1.Shri Pranab Mukherjee,
His Excellency, The Hon’ble President
Sovereign Republic of India Raisina hills,
Rashtrapathi Bhavan, New Delhi – 01
2. Shri Narendra Modi ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi – 01
3. His Excellency Ban Ki Moon,
Secretary General of the United Nations,
Headquarters, 1st ave and 46th Street,
New York, NY 10017 USA.
4. His Excellency Francois Hollande,
President of France,
Elysee Palace, Paris, France.
5. Shri Rajnath Singh ji,
The Hon’ble Union Minister of Home Affairs,
Govt of India, North Block New Delhi – 01
6. Smt. Sushma Swaraj ji,
The Hon’ble Minister for External Affairs,
Union Govt of India, South Block New Delhi – 01
7. His Excellency Mr Francois Richier,
Ambassador of France to India,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.
8. His Excellency, Shri. Vajubhaivalaji,
The Honourable Governor of Karnataka,
Raj Bhavan, Bangalore-01
9. Her Excellency Irina Bokova,
Director-General, UNESCO,
7 Place De Fontenoy 75352,
Paris 07 SP, France.
10. His Excellency Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein,
High Commissioner for United Nations Human Rights Commission,
Palais Des Nations, CH-1211, Geneva 10, Switzerland.
Dear Sirs,
Sub: Devattparamb tragic holocaust - CNC sought apology from France for their military, diplomatic and financial participation, which they had extended in 12th December, 1785 to Tyrannical and psychopathic Tipu Sultan to eliminate Aboriginal indigenous Codava race in its entirety. It would set a new example much like Japan and Germany moving beyond the bitter experiences of World War II and also British Prime Minister David Cameron apologised in 2013 for Jallianwala Bagh massacre, he bowed his head at the memorial in the Jallianwala Bagh public gardens. In a handwritten note in the book of condolence for victims of the massacre, Cameron quoted and described the shootings, in his own words, as a "deeply shameful event".
On 12th Dec of 1785, under the leadership of the French General Lally, the ruler of Mysore, tyrant Tipu sultan and his rapacious soldiers jointly massacred 60,000 Codavas in Devattparamb and about 65000 Codava survivors (including women and children), among them the women were raped and children were forcefully indoctrinated to Islam. The main backbone to this event was the French empire, they extended their military support, financial support, political support, diplomatic support and they equipped them with modern weapons. This is an undisputed theory.
One must know that none of the four East India Companies:- Portuguese, Dutch, English and French, had not have the magnanimity of fostering a wish to help India flourishing in all fronts and so the Maharajas, Kings, Monarchs, Princes and Nawabs, and the like who ruled and misruled the respective states of Indian subcontinent and amassed wealth and led unimaginable luxurious life at the cost of their gullible subjects, have never pioneered the movements for independents and nothing about establishing the democratic rule.
The aliens such as Portuguese, Dutch, British and French were the chief competitors to take control of spices grown in India, particularly pepper trade cultivated in South Western Coastal regions of India, especially Malabar, Cochin and Travancore, which use to be wealthiest flourishing kingdoms of that period and the princely state of Travancore known to be most benevolent and wealthiest kingdom of that era.
The Portuguese under the leadership of Navigator Captain Vasco Da Gama gained first entry into Calicut in the year 1498, preparatory to establish Portuguese East India Company with the prior permission of King Zamorin, the ruler of Malabar at the time. Similarly, Britishers introduced themselves into India and established their business house called British East India Company at Surat in 1600. History records the fact that British Ambassador to Mughal empire, Sir Thomas Roe did influence Emperor Jahangir for the same. Next intruders were Dutch, followed by French East India Company with an eye on natural resources and spices and exploit the same from the Indian soil.
All 600 princely states of Indian subcontinent existing at the time, who use to oppose and quarrel each other prior to the introduction of these East India Companies and they also joined hands with each of the East Indian companies with an idea of protecting their respective territories from the aggression. Needless to add that these four East Indian Companies also in order to expand their business empire, grabbed the opportunity left open and they too supported the respective local rulers and extended them with military support and opened them through diplomatic channels to the western countries for their gain.
It is a known fact that the Zamorin kings of Malabar were the supporters of Portuguese East India Company and Nair kings of Cochin were the supporters of Dutch East India Company and Varma King of Travancore Province supported by British East India Company.(The Catholics of Mangalore who were in friendly terms with the British and the Portuguese and would contribute to them by giving away their rice and paddy grown by them in their paddy fields. This angered Tipu and the French. He then, massacred the Catholics of Mangalore and the ones that survived had forcefully been converted to Islam).
Similarly, the Lingayath Rulers of Coorg and their subjects- Codava warriors were in favour of the British East India company. Napoleon Bonaparte wanted to conquer the world and be the super power but the then super power during the presence of French East India Company, the mighty British stood on his way. Tipu, who was notorious for dacoity, murder, invasion, rape, slander, betrayer, Detroit, megalomaniac and fanatic was supported by Napoleon. Tipu was sadist and wasn't trustworthy, neither did he trust anyone else. Even the Nawabs were shaken by his rapacious acts, they too were up against him. Napoleon on the other hand supported such a prick of a man to defeat the British.
Coorg was strategically, a buffer zone which linked Mangalore and Malabar. Through the port of Malabar & Mangalore, Napoleon had to supply modern weapons to Mysore through French East India Company via Coorg to strengthen Tipu’s army. Brave Codavas continuously resisted the trade, therefore, Tipu decided to conquer Coorg. Many times when attacked by Tipu and his army, shrewd Codava guerrilla fighters defeated them terribly. Codavas continuously resisted Tipu and protected their motherland. Tipu, decided to conquer Coorg by hook or by crook and hence depended on the French army
Tipu then, with the help of General Lally deceitfully invited Codavas to 'make peace' by saying that his real enemies are the British and the Marathas and not Codavas. He invited all the Codavas for a congenial feast unarmed. In the pretext of a new friendship, he called the Codavas to go unarmed to Devattparamb for a feast with family. According to the folkloric literary peace “Pattole palame”, 1,25,000 Codavas went for this event. This is an official document published by the Karnataka government.
Devattparamb is an ancient battleground and a summit Mandh (later it became a slaughter house) situated on the banks of the sacred river Cauvery near the Tala Cauvery- Bhagamandala pilgrimage centre. On 12.12.1785, all Codavas congregated here. The French allied forces and Tipu’s rapacious soldiers, as planned, were hiding behind the bamboo shrubs & bushes on the banks of the river Cauvery and attacked the unarmed Codavas and caught them off guard, slaughtering 60,000 Codavas. This merciless and heart wrenching act can be compared to the infamous Jallianwallah bagh massacre by Brigadier General Reginold Dyer, ruthless Hitler's genocide/concentration camp massacre and Hiroshima & Nagasaki’s Holocaust.
The cries and screams of the men and the women, the victims of this deadly event still echoes in this world. This disgusting event & untold misery of Codava women has been recorded by Tipu’s historian, Mir Hussain Ali Khan Kirmani and also by Tipu himself in the Persian language. When this callous act was taking place, Tipu, watched spitefully from the top of a hill (Kopati kund/Kopati Mountains). 60,000 Women, children, men were slaughtered to death, while the rest who survived were dragged across this earth in chains and sent to the Ganjam of Srirangapatna. This anarchy witnessed large scale displacement and enslavement of Codava race in the history of mankind. This devilish incident can be compared to what the unlawful Islamic Caliphate run by inhuman ISIS men are doing nowadays to the innocent Yazidi women, who are trapped, captured, raped and persecuted in Sinjar mountains between the quadri-junction of Iraq, Iran, Syria & Turkey.
A lot of powerless Codavas died of thirst, and hunger on the way. The married women were obnoxiously raped and left in shambles by the monster soldiers of megalomaniac Tipu and General Lally's notorious French soldiers. Even the most extortionate perfumes from birth place of Tipu’s ancestor - Persia and General Lally's birth place - Paris can't destroy the nauseous smell of the Codavas' corpse which lay on Devattparamb. (Tipu destroyed and massacred even the Iyengars of Malukote, Iyers of Kumbakonam and Palghat, Nairs of Malabar and Cochin, Roman Catholics of Mangalore).
This inhumane act conducted by Tipu with the help of General Lally is one of the worst in the history of mankind. It is sin to human race. This Devattparamb pillage turned entire Coorg into a graveyard. A large piece of land where all one could hear is screams of the dying and cries of their families. French allied forces and Tipu’s army charged with raiding residences, temples belonging to Codava race across Coorg. This act against humanity is a war crime. This is the most traumatic chapter in the history of Codava race. Through French East India Company, the French Empire provided Tipu with high armed cannonade contingent to attack, kill and destroy Codavas. This can be proved by the endless iron cannon balls that can be found in the Nalnad region of Kodagu (Coorg) even today. We herewith attest the photographs of cannon- balls found in the Nalnad region of Kodagu (Coorg).
The battle between Codavas and Tipu Sultan is one of the most bitter rivalries in South India. There were repeated attempts to capture Kodagu by the sultan and his father Hyder Ali before him. The primary reason for sultan's interest in Kodagu was that by annexing Kodagu would provide him access to Mangalore port. The Codavas knew their lands and mountains very well, which made them excellent at guerrilla warfare. Codavas were outnumbered 3 to 1 in most of Tipu's attempts to annex Kodagu but they managed to beat back Tipu most of the times by drawing his army towards hilly regions of their land.
On few occasions, Tipu's army managed to reach Madikeri (Capital of Kodagu) but the Codavas always ambushed the contingent left behind by Tipu. Codavas refusal to bow before the sultan was primarily because throughout their history they enjoyed independence, though there were Rajahs ruling over them, governance of the land mainly rested with Codavas. After capturing Kodagu on another occasion, Tipu proclaimed, "If you ever dare to ambush my men again, I will honour everyone of you with Islam", undeterred, the resilient Codavas ambushed his men yet again and drove them back to Mysore. By now Tipu realized conventional warfare would never yield him Kodagu. He devised a plan to annex Kodagu by offering his friendship. His offer of friendship was welcomed by Codavas as the battles with the Sultan over the years had cost them dearly. When Codavas welcomed Sultan to their land in the name of friendship, the Sultan and his men attacked them and took thousands as prisoners. Tipu got Runmust Khan, the Nawab of Kurnool, to launch a surprise attack upon the Codava Hindus who were besieged by the invading Muslim army. 60,000 were killed and over 40,000 Codavas fled to the woods and concealed themselves in the mountains. Thousands of Codavas were seized along with the Raja and held captive at Srirangapatana. Arguably, they were thought to be subjected to forcible conversions to Islam, death, and torture. In Srirangapatana, the young men were all forcibly circumcised and incorporated into the Ahmedy Corps, and were formed into eight Risalas or regiments. For e.g. Present day regiment of Madras Engineering Group (MEG) consists of 27 battalions on an average, each battalion has soldiers numbering from 600 to 1500. It is for us to assess the actual figures (i.e. of Codava population) of eight regiments. The actual number of Codavas that were captured in the operation is unclear. The British administrator Mark Wilks gives it as 70,000, Historian Lewis Rice arrives at the figure of 85,000, while Mir Kirmani's score for the Coorg campaign is 80,000 men, women and child prisoners.
In a letter to Runmust Khan, Tipu himself stated: "We proceeded with the utmost speed, and, at once, made prisoners of 40,000 occasion-seeking and sedition-exciting Coorgis, who alarmed at the approach of our victorious army, had slunk into woods, and concealed themselves in lofty mountains, inaccessible even to birds. Then carrying them away from their native country (the native place of sedition) we raised them to the honour of Islam, and incorporated them into our Ahmedy corps."
The aggression and elimination of Aboriginal indigenous Codava race by the demon like Tipu can never be erased from the memories of human race and world history, in particular. But the self-aggrandising leftists and so called progressive thinkers and those who lack emotional and sensitivity did not consider the atrocious acts of Tipu to be a crime against humanity, instead they continuously glorify him as a patriotic hero and the champion of the freedom struggle and only because of that, such a heinous tragic massacre could never become an international subject to think over. Such a thing believably could happen on account of the crude factor that the international entry into the subject were deliberately shut, and with that all the sufferings and massacre of Codavas lay buried forever. Such a tragic holocaust could be translated into action only on account of the support and help lent by the French Empire through its allied forces.
The inhuman tragic massacre perpetrated against Codavas, jointly by Tipu and French Allied forces minimized the Codava population from over 1500 clans into 842 clans today (Earlier each Codava habitation was recognised according to the number of Codava clans residing in that region for e.g. Noorakkanad (Noor + vakka) means 100 clans, likewise Thombadokka means 90 clans, Embadokka means 80 clans, Yelvadokka means 70 clans i.e. Yevakapady, Arvadokka (60 clans), Imbadokka (50 clans), Napadokka (40 clans), Nuppadokka (30 clans), Irvadokka (20 clans), Pathokka (10 clans) and Anjokka (5 clans) [was the village which had the least number of clans i.e. 5 clans in that village]. After the tragic holocaust of Devattparamb in 1785 by Tipu & French Allied Forces, the number of clans in each village has dwindled dramatically for e.g Noorakkanad which had 100 clans, now has only one Codava clan remained by name Porimanda. For e.g Yevakapady had 70 clans (70 vokkas) and now only 14 clans are left. These all are the glaring examples of holocaust committed by Tipu Sultan.) The unspeakable atrocities suffered by Codavas haunt many of their descendants. What happened to their patriarchs and their loved ones during those eventful and sordid days can neither forgive and nor forget. Many countries have formerly apologised for war crimes in World War II, China still holds Japan responsible for forcing thousands of Chinese women to become sex slaves. Decades after the war, Japan apologized for the war crimes, committed by its soldiers in a number of countries – China, Korea and Philippines; Germany accepted responsibility for the holocaust. British Prime Minister David Cameron apologised in 2013 for Jallianwala Bagh massacre, he bowed his head at the memorial in the Jallianwala Bagh public gardens. In a handwritten note in the book of condolence for victims of the massacre, Cameron quoted and described the shootings, in his own words, as a "deeply shameful event". Old wounds have resurfaced due to continued glorification of Tipu by the successive govt. agencies for the brutal genocide that claimed thousands of Codava lives in 1785.
According to Karma theory, one of the strongest beliefs in the Hindu Dharmashastra – “What goes around, comes around”. French who participated and blessed Tipu with the horrific and murderous act, and terrorized thousands of Codava people 231 years back. The same Tipu is idolized as iconic figure by dreaded terrorist organization like Al Qaeda and ISIS (ISIL), who are a threat to the human race and a sin to the world have been attacking the same France continuously of the past three years after more than two centuries. Read thus:
On the afternoon of 25 May 2013, French soldier Cedric Cordier was attacked and stabbed by a man in the Paris suburb of La Défense in what has been described as a terrorist attack. The attack occurred three days in the aftermath of the murder of a British soldier in Woolwich, London, which may have inspired a copycat attack.
In late afternoon, Saturday 25 May 2013, Private first class Cédric Cordier was patrolling a busy underground hall in La Défense in uniform with two other servicemen. Around 6 p.m., a man approached Cordier from behind and attacked him with a knife. The attacker stabbed Cordier in the neck and fled into a crowded shopping area before the other servicemen could react. The attacker stabbed the soldier several times, narrowly missing Cordier's jugular vein and carotid artery.
The soldier attacked a 23-year-old Private first class Cédric Cordier. He was stabbed in the neck and had lost a considerable amount of blood; however, his injuries were not life-threatening. He was in a stable condition and was treated at a nearby military hospital. He was released by 29 May.
The suspected attacker was then-21-year-old Alexandre Dhaussy, a Christian convert to Islam. He turned 22 on 30th May. He was known as becoming more radicalized in February, but had not been considered dangerous. Prosecutor François Molins said that Dhaussy's attack was believed to be motivated by his Islamic belief. In 2012, the police stopped him when he acted suspicious as he did not want to wait for a bus with women; in 2011, he refused a job that involved working with women.
2013 Paris attacks
On Friday morning, November 13, 2013, a gunman attacked the offices of the news channel BFM TV, in Paris. On Monday, November 16, 2013, a gunman attacked the offices of the newspaper Libération and the headquarters of the bank Société Générale. The gunman hijacked a motorist to drive him to Champs-Élysées before releasing him. The attacks set off a manhunt in search of the gunman. On November 20, French authorities arrested Abdelhakim Dekhar in Bois-Colombes on suspicion of carrying out the gun attacks. Authorities said DNA and video evidence indicated he was responsible for all the attacks. They said that prior to his arrest, Dekhar consumed drugs in a possible suicide attempt. In 1998, Dekhar was sentenced to 4 years in prison for having bought a gun in the Rey-Maupin affair. A former Algerian officer, Dekhar pleaded his innocence in the case, stating that he had been recruited by the Algerian secret services to infiltrate the French far-left. He was released soon after his verdict, having served much of the time pre-verdict. French authorities believe he subsequently lived in Britain for several years. After the 2013 arrest, the police found two letters allegedly written by Dekhar where he condemned capitalism and wrote about an alleged fascist plot that was helped by "media manipulation of the masses"
2014 Nantes attack
On 22 December 2014, a man in the French city of Nantes ran over ten pedestrians in his white van at the city's Christmas market, and then attempted suicide by stabbing himself. One person was pronounced clinically dead the following day. French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said that the attacker in Nantes was "unbalanced". There were initial reports that the attacker had shouted the Islamic expression "Allahu Akbar" as the Dijon attacker had done the previous night.
2014 Dijon attack
On 21 December 2014, a man in the French city of Dijon was arrested after running over 11 pedestrians in five areas of the city in the space of half an hour. Two were seriously injured. The man was shouting the Islamic expression "Allahu Akbar" (God is Great). The attack came a day after the 2014 Tours police station stabbing in which a man also shouting Allahu Akbar was shot by police in Joué-lès-Tours after he had wounded three of them with a knife. The Dijon attack was followed the next day by the 2014 Nantes attack. The man arrested was reported to be aged around 40 at the time. He had been known to the police for minor offences over the course of 20 years, and had also spent time in a psychiatric hospital. French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve described him as "very unstable". The Interior Ministry believed that the man had acted alone, and anti-terrorism investigators opened an inquiry into the attack
2014 Tours police station stabbing
On 20 December 2014, a man in Joué-lès-Tours near the city of Tours in central France entered a police station shouting "Allahu Akbar" and began to attack officers with a knife, injuring three before he was shot and killed. The stabbing attack is regarded by French authorities as an act of terrorism. The attacker was identified as Bertrand Nzohabonayo, age 20, a French citizen and former rap musician born in Burundi in 1994. The attacker had taken Bilal as his new name upon conversion to Islam, and had been posting Islamist material on his Facebook page, including a photograph of the black flag of the Islamic State.
In Burundi, a majority-Christian country, police arrested the attacker's brother, Brice Nzohabonayo, a man with known Islamist sympathies, and stated that they had informed French authorities that both brothers should be regarded as suspect due to their radical Islamist opinions. Nzohabonayo, a recent convert to Islam, has been called the "first of the lone wolves," part of a "drumbeat" of Islamist attackers who struck France with acts of lone wolf terrorism in the weeks preceding the Charlie Hebdo shooting, attacks that began a month after ISIL released a video on 19 November 2014, in French, urging Muslims to carry out attacks against non-Muslims, "kill them and spit in their faces and run over them with your cars." This series of attacks included the 2014 Nantes attack and the 2014 Dijon attack. These three lone wolf attacks occurred on three consecutive days, although only the stabbing attack in Joué-lès-Tours has been officially categorized as a terrorist attack. Although the three attacks were deemed unrelated with one another, the French government heightened the nation's security and deployed 300 soldiers to patrol the nation's streets.
On 7 January 2015, two brothers, Said and Cherif Kouachi, attacked French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris with assault rifles and other weapons. They killed 11 people and injured 11 others in the building. After leaving, they killed a French National Police officer outside the building. The gunmen belonged to the Islamist terrorist group Al-Qaeda's branch in Yemen known as Al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). AQAP took responsibility for the attack.
On January 8th, a gunman named Amedy Coulibaly shot and killed a female police officer in Paris.
On 9th January Amedy Coulibaly took hostages at a Jewish supermarket near Porte de Vincennes siege in Paris had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS/ISIL), and was a close friend of Said Kouachi and Cherif Kouachi , the gunmen in the Charlie Hebdo attack. Armed with a submachine gun, an assault rifle, and two pistols, he entered and attacked the people in the Kosher food market and murdered four Jewish hostages, and held fifteen other hostages during a siege in which he demanded that the Kouachi brothers not be harmed. The police ended the siege by storming the store and killing Coulibaly.
Another terrorist attack took place on 26 June 2015 in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, near Lyon, France, when a French Muslim of North African descent, Yassine Salhi, decapitated his employer Herve Cornara and drove his van into gas cylinders at a gas factory in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier near Lyon, France, which caused an explosion that injured two other people. Salhi was arrested and charged with murder and attempted murder linked to terrorism. French authorities believe that Salhi has links with the Islamist terrorist group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
On 21 August 2015, a shooting and stabbing incident took place on board a train in France on its way from Amsterdam to Paris. The train had just crossed the border from Belgium into France when the perpetrator opened fire in a train carriage before being subdued by passengers. He stabbed one passenger. Four people were injured including the attacker. The incident is believed by French police to be an Islamist terrorist attack, although the gunman claimed the motivation was robbery due to hunger.
On the evening of 13 November 2015, a series of coordinated terrorist attacks occurred in Paris and its northern suburb, Saint-Denis. At 2120 hrs local time, three suicide bombers struck near the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, followed by suicide bombings and mass shootings at cafes, restaurants and a music venue in central Paris. The attackers killed 130 people, including 89 at the Bataclan theatre, where they took hostages before engaging in a stand-off with police. 368 people were injured. Seven of the attackers also died. The attacks were the deadliest on France since World war II, and the deadliest in the European Union since the Madrid train bombings in 2004 . The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed responsibility for the attacks, saying that it was in retaliation for the French airstrikes on ISIL targets in Syria and Iraq. The President of France, François Hollande, said the attacks were an act of war by ISIL planned in Syria, organised in Belgium, and perpetrated with French complicity. On 18 November, the suspected lead operative of the attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was killed in a police raid in Saint-Denis, along with at least two other people. The attackers were divided into three teams. They launched six distinct attacks: three suicide bombings in one attack, a fourth suicide bombing in another attack, and shootings at four locations in four separate attacks.
Threatening letter to French Consulate in Bangalore on Jan 21, 2016
On January 11, 2016 the French Consulate situated near Mount Carmel College, Vasanthnagar received a letter from Chennai threatening dire consequences if France President Francois Hollande visited India to attend Republic day celebrations on Jan 26, 2016. The staff of French Consulate found the letter and lodged a complaint with High Ground Police on January 14. The letter with three lines in English was posted from Chennai and was signed as ‘al-Qaeda’. The letter stated that the French President must drop his plans of visiting India for Republic Day celebrations. “If he comes, his life will be under threat,” the letter stated. The letter had a Chennai address and it turned out to be fake.
On the evening of 14 July 2016, a 19 tonne cargo truck was deliberately driven into crowds celebrating Bastille Day on thePromenade des Anglais in Nice, France, resulting in the death of 86 people[2] and injuring The driver was Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a Tunisian resident of France. The attack ended following an exchange of gunfire, during which Lahouaiej-Bouhlel was shot and killed by police. Five hours after the attack, the French government extended the state of emergency, declared following the November 2015 Paris attacks, for another three months, and announced an intensification of the French military attacks on ISIL in Syria and Iraq. French President François Hollande suggested it might have been Islamic terrorism. Later on 15 July, the French government announced three days of national mourning starting 16 July. On 16 July, thousands of extra police and soldiers were deployed while the government called on citizens to join the reserve forces. Also on 16 July, two agencies linked to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed the attack was inspired by the organisation.
An 84-year-old French priest was beheaded and four other people taken hostage by two armed men who stormed his church in a suburb of Rouen in northern France by ISIS on July 26, 2016.
Above incidents recall us that 231 years back, Tipu gave birth to World Terrorism by trying to eliminate every Codava at Devattparamb, the French who participated, helped and supported him, give rise to such a barbaric act that after more than 231 years have been suffering – now the Karma theory is taking its course. The cycle of their sin and curse of Codava is now tangled in France’s throat. Now the French, should atleast realize & repent for their past mistakes, how they helped Tipu to massacre 60,000 Codavas, destroy our tribe. France must publicly apologize for their act, for better human being - On the same lines of Japan and Germany, who committed mass murder during the World War II, have repented and apologized after 70 years. It would set a new example much like Japan and Germany moving beyond the bitter experiences of World War II.
Since the League of Nations, failed to prevent the inevitable unrest & blood shed occurred during the course of second world war which led to the promulgation of Atlantic declaration in 1944 at Dumbarton Oaks Conference in Washington which eventually gave birth to the United Nations Organizations with all the five, which have veto power in UN security Council for original signatories of the charter. In other words, the main theme and objective of the existent of the UNO is to protect the basic human rights and to respect the self-determination rights of each and every nationality and ethnic group. France which until then was the aggressive nation, was signatory to the Atlantic Declaration and UN charter. And it has transformed itself into the champion of the human rights across the world. Hence, France must look into and address the pains and pangs of Codavas. France must atleast test the veracity of our pains and pang with very same honesty.
We appeal to the UN, War Crime Court, Indian Govt, French Govt and French Ambassador to India to take advantage of the good international ties that India has built with France in the recent times and appeal to France for the apology towards the Codava race, who are living with this pain & sorrowful days of brutal death of their patriarchs in their hearts for 231 years because of this treacherous incident that took place under the leadership and support of the French empire. Codavas being a small martial tribe, have contributed so immensely to the nation’s security- every Codavas household have atleast one member serving the nation – we hope that all the concerned would consider our appeal within six months or we will be forced to sit for a satyagraha outside the French Embassy for the same.
PS: We request the UNO to examine and authenticate the cannon balls found in Nalnad region, which are believed to be French Cannonades supplied through French East India Company to Tipu Sultan & French Allied Forces to eliminate Codava warriors at Devattparamb and publish the actual ballistic report touching the authenticity of the assertion that the cannon balls are of French origin.

NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
Date:21 August 2020
Sri G Rajendra, the Managing Editor of Shakthi daily newspaper, our trusted friend, "Codava Vibhushana" recipient has strongly justified about Codava tribal ancestry by unearthing pre-historic documents in his "Cauvery Kathana" which further substantiates our Claim for ST tag.
Already “Epigraphy of India”, “Anthropological survey of India”, “Census report from 1881 to1931” documented by British Raj Government, “Sangam” literature of Tamil and other literature of pre-independent era also authenticated that Codava tribes are primitive aboriginal Indigenous tribe of this land.
Their main profession was hunting & warriorhood and dwelling in jungles, collecting forest products for their livelihood. (Entire Coorg was jungle then. Even now their Clanish temporal seats, Sanctum Sanctorum are surrounded by thick jungles, hillocks, and streams.) Except for the traits & skills of hunting and warriorhood, they knew nothing. Only later they discovered Agriculture. They were breeding packs of dogs for their regular hunting. After hunting, the meat is shared among them equally and the dog is also considered as one among their team and gets an equal share. If at all the dog is pregnant, then it gets extra to share. Apart from that, they were engaged for battles & mercenary hood under their Chiefs & Chieftains without any salary or perks.
All these blatant truthful testimonies are very well known to Codava detractors, anti- Constitutional elements and anti-Codava seditious Tukde gang. So they know very well that under the Constitution there is a 200% possibility out of 100 percent that the Codava tribe will certainly attain ST tag and they are legitimately entitled. So they are engaged in confusing our already confused Codava Babies and also through their Devilry act are knocking the doors of Government organs to mislead them regarding Codava tribalism. But CNC, the irrepressible Voice of Codava tribal World is determined to take it to its highest logical end. If required we will take this Paramount subject to the International Court of Justice at Hague in the Netherlands.
Hence humble request to all Codava tribal people to join hands to achieve ST tag for Codavas which will rewrite the magnificent future of our coming generations.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
It was S Nijalingappa’s death anniversary on August 8 and I was reading about the unified Mysore state’s first Assembly elections in order to get some insights about the first and one of the longest serving Chief Ministers of our state. One article led to another and I found myself in the middle of several articles about Coorg’s merger with Mysore. It was such an interesting revelation that I kept hopping from one article to another and got deeper into the rabbit hole.
Since most of us outside of Kodagu are informed just in passing in our textbooks about how Coorg was an independent state before the unification, I thought this was a story worth telling.
After more than a century of direct British rule since its annexation from its last ruler Chikka Veera Rajendra (in 1834), Coorg became an independent (Type C) state within India along with other small, hilly, erstwhile princely states like Himachal Pradesh. Coorg had a strong Congress party presence and participated enthusiastically in the freedom struggle, with even stalwarts like Gandhi visiting the state on a few occasions to mobilise the immensely patriotic people from the land of coffee, commanders and Kaveri.
But the Congress leadership within Coorg was heavily divided over whether to remain an independent state or to join the larger neighbouring state of Mysore. While one faction led by the Gandhian CM Poonacha was more pragmatic in seeing the impracticality of a tiny state like Coorg being allowed to remain independent in a country as large as India and being open to the idea of merging with Mysore since Kannada was already the language broadly used in education and administration within Coorg, the other faction led by another Gandhian Pandiyanda Belliappa was , staunchly against the merger. The loyalty of both factions and leaders, however, lay with the Congress.
When the legislative assembly elections were announced in late 1951, to be held along with the first ever election to independent India’s parliament, the Pandiyanda Belliappa faction moved away from the Mysore-sympathetic Congress and formed the Thakkadi Party (weighing machine), contesting as independents on the plank of Coorg’s continuation as an independent state.
In what was a Brexit style election to decide the future of Coorg state, the Congress emerged victorious, winning 15 seats in the 24-member Coorg Assembly, while the Thakkadi Party won the remaining 9 seats. Questions were raised about the fairness of the elections as allegations surfaced that voters were sent from the neighbouring towns in Mysore to vote for the Congress, in effect for Coorg’s merger with Mysore. Poonacha, however, took oath as Coorg’s first and only elected Chief Minister and ruled till 1956 with a two-member Cabinet.
In 1956, the States Reorganisation Act was passed in the Parliament by the Nehru government, allowing Coorg’s merger with Mysore. Several efforts were made by key dignitaries from Coorg to secure an independent state status, including the decorated Field Marshal KM Cariappa, who was then serving as India’s High Commissioner to Australia and New Zealand. He wrote a letter to President Rajendra Prasad, making a case for Coorg to remain an independent state. But it proved too little, too late as the Nehru-led Congress government remained committed to the Act and reined in dissent within the party units across states.
When the bill was taken up to be voted by Coorg’s Assembly as it required ratification by state assemblies before becoming a legislation, 22 out of 24 legislators, including Pandiyanda Belliappa, voted for Coorg’s merger with Mysore. The first and only elected legislative assembly and government of Coorg was thus dissolved, paving the way for its integration with the unified Mysore state.
Poonacha went on to serve both the Mysore and central governments in various capacities as cabinet minister holding various important portfolios, and also served as the Governor of Odisha and Madhya Pradesh. He was also Coorg’s representative in the Constituent Assembly. Coorg also sent two members to independent India’s first elected Parliament. After its merger with Mysore, however, Coorg was clubbed with Mangalore earlier and Mysore later into a single parliamentary constituency. It sends two legislators to the 224- member state assembly of Karnataka.
Many people in Coorg are still divided and emotional over the issue of Coorg’s merger with Mysore. The Codava National Council, under the leadership of NU Nachappa, fought for the restoration of statehood for Coorg for several decades. But it has now toned down its demand to that of an autonomous development board exclusively for Coorg within Karnataka, with many other perks similar to those offered to other sparsely populated hilly regions and tribes in the Himalayas and the North East.
Kodagu, the official name of the district, is one of the most developed districts of Karnataka across most parameters of development. With an HDI of 0.817, it is only behind Bengaluru, Dakshina Kannada and Udupi in terms of human development. As it reels under another bout of floods this monsoon, let us keep the beautiful Coorg in our prayers and cherish its less known history.
Date: Mon, Aug 17, 2020
Raju Maurya, Satish Nanjappa, Giridhar, Gurukara, Shivu Jogin, Srinivas Dinnur and Jagdish Ravere, Karnataka State Tribal Research Institute, Mysore, are its directors. T. Basava Gowda, who was also a professor in the Department of Anthropology at Dharwad University in 2012. Although not a professor to become a director of the above institution, he will be on deputation for a period of three years from 5.2.2012 to 4.2.2015. As with the UGC Code and the DPAR Code, an officer may only have three years' deputation, and in special cases where there is a need for reasonable grounds, the government can only increase it by one year. However, even after the expiration of the term from 2012 to 2015, the Government of Social Welfare Secretary, Gangaram Baderi, has been ordered to resume from 2015 to 2017. Even after this, the Secretary of the Government, Manivannan, has ordered the resignation of Basavan Goudare for a period of one year from 2017 to 2018. However, the Secretary to the Government M S Mukherjee will continue to serve as a two-year director from 2018 to 2020. Ordered by Lakshminarayan. Even after this, the current Secretary of the Government, Mr. G. Rajendran, will continue as the Director of the Snail Goudare from 2020 to 2.2.2023 Kumar Nayak orders. Despite government and UGC rules that only a three-year deputation may be in place, the backbone political leaders are Siddaramaiah, Satish Jarakiholi, Siraramului, Rameshulu, and Sarramaruki. Social Welfare Secretary G Kumar Nayak is the main reason. The main implication is that the leader race is already getting more and more KAS and IAS posts in the ST reservation, no other race should be included. Siddaramaiah is the main guards for this. If Siddaramaiah turns this off, is the violation of the rule even a letter of resignation from the position of a snail Gowda director to Dharwad Vishwa Vidyalaya? Try writing. If Siddaramaiah has merged with Satish Zaraki Hioli's financial support, the allegations of illicit money laundering, police lawsuits and minority caste cases against snail Gowda are deaf and blind to the Congress, JDS and current BJP governments in the state. Milk shepherd species in Kodagu district is an inner tribe of Karnataka, published in Karnataka State Gazetteer Volume 1 Page 447 and ordered by the State Government dated 23.07.1980. Our shepherd girl, KS Mamata, refused to ask for ST Certificate in 2012 and refused in 2012. The Kodagu District Administration and State Tribal Research Institute has wrestled Mamata from 2012 to 2016, despite the state high court's order to issue the caste letter in two months in 2013. She is deprived of employment opportunity. Even if you go with Raju Maurya's investigation team, the final report of caste studies as a final rule by political leaders is 200 per cent sure that the caste should not be included in the caste. This is possible only if the shepherd leaders and the shepherd masses fight in the streets in opposition to this. I am reminding everyone, Queen Elizabeth of the British Empire dated 30.04.1936 at the British House of Commons, "THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (SCHEDULE CASTES) ORDER, 1936" in the Order of the Madras Territory of the Madras Territory Are publicly included. However, the poorer children of the shepherd have been defrauded of the Super ST facility for political manipulation. If I had an ST opportunity last week, Belagham, a shepherd who works in a minority department, I would have chosen IAS in my first attempt in 2017, and now I am writing for the third time this year at OBC. What is the answer of political leaders to such talented shepherd's youth?
Read the summary of the letter written by MLC BK Hariprasad, Director of the Karnataka Tribal Studies Center for the Protection of Leadership The assumption that Basavanaguda has continued to be a DPAR RULES VIOLATION for the past nine years is that other backward species are S. T. Shraddha Ramulu, Jarakiholi Brothers, indirectly proceeding with the protection of Siddaramaiah, with the assurance of not recommending the facility. Leader of the Eidigah tribe has written to the chief ministers yesterday that Director Basavanagoda should be transferred. Can the same be expected of the letter of the shepherd of the shepherds? Another noteworthy feature is whether the heroes who ruled the country still live in tribal culture. S already. The Central Government has already issued a directive that all State Governments should send their own Project Proposed Projects (PROJECT REPORT) to supplement the economic strength of the species included in the group. It is understood that many state governments are recommending that farming is a good plan. While many state governments recommend that pastoral care is appropriate for the protection of all non-shepherd species, most shepherd families still pursue tribal orthodox practices, even though we are pursuing wilderness restrictions in order to preserve the forest. Now tell us we are S. T. Need to get the facility? Don't trust any political leaders?
India is like Indians, Karnataka is like Kannadigar. When this relationship becomes strained, disaster strikes. If we leave India, Karnataka or Kodagu with a lot of aspiration, expectations, and fulfill their needs, the ground will remind us of our duty. Remembering is very scary. Like last year, now in Kodagu, or what was in Kedarnath about ten years ago. Why would everyone leave their bellybags and drown in the thought of where we might have stumbled? Should we really bring ourselves to such a situation? A month ago we celebrated Kundapra Kannada Day. The purpose of this is to remind the coastal people of the duties we ought to perform on a daily basis, of the coast, of Tulunadu, and of the spirit of the people, who are indulging in the gouge of the abdomen. No matter how outsiders or outsiders may come, we have to oil the coast to the fancy of being coastal fieldworkers. The illumination of the money makes the coasters more aware of their commitment to the ritual, belief, divine, nature of the region. Our intention was not to make the land of creation of this Parashurama a reminder of it. Kodavas should sit down and think once. Kodavara's is a heroic land. The land has never left the hands of Kodavars, be it the tyranny of Chikka Veera Rajendra, the tyranny of Tipu, or any other person who was born in Kodavar's ground and tried to hurt their faith. From time to time, the level of power that was in the soil of the peninsula was born. How many of them did not join the army until it was replaced by Field Marshal Kariappa, Punya Thimayya, a fighter of the Air Force? What ground is there in Karnataka where the coffee industry has not existed for centuries? In the course of our lives, sometimes the greed of our mother, beyond our limits, will come to an end. It is not possible for outsiders to do so. Because Kodagu listens only to those who give it, it only makes sense to those who give it. The consequences of today's disasters are the decisions taken by those who gave up on the shed, the work done in the interests of the donor, and the interests of the past. Sometimes the fists of a fist are caused by the whole society to pay.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,

Under the leadership of CNC (Codava National Council) supremo Mr N U Nachappa Codava, CNC volunteers visited Devaattparamb Codava genocide memorial monument site at early hours on “Kakkada Padnett” as per Codava folkloric almanac ie on 02 Aug 2020.
CNC offered reverential floral tribute and Maddkool paaysa Meedi to the departed great souls. And also sought blessings from the departed Codava souls for recuperating Codava identity by attaining ST tag for Codava tribe, Geo-political Autonomy for our historically defined traditional homeland under Democratic Constitution and shower us with good health, happiness & prosperity. Also prayed for the well being of all Codavas and the entire human race.
The tragic genocide/holocaust at Devaatparamb was done by brutal barbarian Tipu Sultan of Mysore on the fateful day of 12 December 1785 approximately 235 years back. This heinous crime/tragic massacre was executed under the Military leadership of French General Lolly & rapacious Nawab of Karnool Runmust Khan. We lost around 60,000 precious lives on that day including children & women folk. Codava tribal folk will not forget this incident till Sun & Moon exists. This traumatic story is passed on from generation to generations.
CNC volunteers M/s Mandapanda Manoj Mandana, Pattamada Kusha were present.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,

1.Shri Narendra Modi Ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister,
Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block,
New Delhi-01
2.Shri Amit Anil Chandra Shah Ji,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Home Affairs,
Govt of India,
North Block,
New Delhi -01
Subject: - Demand for the Inclusion of Codava tribe in the ST list of our Constitution. Codava Tribalism / trait should be measured through “Emic approach” – request for.
Codava Civilization & the genus of Codava tribalism bloomed & evolved on the banks of holy river Cauvery with a Divine origin. This land is considered to be the most "sacrosanct land", now has been sacrilege and it should be sanctified by establishing Codava land.
Coorg is the repository of the indigenous Codava tribal world and treasure of rich folkloric culturo- tribal trait.
1.The term Codava Tribe covers various clans historically associated with warriorhood. Codavas’ traditional habitation is in thick forests, Hill terrain, and Rustic geographical isolation. Their rich colloquial Mother tongue Codava Thakk, rich Cultural heritage, martial activities, unique Folkloric songs, folk legal systems, folk ballad,folk lullabi, folk dance, traditional & seasonal food habits, tribal wedding, heriditory beverage system, group hunting, traditional food storage system, knowledge of ethnomedicine, dressing style, clannish systems i.e. Okka/Khandan/Kula/Tarwad, etc., Social order, separate Clannish burial ground, use of homemade artifacts from Cane, Bamboo, etc, using skins of wild animals underneath grinding stones and using it as bedding for newborn babies, unique wedding/Mangala rituals, birth and death ceremonies, worshipping of their Supreme Deities Guru and Karona, their sanctum- sanctorum called Kanni kombare, Nellaki Nadu baade, Mund baade & Kaimada, etc. Each Clannish Temporal seat called Ainmane, all these treasures proves Codavas to be the aboriginal independent indegeneous tribe of their land. We Codava tribal people cannot and will not become a chaste Brahmin, howmuch ever we may conduct ritualistic fasting/ ekadashi rituals like orthodox Purohits to metamorphose from tribalism into Brahminical tenets. Even if we conduct any kind of such circuses under the influence of some political dispensation, it does not help us in empowering Codava tribe Constitutionally. Instead it will be a last nail on the coffin. Hence we should dig and unearth our indigenous characteristics and trace our root of tribal ancestry. This is the only ultimate means to establish our tribal trait for attaining ST tag which will ensure the protection of our language, cultural heritage, hereditary untitled lands, and traditionally defined homeland since bygone era, and historical continuity. Besides ST tag can further enrich our over all identity under our sacred Contitution in a flowering Democracy.
2.After having studied all the above true facts, the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru offered the concerned people during the framing of the Constitution to include the Codava tribe in the Schedule list of our Constitution. During the merger of Kodagu with Vishal Mysore, the then Chief Minister offered ST tag for Codavas which was refused by the Codava political leaders of that time. Subsequently, former Chief Minister Shri R Gundoorao who was born & lived in Kodagu and having watched Codava tribalism from near quarters insisted the then Union Govt. to include the Codava tribe in the Schedule list of our Constitution.
3.It is a known fact that the merger of Codava traditional homeland i.e. erstwhile {the then} Part 'C' State of Coorg under the guise of State Organization act 1956(1 Nov 1956) with Vishal Mysore later Karnataka has showcased Codava phobic/Xenophobic attitude which turned out to be a forced exodus of Codava tribe from their homeland.
4.The State-sponsored homogenization has resulted in Culturocide of Codava tribe and their folkloric civilization and the Govt has instigated the acculturation of Codava tribe by others. It amounts to a clear violation of human rights as enshrined in our most revered Constitution and also in international human rights covenants & declarations. Unfortunately, the merger of Coorg became a death blow to Codava tribe.
5.During the last parliamentary session of Dec 2019, while debating on ST Constitution amendment bill, Sri B K Hariprasad MP & Sri Kupendra Reddy MP spoke about the inclusion of Codava tribe in the ST list & highlighting this issue they have attracted the attention of whole country and conscience of lawmakers.
6.As a result of CNC’s relentless effort & innumerable petitions to the Union Govt, Union Govt reciprocated & directed State Govt to conduct an ethnographic study on Codava tribalism. Hence Karnataka Govt entrusted this responsibility to KSTRI (Karnataka State Tribal Research Institute) Mysore.
7.Already diminishing, vulnerable Codava tribe have to be protected by statutory law for their survival. Hence ST tag is a must for their historical continuity, protection for land, language, cultural heritage, folkloric identity, their traditional habitation besides economic & political empowerment.
8.Codava tribe has its own extraordinary tribal characteristics with martial genus and are living within a compact region (territorial limit) since ages: and the gun is our sacrament and weapon is an article of worship. i.e Gun tradition- Weapon Civilization. Tribal ancestry is our origin. Codava Civilization has bloomed in the banks of mother Goddess River Cauvery which is considered as one of the 7(Seven) sacred Rivers of Vedic periods of Bharath Varsha.
9.There is no "Saptapadhi" rituals at our weddings. We don't tie the "Mangala sutra "also. On the previous day of the wedding, the mother of the bride will tie the sacred "Pathak" around the neck of the bride. Codavas don't have Saptapadi ritual in their marriage. The fact that we don't have Saptapadi makes it clear that we have strong tribal traits. We Codava tribal society used to wear the same Pathak for a bride during the wedding ceremony, borrowed from headman of the village or Vokka as people could not afford to have their own Pathak due to poverty. And same with Kuppya & Peechekathi for bridegroom. And also other ornaments like Kattibale , Kokkethati, Todang & Are-changole etc. All these wedding items are in possession of head man of village ie Thakka or Coravakar/ in administrative parlance Pattedar. Govt and others think that every individual owns the jewelry item which is a wrong notion.
10.When boy baby is born gunshots will be fired in the air to herald the message that one gallant soldier came to earth and again during the naming ceremony, a small bow and arrow have experimented through babies' tiny fingers. During our "Kail poud" nammeie the folkloric Gun worshipping/ Aaudha Pooja ceremony, we are decorating weapons with "Thok poov"/ Gun flowers is a symbol of our Warriorhood and gallentry. We continue doing this in memory of bygone era when Codavas were applying the poisonous/venomous rootpaste of this thok poov/ flower to the weapons such as long sword/Odikathi, Bow & arrow and Jawalien during battles and while facing any enemy.
11.Hunting, battle & Agro- pastoral/ Animal husbandry is our life & profession. These tribal characteristics are always displayed in all our folkloric arts, literature, dance, and songs.
12.We Codava tribal people invented & cultivated cardamom thousands of years ago. We call it "Yaala.” Till recently we never used flower garlands. For all our rituals are it the wedding or any auspicious day we were using Cardamom Garlands. In the marriage, bride & groom wear and exchange Cardamom garlands. Marriages used to be always single Muharat ceremonies by the groom in his house, & bride in her house. Then the groom precedes to brides the house to bring her to his home.
13.From its very inception of birth to death in all Codava rituals, there is no Purohith intervention. Porohith intervention is purely prohibited in Codava weddings.
14.Codava weddings are solemnized through Coravakara & Aruva . Coravakara means the Head of the clan and Aruva means a trusted neighbor who is an aid to the clan. Each clan will have a Aruva. And each Aruva will be the aid of another clan for all good & bad happenings. In Group hunting, festivals, forest dwellings, agricultural operations, and happier moments Aruva will aid as Samaritan and extending helping hand to each other.
15."Muyyal- Kudal " a mutual co-operative agricultural system of primitive Codava tribal era is still existing in Codava tribal society.
16.Weapons are considered as a sacrament. It always hangs in the KanniKombare i.e most sacred sanctum-sactorum as an Article of worship. In the bygone era we were using Swords ( Odikathi), bow, arrow eeti & burgi (javelin) After the entry of Babar to India during the first Panipat war in 1526 when he introduced Guns to India, from then onwards we Codava tribal people started using Guns.
17.We further go to substantiate the Codava Tribals who served as "Slavish soldiers rather Mercenaries" under various conquerors & alien rulers.(the way how bullocks were hired for ploughing others paddy fields and the owner of the bullocks will get the money & for bullocks nothing. Same way we Codava tribe were serving as slave soldiers) During those days the rulers & conquerors had disputes, settlements & undertakings. In such circumstances those subjects who are/were skilled in various fields were hired by their masters according to their skills. Sometimes they were treated like commodities in which they have been bartered by each other. We Codava tribal people knew nothing except warriorhood & hunting skills. They don't require any training for battle fields. Straightaway coming from the womb of a mother any Codava child is a born warrior. Only few exceptional Commanders who led the battles were trained soldiers. They were specially trained in Military skills & equipped with gallentry “Kalaripaitu" from Nambiyars of Nileshwara & Kaleghat of neighbouring Malabar region in those days. The way how British Indias Staff College existed in Quetta of Balochistan and present days Staff College existing in Wellington. One Military platoon of Codava tribal warriors was stationed in Calcutta under War Hero Lord Robert Clive of British East India company between 1746 to 1774(Authenticated by Renowned Codava Historian/Scholar Dr I M Muthana). Its not that we Codava tribal people had direct connections with British. The illiterate otherwise shy Codava people did not have/ had outer world connections. It is purely hired or bartered by their masters with British Army. Again during 1789 to 1804 under the Commander In Chief of British East India Company Lord Marquess of Wellesly we Codava tribal soldiers served in contract of "subsidiary alliance system"( Sahayaka Sainya Padhati). This is also an agreement with rulers. We Codava tribal people served without salaries as "Slaves rather Mercenaries" the way bullocks/Gaanada Ethu were/ are serving. This is our humble background and the innumerous traumatic stories are heartbreaking. During those days only martial tribes were picked & used in the Army for wars, conquests & invasions by their respective rulers. Likewise in the World War 1 (between 1914 to 1019) recognising our Warriorhood we were chased and captured and forcibly dragged/ pushed into World War 1 by our British Indian masters. In that War majority Codava people martyred in various Countries, but in return there is no perk for them, they served like "Gaanada Ethugalu". Again because of Megalomaniac Adolf Hitler World War 11 commenced in 1939( Between 1939 to 1945) for which maximum number of Codava tribal warriors had to forcibly take part in the allied power under British Indian Army. After miserable defeat of Axis power, defunct "League of Nations" ceased to exit. To put an end for barbaric era and to prevent the chaos, the tall leaders of the World decided to call a full stop for Universe/Planet leading towards anarchy and subsequently "Dumberton Oaks" Conclave of a grand summit held under Roosevelt of US, J.Stalin of Russia, Gen Charles D Gale of France, Chi-yang-Kyshek of China & Vincent Churchill of Briton at Newyork in 1944 which adopted and passed the historical Atlantic declaration. Later it is converted/ transformed as UN(United Nations Organisation) which lead to a new Civilized World order. As per new world order & UN declarations & Covenants, all those who participated in the World war-2 across the globe either martyred or survived will/ would, should get respectable perks, salaries and pensions and those still young should be continued as salaried soldiers. After the completion of World War 2 the perks received by Codava tribal soldiers is akin to "Indentured Labour Policy" of British India Govt. which was in vogue at that time. So the Codava tribal soldiers and their war widows widely benefitted through that perk. They & their kith & kins welfare also elevated from their poverty stricken status to new avenues and they got education and they improved their small pieces of hereditary lands, for which they gave their life, blood & sweat. Because of the Individual sacrifice of these Codava tribes, 2% Codava tribes are living a contentful life. Now Democratic Govt should deliver their Constitutional due to Codava tribe by granting ST tag. That is the real theme, meaning & definition of State, Welfare State & Republic.
18.Apart from all conquerors & alien rulers who carried genocide on Codava tribe, Tyrant rulers and ruthless invaders of Mysore, Hyder & Tipu persecuted, tortured, massacred & indoctrinated Codava tribe in its entirety at "Devaattparamb" during their conquest mission. {Depicted in "Tipu Xreyed" authored by renowned Codava folkloric-Historian & Scholar Vidwan Dr.I.M Muthanna} Besides the alien "Keladhi" Dynasty of Ikkeri ruled Codavaland aka Coorg nearly 201 years,say from 1633 to 1834.For 2 centuries in their tyrant regime they were supposed to be the custodians/guardians of their Codava subjects.But they never protected their loyal Codava tribal subjects.Instead of protecting them they carried out persecution, genocide & rape of women folk & butchered them in Madikeri castle itself.Also those otherwise non-religious rustic jungly Codava tribal people were dragged and trapped and forcibly indoctrinated them into unknown alien faith by these ruthless tyrant Rajaparivar.Thausands of innocent Codava tribe victimized in the iron fists of barbarian Keladhi rulers.We Codava tribes were not been considered as human beings but they were treated as "slaves rather dumb Bullocks" {Unveiled in " Chickaveerarajendra" the master piece novel of Jnaanapeeta recipient Dr.Maasthi Venkateshayyangar}
19.We were used as mercenaries. In those days we Codava tribe didn’t have direct British connections and Coorg was never under the Suzerinty of British rule till 1834. It was purely a contract agreement between the then rulers of Coorg. They paid lumpsum amount to the rulers and under “Sahayaka Sainya padati” they hired rulers’ loyal subjects ie Codava tribal warriors as slavish soldiers on par with “indenchered labour policy” or slavery without any perk.
20.To bring /drag hapless Codava womenfolk into the Janana of debachular "Keladhi Rajas" for their heinous lust, they used to keep regular "Pimps" in each Naads, Villages, hamlets & Clanish house holds. Those Pimps were awarded & rewarded according to their pimping act/service. In the same way, to eliminate stronger Codava men, the Keladhi rulers kept espionages & Chaadi koras. If at all she resists the ruler’s order, then she had to face the cruelty of the Raja who never failed to erase that whole family.
21.The meaning of Itti- Bitti chakri is Slavery. This humble history heena- deena stithi was systematically covered up by the Govt organs through our own 1% Kukluck Klan Codavas only to avoid delivering Socio-Political empowerment statutorily under Democratic Constitution to rest of the Codava tribe. During the regime of alien rulers we Codava tribes have been used as slave soldiers. In earlier days we dug the trenches/ Kadanga to guard our own clans, to prevent aggression between clans. And also village trench & Naad trenches dug by our patriarchs to mark the boundaries from one village to another village and also to avoid aggression from other Naads. Earlier day’s petty warlordism was existed within amongst Codava tribal Society. Codava clans basically structured as chiefdoms. And each villages comprising of several clans also headed by small chieftains & Each naads comprising of several villages headed by chieftains as well as commanders. They used to engage in warlordism for supremacy. And later these clanish chiefdoms, village chieftains & Naad Chieftains/ Commanders were used for hiring their subordinate Codava tribal troops as mercenaries/ slave soldiers under different alien rulers to wage war against enemy rulers.
22. There were no Assami, Rohingya or Tamil labourers in olden days. Kadangas of Coorg was dug by our own Codava ancestors & patriarchs who were slave labourers of the then ruthless, cruel, rapacious alien rulers of those time. Each Kadanga tells us a story which is stained by blood & sweat of our ancestors. These Kadangas are now distributed to outside people by bankrupt Political class for filling their vote bank.
23. By noticing the skills in digging the clanish Kadang/trench, Village Kadang/Trench as well as Naad kadang/Trench by our patriarchs, they were used as slave labourers to dig and built "Aramane Kadang across Coorg". There is great sacrifice behind this. Because when a person gets married & has a baby then he must go for digging the Trench/ Kadang. He will be returning only after 2 or more decades to see his offspring’s face. Then after the marriage of his Son, the son also has to continue his father's Slavish legacy after seeing his new born baby. This is the untold misery of our Ancestors & patriarchs. Added to this misery was the mental agony each bride had to undergo on her marriage day as her first night has to be with the cruel alien ruler by order. (It is one type of slavery rather indenchered labour policy.) We must go through our tribal ancestry of humble origin/ background. Basically we were and are tribes. Those who are opposing ST tag are real hostile to social Egalitarianism.
24.There is no idol worship or trinity worship in Codava customary practice. We Codava tribal people worship Guru-Karona, Nature, and Weapons. (The nature like Sun, Moon, Mother earth, spring water divinity ie Jala Devathe Cauvery, our revered Goddess) Guru is the creator/ Adam of Codava tribe. Karona is the originator/founder of each Clan. There are 842 clans existing now. Earlier there were 1500 clans existing. Due to different conquerors, cruel rulers who carried out genocide on Codava tribalism many clans have perished. If we Codava tribal people are conferred with ST tag, it won't jeopardize other tribes of this Country. In Coorg, we are hardly sixty thousand voters around one lakh population and outside across the world around 75 thousand only. We live in a compact Geo-Political region of Coorg from time immemorial, only 0.5% Elite Codavas are visible to Govt Organs, 99.5% are invisible & unknown to outer world.
25.In the present prevailing circumstances, we Codava tribe certainly need statutory protection with ST tag and Geopolitical Autonomy for Codavaland under proper Constitutional enactments.
26.The Govts must know that Codava tribal existence can become extinct unless assigned due protection through ST tag and Geo-Political Autonomy.
27.Our food habits, Gastronomy, way of worship, deity, Kinship, Wedding, birth & death rituals, festivities, traditional games, clannish system in society, language, culture customary practices, folkloric history, dance, songs, artifacts, dress, folk legal systems, our bondage with mother soil- mother earth, traditional habitation, habitation in dense forests & rustic mountainous terrain, hunting, tribal games/ sports, heritage markers like Mandh, Kaimada, Devakaad, Temporal seats like Ainmane, kannikombare sanctum- sanctorum thootengola burial grounds & crematorium, consuming alcohol in all kind of Codava functions be it pooja or marriage and its traditional distillery beverage systems, mutual co-operative agrarian systems, agro-pastoral community and regular use of non- veg food particularly Pork, rearing of livestock like pig & chicken for personal use, strong army connections, vulnerability due to dwindling population, etc. These characteristics necessarily do depict tribalism.
28.Our lack rather ignorance of Political knowledge is also one of the tribal characteristics. The tribe will not bother about world affairs and what is happening in & around. He is living happily in his dominion. But now days the lack of Political knowledge is a stumbling block to his progress by not including in the sacred Constitution for his empowerment.
29.It is high time now to protect & preserve minuscule micro minority vulnerable Codava tribe Constitutionally and structuring a suitable edifice for them is warranted.
30.After amalgamation under the State re-organization act came into force others from the plains wrested control of the Codava tribe's entire heartland. Codava tribal people, who previously controlled nearly a third of Coorg, have lost almost everything after Karnataka secured the right to remain & expand its demographic.
31.Divine forces ie great souls of our patriarchs & ancestors and mother Goddess Cauvery have blessed & guided CNC to strive for Autonomy, ST tag, and Constitutional guarantee for the Codava tribe which has attracted the attention of the conscience of the world. By reciprocating the emotional values, sentiments of Codava tribe, M/ S Hariprasad & Kupendra Reddy raised our subject and displayed it before the highest law-making body of our country ie parliament which also again is a divine blessing of Guru-Karona, our ancestors, patriarchs & Mother Goddess Cauvery made them speak for Codava tribe.
32.Codava National Council resolved to intimate all the concerned that the act of Inclusion of Codava tribe in the Schedule list of our Constitution will be considered as a true "Social Engineering” Codava National Council requests that the ongoing ethnographic study on Codava tribalism should adopt the true ethnographic method & questionnaire depicting true tribal characteristics and should be conducted by expert Physical -anthropological scholars & Social- scientists with a judicious perspective.
33.Usually, the intended questionnaire should be as follows:
Parameters/Barometers which suggest that it is The Real Ethnographic Study.
• Name, identity, origin, and history.
• Physical environment.
• Distribution and population trend.
• Physical characteristics.
• Clan, Family and kinship.
• Dwelling, food, dress and other
• Environmental sanitation and
• Language and literary.
• Economic life.
• Life cycle.
• Religion.
• Leisure and recreation.
• Intercommunity relations. Material objects.
• Social control and leadership.
• Social reform and welfare, hygienic habits.
34.For inclusion of any new community/group in the schedule list of our Constitution, the authorities & anthropologists will be ascertaining the below mentioned 5(five) criteria which in fact are the main yardstick to measure the tribal traits.
5 Criteria:
1) Indication of primitive traits.
2) Distinctive Culture.
3) Geographical isolation.
4) The shyness of contact with the community at large.
5) Backwardness.
Codava tribe fulfills all the above mentioned five criteria.
35.The present questionnaire being used by the Ethnographic survey team for the Codava tribe analyses the economic status of the community. Usually, this kind of survey is done after a community is included in the ST list, to ascertain the degree of help to be extended by the Govt to that particular tribe. This injustice should be rectified and the same yardsticks as used for other communities to be used for the Codava tribe also.
36.It is significant that all British documents like Gazetteer, encyclopedias, Anthropological Survey of India, and Census work conducted from 1881-1931 and acts caused by them regarding Codava tribe and the records highlights Codavas as Principal tribes of this region.
37.Our dwindling population, vulnerability, and diminishing identity should be taken care of through conferring ST tag. There is no protection for our “hereditary piece of untitled & non cadastre lands which may expropriate” any moment by the Govts. Several failed attempts were made during the Karnataka land reform amendment act 1961 & Land revenue amendment Act 1964. Now the recent land reform acts (introduced in the first week of June 2020) which allowed non-agriculrist to buy the land which will pave the way for the entry of big business tycoons, NRI's, MNC's and black moneyed/ Hawala rocketeers will enter & buy our land with exorbitant rate and create havoc on the lives of Codava tribe.
38.The Constitution of India drafted by Dr. BR Ambedkar is a sacred document empowering each and every person, tribe, sect or sub-sect including Codava tribe. Hence it is our inviolable legitimate Constitutional right to evolve our destiny in the ST list. We do not require anybody's permission or sanction. We are in a Constitutional-Parliamentary democracy and we are not in an Oligarchy system.
39.Our Constitution is not anybody's personal or private property. It is ours; Constitution is “By the people, To the People, for the people.” So the Constitution is “By the Codava tribe, For the Codava tribe, To the Codava tribe.”
40.CNC'S eventful apolitical journey started with a broader spectrum of outlook ie with a World vision, with All India & National perspective & with Regional Aspirations.
41.Since the last 30 years we have been striving for Geopolitical Autonomy and ST tag for Indigenous Codava tribal people peacefully by conducting innumerable Sathyagriha, seminars, Rallies & human chains across Coorg, Mysore, Bangalore, and NewDelhi.
42.Taking cognizance of our subject UPA 2nd Govt directed the State Govt to conduct an ethnographic study on Codava tribalism. Again NDA Govt under Shri Narendra Modi Ji speeded up the process by directing State Govt to conduct Ethnographic Study which was halfway stalled. Again by the intervention of Senior Statesman and former PM Sri H D Devegowda Ji, the then CM of Karnataka Sri H D Kumara Swamy ordered for ethnographic study in Nov 2019 and entrusted the Job to KSTRI Mysore. In its order clearly directed that Codava ethnographic study should be conducted on the basis of the "Lokur Committee" report. But the Director of KSTRI has violated said order and with a prejudiced mind, he carried out a Socio-Economic study instead of "Ethnographic study" to defeat the very purpose. For which he prepared questioneer schedule giving the headline as "Codava Socio-Economic study" which is not acceptable to us. We request that either re-conduct the study as per “Lokur Committee" report by adopting "Ethnological yardsticks “ or otherwise without conducting the study on the basis of the authenticity of pre- Independent documents which have conducted/applied in an "emic " approach are the real documents and straight away include Codava tribe in the ST list in a judicious perspective.
43. But without bringing to the notice of aggrieved first party ie CNC, KSTRI unilaterally & secretly conducted the study in a "Etic " approach with an ulterior motive and nullified the very purpose. And by considering our series of repeated pleas, Memorandums & requisitions, NDA Govt under Sri Narendra Modiji directed the State Govt to expedite the ethnographic study on Codava tribalism. Reciprocating the directions, the State Govt had initiated the study & it started on 16 November 2016. But it was stalled within a month ie on 18 December 2016.
44.After India attained Freedom Democratic Govt listed 645 communities/ groups as Indigenous Tribes of this Country. Codava tribal people also listed among 645 tribes of our Country. For their overall empowerment Govts started listing them to include in the ST list. But because of our ignorance rather lack. Of Political knowledge or failed to ascertain the significance of the evolution of Constitutional democracy we Codava tribal people have not been able to include in the ST list. So we remained as Non- Scheduled tribe all these years.
45.Codava tribalism measured always through the "Etic” approach by independent India’s scholars (as per their whims and fancies) guided by the Political class who are hostile to Codava tribal identity. Now we want the "Emic” approach in the interest of Justice and Equity. Attaining ST tag will re-write the magnificent future for Codava tribe. Carving out Codava land Geo-political Autonomy will not only empower all round Politico- Economic development but also maintain/guarantee the Geo-Physical equilibrium of Codava territory. It is our earnest wish that present dispentiation under your leadership will be able to understand the pains & pangs of Codava tribe and the veracity of the aspirations of Codava tribal world. We are sure that you will definitely take cognizance of our long pending legitimate rights and we hope that you will concede our demands in a positive way.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
1.His Excellency
Sri. Ramanatha Kovind Ji,
The Hon’ble President
Sovereign Republic of India,
Raisina Hills, Rashtrapati Bhavan,
New Delhi – 01
2.His Excellency
Sri Venkaiah Naidu Ji,
The Hon’ble Vice President,
Sovereign Republic of India,
Maulana Azad Road,
New Delhi, 110001
3.Dr. Subramanian Swamy ji,
The Hon’ble Rajya Sabha M P,
& World renowned Economist,
Senior Statesman & Former Union Law Minister,
MP AB-14, Pandara Road, New Delhi -110003
4.Sri. Arjun Munda Ji,
The Hon'ble Minister for Tribal Affairs.
Union Govt. of India
Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road
New Delhi, 110011
5.Shri B.S Yediyurappa Ji,
The Hon’ble Chief Minister,
State of Karnataka,
Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore -01
6.Mr. Antonio Guttrres
His Excellency The Secretary General
United Nations Organization
1st ave. & 46th street, NewYork, NY10017USA
7.Her Excellency,
Audrey Azoulay,
The Director General UNESCO,
7, place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP France
8.His Excellency,
Prince Zaid Raad Al Hussain,
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHRC)
Palais Wilson
52 rue des Paquis
CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland.
9.International Court of Justice
Peace Palace
Carnegieplein 2
2517 KJ The Hague
The Netherlands
10.Sri. B.K. Hariprasad Ji,
The Hon’ble Member of Legislative Council,
C1/10, Lodhi Garden,
New Delhi - 110003
11.Sri.D.Kupendra Reddy Ji,
The Hon’ble Ex. Rajya Sabha M P,
Bungalow No. 24,
Mahadev Road,
New Delhi
12.Shri Jagdish Shetty Ji,
VHS National General Secretary,
1/G/61, Iris, Kalpataru Aura,
LBS Marg, OPP R City Mall,
Ghatkopar West,
Mumbai – 400086
13.Shri Pratap Simha, MP,
The Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Mysore Kodagu,
Jaladarshini Guest House,
Main Road, Mysore City

Glimpse of my visitation to Surlabi naad on 25 July 2020.
CNC President N U Nachappa Codava with M/s Appuda Uthaiah, Appuda Aiyapa,Appuda Suresh & Appuda Shanthi while they were returning from ‘kare Kaad’ of their agricultural work place at Surlabbi.
90% of Codava tribes are of this humble, hardworking category and their entire folkloric lifestyle depicts a tribal characteristic which is continued till date. Definitely Codavas deserve ST tag.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,

Here is the immigration and infiltration history of 18 Malabaris a.k.a Bhashika 18 into Codava territory who have now become social menace and existential threat to Indigenous Codava tribe. Codava National Council(CNC) is on its journey to attain Codava land Geo-Political Autonomy, ST tag for Codava Tribe and inclusion of Codava Thakk in the 8th Schedule.
We should know the past history then only we can create new history.

Date: 23.07.2020
Camp: Madikeri
1.Shri Narendra Modi Ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister,
Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block,
New Delhi-01
2.Shri Amit Anil Chandra Shah Ji,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Home Affairs,
Govt of India,
North Block,
New Delhi -01
3.Shri B.S Yediyurappa Ji,
The Hon’ble Chief Minister,
State of Karnataka,
Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore -01
4.Dr. Subramanian Swamy ji,
The Hon’ble Rajya Sabha M P,
& World renowned Economist,
Senior Statesman & Former Union Law Minister,
MP AB-14, Pandara Road, New Delhi -110003
Dear Sir,
Sub: Conferring with ST tag for Codava tribe & carving Codavaland Geo-political Autonomy is most warranted: Seeking the emergent intervention of PM & CM.
Codava National Council’s(CNC) humble request with BJP dispensation that they must come forward and openly support the aspiration of ST tag & Geo-Political Autonomy to statutorily protect the micro minority patriotic Codava tribe, Since BJP is helming both at Centre & State.Seditious left liberals & Radical Jihadist elements jointly are covertly active in the region to transform Coorg to be Red - Green corridor ( Maoism & Gazwa- E- Hind) and trying to occupy the age old untitled hereditary lands of Codava tribe.
Only hurdle in their path is patriotic Indigenous Codava tribe. So they are attempting to de- legitimise Codava existence. Hence in the interest of National Security and also in the interest of equity & social justice Codava tribe should be empowered through Statutory guarantee. Only ST tag will protect the land, culturo- folkloric heritage & ratify the historical continuity of Codava tribe.
Among National level BJP leaders, only senior statesman Dr Subramanian Swamy has supported us openly. We expect support from the policy making body of BJP.
Hence we Codava tribe humbly request the intervention of PM & CM for speedy Constitutional mechanism in this regard.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
Copies Marked to below mentioned Dignitaries:-
1.His Excellency
Sri. Ramanatha Kovind Ji,
The Hon’ble President
Sovereign Republic of India,
Raisina Hills, Rashtrapati Bhavan,
New Delhi – 01
2.His Excellency
Sri Venkaiah Naidu Ji,
The Hon’ble Vice President,
Sovereign Republic of India,
Maulana Azad Road,
New Delhi, 110001
3.Sri. Arjun Munda Ji
The Hon'ble Minister for Tribal Affairs.
Union Govt. of India
Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road
New Delhi, 110011
4.Mr. Antonio Guttrres
His Excellency The Secretary General
United Nations Organization
1st ave. & 46th street, NewYork, NY10017USA
5.Her Excellency,
Audrey Azoulay,
The Director General UNESCO,
7, place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP France
6.His Excellency,
Prince Zaid Raad Al Hussain,
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHRC)
Palais Wilson
52 rue des Paquis
CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland.
7.International Court of Justice
Peace Palace
Carnegieplein 2
2517 KJ The Hague
The Netherlands
8.Shri Jagdish Shetty Ji,
VHS National General Secretary,
1/G/61, Iris, Kalpataru Aura,
LBS Marg, OPP R City Mall,
Ghatkopar West,
Mumbai – 400086
9.Shri Pratap Simha, MP,
The Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Mysore Kodagu,
Jaladarshini Guest House,
Main Road, Mysore City
Date: 15.07.2020
Under the leadership of CNC(Codava National Council) supremo Mr. N U Nachappa Codava, CNC volunteers visited the Devaattparamb Codava genocide memorial monument site at early hours on the eve of the beginning of the month of “Kakkada Padinett” (as per Codava folkloric almanac)on 15 July 2020.
This tragic genocide/ holocaust was done by brutal barbarian Tipu Sultan of Mysore in collusion with his notorious French East India company allied forces in a cold blood on the fateful day of 12 December 1785. This tragic massacre occurred exactly 235 years back. We lost our patriarchs and precious live of our loved ones which we Codava tribal folk will not forget or forgive till Sun & Moon exists. This trauma is passed on generation to generation.
CNC offered reverential floral tribute to the departed great souls. And also sought special blessings from the departed Codava souls for recuperating Codava identity by attaining ST tag for Codava tribe, Geo-political Autonomy for our historically defined traditional homeland under Democratic Constitution, and shower us with good health, happiness & prosperity. Also prayed for the wellbeing & to liberate the Codava tribe as well as people of the entire World from the shackles of Corona pandemic Covid-19.
CNC volunteers M/s Kaliyanda Prakash, Areyada Girish, Lt Col B M Parvathi (Retd), Mandapanda Manoj Mandana, Pattamada Kusha were present.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,

Date: 03.07.2020
Camp: Madikeri
1. Shri Narendra Modi Ji,The Hon’ble Prime Minister,
Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block,
New Delhi-01
2. Shri Amit Anil Chandra Shah Ji,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Home Affairs,
Govt of India,
North Block,
New Delhi -01
Through the Deputy Commissioner of Coorg aka Kodagu aka Codava Land
Subject: - Demand for the Inclusion of Codava tribe in the ST list of our Constitution. Codava Tribalism / trait should be measured through “Emic approach” – request for
Introduction:- Codava Civilization & the genes of Codava tribalism bloomed & evolved on the banks of holy river Cauvery with a Divine origin. This land is considered to be the most "sacrosanct land", now has been sacrilege and it should be sanctified by establishing Codava land.
Coorg is the repository of the indigenous Codava tribal world and treasure of rich folkloric culturo- tribal trait.
1. The term Codava Tribe covers various clans historically associated with warriorhood. Codavas’ traditional habitation is in thick forests, Hill terrain, and Rustic geographical isolation. Their rich colloquial Mother tongue Codava Thakk, rich Cultural heritage, martial activities, unique Folkloric songs, folk legal systems, folk ballad, folk dance, traditional & seasonal food habits, tribal wedding, heriditory beverage system, group hunting, traditional food storage system, knowledge of ethnomedicine, dressing style, clannish systems i.e. Okka/Khandan/Kula/Tarwad, etc., Social order, separate Clannish burial ground, use of homemade artifacts from Cane, Bamboo, etc, using skins of wild animals underneath grinding stones and using it as bedding for newborn babies, unique wedding/Mangala rituals, birth and death ceremonies, worshipping of their Supreme Deities Guru and Karona, their sanctum- sanctorum called Kanni kombare, Nellaki Nadu baade, Mund baade & Kaimada, etc. Each Clannish Temporal seat called Ainmane, all these treasures proves Codavas to be the aboriginal independent tribe of their land.
2. After having studied all the above true facts, the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru offered the concerned people during the framing of the Constitution to include the Codava tribe in the Schedule list of our Constitution. During the merger of Kodagu with Vishal Mysore, the then Chief Minister offered ST tag for Codavas which was refused by the Codava political leaders of that time. Subsequently, former Chief Minister Shri R Gundoorao who was born & lived in Kodagu and having watched Codava tribalism from near quarters insisted the then Union Govt. to include the Codava tribe in the Schedule list of our Constitution.
3. It is a known fact that the merger of Codava traditional homeland i.e. erstwhile {the then} Part 'C' State of Coorg under the guise of State Organization act 1956(1 Nov 1956) with Vishal Mysore later Karnataka has showcased Codava phobic/Xenophobic attitude which turned out to be a forced exodus of Codava tribe from their homeland.
4. The State-sponsored homogenization has resulted in Culturocide of Codava tribe and their folkloric civilization and the Govt has instigated the acculturation of Codava tribe by others. It amounts to a clear violation of human rights as enshrined in our most revered Constitution and also in international human rights covenants & declarations. Unfortunately, the merger of Coorg became a death blow to Codava tribe.
5. During the last parliamentary session of Dec 2019, while debating on ST constitution amendment bill, Sri B K Hariprasad MP & Sri Kupendra Reddy MP spoke about the inclusion of Codava tribe in the ST list & highlighting this issue they have attracted the attention of whole country and conscience of lawmakers.
6. As a result of CNC’s relentless effort & innumerable petitions to the Union Govt, Union Govt reciprocated & directed State Govt to conduct an ethnographic study on Codava tribalism. Hence Karnataka Govt entrusted this responsibility to KSTRI (Karnataka State Tribal Research Institute) Mysore.
7. Already diminishing, vulnerable Codava tribe have to be protected by statutory law for their survival. Hence ST tag is a must for their historical continuity, protection for land, language, cultural heritage, folkloric identity, their traditional habitation besides economic & political empowerment.
8. Codava tribe has its own extraordinary tribal characteristics with martial genes and are living within a compact region (territorial limit) since ages: and the gun is our sacrament and weapon is an article of worship. i.e Gun tradition- Weapon Civilization. Tribal ancestry is our origin. Codava Civilization has bloomed in the banks of mother Goddess River Cauvery which is considered as one of the 7(Seven) sacred Rivers of Vedic periods of Bharath Varsha.
9. There is no "Saptapadhi" rituals at our weddings. We don't tie the "Mangala sutra "also. On the previous day of the wedding, the mother of the bride will tie the sacred "Pathak" around the neck of the bride.
10. When boy baby is born gunshots will be fired in the air to herald the message that one gallant soldier came to earth and again during the naming ceremony, a small bow and arrow have experimented through babies' tiny fingers.
11. Hunting, battle & Agro- pastoral/ Animal husbandry is our life & profession. These tribal characteristics are always displayed in all our folkloric arts, literature, dance, and songs.
12. We Codava tribal people cultivated cardamom thousands of years ago. We call it "Yaala.” Till recently we never used flower garlands. For all our rituals be it the wedding or any auspicious day we were using Cardamom Garlands. In the marriage, bride & groom wear and exchange Cardamom garlands. Marriages used to be always single Muharat ceremonies by the groom in his house, & bride in her house. Then the groom proceeds to brides the house to bring her to his home.
13. From its very inception of birth to death in all Codava rituals, there is no Brahmin intervention. Brahmin intervention is purely prohibited in Codava weddings.
14. Codava weddings are solemnized through Coravakara & Aruva . Coravakara means the Head of the clan and Aruva means a trusted neighbor who is an aid to the clan. Each clan will have a Aruva. And each Aruva will be the aid of another clan for all good & bad happenings. In Group hunting, festivals, forest dwellings, agricultural operations, and happier moments Aruva will aid as Samaritan and extending helping hand to each other.
15. "Muyyal- Kudal " a mutual co-operative agricultural system of primitive Codava tribal era is still existing in Codava tribal society.
16. Weapons are considered as a sacrament. It always hangs in the nellaki as an Article of worship. In the bygone era we were using Swords( Odikathi), bow, arrow eeti & burgi (javelin) After the entry of Babar to India during the first Panipat war in 1526 when he introduced Guns to India, from then onwards we Codava tribal people started using Guns.
17. We Codava tribal people besides serving in present-day Army, we served as soldiers & mercenaries and guards under different rulers, paleyagaars, and conquerors.
18. There is no idol worship or trinity worship in Codava customary practice. We Codava tribal people worship Guru-Karona, Nature, and Weapons. (The nature like Sun, Moon, Mother earth, spring water divinity ie Jala Devathe Cauvery, our revered Goddess) Guru is the creator/ Adam of Codava tribe. Karona is the originator/founder of each Clan. There are 842 clans existing now. Earlier there were 1500 clans existing. Due to different conquerors, cruel rulers who carried out genocide on Codava tribalism many clans have perished. If we Codava tribal people are conferred with ST tag, it won't jeopardize other tribes of this Country. In Coorg, we are hardly sixty thousand voters around one lakh population and outside across the world around 75 thousand only. We live in a compact Geo-Political region of Coorg from time immemorial, only 0.5% Elite Codavas are visible to Govt Organs, 99.5% are invisible & unknown to outer world.
19. In the present prevailing circumstances, we Codava tribe certainly need statutory protection with ST tag and Geopolitical Autonomy for Codavaland under proper Constitutional enactments.
20. The Govts must know that Codava tribal existence can become extinct unless assigned due protection through ST tag and Geo-Political Autonomy.
21. Our food habits, Gastronomy, way of worship, deity, Kinship, Wedding, birth & death rituals, festivities, traditional games, clannish system in society, language, culture customary practices, folkloric history, dance, songs, artifacts, dress, folk legal systems, our bondage with mother soil- mother earth, traditional habitation, habitation in dense forests & rustic mountainous terrain, hunting, tribal games/ sports, heritage markers like Mandh, Kaimada, Devakaad, Temporal seats like Ainmane, kannikombare sanctum- sanctorum thootengola burial grounds & crematorium, consuming alcohol in all kind of Codava functions be it pooja or marriage and its traditional distillery beverage systems, mutual co-operative agrarian systems, agro-pastoral community and regular use of non- veg food particularly Pork, rearing of livestock like pig & chicken for personal use, strong army connections, vulnerability due to dwindling population, etc. These characteristics necessarily do depict tribalism.
22. Our lack rather ignorance of Political knowledge is also one of the tribal characteristics. The tribe will not bother about world affairs and what is happening in & around. He is living happily in his dominion. But now a days the lack of Political knowledge is a stumbling block to his progress by not including in the sacred Constitution for his empowerment.
23. It is high time now to protect & preserve minuscule micro minority vulnerable Codava tribe Constitutionally and structuring a suitable edifice for them is warranted.
24. After amalgamation under the State re-organization act came into force others from the plains wrested control of the Codava tribe's entire heartland. Codava tribal people, who previously controlled nearly a third of Coorg, have lost almost everything after Karnataka secured the right to remain & expand its demographic.
25. Divine forces ie great souls of our patriarchs & ancestors and mother Goddess Cauvery have blessed & guided CNC to strive for Autonomy, ST tag, and constitutional guarantee for the Codava tribe which has attracted the attention of the conscience of the world. By reciprocating the emotional values, sentiments of Codava tribe, M/ S Hariprasad & Kupendra Reddy raised our subject and displayed it before the highest law-making body of our country ie parliament which also again is a divine blessing of Guru-Karona, our ancestors, patriarchs & Mother Goddess Cauvery made them speak for Codava tribe.
26. Codava National Council resolved to intimate all the concerned that the act of Inclusion of Codava tribe in the Schedule list of our Constitution will be considered as a true "Social Engineering” Codava National Council requests that the ongoing ethnographic study on Codava tribalism should adopt the true ethnographic method & questionnaire depicting true tribal characteristics and should be conducted by expert Physical -anthropological scholars & Social- scientists with a judicious perspective.
27. Usually, the intended questionnaire should be as follows:
Parameters/Barometers which suggest that it is The Real Ethnographic Study
- Name, identity, origin, and history.
- Physical environment.
- Distribution and population trend.
- Physical characteristics.
- Clan, Family and kinship.
- Dwelling, food, dress and other
- Environmental sanitation
- Language and literary.
- Economic life.
- Life cycle.
- Religion.
- Leisure and recreation.
- Intercommunity relations. Material objects.
- Social control and leadership.
- Social reform and welfare, hygienic habits.
28. For inclusion of any new community/group in the schedule list of our Constitution, the authorities & anthropologists will be ascertaining the below mentioned 5(five) criteria which in fact are the main yardstick to measure the tribal traits.
5 Criteria:
1) Indication of primitive traits.
2) Distinctive Culture.
3) Geographical isolation.
4) The shyness of contact with the community at large.
5) Backwardness.
Codava tribe fulfills all the above mentioned five criteria.
29. The present questionnaire being used by the Ethnographic survey team for the Codava tribe analyses the economic status of the community. Usually, this kind of survey is done after a community is included in the ST list, to ascertain the degree of help to be extended by the Govt to that particular tribe. This injustice should be rectified and the same yardsticks as used for other communities to be used for the Codava tribe also.
30. It is significant that all British documents like Gazetteer, encyclopedias, Anthropological Survey of India, and Census work conducted from 1881-1931 and acts caused by them regarding Codava tribe and the records highlights Codavas as Principal tribes of this region.
31. Our dwindling population, vulnerability, and diminishing identity should be taken care of through conferring ST tag. There is no protection for our “hereditary piece of untitled & non cadastre lands which may expropriate” any moment by the Govts. Several failed attempts were made during the Karnataka land reform amendment act 1961 & Land revenue amendment Act 1964. Now the recent land reform acts (introduced in the first week of June 2020) which allowed non-agriculrist to buy the land which will pave the way for the entry of big business tycoons, NRI's, MNC's and black moneyed/ Hawala rocketeers will enter & buy our land with exorbitant rate and create havoc on the lives of Codava tribe.
32. The Constitution of India drafted by Dr. BR Ambedkar is a sacred document empowering each and every person, tribe, sect or sub-sect including Codava tribe. Hence it is our inviolable legitimate Constitutional right to evolve our destiny in the ST list. We do not require anybody's permission or sanction. We are in a Constitutional-Parliamentary democracy and we are not in an Oligarchy system.
33. Our Constitution is not anybody's personal or private property. It is ours; Constitution is “By the people, To the People, for the people.” So the Constitution is “By the Codava tribe, For the Codava tribe, To the Codava tribe.”
34. CNC'S eventful apolitical journey started with a broader spectrum of outlook ie with a World vision, with All India & National perspective & with Regional Aspirations.
35. Since the last 30 years we have been striving for Geopolitical Autonomy and ST tag for Indigenous Codava tribal people peacefully by conducting innumerable Sathyagriha, seminars, Rallies & human chains across Coorg, Mysore, Bangalore, and NewDelhi.
36. Taking cognizance of our subject UPA 2nd Govt directed the State Govt to conduct an ethnographic study on Codava tribalism. By the intervention of Senior Statesman and former PM Sri H D Devegowdaji, the then CM of Karnataka Sri H D Kumara Swamy ordered for ethnographic study in Nov 2019 and entrusted the Job to KSTRI Mysore. In its order clearly directed that Codava ethnographic study should be conducted on the basis of the "Lokur Committee" report. But the Director of KSTRI has violated said order and with a prejudiced mind, he carried out a Socio-Economic study instead of "Ethnographic study" to defeat the very purpose. For which he prepared questioneer schedule giving the headline as "Codava Socio-Economic study" which is not acceptable to us. We request that either re-conduct the study as per “Lokur Committee" report by adopting "Ethnological yardsticks “ or otherwise without conducting the study on the basis of the authenticity of pre- Independent documents which have conducted/applied in an "emic " approach are the real documents and straight away include Codava tribe in the ST list in a judicious perspective.
37. After India attained Freedom Democratic Govt listed 645 communities/ groups as Indigenous Tribes of this Country. Codava tribal people also listed among 645 tribes of our Country. For their overall empowerment Govts started listing them to include in the ST list. But because of our ignorance rather lack. Of Political knowledge or failed to ascertain the significance of the evolution of Constitutional democracy we Codava tribal people have not been able to include in the ST list. So we remained as Non- Scheduled tribe all these years.
38. Codava tribalism measured always through the "Etic” approach by independent India’s scholars (as per their whims and fancies) guided by the Political class who are hostile to Codava tribal identity. Now we want the "Emic” approach in the interest of Justice and Equity.
It is our earnest wish that present dispentiation under your leadership will be able to understand the pains & pangs of Codava tribe and the veracity of the aspirations of Codava tribal world. We are sure that you will definitely take cognizance of our long pending legitimate rights and we hope that you will concede our demands in a positive way.
Sathyagriha held Under the leadership of CNC Supremo Mr.NU Nachappa Codava. M/ S Kaliyanda prakash, Pullera Kalappa, Appachira Rummy Nanaiah, Chambanda Janath, Bepadiyanda Biddapa, Changanda Chami ,Nandineravanda Appaiah, Nandineravanda Dinesh, Nandineravanda Aiyanna ,Pudiyokada Kashi, Puttichanda Don Devaiah, Kongetira Lokesh,Manotira Nanda. Assistant Commissioner Mr.Jaware Gowda recieved the Memorandum.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
1. His Excellency
Sri. Ramanatha Kovind Ji,
The Hon’ble President
Sovereign Republic of India,
Raisina Hills, Rashtrapati Bhavan,
New Delhi – 01
2. His Excellency
Sri Venkaiah Naidu Ji,
The Hon’ble Vice President,
Sovereign Republic of India,
Maulana Azad Road,
New Delhi, 110001
3. Dr. Subramanian Swamy ji,
The Hon’ble Rajya Sabha M P,
& World renowned Economist,
Senior Statesman & Former Union Law Minister,
MP AB-14, Pandara Road, New Delhi -110003
4. Sri. Arjun Munda Ji
The Hon'ble Minister for Tribal Affairs.
Union Govt. of India
Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road
New Delhi, 110011
5. Shri B.S Yediyurappa Ji,
The Hon’ble Chief Minister,
State of Karnataka,
Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore -01
6. Mr. Antonio Guttrres
His Excellency The Secretary General