution as has been done with regard to as many as 22 Constitutionally recognized languages and we do not understand the reason for such a disparity.
The carving out of Union Territory of Codava Land is warranted in order to cleanse the anomalies caused by the Government of Karnataka ever since 1956.The very first requirement just at the moment what deemed to be carried out is to protect Codava destiny by assigning the Politico ā Administrative powers by means of carving out Union Territory of Codava land of Coorg in South West Karnataka under articles 2&3 of our Constitution. Unless such a thing is done we fear that the Hegemony of Government of Karnataka and the Kannada Chauvinistic people of the state will certainly try their hand to cause the ethnic cleansing of Codava Race, Codava Heritage, Codava land holdings and our dear Codava language, the very notion of the celeberations of āInternational Mother Tongue Dayā becomes a reality if only our demands are considered positively.
This memorandum is presented after a large number of Codava enthusiasts sat in a Sathyagraha this morning in the vicinity of District Magistrate and DC of Kodagu/ Coorg, Madikeri, Karnataka.
M/s N.U Nachappa Codava, Kaliyanda Prakash, Bacharaniyanda Chippanna, Ajjikuttira Lokesh, Nandineravanda Viju, Pullera Kalappa, Kundyolanda Ramesh Muddayya, Mookonda Dileep, Bolakaranda Somaiah, Chambanda Janath, Bottangada Girish, Appengada Maale, Namdineravanda Appaiah, Apparanda Prakash, Katumaniyanda Umesh, Areyada Girish, Mandapanda Manoj, Manvattira Jagadish, Bepadiyanda Dinu, Pullera Mandanna, Pullera Sunusubbaiah, Pullera Swathi, Nandineravanda Nisha, Appaneravanda kiran, Meederira Suresh and Kechittira Shambhu were present in the sathyagraha
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri
Codava Land-Coorg -South West Karnataka-
1)His Excellency The Honorable President Sovereign Republic of India .
2)The Honorable Prime Minster President Sovereign Republic of India.
3)The Honorable Union Minister for Home Affairs Govt. of India.
4)Sri Prathap Simha The Honorable Member of Parliament Coorg-Mysore.
1)His Excellency The Honorable President,
Sovereign Republic of India .f
Rashtapathi Bhavan NewDelhi-01
2)The Honorable Prime Minster President,
Sovereign Republic of India.
South Block New Delhi ā 01
3)The Honorable Union Minister for Home Affaires
Govt. of India.
North Block New Delhi ā 01
4.His Excellency the Honorable Governor State of Karnataka, Rajbhavan Bangalore ā 01
4)Sri Prathap Simha The Honorable Member of Parliament Coorg-Mysore.
Jaladarshini guest house
Through the honorable deputy commissioner Kodagu, Madikeri - 571201
Dear sir,
Sub: Illegal immigrants of Bangladeshis under the cover of Assam and Bengal with the help of ID cards and Ration cards such other documents made available by corrupt officials with the help of labor mafia ā requesting the authorities to prosecute such patrons ā suggesting the avoidance of creeping in of the names of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh in the Census operation ā And treat them as Guest workers as done in Cyprus and France in relation to turkey immigrant laborers ā request for
āāDuring the past a few years a good number of individuals intended only to earn fast money without any respect to local residents here and are indulged in labor mafia, needless to add that they have given rise to vehicle and Mesthrimafia. During the recent past such people used to make available laborers from elsewhere who used to work in Coffee estate from 11.30 to 2.30 and earned good lot of money taking the disadvantage of non availability of laborers and deliberate avoidance to follow the labor law which in other words was the planned exploitation of growers.
Unable to tolerate anymore the growers wanted to look for some other alternative options which gave rise to yet another mafia who bring laborers from Bihar, Assam and Bengal, but in actual reality the fellows always made available Bangladeshis immigrants with the illegal patronage of BSF. In the bargain the BSF fellows made easy money by facilitating illegal entry of immigrants from Bangla without any documents. No doubt true that these labor mafia has helped the growers complete their estate work with the help of such persons, but this labor mafia has been indulging in securing Indian citizenship to such illegal entrance by helping them secured I.D cards, Ration cards and such facilities with the help of most unreliable revenue officials. No doubt true a good number of planters also do support them with a solitary idea of getting the facility of supply of labor force without any knowledge of the future illegal Anti National activities.
One more extraordinary feature now prevailing is that the branches of Madikeri, Virajpet and Gonikoppa of State Bank of India deliberately help such Bangladeshis and those illegal immigrants by extending facilities of various special schemes in preference to the local residents. In the bargain the bank officials insist for production of unnecessary documents from the locals if any such wanted to open accounts with them, but with flow of money in mind these bankers have been helping such illegal immigrant foreigners to open accounts with them in other words the SBI branches of Madikeri, Virajpet and Gonikoppa have forgotten the interest of the nation. A day is not that for when these illegal immigrants will certainly attempt to acquire landed properties in Coorg on the basis of the ID cards and Ration cards made available to them by corrupt officials, needless to add that the document certainly prove that they are landless local residents. What more the government also will help such landless individuals bypassing legitimate ex-Army men thereby extending all such facilities to these illegal immigrant Bangladeshi non-citizens. There are as many as 2lakhs such individuals working in Kodagu under the cover of Assamis and Bengalis and such a day is not that far when they will also attempt to get elected themselves to public bodies like assembly, ZP and Panchayat from Kodagu. Such ones are concentrating themselves in nefarious activities with base at Kutta, Birunani, Ponnampet, Gonikoppa, Virajpet, Siddapur, Pollibetta, Suntikoppa, Madapura, Murnad and Napoklu. Already they have indulged in creating lawless activities and public nuisance at such places against local residents.
With the caste wise census operation in mind we request the concerned of all the governmental establishments to instruct census workers to be carefull in securing proper information from the people concerned. Unless they are not helped to secure any rights particularly voting rights in the caste wise census operations we cannot contemplate what follows next. In order to avoid any such unwanted things it always is better to follow the things what the governments of Cyprus and France and such other European countries in classifying such immigrants workers from Turkey to their places as guest workers and who should return to their native places immediately after the completion of their jobs in hand. If such a thing is not done in relation to these Bangladeshis it may be understood that they will become a great nuisance to the nation and governments alike. We request the governments to identify such labour mafia and the once who help and patronage them indulging in making available such illegal immigrant Bangladeshis as labourers and prosecute them.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B No: 12, Madikeriā 571201
Codava Land-Coorg -South West Karnataka-
1. His Excellency
The Honāble President Sovereign of Republic of India
Rashtrapathi Bhavan
New Delhi - 01
2. His Excellency
The Honāble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block
New Delhi ā 01.
3. The Honāble Union Minister for Home Affairs
Government of India
North Block
New Delhi - 01.
4. His Excellency
The Honāble Governor of Karnataka
Bangalore - 01
Through The Deputy Commissioner
Kodagu ,Madikeri ( Coorg)- 571 201, Karnataka.
Dear Sir,
Sub: Republic Day Celebrations incomplete without coming in to being of āUnion Territory ā of ā Codava Land āā under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution in Coorg of South West Karnataka, and special guarantee to Codava Martial Tribal race under the articles 340 and 342 of our Constitution- Suggestions:-
Unless and until U.T. of Codava Land is created and accorded Constitutional special guarantee to Codava Martial Tribal race. This organization C.N.C ( Codava National Council ) will continue to hold rallies, agitations and sathyagrahas relentlessly and this dayās sathyagraha is but one such. We restrict the demands only to the things referred to in the subject above and we are determined to struggle for the same until our demands are met. Be it known that the celebrations of Republic Day has no meaning and relevance unless one time āCā type State of Coorg fraudulently and forcibly merged with the State of Mysore now State of Karnataka in the year 1956 on account of the deliberate fraud committed by certain power hungry individuals. Let us not continue the comments.
It is not warranted if we make mention of the re-emergence of the State of Telangana in the year 2013-14 and special guarantee having been accorded under Articles 371(J) of the Constitution of India to the Hyderabad Karnataka Region in the year 2013-14 respectively. One must no that both the Telangana State and Hyderabad Karnataka Region used to be the part and parcel of the erstwhile princely State of Hyderabad Nizam as until 1956 as was then touching the āCā type State of Coorg.
After having taken in to considerations to the Unique cultural eminence and Politico - Historical background and especially on account of the fact that both the places deliberately having been neglected by the respective residual States to which they became merged, with Union Govt has thought it fit to re-evaluate the aspirations of the residents of both the regions ( i.e. Telangana in the State of Andrapradesh and Hyderabad Karnataka Region in the State of Karnataka) has caused the things as above mentioned. What sin Kodagu ( Coorg) the traditional and indivisible home land of Codava race from time immemorial has committed to continue with the State of Karnataka and historical negligence being passed by the rapacious and tyrannical rulers to be avoided to region of its erstwhile eminence?. We cannot understand. Let us consider it to be regular step motherly treatment of the Govt touching Kodagu and Codavas.
However much vehement we are to participate in the celebrations of Republic Day, we are restrained on account of the deliberate negligence of all the concerned. The notion of Republic in India becomes complete, meaningful and vibrant if only Kodagu is re-established as Union Territory of Codava Land and Geo-political aspirations of Codava martial tribal race is considered positively.
We vow our regular solidarity with the existence, integrity of our great nation called Mother India. We desire that our legitimate demands are accepted and conceded as early as possible, better in the year 2015 itself. Historically, Culturally, Linguistically, Topographically and our rich economic base do certainly deserve the Carving out of Union Territory of Codava Land at once.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B No: 12, Madikeriā 571201
Codava Land-Coorg -South West Karnataka-
Dr. Subramanian Swami ji,
Camp: MysoreDate: 23-01-2015
Dr. Subramanian Swami ji,
Renowned Economist, Former Union Law & Commerce Minister & BJP National Leader and Senior Statesman of our country
Respected Sir,
We take this opportunity to submit the below mentioned true extracts and resolutions adopted in the annual Codava National day celebrations held at Madikeri, Coorg on 24-11-2015 and every word of it will make you understand the depth of our purpose and feelings behind our struggle for our demands. This we have been doing religiously every year during the past 25 years without any break. It is a fact that we have submitted the things referred to above and other representations periodically to the Union government during the past quarter century and we request you to be good enough to carry out the things needed and please see that our goal is achieved at an earliest. Even though Indian history is replete with instance of Codava role in the nation building and protection of boundaries. The Government of India is yet to consider our pleas favourably at an earliest and we are lucky enough to meet a steadfast crusader who does things with unmistakable honesty and extraordinary geniuses. We request you to go through the documents, we are presenting this day and the particulars of which are enlisted here below.
We take privilege to invite you to be the guest of honour in the function slated to be held on 24 November, 2016 for Codavaland Union Territory as Codava National Day in Madikeri, Coorg in order to celebrate the completion of silver jubilee of the existence of our organization Codava National Council and for our relentless struggle. Our Geo- Political Goal & Aspirations- Codavaland. UT & incorporate Codava Martial Tribal Race in the schedule list of our constitution.
(I) Prime Resolution We are happy to announce that the mammoth gathering of the Codava enthusiasts on annual Codava National Day congregation held under the aegis of CNC commemorating the entry of 25th year Silver Jubilee of our relentless and eventful political struggle for Codavaland Union Territory coupled with incorporating Codava Martial Tribal Race in the Schedule list of our constitution and we sincerely hope and believe that our cherished goals will be fulfilled very soon. The participants solemnly here by unanimously resolved to adopt the below mentioned charter of demands and we take this opportunity to insist to the Union government to classify Codavaland Union Territory (UT) on the lines of other existing seven (7) Union Territories (Centrally Administered Territories) of our country under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution, there by removing the shackles from the tyrannical and totally hostile state of Karnataka.
Charter of Demands:-1. We demand a permanent political package to grant Codavaland with Union Territory status for Coorg under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution. It is a fact that Modi Govt has entered a pact with NSCN (I-M) granting Naga people with a āshared sovereigntyā with India on 3 Aug 2015 in order to strengthen our federal system ā We demand a permanent political package to grant Codavaland with UT status under Articles 2&3 of our constitution as done with Naga question.
2. Autonomous Codavaland under the 6th schedule of our Constitution encompassed with 45 ancient traditional Codava Naads in Coorg. The said fact includes granting Naga Patkai Autonomy to Naga inhabited areas in the bordering State of Arunachal Pradesh and our demands also include granting Autonomy to Codavaland under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution.
3. Incorporate Codava Martial tribal Race in the Schedule list if our Constitution under articles 340 and 342 of our Constitution. We demand Tribal status to Codavas by race under articles 340 ā 342 of our Constitution. We take pleasure to remind the Govt about the inclusion of Jain Community as religious minority even though they are known to be the wealthiest people in India besides being Hindus in real sense. Jaats are also granted OBC status despite the fact that they are economically, politically and socially most affluent class of people spread over in 9 states of our country. The Rajasthan state has granted Tribal status to violent Gujjars whose numbers exceeds 8 crores in the country and recommendation of āKashmiri Panditsā as Minority by Parliamentary standing Committee. Even though Codavas by Race historically are known to be a Martial Class in Nature and numbering a meager 1 Ā½ lakhs population and that no other class of people would be affected or jeopardize if we are granted with Tribal status. PS. Unlike Zoroastrians who are scattered everywhere in the Nation besides being the richest and prominent in the judiciary, Industrial arena and in general activities besides being most Cosmopolitan and urbane. They have a separate religion of their own called Zoroastrianism unlike Codavas who are rustic by nature confined to Kodagu /Coorg region. Hence Tribal status is fittest for them.
4. Codava Thakk should be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. Codava Thakk / Codava Language is as ancient as human civilization is rich and living spoken language throughout the history fit enough to be included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. We propose to cite MANORAMA YEAR BOOK 2015 which mentions about the 16 popular languages of our Country which includes Codava language to strengthen our claim ā Manorama year book page 680 - Other Popular Languages 1. Angika 2. Awadhi 3. Bhojpuri 4. Bundeli 5. Chhatisgarhi 6. Hariyanavi 7. Hindustani 8. Kanauji 9. Magadhi 10. Marwari 11. Bhili 12. Gondi 13. Kodava 14. Kutchi 15. Thulu 16. Mahi.
5. Protect our land tenure under article 371 of our Constitution with inner line permit on the lines of North - East States of India. Protect our Land tenure under article 371 of our Constitution: (Inner Line Permit) The provisions of article 371 of our Constitution with inner line permit should be made applicable to Kodagu region at once as has been done in relation to Manipur and other North Eastern states. With a solitary intention of protecting our land from alienation and protecting our demography and such a thing called as āinner line permitā. Important factor is that large number of underworld dons, particularly D company, regular miscreants with harden criminality, and business Tycoons from across the Country with the active support and assistance from Hawala agencies and fake currency racketeers have been grabbing lands in the this District. With a major idea of protecting lands in the district and the interest of the natives the promulgation of such stringent law within Coorg is warranted.
6. Codava race should be given exclusive political reservation and nomination in the August legislative chambers on the lines of Anglo Indians under article 331 of our Constitution.
7. Under Indian Arms act 1959 section 3 & 4 for carry and posses fire arms by Codavas and Jamma holders should be continued and protected for ever without any hindrance.
8. Demand for the implementation of the recommendations made by Constitution review Commission of India on the insistence of Codava National Council for the creation of Coorg Development Board under article 371 of (Please note: Chapter 8 Union State relation 8.23.1 of CRC report) as has been done in relation to touching Hyderabad Karnataka Region - appropriate amendment to the Constitution is desirable at once.
9. Devattparamb massacre ā a Tragic human holocaust in the mankind ā We Insist for National Memorial / Monument of that Memorial on the lines of Jallianwala Bagh in memory of Amritsar Massacre. In memory of those Codava families (approximately 60 thousand unarmed Codavas) who were massacred, raped and persecuted by tyrant Tippu Sulthan of Mysore and his rapacious soldiers, after 3 continuous invasions Tippu got defeated by Codava warriors disappointing in this insult he conspired to eliminate entire Codava martial Tribal race, cunningly invited them for a grand feast in the pretext of entering a friendly treaty with Codavas at Devatiparamb in 13 December of year 1785. This heinous inhuman tragic genocide/holocaust in the mankind happened in this place. ā But their great souls are still alive in Devattparamb. It is always better to make mention of the treacherous behavior of Hyder Ali of Srirangapatna during the last days of 18th Century. When he was defeated by Codava warriors and such defeat his son Tippu Sultan experienced on two separate occasions. In all three Guerilla type war fares Codava Heroes definitely have silenced Hyder Ali and his Son. In order to take revenge against brave Codavas Tippu Sultan invited Codavas to hold a congenial meeting with a special request to all Codavas along with their families to attend such a Feast party and asked them to participate without Arms (Weapon) at āDevattparambuā village between Aiyangeri and Bhagamandala which is situated in the banks of River Kaveri under the false assurance that he would bring about friendly relationship with Coorgs. One historical truth is that Tippu Sulthan even had appointed his French friend, General Laali to be a negotiator to hold talks with Codava chiefs and Codava chieftains seeking their support and invited them for feast and stating that his enemies are Britons and Marathas and never Codavas. As such he insisted that Codavas and he develop friendly treaty. The innocent Codavas trusted him and attended the Feast meeting on 13 Dec 1875; when the function was in progress the Tyrant Tippu have already arranged to instruct his rapacious Soldiers to kill them. The Tippuās soldiers were hiding near around the Bushes and suddenly attacked Codavas. Even though unarmed a good number of Codavas did resist the onslaught, but the large number of Tippuās Soldiers only took many of them massacred and some thousands have been arrested and taken to Srirangapatna where each of them were persecuted and forcibly converted them, this Tragic incident reminds the memory of Jalianwallabagh massacre & Hitlerās Concentration Camp massacre and Codavas those who have lost their lives since this incident was harsher than Jallianwalla bagh incident we insist that Memorial on the lines of Jallianwalla bagh heroes should be erected at āDevattparambā. The information regarding the massacre of Codavas at Devattparamb may be ascertained and confirmed from the historical records made by the official historian of Tippu Sulthanās Court Mr. Mir Hussain Ali Khan Kirmani himself. Unfortunately the original extent of the memorial land due to reasons that we cannot expose has been slashed from 10,000 acres to 64 acres.
One extraordinary feature connecting Emmemad Shrine the land where in which Dargah of Sufi saint stands was actually gifted by Bottolanda Codava Clan and Dargah authorities even today invite Bottolanda Codava Clan members to annual Urus celebrations ritualistically and they present coconut and banana to the Bottolanda family as a mark of respect. This is but one single example of Codavas relationship with Muslims in Coorg since from centuries and a good majority of Shrines have been gifted with lands by Codavas.
The Deccan Herald newspaper dated 26.11.2015 carried an article authored by eminent columnist Shri Kuldeep Nayyar mentions that as many as one Crore people have been killed during the times when India & Pakistan became two different Nations. But question remains to be answered if there were such a number of population in the whole country? such a claim can be accepted to be true if people who dispute about the approximate number of people who have lost during the invasion of Tippu was about 1 Ā½ lakhs in Coorg. Should we believe the claim of deaths having been mentioned by Kuldeep nayar in the whole country. A few so called hired disparaged Hindus / Codava with sadist pleasure Naxal influenced progressive thinkers even today laugh at such a claim and mention that there never used to be such a big population in Coorg at that time. Such of the Gobbles theory people even now brag that the claim advanced by us is false. With such an analogy we can even dispute the claim advanced by Kuldeep Nayyar saying that the aggregate population of the Country was just meager during the period of partition. With such a deduction we may even dispute the claim that more than 8 Crore people have lost their lives across India in the war and battles during the past 300 years. Strangely the present day Gobbles are trying to suppress the truth about the aggregate Codava population and their genocide by brutal massacre of Tippu in Coorg during the period of his invasion as we mentioned, the number of Codava population during the past 230 years has come down and it naturally pains us and all Codavas but not the Gobbles.
It is an unfortunate thing that Codava Okkas / Clans have been slashed to just minimal numbers during the course of centuries say because of the massacre of Tippu Sulthan. To quote couple of examples Codava Clans numbering more than 1500 during the past centuries have come down to a mere 842 and to quote a few examples the hamlets which used to be identified by mentioning the number of Okkas during the past have come down and the majority of such hamlets the names in accordance with the number of Okkas have come down. Example what used to be a 100 Okka, 90 Okka, 80 Okka, 70 Okka, 60 Okka, 50 Okka, 40 Okka, 30 Okka, 20 Okka, 10 Okka & 5 Okka unfortunately do not have number of Okkas they used to be identified with, still the names continue but without adequate number of Okkas.
Resolution No 2.1. America's Pentagon, which was destroyed by Osama bin laden and killed 3 thousand people which terrorized America and the entire globe. If one day, few of America s officials decide to celebrate his birthday and honour him, would that be right? Will that be accepted?
2. Hitler massacred Jews during 1939-45 in concentration camps, which was such big crime. Now, would the Jews in Israel celebrate and honour him on his birthday?
3. Three lakh Kurds, in the Suleimania mountain were killed by Saddam Husain, is that acceptable? Should his birthday be a time for celebrations at Kurdisthan.
4. During the 2nd world war, Japan was bombed by America under General Mac Arthurās leadership. Humanity was destroyed, and the effect of the atom bomb is still very prominent. He is a hero in America, a villain in Japan.
5. Polpot massacred 10 lakh natives in Cambodia, will his birthday celebration be accepted in the capital?
6. Stalin massacred a huge bunch of Ukrainians. Will there be a celebration on his birthday in Ukraine? I highly doubt that.
7. LTTE V. Prabhakaran, who assassinated RajivGandhi, former PM He is still a hero in Sri Lanka and around the world but we consider him worst than a terrorist. Now, to please Indian Tamilians , is it acceptable to celebrate his birthday?
We Codavas have lived in peace and respect with every community, have respected Muhammad paigambar, Allah, and the Quran.
In Kodagu, there are 3 Sufi saints' darghas, (shrine) even now the Mandira & Manavattira families takes care of the Emmemad, one is Painery Shrine in Kunjila taken care by Udiyanda family, in Kuthnad shrine is taken care by Karthura Codava family runs and celebrates during the Islamic festivals. Codavas run it. For centuries we have lived in harmony together. Then why create such a state of anarchy? For a person who destroyed our community? Just for votes?
If so keen on celebrating Tippuās birthday, celebrate in Mysore but not here, let us be in peace. The way it was in celebrated in November 2015. Give us Codava land, and give us peace.
As per Islam and Quran, any kind of jayanthi is not allowed, idol worship is frowned upon, Islam is against glorification of people, this is unislamic.
After 68 years of freedom, why think of Tippu now? Why celebrate his Jayanthi now? Why didn't you think of it 60 years ago?
The Muslims here knew our pain, yet they didn't participate in our pain. They knew the history, yet they hung to the criminal silence which is worse. We are hurt because they didn't support us in our time of need. I just hope that they support us at least from now.
The disheartening part is that, for centuries we have lived with the Muslim community with peace and harmony, done business together and they didn't support us in our time of need. We respect Islam and the Muslim community with all our hearts. Tippu literally eradicated and exterminated our community and after all why should we celebrate anybody's jayanthi anyway? Because if we try and celebrate every other Achiever's birthday, then we will have holidays and bandhs 365 days a year. So when will we really work on making our country and the lives of our citizens better if we only propagate celebration of the late kings and the politicians? We insist and request the government to not celebrate Tippuās Jayanthi anymore, as it only creates a state of anarchy in the country and does not in any way help the country grow.
2. B: Japan's officials recently apologized to Korea for what the then Japanese forces had done to Korea during the world war2. Since the Karnataka government is such a big fan on Tippu Sultan and has given him the title of a hero and declared a 'Jayanthi' in his name, they should apologize to Codavas in his behalf.
2. C : We further resolved to assert the Fact that Devatparamb battle ground used to be war field centuries ago and it should be restored with such eminence on par with Ancient Kurukshetra, Kalinga, Panipath, Water Loo, Buxar and Plassey & War of Nile battle fields. It may not be an out of place act if we are permitted to recollect the battle seen some 500 years ago (bye gone era) has between our revered Kalyat Ajjappa and Karunyambavu Nayaka.
TO1. His Excellency The Honāble President Sovereign Republic of India, Raisina Hills, Rashtra pathi Bavan, New Delhi - 01
2. His Excellency, The Honāble Prime Minister Sovereign Republic of India ,South Block, New Delhi ā 01.
3. The Honāble Union Minister for Home Affairs, Government of India, North Block , New Delhi - 01.
Declaration of Codava Land U.T is warrantedRespected Sirs, .
Sub: Declare Codava Region in Coorg, Karnataka to be an Union Territory. i.e. Codava Land Union Territory under articles 2 & 3 of our Constitution since it fulfils all the required criterion and qualifications on par with the 11 points guideline prescribed in the Constitution of India with regard to the Constitution of Union Territories in India- request for.
Without any need to introduce ourselves to be the one and the only organization established with the sole purpose of getting established Autonomous Codava Land, we take this opportunity to bring to your kind notice the 11 point criterion as are prescribed in the Constitution of India for the Constitution of Union Territories . We would like to inform you that Codava Land Coorg fulfils all the required qualifications in that regard and it may not be an out of place act on our part if we may be permitted to inform you that the State of Karnataka after the merger of the then ā C ā type of state of Coorg i.e., the traditional Codava home land, with the state of Karnataka in the year 1956. The successive Governments and all the concerned there with have seized the opportunity to discriminate this region and indigenous Codava race and natives and in reality we have been suffering all the anomalies inflicted by our Government. The Government of Karnataka deliberately has discriminated against Codava Region with a solitary intension of erasing the very existence of the native people, Codava race and render the entire area to disuser and spoil our soil, cultural heritage, language and aboriginal indigenes Codava identity and historic existence in totality, besides causing insecurity in all spheres. The only method to safe guard the entire region ; the then āCā State of Coorg. The Cultural heritage of the people and the financial background of the region can be caused done by declaring this region to be an Union Territory under the direct control of the Union Government. The successive Karnataka Government has considered this region to be an occupied territory in a war, treating the region a resource generating colony besides continuously having ill-treated the natives here. Added to it State of Karnataka has treated the native Codavas to be the subjects of their occupied territory and never as a citizens proper. Forget not the fact that each and every Codava regardless of status has contributed his might much beyond his capacity to rescue the boundaries of India and safeguard the interest of our mother country, needless to add that Codavaās are a martial race to every inch and not a single Codava family is not without a member in active military service. Despite Coorg being the known cradle of warriors has been and continuously being marginalised, excluded, neglected and disrespected intentionally with a solitary idea of erasing its existence totally. Despite the fact that the president of India has ratified the Karnataka Land Revenue amendment Act 2011 touching the confirmation of absolute ownership and tittle over the ancient jamma tenure lands in Codagu and even though Gazette notification has been published, the always corrupt and treacheries officialdom in Revenue department deputed by state Govt have proved themselves to be still more lethargic and dishonest and they deliberately play fraud with the natives by suppressing the law that prevails just now. The rapacious and tyrannical behavior of everyone concerned with the Government of Karnataka is continuing without any stop Therefore we would like to re-iterate a fact that now time is ripe to get eradicated all the anomalies caused by the Government of Karnataka. A declaration of Codava Land Union Territory to that effect is clearly warranted in the attending circumstances. Codava Land U.T. is more essential, humane and deserving. It may be recalled that at the time of reorganisation of states on 1 November 1956, parts of erstwhile Hyderabad Nizam province were merged with Karnataka (then state of Mysore), Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. If Bidar, Gulbarga and Raichur became parts of Hyderabad Karnataka, the parts merged with Maharashtra came to be identified as Marathawada region. The parts merged with Vishalandra. Later that entire region got identified as Telangana. But despite Codagu being a C state and the traditional homeland of the Codava race, it was merged with Karnataka. After having failed to bring the leader of this organization under their Control together with CNC the interested Real Estate Mafias, deal makers, builders, Land developers, Fixers, Negotiators, Power Brokers, Land Mafias, Contractor Mafias, Pimps and Commission Agents within amongst Codavas at the behest of State Govt under the name and style as federation/Samaja are trying to implement their Satanic designs through their agencies and groups caused for the purposes. Every born Codavas should be very careful about the existence and modalities of such patently ruinous Chameleon type groups.
It is a truth that the Government of Karnataka has been treating Codavas with recriminatary attitude and partial treatment made this organization to be a force to reckon with. Unable to tolerate any more CNCās continued & sustained resistance the Government of Karnataka has installed many traitor Codavas by focusing them as its human shield and thing has worked out to rescue the Government continuously, we warn Codavas in general against those treacherous Codava and be keep being alarmed against reckless ploy of Government.
All the proposals placed by CNC touching the request for treating Devatt Parambu as National Monument are being hijacked and poached. The miscreants have not left, one single comma, semicolon, full stop, Subjects and Thok Namme etc., and the body language of all the communications, all the public lectures and statements of our leader verbatim. They have not even allowed untouched the dress code of CNC and contents of all the wordings of our official letter head in order to play mischief we expect fellows to distort the very nature of the movement we are leading. They try to confuse the Government, the Press and the general public always. Therefore we caution the general public, the media and the Governmental setup to be very careful about the unhealthy and diabolic mischievous activities of these Jackals. We are eager to remind the Codava generality that we have taken the activities of our organization towards the desired goal through unimaginable and totally adverse atmosphere and opposition of treacherous persons.
Following are the criterion fixed in the Constitution touching the Constitution of U.T.01. Union territories are ruled directly by the Union Government ( Central Government)
02. The President of India appoints an administrator or lieutenant ā Governor for each U.T.
03. Union territories of India have special rights and status due to their Constitutional formation and development.
04. For safeguarding the rights of Indigenous cultures, averting political turmoil related to matters of governance.
05. All the tax money goes to center as a U.T., region will be able to attract central funds exclusively for its development 06. Union territories serve the purpose of administering regions which are small yet diverse may be because of their history or culture or geography.
07. Correct the anomaly caused by the reorganization of States which took place in 1956.
08. Sustain the economic, linguistic and cultural affinities of the region.
09. Politically, economically and educationally as they are in varying phases of development Central Government can take care of them without discrimination.
10. Administration as U.T will not drain the public exchequer.
11. Apart from improving the administrative setup move would help instill a sense of security among those from other regions of the state, who despite their decades - long stay in the region are feeling the jitters.
With a solitary idea of managing the affairs of any certain given area and also to make it known that the particular area is being governed properly and justice reaches to each and everyone, the Constitution framers have after much discussion and studying elaborately about the attending features of any particular given group of Towns and areas have formulated the idea of creating Union Territories in contrast with larger states. Before terming any particular area to be made Union Territory the Constitution framers have deeply studied about the topographical features , Geo-political aspirations of the indigenous people of that particular areas besides historical back ground and Economic criteria until that point of time. Added to it they have attempted to make an in-depth study in to the language and culture of the indigenous people of that area and such other attending features. Take instance for the cases of 7 Union Territories in India .
01. (a) Puduchery (b) Pondichery (c) Mahe (d) Yenam (e) Karaikal. 02. Dadra & Nagara Haveli. 03. Daman & Dive.
04. Andaman & Nicobar Islands. 05. Lakshadweepa. 06. Chandigarh. 07.Delhi National Capital Territory.
To assert our economic viability for the formation of U.T the point No.5 mentions about the economic base and fund raiser in the manner of tax to be extracted to the Union Government which in turn remits a substantial thereof to the developmental programs Union Territory if it created. The financial resources from Coffee production, Forest wealth, Royalty from Cauvery waters and promotion of Tourism shall last until Sun and Moon exists and Union Governments must remember for this real truthful fact.
The things explained below fulfils criterion for Economic viability ( budgetary provisions). 1.Our Coffee ( Coorg Coffee) is classified to be the best in world. After Petroleum Coffee is the Second largest traded commodity in the world. India is considered to be the 6th largest Coffee producer in the world, and Coorg produces an average 40% of total national production. Enough if we arrive at a conclusion that gross foreign exchange from Coffee India earns every year is around Rs. 5 thousand Crores and it is safest method to add that Codagu supplies 40% of it. 2.The flora & fauna and never hazardous perennial rivulets and water falls are exceptional only to Coorg. The lasting long forest wealth in Codagu is considered to be the best carbon supplier in the world. 3. Added to it the average annual yield of Cauvery river waters from Coorg exceeds180 TMC feet. (The lifeline of South India River Cauvery has taken its birth in Coorg, particularly at Talacauvery). 4. What more, the role of income from tourism activities ( The panoramic natural beauty, innumerable hillocks, pleasing natural atmosphere, added to it the kindly people are worth mentioning. It would be right if Coorg is termed as Gods own paradise on earth) Codagu stands next only to that of Isthanbul in world should Codava Land of Coorg be classified as Union Territory. It is very easy to take these features to be the main budgetary base for the maintenance and management of the Union Territories sought to be created. No doubt the actual money supply is addressed to the Union Governament and it is just practical to understand the money shall be allotted from the Union Government to this region ( Coorg) should it become a separate U.T. and unconnected with the State of Karnataka.
Hence C.N.C demands for the immediate creation of Codava Land Union Territory in the interest of justice and equity.
Date :20.01.2015
1. His Excellency
The Honāble President
Sovereign of Republic of India
Rashtra pathi Bavan
New Delhi ā 01
2. His Excellency
The Honāble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block
New Delhi ā 01.
3. The Honāble Union Minister for Home Affairs
Government of India
North Block
New Delhi - 01.
4. His Excellency
The Honāble Governer of Karnataka
Bangalore ā 01
5. The Honāble MOS Minister for Environment
Union Govt of India
New Delhi -01
Through The Deputy Commissioner
Kodagu ,Madikeri ( Coorg)- 571 201, Karnataka..
Honāble Sir,
Sub: Dr. Kasthuri Rangan Report ā Notification touching the same by the U.P.A Govt-2 in the month of March 2014 - Criminal delay by the Karnataka State Govt to file its objections for the same on the basis of Public interest, especially of Kodagu District in Karnataka i.e the erstwhile State of Coorg ā Reg. in the present prevailing circumstance we desire that Coorg be classified as Union Territory at once and discard the Dr. Kasthuri Rangan report to its entirety in relation to Kodagu in the interest of justice and equity.
Even though it may amount to repetition of the very purpose of the appointment of the Dr. Kasthuri Rangan Committee and subsequently its report in order to protect the Western Ghats sector spread across the states of Gujarath, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnad especially to the District of Belaghavi, Dharwad, Karwar (U.K), Chickmagalore, Shimoga, Hassan, Coorg and Mysore in Karnataka as Eco ā Sensitive zone. It may not be an out of place thing on our part to remind all the concerned stating that the entire District of Kodagu in Karnataka i.e the erstwhile āCā State of Coorg, falls with in the extent of the applicability of the report.
The Notification issued by the UPA 2 Govt. calling for the objections by the respective State Governments to the implementation of Dr. Kasthuri Rangan Report with in the course of 2 months that follows in the month of March 2014 by the Union Govt. The State of Kerala without any hesitation and without any reservation has filed its objections before the Union Govt with a solitary intention of protecting its citizens with in the time prescribed. Unfortunately the State of Karnataka is yet to make its mind to file any such less detailed objections for the implementation of the said report. Quixotically the Govt of Karnataka is indulging in blame game against the Union Govt, perhaps because not a single individual in the Govt of Karnataka has attempted to know the purpose and implication of the notification issued by the Union Govt touching Dr. Kasthuri Rangan Report.
It is enough if the Honāble Chief Minister who always seeks to deliver endless speeches takes a formidable steps to appoint a special officers with a sole purpose of filing objections in details against the implementation of Dr. Kasthuri Rangan Report on the lines of the objections submitted by the State of Kerala and our organization CNC believes that The Union Govt will certainly disallow the implementation of Dr. Kasthuri Rangan Report as against the District of Kodagu should the State of Karnataka files its objections for the same.
We are further constrained to take exception to the implementation of the directions of the Govt on the basis of Court order directing the lands where trees numbering from 16 to 60 stand per acre in Kodagu regardless of such lands are well cultivated private lands with Coffee. One must know that we are bound to grow trees with in the area where we desire to cultivate Coffee, has shade trees in order to protect Coffee plants from glazing sun. In actual fact we are bound to grow at least 500 to 600 trees per acre within the land where Coffee is likely to be cultivated. One other unfortunate thing is that Consequent upon costly labour landowners are forced to convert their wet lands ( paddy fields) in to Coffee estates and growing of trees for the purpose of shade is a must for the same. The most intelligent officers and scientists of the environmental department have classified the entire area within Kodagu to be deemed forest zone on the basis of sat light survey without ever applying their minds and ascertaining the actual fact by doing personal investigation by visiting Kodagu, especially where the places which they have felt proper to classify as deemed forest land. Barren places like Rajasthan, Gulbarga, Bidhar, Raichur and Kolar Districts of Karnataka, where very small numbers i.e. 15 to 60 trees are grown per acre that yard stick cannot be applicable to Coorg region.
We take this opportunity to request the Govt to take immediate steps to make applicability of the Kasthuri Rangan Report touching Eco ā Sensitive Zone restricted only to reserved forests, preserved forests, protected forests, wildlife sanctuaries and National parks in Kodagu and donāt implement this report to human habitation. Added to it the Govt must take steps to create barbed wire fencing on the lines of Indo - Pak international border throughout the border lands in Kodagu and the State of Kerala (from Murkal to Karike Mundrot via Kutta and Makutta Border ) and there by call a definitive stop to illegal transport of forest wealth and Tree logs from Kodagu to Kerala.
Since the Govt of Karnataka all along the period after the āCā State of Coorg became merged with it in the year 1956 it has been indulging indiscriminating tactics against the interest of Kodagu and spoiled it. Without any other go we are pressurizing the Union Govt to make the District of Coorg as Union Territory with an intention of preserving the interest of Kodagu and growth of the entire zone.
Therefore we desire that Coorg be classified as Union Territory at once and discard the Dr. Kasthuri Rangan report to its entirety in relation to Kodagu in the interest of justice and equity.
N.U. Nachappa Codava
Codava National Council/CNC
P.B No: 12, Madikeriā 571201
Codava Land-Coorg -South West Karnataka-
For the kind publication
To Whom so ever it may concerned
Date : 14.01.2015
1. Voting rights to NRIās - CNC welcomes the decision - it will help Codava NRIās too in grate extent all respects - CNC request every Diaspora Codava community to furnish Coorg address in the application prescribed for NRIās voting rights and Govt also must facilitate such a thing.
We further appreciate the decision to give voting rights to NRIās and it certainly help all NRIās to enjoy and express their individual rights and it certainly will make the inflow of monitory support coupled with intellectual support, international support, political and diplomatic support and factual support from NRIās for nation building process in the future.
For certain there are about 50 thousand to 60 thousand Codava NRIās across the world and the decision to empower them to exercise their franchise will certainly add colour to political determination within Kodagu District. With the decision to extend the exercising of the franchise by NRIās in mind CNC request every Diaspora Codava community to furnish Coorg address in the application prescribed for NRIās voting rights and Govt also must facilitate such a thing.
2. Bharthrathna to M /S A.B. Vajapayee and Pandith Madan Mohan Malaviya - most deserving candidates conferred with highest civilian award- CNC heartily welcomes the decision of the NDA Govt.Our organization CNC and all Codavas residing elsewhere are happy to greet the Union Govt for having conferred Bharatharathna the highest civilian award of our country to M/S. A.B. Vajapayee the poet - saint, statesman,
parliamentarian and orator, our Ex. Prime Minister. and Freedom fighter and renowned educationist Pandith Madan Mohan Malaviya. We congratulate The Union Govt for the same a thing which should have been caused done much earlier is being done in the period of Narendra Modi.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12 Madikeri 571201- Codava Land
& Southwest Karnataka, India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email : nachappa @