Codava National Council
25 September 2021
Sri Basavaraja Bommai ji
The Hon’ble Chief Minister
State of Karnataka
Vidhana Soudha
Subject: Gun Culture of Codava race - Request to bring under article 25 & 26, Central Legislation, ie Act of Parliament to protect till Sun and Moon exists and to continue the ancient pride of minuscule micro Codava tribe's gun as Sacrament.
Dear Sir,Till the enforcement of Arms and Ammunition amendment act 2019, there was no time bar/time restrictions for the Codava Race to carry and possess Guns in consideration of their Customary Folk Legal systems. Codavas of Coorg were Exempted from the necessity of obtaining license for any fire arms under Indian Arms Act 1959.
Codava Race was Exempted from the Disarmament Act 1861. This statutory protection was continued and ratified by timely notification of Indian Arms Act 1959. But in the Arms and Ammunition Amendment Act 2019, this Exemption was curtailed to just 10 years. This 10 years Exemption was possible because of the timely intervention and efforts of our great friend Sri B K Hariprasad ji, the then Rajya Sabha MP.
This draconian act is a death blow to Codava Race as all our Customary rituals involve gun.
Codava Tribal Race considers Gun as "Sacrament". Weapon is a religious symbol and Cultural Emblem of Codava Race and a reverential article of worship. This special privilege should be protected and continued without any hindrance till Sun and Moon exists.
The way Kirpan of Sikhs and Kukri of Gorkhas, Guns of Codava race should be guaranteed, protected and continued under Article 25 and 26 of our Constitution.
Hence Codava National Council requests the Govt to bring a Central Legislation ie an Act of Parliament in the interest of Justice and Equity.
The Hon’ble CM being the custodian of the State should intervene and protect the ancient pride of this micro Codava tribe through Constitutional Guarantee with judicious perspective.
Thanking you.
With warm regardsN U Naachappa Codava BA LLB
President, CNC
Codava National Council
P B NO 12,
Codavaland AKA Coorg,
South West Karnataka, India, South Asia.
Phone: +91 9448721200
Residence: Noorokkanaad Hills
Website: www.codavanationalcouncil.in
PS: It is a very painful matter meddling with our "Sacrament Weapon." Under our customary folk legal systems it is our rightful way of proficiating rituals through Worshiping Gun. But in future there will be hurdles from State Machinery. In future ie after next 8 years, to practice our each and every customary rituals we may have to be answerable to DC.
At present, Collectorate is taking opinion from IB each time to give Gun Exemption Certificate to Codava Race. Codavas have now become like aparthied citizens in the largest Democracy with largest ethnic diversity nation ie India.
Addenda:Codavas have to come out of the Jamma Stigma and establish our Race.
Race is a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits.
Britishers called Codavas as Coorgs. So Coorg by Race means only Codavas.
Every one cannot aspire for possession of Gun Exemption merely because they speak same language.
Gun culture has the legacy of our martial inheritance/tribal ancestry. In North India Rajpuths & Takurs, Jaats, Dogras, Goorkhas, Maratas, Sikhs are martial community & are still continuing the legacy of certain inheritance folk legal systems & privileges. The govts also ratified it through statutory measures. Their languages are spoken by other non martial communities also, but in the name of language they cannot avail privileges & entitlements of the martial community rights. Likewise in Tamilnad there is Tewar martial community who speak Tamil & there are more than 1000 communities of Tamilnad who speak Tamil but they cannot aspire for the legacy of the Tewars.
Hence it is common sense that other than Codava martial tribe those Codava speaking non martial communities are not entitled for this privilege. So do not repeatedly advocate these rights for the other Codava speaking communities.
For others there are many torchbearer custodians/vested interests across the nation to protect them and their interests.
Hence let us only bother about Codava tribe and our interests.
Copies Marked to:1. Sri Narendra Modi ji
The Honble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South Block, New Delhi- 1
2. Sri Amith Anil Chandra Shah ji
The Hon'ble Union Minister for Home Affairs
Govt of India, North Block New Delhi-1

Date: 16th September 2021
CNC President Sri N U Naachappa Codava met Tribal Affairs Minister Sri SreeRamulu in a delegation on afternoon hours of 16 September 2021 at his official residence, 7 Ministers quarters, Bangalore.
The appointment was arranged by Sri A S Ponnanna, Senior Counsel and former Advocate General of Karnataka High Court.
CNC delegation comprised of Advocate Lakkavalli Manjunath and Advocate Bollarapanda Bopanna from Bangalore, Ajjikuttira Lokesh, Pullera Swathi, Nandineravanda Parvathi, Nandetira Kavitha, Ajjikuttira Bollamma, Macharanda Sindhu, Nandetira Sonu, Ajjikuttira Lokesh, Pullera Kalappa, Kaliyanda Prakash, Areyada Giri, Chambanda Janath, Nandetira Ravi, Bepadiyanda Biddappa, Bepadiyanda Dinu, Pattamada Kusha, Katumaniyanda Umesh, Pattamada Ashok, Thelapanda Praveen, Papu Subramani.
Addenda :-From,
N U Nachappa Codava
President, CNC
Codava National Council
P B No 12, Madikeri -571201
Sri Shree Ramulu ji
The Hon'ble Minister for Tribal Affairs
Govt of Karnataka
Vidhana Soudha
Sub: Request for issuance of fresh order for conducting comprehensive and meticulous "ethnographic study" on Codava tribe with "emic" approach with judicious perspective.

Date: 03 September 2021
CNC offered reverential tribute with Thok Poo at Devaattparamb Codava Genocide Memorial Monument Cenotaph in the morning hours of 02 September 2021 on the eve of "Kail Poud" and offered Meedhi/Oblations to the genocide victims.
Floral tribute offered according to the provisions provided under articles 25 and 26 of our CONSTITUTION.
Devaattparamb is one of the hereditary communal properties as well as a sacred sanctuary ( Supreme Desha Mandh) of primitive Codava tribal race.
Throughout the history of any Indigenous tribe or race across the world, they have been exploited for the well being of inter-alia between those conquerers, invaders, imperial forces and colonial powers. Be it the Red Indians or Apache Indians of America or Blacks of African continent or aboriginals of Australia or Baloch-Pastun-Hazara-Tajik tribes of Afghanistan or Kurdish tribe from Sulaymaniyah mountains of Western Asia or Viking tribes of Scandinavian Countries or Mangoloid ethnic tribes of North Eastern India or ethnic Codava tribes of South India etc. Usually invaders and conquerers will paint the natives as villains thereby demonizing them. After using the Indigenous, gullible tribes for their wrong doings, they make the native tribes entirely responsible for the crimes done by them.
To heal the century old wound caused to hapless souls of native Codavas, the only solace is to build a World standard Genocide Monument at Devaattparamb and recognize & protect it as a holy place.
Tribute offered under the leadership of CNC President N U Naachappa Codava.
M/s Pattamada Kusha and Mandapanda Manoj from Bengnaad, Lt Col B M Parvathi(Retd) from Noorokkanaad, Areyada Giri from Paadinaad, Manotira Chinnapa from Nelaji naad, Pudiyokada Kashi from Munaad, Puttichanda Don Devaiah from Bepp naad witnessed the ritual.

01 September 2021
27th year Annual Public "Kail Poud" Namme/festival celebrated by CNC.
Annual Public "Kail Poud" namme celebrated at 'Sanctum-Sanctorum' of Codava race ie Codava Mandh, Capitol Village, Madikeri.
At 10 AM CNC conducted ritualistic prayer and adoration and offered Meedhi/oblations to Codava protectors and divine beings ie our ancestors, patriarchs, Mother Earth, Nature Goddess, Mountain Goddess, Holy spring Cauvery, Sun and Moon.
Sacrament weapons and agro implements were decorated with thok poo and reverentially worshipped on the occasion.
This religious festival is observed as per articles 25 & 26 of our noble Constitution which allows liberty of religious freedom.
After traditional ritual at Mandh, Congregation continued with cultural programs, Thenge Bodi and Codava folkloric games at Capitol village, outskirts of Madikeri.
CNC President N U Naachappa enlightened the audience regarding the significance of the traditional 'Kail Poud' Namme celebration by the aboriginal Codava race. He explained in detail how it is important to preserve and protect our culture Constitutionally for overall unity of Codava tribal race there by strengthening the mosaic of Indian culture.
Congregation passed resolutions for statutorily rejuvenating1. Erstwhile State of Coorg, the traditional homeland of Codava race as Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy under article 244, 371 R/w 6th & 8th Schedule of our Constitution.
2. Tribal tag for Codava race under article 340 & 342 of our Constitution.
3. Customary right of sacrament weapon/ gun exemption privilege of Indigenous CODAVA TRIBE should be continued without any hindrance and should not be restricted to 10 years only. Issuance of Gun Exemption certificate under Indian arms act should be processed through single window program.
As Gun Exemption privilege comes under Indian arms act, the job of District Administration is just to ascertain whether the applicant belongs to Codava race or not.
4. Classical Codava thakk, the mother tongue of native Codava race should be incorporated in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. Codava thakk should be included in the curriculam from Primary level to post graduation and in the administration under article 347 and 350B of our Constitution
5. Elegant, enchanting and vibrant Codava tribal culturo- folkloric heritage should be included in the intangible cultural heritage list of UNESCO.
Constitution remedy is one of the 6 fundamental rights of our Constitution and it recognizes the legitimate demands of eligible groups.
Article 51 A (f) clearly under takes to protect, preserve and promote composite subaltern cultural groups. Further resolved to appeal UGOI and GOK to initiate Constitutional mechanism for permanent political solution and durable Constitutional remedy for long standing Codava legitimate aspirations.
Have faith in our sacred ConstitutionHave confidence in yourself
Have trust in CNC
Congregation took oath to support Codava National Council in achieving the paramount goals envisioned by CNC for the Socio-Political empowerment of Codava tribal World.
Codava Cultural programs were performed such as Dudikott Paat, Karona Paat, Pariyakali, Thenge Bodi (Coconut Shooting) Congregation concluded by singing National Anthem followed by tasty traditional Codava cuisine lunch. 'Kail Poud' festival by CNC was attended by Codava Kailpoud Namme was lead by CNC Supremo N U Nachappa Codava. Event was witnessed by M/s Pattamada.Lalitha, Kaliyanda Meena Prakash, Nandineravanda Parvathi Nachappa, Areyada Savi, Bottangada Savitha,Pullera Swathi Kalapa, Nandineravanda Nisha, Nandineravanda Beena, Cholapand Jyothi Nanaiah, Nandetira Kavitha Subbaiah, Ajjinikanda Initha Machaiah, Ittira Sabitha, Boppanda Bollamma Nanaiah, Appachira Reena Nanaiah, Kaliyanda Prakash, Pullangada Natesh, Kandera Suresh, Nerpanda Jimmi, Bottangada Bopanna, Bottangada Girish , Ajjikutira Lokesh,Pudiyokada Kashi, Pullera Kalappa, Chandira Raja,Aiyalapanda Mittu, Chambanda Janath Kumar, Bottangada Devaiah, Areyada Giri,Baduvanda Vijaya, Nandineravanda Aiyanna, Nandetira Ravi Subbaiah, Avaremadanda Changappa, Pudiyokkada Bellu Somaiah, Kakera Uttaiah, Ajjikuttira Appaiah, Appachira Rammy Nanaiah, Nandineravanda Viju, Nandinerava Dinesh, Manotira Jagdish, Paruvangada Navin, Meederira Timmaiah, Kiriyamada Shayan Kumar, Appengada Male, Cholapanda Nanaiah, Puttichanda Devaiah, Bepadiyanda Dinu, Katumaniyanda Umesh, were Witnessed the event.
1. CNC celebrated 27th Annual Public “Kail Poud Namme” (Codava Traditional Auyudha Pooja) at Capital village Mandh at 10.00 AM on 01 September 2021.
Codava tribal congregation unanimously resolved to insist the GOI and GOK to carve out Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy, assign ST tag for Codava tribe. Asserting Codava tribal trait with ‘EMIC’ approach is most warranted.
Codava National Council (CNC) observed its 27th annual public “Kail Poud Namme” at Madikeri Capital Village at 10.00 AM. After offering ritualistic Meedhi (Oblations) to our Ancestors and Patriarchs (Guru and Karona) and offering reverential prayers to Mother Earth, Mother Goddess Cauvery, the Sun and the Moon, CNC performed traditional Ayudha Pooja and Cultural programmes were held.
Declare Public holiday for Kail Poud Namme.
Codavas meet in a congregation at capital village Mandh, held a mass Ayudha Pooja with religious fervor. Traditional Codava Sacrament like Thok(gun), emblems like OdiKatthi and Peeche Katthi along with all agro-implements and all vehicles were worshipped and ceremonial Pooja performed with zest and enthusiasm.
To herald, display, explore and establish our deep rooted unbreakable bondage with soil, weapon, tribal ancestry & indigenous traits in this Codava soil to the whole world, Codava tribesmen( Codava and Codavathis) participated in large numbers in their traditional attire by reciprocating to CNC’s appeal. It is significant to note that all Codava festivities are inter-related around nature, soil, hunting skill and warriorhood.
The Kail Poud celebrations intended only to exhibit Codava unbreakable relationship with Mother Soil and our Martial Trait. Such celebrations shall continue forever and ever after. This in reality is the actual Ayudha Pooja of Codava Tribe.
Significance of Kail Poud: The main purpose of ‘Kail Poud Namme’ celebrations in every Clannish Codava family is that teenage boys in the respective family will be religiously blessed by family elders under the Nellakki-Nadubade on that auspicious day assigning him the family responsibility and he will be religiously taught by the elders to look after and maintain the family affairs. He takes oath to that effect. Thereafter the boy or boys will be ceremoniously taken to Mandh; another sanctum – sanctorum of Codava Tribe where he will be initiated into the warrior hood. First he will be given sword called Odi Kathi and asked him to take rounds around the age old tree (either Banyan Tree or Peepal Tree) in the Mandh and he would be administered Oath to the effect that he would rescue, defend and take care of people and the village whenever disasters and threat of aggression occurs. Immediately thereafter he would be asked to prove his valor by cutting the Plantain Stumps planted around the Mandh symbolically. In actual fact such a ritual is the first, towards younger boy’s, Valour, Courage and Gallantry.
Codavas never or seldom use Weapons or Arms after the onset of Monsoon as we would be engaged in Agricultural Operations. After the agricultural work season, all the Weapons and Agro implements are cleaned and worshipped on Kail Poud. Weapons for using it for hunting and agricultural equipments for storing it safely for use in following year. Every Codava worships the arms and Agro Implements on the day of Kail Poud wherever he may be.
Every year “Kail Poud Namme” is being celebrated on different days throughout Codava territory/ Coorg during Codava folkloric Calendar month Chinnyhar.
Surlabi Naad - on 19 August
PoramaleNaad - on 22 August Muthunaad - on 24 August
Bengnaad - on 27 August Naalnaad - on 28 August Kadiyathnaad - on 31 August.
By CNC - on 01 September
All over the district-on 03 Sep (started during British rule)
By Diaspora Codavas - on any given day during September, according to their convenience. Kail Poud Namme is the main Codava festivity connected with weapon, mother nature, agricultural operations and hunting. (Hunting is a process of obtaining day to day food and storage of food for the entire year by preserving dry meat.)
The then Coorg ‘C’ State Govt used to declare 10 days of public holidays till 1956 ie before it merged with the State of Vishal Mysore now Karnataka. General public used to participate in the traditional festivities and the Codava tribal festive sale like ‘Kail Poud Chatthe’ was in vogue.(similar to tribal festive sandy in Jharkhand, West Bengal and North east.)
It is very essential that holidays should be declared effectively from 19th of August until 3 Sep, both days inclusive. We desire that atleast seven days of public holidays should be announced for Kail Poud Namme.
One very important factor is that our children studying elsewhere and those Codavas who are employed beyond Kodagu/Coorg would get an opportunity to enjoy the Kail Poud Namme and all things connected with mother soil, culture and heritage during this festival, especially if atleast 7 days of holidays is granted. In other words all these members will get an opportunity to travel back to their homeland and stay with their respective families only if long holydays are declared. One day holiday will not suffice for this purpose.
?To protect, preserve, propagate and promote the dwindling, diminishing, minuscule, micro Codava tribe in its vulnerability, the only penacea is carving Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy & ST tag for Codava tribe.
Which will empower Codava Tribe in its entirety and also keep its Geo-Physical equilibrium. And also pave the way for protecting our hereditary piece of untitled lands, language, culturo-folkloric heritage & statutory ratification for the historical continuity of Indigenous Codava tribe in their mother soil besides Politico- Economic freedom.
Hence the GOI & GOK should concede our legitimate demands. Apart from innumerable marks of tribal traits we here by mention few unique features of Codava tribal ancestry.
They are:1. During our "Kail Poud Namme” the folkloric Gun worshipping/ Ayudha Pooje ceremony, we are decorating weapons with "Thok Poov"/ Gun flowers as a symbol of our Warrior hood and gallentry. We continue doing this in memory of bygone era when Codava tribe were applying the poisonous rootpaste of this "thok poov"/flowers to weapons such as long sword/Odikathi, Bow & Arrow and Javelin during battles, hunting and while facing any enemy so that even if the weapon doesn’t harm the enemy seriously, it paralyses the nervous system of the enemy.
2. When a Baby is born honey & pepper paste is smeared to the baby’s tongue. After that Tiger Ghee is applied to baby’s tongue expecting the baby to become like a tiger.(Tiger ghee is extracted from tiger flesh. Each Codava household used to store the Tiger Ghee as a mark of bravery of hunting tradition and for medicinal purpose.)
Tiger ghee is also used for body ache and is applied to the affected part. Applying & storing of Tiger Ghee as a tradition was vogue till recently say till 1990, till the proper Implementation of wildlife act 2973.
3. Formenting meat: After hunting, the hunted animal will be kept underneath the mud of a jungle pond to forment. After 3 to 4 days formented meat will be brought out of mud inside the pond and we used to cook & consume it. Almost in the same way how Tiger eats only after 3 to 4 days after hunting an animal.
4. Guerrilla warfare: Codava tribes are inimitable/Excellent Guerrilla warriors. One of their techniques was during battles they used to collect honeybees (Pondhen) & wasps (Nari-kadandi) and pack it in a sack and throw it towards enemy soldiers.
5. Codava womenfolk were all trained & practiced regularly in ‘Iinmane’ in the technique of throwing short knives (Amb- Kaththi) at enemies from far distance.
6. Codava tribesmen were breeding dogs for hunting. After hunting dogs got equal share like others. If that dog is pregnant then it gets extra share.
7. After the paddy field ploughing, once the sowing work (naati pani) is over & before Kail Poud Namme, all the oxens were massaged with turmeric mixed coconut oil and given a nice bath as a token of gratitude for their help in paddy field work.
Thanking you.With warm regards
N.U. Nachappa Codava, BA.LLB
President, CNC
Codava National Council
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri – 571201
Codavaland,Kodagu/ Coorg,
Southwest Karnataka - India
Ph:-+91 9448721200,
Residence: Noorokkanaad Hills
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com
P S:
*Mandh is most sacrosanct sanctum- Sanctorum of Codava tribal world which existed since time immemorial. In each village there are village Mandhs(Oor Mandh), In each naads there are naad Mandhs & one summit Mandh called Desha Mandh existing in Devaattparamb. Mandh is a folk legal judiciary, folkloric art and dance theatre & also war rehearsal ground of Codava tribal world. In other words, it is a multipurpose open-air auditorium. There will not be any structures/buildings, only unique trees (paal bappa mara)will be there such as Atthi, Ala, Arali & Chappe poomara (Sampige). Mandh has reverential sanctity.
*Kail Poud is celebrated on Chinyhar month of Codava calendar after sighting rice tiller buds(Kail) in the paddy fields. Kail Poud marks the end season of paddy cultivation and beginning of hunting season for Codava tribe. Previous day of Kail Poud, pork is readied for next day’s feast. On the day of Kail Poud, weapons like Amb-Bill(Bow-Arrow), Eeti(spear), Odikaththi, Barji(short sword), Gun etc are kept either in Nellakki Nadubade or Kanni Kombare and are decorated with Thok poo(gun flower). Then ancestors are offered meat and alcohol. Later whole village assemble at Oor Mandh carrying their weapons to participate in warrior games like Thenge bodi (shooting coconut tied to a tall tree), Baale Beyngo (cutting 3 large banana stems with single stroke of Odikaththi), Kall Netho (A heavy round stone is lifted up and thrown overhead). On the following morning the youths assemble in the Oorkaad(village grove) for Oor botae (village hunting). Sharing of hunted animal had age old unwritten rules which every one followed. The man who killed the animal will get hind quarter & the head. The person who touches the animal first(Babuttkaara) gets back strip or loin. The rest of the meat is shared equally among all the huntsmen and equal share is given to hunting dogs too. The same event is repeated in large scale in Naad botae. (Naad means cluster of few villages)
Depending on the sight of Kail, different Naads celebrate Kail Poud on different dates in the month of Chinyhar.

Date: 20th August 2021
The Seminar was held on 20th Agust 2021 from 10am to 1:30 pm for the following Resolutions by CNC at the Coffee Castle Coorg - A Boutique Resort, Balamburi Road, Murnad, Madikeri Taluk, Kodagu District, and Karnataka.
Resolutions passed and adopted by the Conclave.
Genus of Codava tribe and its civilization bloomed and evolved in the banks of perennial Divine spring Cauvery.
Codava tribe's roots are confined to Coorg only and we dont have our roots anywhere else in the world other than Coorg.
Codava tribal race fulfills the definition of Indigenous people promulgated by United Nations through various covenents and declarations.
By trait Codavas are tribes and by our miniscule size of population we are minority in all senses. That is tribal, racial, ethnic, linguistic and national minority. We have every criteria and right to claim for empowerment defined for various indigenous tribes, minority groups and ethno linguistic nationals enshrined in UN charter.
Constitution is the Guru Peeta and holy scripture for us.
Architect of our Constitution Dr B R Ambedkar is Jagadguru for us.
Attaining ST tag under the tenets of our Constitution will pave the way for holistic empowerment of Codava tribe. Hence we should educate ourselves about our Constituton and adhere to our sacred Constitution.
Constitution only will protect Codava tribe forever.
Constitution honours universal brotherhood, World peace, Keeps intact our multi ethnic diversity. It enriches various tribes including Codava race and their aspirations and it guards and upholds the Soverignity and Integrity of India.
We are Indigenous primitive tribe of this land. It is our fundamental human right and freedom to exercise Internal political self- determination right and to have Geo-Political Autonomy in our own defined, indivisible traditional homeland.
In the August presence of law makers, legal luminaries and academicians like M/s B K Hariprasad, A S Ponnanna, Lakkavalli Manjunath and Dr P E Somaiah, the conclave resolved to achieve the below mentioned paramount aspirations and honourable goals through politicio-legal and constitutional battle envisioned by Codava National Council.

Codava National Council 06.10.2015
1. His Excellency
The Hon’ble President
Sovereign Republic of India
Raisina hills, Rashtrapathi Bhavan
New Dedlhi – 01
2. The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block, New Delhi – 01
3. The Hon’ble Union Minister of Home Affairs,
Govt of India, North Block New Delhi – 01
4. His Excellency,
The Hon’ble Governor of Karnataka,
Raj Bhavan, Bangalore - 01
5. Shri Meer Aneesh Ahmed IAS
The Hon’ble Deputy Commissioner
Kodagu Madikeri (Coorg)
6. To Shri Pratap Simha ji,
The Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Mysore- Kodagu.
Dear Sir,
Sub: PIL initiated against the special privilege offered in the Indian Arms Act 1959 in Section 3&4 for Codavas and Jamma holders to carry fire Arms is a negation of snatching of the privilege so offered.
Let not the Govt violate the fundamental rights and our human rights as are enshrined in the Constitution of India by disturbing the entire class of Codavas who are known to be very strict, patriotic and loyal to our great Nation. The enigma so generated should stop locust once. There is no locus standi. Hence the petition filed by malafied intention may be closed in the interest of justice and equity.
A human Chain program was held by Codavas on 06.10.2015 in the G.T circle Madikeri and memorandum submitted. Ref: Firearms for Codavas: HC asks petitioner to move Union Govt
he Karnataka High Court on Wednesday disposed off a PIL petition questioning exemption given to Kodavas and Jamma land holders in Kodagu district from obtaining a licence to possess firearms under Section 3 and 4 of the Indian Arms Act, 1959. A Division Bench, comprising of acting Chief Justice Subhro Kamal Mukherjee and Justice B.V. Nagarathna, asked the petitioner, Chethan Y.K, a resident of Bengaluru, to submit a representation on his grievance about exemption to the Union Ministry of Home Affairs within two weeks. The Bench also asked the Secretary, MHA to dispose off the representation within three months.
1963 notification: As per a notification issued on 06 July 1963, under the Arms Act, “every person of Coorg race (Codavas) and every Jamma tenure holder in Coorg are exempted from securing licence for possessing firearms."
It was contended in the petition that claiming the continuation of the exemption, granted to some class of persons by the British government in pre-independent India in furtherance of their divide-and-rule policy, was unconstitutional, as it was based on irrational, fictitious and discriminatory grounds, such as race and ancestral land tenure.
Since the matter involved happened to be a thing connected with Codava Race and its ancient heritage, we, CNC seem it fit to oppose the subject matter which happened to be the theme of the PIL writ petition initiated by Captain Y.K Chethan, a retired short service commissioned officer and we oppose the move with all sincerity and vehemence.
The Hon’ble High Court while disposing off the PIL directed the petitioner to make a regular application to Union Ministry of Home Affairs within 2 weeks seeking relief thereafter and also the Hon’ble High Court directed the secretary MHA to dispose off the petition within 3 months after such a petition is to be filed within 2 weeks after Hon’ble High Court handed down the Judgment. Before we touch the subject in question we proposed to remind all the concerned that such previlages as is in question now is simply not restricted to Codavas by race. For instance Nagas are entitled to carry and retain a long metallic spear with each of them every time. Sikhs have right to carry sharp sword with them every time, Gorkhas can carry Kukri’s and Mizos are empowered to retain and exhibit their ancient customary rights. For instance in Indian Army, Khalsa Regiment is strictly for Sikhs has permitted carrying of a 1 feet Sword by every Sikh soldier. In the like manner there are Regiments under the name and style as Gorkha regiment which has been entitled to carry a Kukri by every Gorkha soldier. After all such rights and practices have been drawn from respective ancient practices and Folk legal systems strict only to such of the racial groups from time immemorial. Those British rulers have ratified the ancient rights and such things are never the result of their imagination. After all our Constitution came into being only in the year 1950. Nothing of the said practice is in violation of the privileges extended Under article 14 of our Constitution. In fact our Constitution is the continuation of the legacy of the West Minister system.( Directive principles and articles were borrowed from UK, USSR, Ireland, Canada, USA, Australia, Japan, Germany, France, South Africa and China)
Patriarch of our Constitution i.e MAGNA CHARTA – the Great English Charter of Liberty got from King John in 1215 and the Govt of India Act 1935 came into being by the Britishers only and both the Statutes have been handed down and strictly implemented by the British rulers only. Our major enactments are the legacy of British Govts, in essence the theme involved in IPC and CRPC in effect are the continuation of the legislation practiced by British rulers and the reformative abolition of Sathi system, Widow Remarriage act and abolition of Child Marriage act all are the legacy of Britishers.
In order to curb the criminal activities of “Pindari” resistance in and around Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh during the period of Sipoy Mutiny the British Govt had envisaged and introduced “Pindari” Act. Pindaris are known to create law and order problem in the area and banditry coupled with killing and looting of weapons from British Army and properties and their activities against the state incidentally “Sipoy Mutiny” (when Pindaris escaped with robbed firearms from Britishers the 6 came into being) Their atrocious behavior against the State which forced the British Govt to introduce a “Pindari” Act and Disarmament Act. Fortunately not a single word about any Codava rising in Mutiny with the help of fire arms against the Govt. even for a single moment. In order to continue the special privileges accorded to Codavas to carry and retain Fire arms, the far sighted Mark Cubban has promulgated and has supported Codavas to continue the rights and privileges which was in vogue. The promulgation of Mark Cubban reads thus.
Notification 26-02-1861
“ in consideration of the exalted honour, loyalty and intrepidity, characteristics of this little Nation of warriors and in recollection of its conspicuous services in aid of the British Govt, it is my pleasing Duty to notify hereby, for general information, in virtue of the power vested in me by the Govt of India, that the provisions of the act, commonly called disarming Act are not applicable to the gallant people of Coorg”
Use of Gun is a customary practice amongst Codava Race and weapon is a "Sacrament". During male child births in the family, during Marriage celebrations and Rituals connected with deaths in the family and all festivals, no Codava is known to have misused fire arms against the State ever since the promulgation of Arms act 1861.
It may not be an out of place act on our part if we may insist all the concerned to go through the 1948 Parliamentary records touching the deliberations made on the floor of the parliament by Iron man of India Sardar vallabai Patel (Deputy PM and holding portfolio of Home) who without mincing words has stated that HE EXPECTS NO DANGER FROM CODAVAS since they have proved themselves to be EXCEPTIONALLY LAW ABIDING PEOPLE. He even further has stated that 'other group of people except Codavas would certainly misuse the privilege given to any such groups.' That itself is a justification for our special rights. We reiterated that Codavas forever and ever after will prove ourselves to be law abiding citizens of this country.
We Codavas never misused firearms against State, even during following circumstances. 1. During Freedom struggle 2. When our dear homeland Coorg State merged in the year 1956 with the state of Mysore, now Karnataka. 3. During the period of Emergency in the year 1975. 4. During the period of periodic General Elections. 5. During the change of Govts.
After all fire arms to every Codava is an Article of Worship, Sacrament and great reverence always reposited under the “Nellakki Nadubade” of each “Ainmane” and every Individual Home. Fire Arms is as well a religious symbol and cultural emblem for every born Codava. Nodoubt it is a part and parcel of every Codava traditional attire with Kupya (Long Coat) Peeche Katthi, Qumar Bandh and Fire arms and Codava traditional attire becomes complete with such articles only. Every Codava men during ancient times used to posses and carry sword, bow & arrow with spear, women carried Ambkatthi (Typical short sword) until the time when Babar introduced fire arms weapons in India in Panipat battle against Ibrahim Lodhi in 1526.
The present PIL in question is an example of normal behavior of intruders, money bags and Tycoons swarming into Kodagu from outside. Now their solitary intention is delgitemising the aboriginal native Codava race. Disarming of Codavas in order to enliven their evil designs have been propagating the theme against the special privileges of Codavas to carry Fire arms. GOK also has been trying to curb and eliminate Codavas by supporting such evil designs of the present Writ Petition. It may be understood that the Govt of Karnataka with an idea of avoiding comments and revolt from Codavas has instigated someone to file the PIL.
The main theme of our Constitution is to protect the Unity in Diversity & Diversity in Unity of our Demographic Mosaic within amongst the citizens of India. It is only with such an idea our Constitution has extended reservations to various tribal groups, scheduled castes and special protection for religious, linguistic and ethnic minorities and their respective languages & customary laws and folk legal systems.
Moreover our Govt has continued the legacy of the British rulers in keeping alive such caste based traditions of groups and caste and communities in India. For Ex: There is Coorg 37 Medium rifles for Codavas and Coorg, there is Sikh / Khlasa regiment for Sikhs, likewise there is Rajputhan regiment for Rajputs, Marata regiment for Marathas, Mahar regiment for Mahar dalits, Kummoun regiment for Kummoun people, Gadwal regiment for Gadwal people, Jaat regiment for Jaats, Dogra regiment for Dogra people, Gorkha regiment for Gorkha people and Naga regiment for Naga people raised in 1970's and nothing is opposed to the theme enshrined in our Constitution.
Gun exception case:
Ullal is counsel for central government and Senior counsel Nargund appeared on behalf of the central government. State government appeared. Sajan Poovayya, Ponnanna, and Praveen Reddy appeared for impleading respondents. Judge Sharath Chandra Sarma had an interesting observation wherein he said even Royal families display arms. He said even a coconut vendor has a knife for his living, does not mean anything wrong. He praised the Kodavas for their contribution to the country. Matter posted for hearing on 30-8-2021.

"International Day of the World's Indigenous people" observed by Codava tribe on 09 August 2021 at Desha Mandh Devaatparamb*.
During the programme, elegant ancient artifacts and primitive weapons were on display, such as bow and arrow, swords like Amb katthi, Odi katthi, Baal katthi, Eeti, Barji and different types of Guns.
The Congregation resolved to achieve the honourable goals and legitimate aspirations through Constitutional mechanism, put forth by the irrepressible voice of Codava tribe, Codava National Council.
The paramount demands and honourable goals of CNC are
1. ST tag for Codava tribe: Primitive Indigenous Codava tribe should be included in the Schedule list of our Constitution. 2. Geo-Political Autonomy to Codavaland. 3. Customary right of sacrament Weapon /Gun Exemption privilege should be continued without any hindrance. 4.Elegant Cultural heritage of primitive Codava race should be included in the intangible Cultural Heritage list of UNESCO. 5. Ancient, classical Codava thakk, the mother tongue of Codava tribal race should be incorporated in the 8th schedule of our Constitution.
Program led by CNC President N U Naachappa Codava. M/s Kaliyanda Prakash, Almanda Jai, Pattamada Kusha, Lt Col Parvathi(Retd), Mandapanda Manoj, Chambanda Janath, Bepadiyanda Biddapa, Katumaniyanda Umesh, Cheeyabera Sathish, Manotira Chinnapa, Puttichanda Don Devaiah, Pudiyokada Kashi were present.
Indigenous is derived from the Latin word "indigena meaning 'sprung from the land, native". "Genus" means to be born from.
Indigenous population are communities that live within or attached to geographically distinct traditional habitats or ancestral territory and who identify themselves as being part of a distinct cultural group, descended from groups present in the area before modern states were created and current borders defined. They generally maintain cultural and social identities and societal, cultural, economic and political institutions separate from the mainstream or dominant society or culture, social institutions and legal systems.
Indigenous people, also referred to as first people, aboriginal people, native people or autochthonous people or culturally distinct ethnic group.
'Autochthonous' originated from Greece. Autos means self/own, Chthon meaning earth.
Codava tribal race fulfills the definition of Indigenous peoples and their rights promulgated by UN time to time.
Codava people are Indigenous and primitive people of Codava territory. They are the aboriginal natives of this land. We Codava tribal people originated from this soil. Genus of Codava race bloomed on the banks of river Cauvery in this Codava soil.
They have suffered from the conqest of external and internal colonial forces. Even now they are prey to the majoritarian community and are having potential threat from the half shoots of internal colonial groups who came to Codavaland after Devaattparamb Genocide.
According to UN our below mentioned characteristics label us as tribal people.
- Our hereditary piece of untitled properties of each clan (Jamma & allied tenures). - Village Mandh, Naad Mandh, Desha Mandh. - Devakaad. All come under Indigenous communal property right. - Our co-operative system of group hunting, agriculture system (Muyyal Kudaal). - Worshiping ancestors, Mother Earth, Divine spring Cauvery, Mother nature, Sun-Moon. - Considering Mandh as sanctum sanctorum. - Weapon as sacrament. - Following our own distinctive folk legal systems and customary Laws. - 42 types of primitive tribal games. - Indigenous language, literature, lullabies, ballads. - Traditional costume. - Ethno medicinal knowledge. - Ethnic food habits/ gastronomy. - Codava tribal festivities. - Birth, death and wedding rituals. - Folkloric songs and dance. - Habitations in tiny terrotorial limits in dense forests in the midst of mountainous terrain with rustic geographically isolated hills, living in the midst of wild animals & birds. - Band/ clan, chiefs and chief doms, burial places, Genocide Memorial Monument, battle grounds etc.
There is unbreakable bondage of Codava race with Mother Earth and Mother nature. We are basically warriors and hunters. Men and women are good marks men. Hunting and warriorhood are characteristics imbibed in Codava Genology.
Many conquerers and invaders used Codava tribe as their exploited and that subjugation continued
In 2009 UNDP report of UNESCO listed Codava thakk as one among 190 endangered Indigenous languages of the World. Thus UN accepted and made it clear that Codavas are certainly Indigenous people. Hence we demand, request and pressurize the UGOI and GOK to consider all our Paramount legitimate aspirations and honourable goals judiciously.
All the legitimate demands and honourable goals of Codava National Council are fundamental human rights and freedom enshrined in UN Charter.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,

CNC - Codava National Council
07 August 2021
Some vested interests are trying to change the name of Kodagu to Madikeri Zille. Let us concentrate mainly on this issue and sign for retaining Kodagu. Not only that, there are more than hundreds of names of villages, and hamlets of Codava folkloric parlance has been changed and vulgarised into Kannada names. Also attempting to snatch away our customary rights of sacrament Gun Exemption privilege, these things have to be sorted out first.
Our ancient Codava Village names reflect our tribal ancestry, Codava ethos, and identity. Sacrament weapon Exemption privilege displays our heritage marker of warriorhood.
When the root is rotting there is no use in treating the branch to nourish the tree. The tree will not survive how much you look after the branch if the root is not healthy. Same way Codavaism should be strengthened and rejuvenated. It has to be statutorily legitimized.
Let us invest all our energy and time to invigorate the root of the Codava race.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
Our heart-felt homage to my personal friend and senior most Lawyer P M Zakaria's demise
Our heart-felt homage to my personal friend and senior most Lawyer P M Zakaria's demise. When I started the restoration of the Statehood movement for Coorg, P M Zakaria kept suggesting me to strive for the Codava homeland instead of Statehood. He often stressed the fact that this soil belongs to the Codava race, Codavas are a primitive indigenous tribe of this land. You should rejuvenate it Constitutionally by attaining Geo-Political Autonomy and ST tag. P M Zakaria is an Avid reader and ocean of Knowledge. In my difficult days he was giving Philosophical advice to me. I found a true sufi Saint quality in him. When many mocked me for wearing Codava traditional attire, he encouraged me to wear it regularly as it symbolizes the Codava pride.
He is a true Codava lover and a truthful Muslim. He was honest to the core. I personally lost a great Samaritan and a good friend.
On behalf of the CNC and Codava tribe I offer my tribute and heartfelt condolences for his sad demise. May PMZ's greatest Soul rest in everlasting peace.
We pray almighty to give strength to his bereaved family to bear the loss.

CNC - Codava National Council
27 July 2021
CNC urges stringent action against culprits involved in attacking Army personnel and their families.
It is shocking news that the Army men's family was attacked by the miscreants from in and around Sunticoppa near Sincona estate of Ibnivalavadi, Mysore - Bangalore Highway on 25th July 2021.
The two Army personnel originally belonging to Ammachimaniyanda clan, of Poramalenaad in Gaalibeed who were travelling to Madikeri along with their family to attend "Kargil day" have been mercilessly attacked by hooligans and brutally assaulted and robbed which is a shocking news for everyone in Kodagu.
It indicates that there is neither security nor protection for the people who once protected the security of our Nation.
We CNC urge the Govt through District Administration and Superintendent of Police of Coorg to take stringent action against the culprits who were involved in this merciless horrific act.
Also urges to strengthen the highway patrolling 24/7.
Govt should assure the public that in future such a dreadful act will not be repeated again.
CNC President Shri N U Naachappa Codava moved the Impleading Application as 3rd Respondent (1st Respondent is Union Govt of India and 2nd Respondent is the State of Karnataka) in the Hon'ble High Court of Karnataka on 4th August 2021 regarding the special Gun Exemption privilege conferred to sacrament weapon of Codava race as their customary culturo-folk legal system which has been statutorily protected under Section 3 & 4 of Indian Arms Act, which was challenged in HC through the WP No/ 11948 by a person with the ulterior motive to delegitimise Codava identity and existence at the behest of the powerful group of foragers/seditious elements with hostile mindset regarding Indigenous aboriginal primitive micro minority Codava tribe, their unique folkloric culture, their hereditary Communal property right, and their Constitutional rights.
Shri A S Ponnanna, Eminent Jurist, Renowned Constitution Lawyer, Senior counsel, former AAG of Karnataka High Court is appearing and arguing in the case for Codava National Council.
Shri Lakkavalli Manjunath Advocate is on record for Respondent No 3 ie CNC.
We herewith attest the copy of Impleading Application and Acknowledgement copy of the HC for your kind perusal.
Click Here
Click Here
Codava National Council volunteers headed by CNC supremo N U Nachappa Codava visited Devaattparamb tragic Genocide Memorial Monument Cenotaph and offered floral tribute to those unfortunate victims who were tragically tortured and massacred on 12 December 1785 by Mysore invader Tipu and French East India Company allied forces.
Alien Keladhi/Paaleri rulers and Tipu, Hyder's inter alia arrangement is the main root cause for Codava Genocide.
Keladhi rulers army was totally comprised of Codava warriors. Codava racial Tribe protected the throne of ruthless, always suspicious, treacherous and undeserved Keladhi /Paaleri Royals and guarded their kingdom from the aggression of Hyder and Tipu for more than 32 times. Hence to avenge his defeat, Tipu conspired to eliminate Codava tribe in its entirety through a deceitful peace meeting at Devaattparamb and massacred unarmed innocent Codava warriors along with their family.
CNC reverentially offered prayers for the departed souls and also sought blessings from them for Codava tribes' holistic empowerment to attain Geo-Political Autonomy and ST tag for Codava Tribe and special identity status from UNO. Further sought blessings from ancestors to relieve the sufferings of Codava tribe and the whole world caused by present pandemic Covid-19.
Bengnaad CNC volunteers M/s Pattamada Kusha, Mandapanda Manoj, Almanda Suju Bheemaiah and Lt Col B M Parvathi(Retd) witnessed the tribute & reverential prayer rituals.
Resolutions adopted were
- Resolved to insist for the establishment of International Codava Holocaust Memorial Monument at Devaattparamb tragic Codava genocide Cenotaph with joint venture of GOI, UNO & Govt of France. (The French East India Company Army, predecessor of French Government, colluded with Tipu to eliminate Codava tribe in its entirety. Hence to wash out their sin, they must compensate the heinous crime by helping to build the monument)
- Devaattparamb tragic Codava genocide should be included in the International holocaust rememberance list of UNO.
- UNO and Indian Parliament should pass and adopt a resolution to condemn this inhuman act of the 18th Century perpetrated against the Codava tribe by Tipu and French Army and they should insist French Govt to apologize to the Codava tribe for the heinous act of their predecessors in Office carried out 236 years back.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
Acheiving Codavaland-Part 1-A Saga of Struggle
Achieving Codava Homeland – A saga of struggle- it requires personal unflinched commitment, determination, dedication, conviction, vision, honesty in purpose, patience and perseverance, besides love towards Codavas When Nachappa started his home land struggle (movement) in 1991, Codavas had no identity. Starting with a tiny, embryonic movement that patiently brought together the sons and daughters of a scattered and dismembered people, he (Nachappa) gave the Codava’s a National identity, placing their destiny firmly on the map and on the world’s conscience. Who can say today that the Codavas and Codava Land do not exists? CNC is the irrepressible Codava voice and domineering socio-political and politico-cultural movement of Codavas.
Acheiving Codavaland-Part II-A Saga of Struggle
Like any other minority nationality and tribe which would place its demands for its survival before the state and union Govts and the constructional authorities, Codava National Council is also placing its demands before them. Today the Codava minority nationality, due to the influence of other cultures is finding it a great challenge to retain its identity and survive. Hence it is highly justified for coming into a conclusion that (i) ethno linguistic minority tribal status (ii) constitutional special guarantee for our land language and customary personal laws as well as status of (iii) Codava Autonomous Region to Codava Land (CAR) is the only recourse left. In a nation having established as small autonomous regions will not only Instrumental in making small nationalities, languages and cultures survive and thrive but will also facilitate easy, transparent and more accountable administration.
Acheiving Codavaland-Part III-A saga of struggle
It is a land of multi nationality. i.e. a multi-lingual, multi- religious, multi- ethnic and multi- cultral society (plurality). If the minority races can survive and develop with constitutional protection and parliamentary protection, it will go a long way in paving a strong foundation for the unity and security of the nation. Codavas are a part of demographic mosaic of India. After all, the parts make the whole and if the part lives the whole lives. This is broadly the message of the concept of Minority 'Codava Land' autonomous region.
Codava National Council celebrated the Codava Tribal New Year Day for the 27th consecutive year as per Codava Calendar /Almaniac on Edmyar 1st, which falls on 14th of April in the Gregorian Calendar. 6 AM ritualistic worshiping of Mother Earth In the paddy Field of Kupadhira Okka in Bettathur village and traditional ploughing of the paddy field. 10.30 AM, conclave at Middle Ground “Kol Mandh, Madikeri.” This day is also coincides with the Ambedkar Jayanthi, which celebrates the birth of the Founding Father of our Constitution, Dr B R Ambedkar.
The Codava Tribal people follow the solar calendar.
Since the inception of CNC we have been celebrating all Codava folkloric traditional festivals publicly, including Codava New Year's Day, Edmyar 1st, i.e. on 14th April, to give knowledge to the universe about Codava existence and to display and herald the unique culture of the Codava tribe to the world Community, thereby attaining UN recognition and to protect and preserve the same through Constitutional guarantee.
CNC's Paramount demands and Honorable goals are as follows:
1. Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy.
2. Indigenous Codava tribe should be recognized as the primitive tribe of Codava territory.
3. For its holistic empowerment minuscule micro minority Codava tribe should be included in the ST list under Articles 340 and 342 of our Constitution.
4. Classical Primitive "Codava Thakk" i.e. the mother tongue of Codava tribe should be incorporated in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution.
5. Vibrant, Enchanting, Amazing, Panoramic, Rich and Enormous Codava Culturo-folkloric Heritage should be included in the intangible Cultural Heritage list of UNESCO.
Program on Edmyar 1st are as follows:
1. 6 AM ritualistic worshiping of Mother Earth In the paddy Field of Kupadhira Okka in Bettathur village and traditional ploughing of the paddy field with the help of Bullocks by CNC President N U Nachappa Codava. These ritualistic practices show cases the unbreakable bond of the Codava tribe with the Mother Soil.
M/s Boppandan Bollamma Nanaiah, Kaliyanda Meenakshi, Pulleran Swathi Kalappa, Patamada Lalitha,Ajinikanda Initha Machaiah,Lt Col Parvathi, Nandetira Kavitha, Cholapanda Jyothi, Ajikutira Lokesh,Bachiraniyanda Chippana, Kaliyanda Prakash, Ailapanda Mittu, Chambanda Janath, Appanderanda Thimmaiah, Chandia Raja, Bepadiyanda Dinu, Pudiyokada Kashi, Manotira Chinnapa, Kiriyamada Sherin, Areyada Girish, Nandetira Ravi,Pattamada Kusha, Almanda Jai, Cheabera Sathish, Mandapanda Manoj, Nandineravanda Ganesh, Nandineravanda Appaiah, Pullera Kalapa, Kodira Rathan,Ajinkanda Machaiah, Katumaniyanda Umesh, Mandapanda Suraj, Manotira Swaroop, Kupadhira Sabu,Cholapanda Nanaiah, Porimanda Dinamani, Machimada Lava Ganapathi, Jammada Mohan participated in the Conclave.
2. Mandh Congregation at 10.30 AM: Mandhs are Primitive Temporal seats and Sanctum-Sanctorums of the Codava tribal world. Congregation of CNC volunteers in Madikeri Middle ground "Kol Mandh" and the Conclave adopted and passed a resolution regarding the speedy implementation of above mentioned long pending Paramount Codava demands and Honorable goals, and further urged the Govt. to consider our legitimate aspirations as a measure of permanent and durable Politico-Constitutional solution.
3. Ambedkar Jayanthi celebration: Dr B R Ambedkar is the Founding Father of our Constitution, a Great Scholar, Political Philosopher, Economist, Social Scientist, and Great Humaneterian, who is considered as the greatest statesman of the millennia.
He is the ever-enduring voice of marginalized micro minority tribes, like the Codava people, across the world. Dr.Ambedkar sensed the gravity of the multi-ethnic diverse societal fabric and pluralistic structure of our Country. Accordingly he proceeded in social engineering processes. He gave the space in our Constitution to aspire for the rights of each and every community, group, or tribe without any bias or prejudice.
Even today the populous community are imposing their ethnic hegemony on Codava tribe to delegitimize us in our own homeland and are trying to depopulate the Codava tribe and repopulate others and there by conspiring for demographic shift and causing silent genocide of the Codava tribe. And also forcibly dacoiting Codava cultural identity through acculturation. Whatever Constitutional demands we Codava people put forth before the authorities, these populous group oppose us and apply derailing methods, and create Codava phobia. All these Codava phobia and anti Codava acts will be nullified only through Ambedkarism. The Indian Constitution architectured by Dr.Ambedkar is the only ray of hope for the Codava tribe. Constitution is the sole panacea for achieving legitimate Codava aspirations.
Dr B R Ambedkar considered Indian society as bouquet of flowers and advocated that it has to be blossomed through Constitutional care. And further he cautioned that it cannot be a melting pot. If Codava tribal people attained all their Constitutional rights, the very notion of Diverse Culture, Many languages & Several nationalities India in the making will be the reality.
Let us all believe and have faith in our Constitution. Any Govt. will have to adhere to the tenets of our Constitution.
Dr B R Ambedkar is Jagadguru (Guru of the Universe) for us. The Constitution is the sacred text & The Guru - Peetha for us.
The ST tag and Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy are the Dharma - Guru, Kula-Guru for Codava tribe.
Hence remembering and celebrating Dr B R Ambedkar on Ambedkar Jayanthi is the gratitude and tribute to the soul of great Architect of the Indian Constitution.
CNC supremo N U Nachappa
Codava presided the Conclave.
Senior Advocate, Scholar & Renowned Literary personality Sri. KP. Balasubramanya was the Guest of Honour. KPB spoke about age old unique CodavanCulture, Folkloric Culture and its Classical Language Codava Thakk.He further insisted that CNC should demand for Separate Race status. Reciprocating to KPB's suggestion, CNC President N U Nachappa Codava reminded the congregation of the Rally in 2000 at Madikeri demanding separate Non- Religious Racial tag for Codava tribe and submitting the Memorandum in this regard to the then DC Mrs Jayanthi.The Conclave Resolved to bring forward this subject which is in the freezer at pesent, in front of public domain and concerned Govt authorities.Participants took Oath to stand with CNC to achieve the ultimate goals.
Ended with signing of National Anthem and despersed after having delicious lunch.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,

In commemoration of UNO's 'International Day for the elimination of racial discrimination -21st March, Codava National Council volunteers under the leadership of CNC supremo N U Nachappa Codava visited Devaattparamb Genocide Memorial Monument site at early hours on 29 March 2021 and offered floral tribute to those unfortunate victims who were tragically massacred on 12 December 1785 by Mysore invader Tipu and French East India company allied forces.
The ultra loyalty of Codava tribe to their masters always cost them heavily throughout Codava history.
Alien ruler Keladi/Paaleri rulers and Tipu Hyder's inter-alia arrangement is the main root cause for the Codava genocide.
Codava tribe protected the throne of ruthless, suspicious, treacherous, and undeserved Keladhi Royals and guarded their kingdom against the aggression of Hyder and Tipu more than 32 times.
Hence to avenge his defeat, Tipu conspired to eliminate the Codava tribe in its entirety through a deceitful peace meeting at Devaattparamb.
CNC reverentially offered prayers for the departed souls and also sought blessings from them for Codava tribe's holistic empowerment to attain Geo-Political autonomy and ST tag for Codava tribe.
M/s Kaliyanda Prakash, Mandapanda Manoj, Cheyabera Sathish Somanna & Lt Col BM Parvathi witnessed the Tribute & Prayer ritual.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,

The unanimous decision to endorse the 5 most important and important claims, including the ST list, to the Kodava tribe. The consensus of the legislators and political elites involved.
It is a long-standing political, constitutional, and legal movement, and it is worth the effort. It was decided to conduct a "Mand" Awareness Program throughout the Kodagu and the Jatha's to Bangalore-Delhi till the five issues, including the list's recognition, were met. The High Court and the Supreme Court decided to seek justice for us.
The 'Kodava Kulastra Sutra' is an ongoing study on identifying the above characteristic of the Kodava tribe and not under the guidance of the Central and State Governments Circular Guidelines. “It is a complete overthrow and those who give it will never accept it and the government should not accept it. This genealogical study on Codavas ‘only requires the government to receive a comprehensive and meticulous report that is positive through the Emic Approach model so that it can only be accepted by the Codavas and get social justice and global justice. (In the British Census from 1881 to 1831, the Epigraphy of India, the Ethnological Study, and the Anthropological Study), the Kodavas were identified as ancient tribes.
The Constitutional Remedy is one of the six fundamental rights of the Constitution and according to the CNC's demand is to create a Durable and Permanent Political Solution based on the demands of the donor.
1 Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy and self-determination rights under Article 244 R/w 6th schedule of our constitution.
2.Indigenous Codava tribes should be recognized as primitive tribes of Codava Territory.
3.For its holistic empowerment minuscule micro minority Codava tribe should be included in the ST list of our Constitution under Articles340-342.
4.Classical “Codava thakk"/ Codava language, the mother tongue of the Codava tribe should be incorporated in the 8th schedule of our Constitution.
5.Vibrant, enchanting amazing & enormous Codava tribal Culturo- Folkloric Heritage should be included in the intangible Cultural Heritage list of UNESCO.
( These legitimate demands are put forth according to the Constitutional remedy which comes under one among 6 fundamental rights (Article 32) )
The Resource persons and Chief Guests participated in the Seminar.
Sri. A. H. Vishwanath
Hon’ble MLC & Ex Rajya Sabha MP, Hon’ble MLC & Ex-MP of Kodagu Mysore
Sri Jagadish Shetty
VHS General Secretary
Sri. Lakkavalli Manjunath
Advocate & President, Budakattu Kuruba Sangarsha Samithi
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
CNC Banner>

NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
CNC offered floral tributes to hapless Codava souls
1.CNC offered Reverential Floral tribute at Madikeri Fort Premises on the evening hours of International Mother Tongue Day on 21 February 2021.
2.CNC offered Reverential floral tribute at Devattparamb Codava Genocide Memorial Monument site on the morning hours of the following day (i.e on 22 February 2021)of "International Mother tongue Day"
It's amazing how any human being will see his/ her dreams in their respective mother tongue only. Even during joyous moments & traumatic conditions he/ she expresses/exclaims in his Mother tongue only. While on the battle field one exclaims his war cry in his Mother tongue only. Even when seriously wounded in the war he screams in his Mother tongue only (Though he may know many languages, that doesn't matter. Mother tongue will spontaneously make him speak and think about his Mother which is unique & universally accepted un-written Devine policy) Codava being the martial tribe participated in innumerable wars in Coorg, India & Global arena he exclaimed War cry in his Mother tongue Codava thakk only. Similarly, the Political assassinations and inhuman executions of Codava tribal People carried out by alien monstrous "Keladhi/ Paaleri" Raja's daring their 201 year tyrannical regime cycle in Madikeri Fort and Naalnaad Aramane continously and in Devattparamb tragic genocide on Codava tribe continously perpetrated by Tipu and French East India company Army to eliminate entire Codava tribe,Codava martial tribes expressed trauma by screaming in Codava Thakk only. For these reasons, on International Mother tongue day on the evening hours we CNC offered floral tributes at Madikeri Fort Premises besides Conclave at Madikeri Mandh and also on the following day i.e on the early hours of 22 February 2021 offered reverential floral tribute at "Devattparamb "tragic genocide memorial Monument site.
Floral tribute at Madikeri Fort Premises headed by CNC President N.U Nachappa Codava M/S Puttichanda Don Devaiah, Manootira Nanotira Chinnapa, Pudiyokada Kashi & Odiyanda Mandanna participated.
And and at Devattparamb tribute ritual CNC President
N.U Nachappa Codava M/s Pattamada Kusha, Mandapanda Manoj, Bepadiyanda Biddapa, Maneyapand Kanthi Satish and Chokanda Rekha participated.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
Date: 21-02-2021
Camp: Madikeri
1.Shri Narendra Modi Ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister,
The Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block,New Delhi-01.
2.Shri Amit Anil Chandra Shah Ji,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Home Affairs,
Govt of India,North Block, New Delhi -01.
3.Shri. B.S Yediyurappa Ji,
The Hon’ble Chief Minister,
The State of Karnataka,
Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore -01.
The Deputy Commissioner Kodagu AKA Codava Land AKA Coorg Madikeri – 571201
Respected Sir/ Madam -
Sub:- International Mother Tongue Day observed on 21-02-2021 - A Codava Conclave by CNC - pressurizing for the inclusion of Codava Takk (Codava Language) in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution and further treat Codava Takk as one of the Languages of UNO.
Indigenous Codava Warrior tribe/ Codava Mountain tribe should be recognized as a primitive tribe of Codava territory and the Codava tribe should be included in the ST list of our Constitution.
Codava National Council urges the Government to open a Codavology bench in Global Nalanda University in Rajgir of Bihar, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University in Amarkantak of M P, International School of Dravidian Linguistics in Trivandrum & Dravidian University in Kuppam of Chittur District of Andhra.
Honorable President Sri. Ramanath Kovindji has tweeted (2019) a greeting message in Codava Takk on the occasion of Field Marshal K M Cariappaji’s 120th birthday. This gesture reinforces the importance; a language has on any community.
The Constitution does not mention any qualifying criterion for a language to be included in the Eighth Schedule. Languages have to be in use in the domains that modernity demands. When the Commission for Linguistic Minorities recommends the inclusion of a language into the Schedule, the Union government includes it through an amendment to the Constitution.
The things that we demand are:
1.Include Codava Takk in the 8th schedule of our constitution
2.Consider Codava Takk as one of the languages of UNO.
3.Indigenous Codava Warrior tribe/ Codava Mountain tribe should be recognized as “Primitive tribe” of Codava territory and Codava tribe should be included in the ST list of our Constitution.
4.Codava National Council urges the Government to open a Codavology bench in Global Nalanda University in Rajgir of Bihar, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University in Amarkantak of M P, International School of Dravidian Linguistics in Thiruvananthapuram & Dravidian University in Kuppam of Chittur District of Andhra.
5.We assert that our Union Govt. should make it a point to request and assert the publishers of Oxford Lexicon to incorporate and introduce Codava Folkloric words in the dictionaries to be published. It is a fact that Oxford Lexicon finds a place for 15000 words annually and having been acquired from other languages everywhere in the world. If such a thing is done touching Codava Takk, the Oxford dictionary and Codava Takk also enrich themselves.
a. We request our Govt to direct the Army and police dept to introduce Codava Takk in their language lab and make it point to insist all the trainees memorize Codava words. It is a fact that every trainee should learn 5 different languages in the language lab.
6.Since the intentional failure of our successive Govts to protect constitutionally the Codava Takk and Codava Tribe in order to save them from extinction. It is a certainty that what Philosopher George Bernard Shaw’s alarming that if any Govt prefers to destroy any particular race or tribe in its entirety it will eliminate that particular people's language and their region and their inherent land where it is being spoken. Unfortunately, George Bernard Shaw’s caution has almost come true in relation to Codava Takk and their land and homeland. As such we assert that in order to save Codava Takk & the land of Codava tribals include them in the schedule list of our Constitution.
7.Treat Codava Takk as the Administrative language within Kodagu District under article 350B of our Constitution.
8.Include Codava Takk in the regular curriculum under article 347 of our Constitution.
9.Consider Codava Takk to be the third language in the curriculum in the entire state of Karnataka as is done with regard to Konkani language and French Language.
10.Recognize Codava minority race to be a regular linguistic minority (unfortunately not a single educational institution run by Codavas so far has been given minority education Institution tag all these years. Even though our language richly deserves such a thing) and extend all such reservations as are done with regard to other minority languages and linguistic minority groups in the state of Karnataka initially and the entire nation in general and facilitate to recognize education institutions already in existence and expected to be established in course of time and extend exemption under article 29 and 30 of our constitution
11.Declare the days of Codava minority’s festivities; i.e Puthari, Kailpoud, Edmayar, Kakkada padnet to be State holidays on par with other recognized festivals.
12.Switch over to all the historical and traditional Codava names of places in Kodagu as existed prior to 1956. Which have been changed to Kannada hegemony and implement such things at once.
13.Even though the govt of Karnataka has agreed on the recommendations made by Dr. Dwaraknath Commission to call Codava By race “Codava” and “Codavaru” and remove the words “Codaga” and “Codagaru”, the same has not been published in the official gazette. We insist that such things be published in the official gazette at once.
14.Codava Takk news bulletin should be Broadcasted in the DD1 and All India Radio throughout the state and nation on par with other languages. Permanent Codava service/ desk should be opened regarding Codava Takk in Prasara Bharathi (DD New Delhi and All India Radio new Delhi)
15.We insist our Govt. to request BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) to open a Codava Takk service has is being done in relation to Kurdish Service, Pashtun service, etc at its earliest.
16.If a Prasara Bharathi service of hostile Country Pakistan’s “Balochi” language could be started in our DD news channel recently; why not the historically ancient Codava Takk is given such credibility?
17.At Delhi Hut, INA (southern Delhi) Codava Cuisine outlet should be started.
18.Rich Heritage of Codava tribal World & Folkloric culture of Codava tribalism should be included in the intangible cultural heritage list of UNESCO.
We further insist that the things have made out above shall be implemented. We believe that our demands as mentioned above are recognized at least at this hour.
Addenda:After the amalgamation of our cherished homeland in 1956, the then Part 'C' State of India, systematic ethnic cleansing carried out step by step & Kannada hegemonic policy imposed on Codavas tribe. The first step of such an evil design was changing the names of all Codava festivities besides changing the traditional Codava names of every village into Kannada. For example, our prime festival Puthari symbolizes the arrival of New rice to Codava households; Pudia+ari is Puthari, now Puthari is Kannadified into Huthari. Hutha+ari - Hutha means snake’s nest/den. Totally vulgarized. The author is a sacred festival on par with Pongal of Tamil calendar & Bisaki of Sikhism calendar.
Let us see the Codava folkloric villages’ & Hamlets’ names, how systematically vulgarized into Kannada. Paka into Hakathur, Palanda into Halgunda, Payyada into Hysodlure, Nalnaad into Nalkunaadu, Botoli into Betoli, Thora into Thomara, Paleri into Haleri, Bonda into Bilugunda, Pattipole into Hattihole, Poramalenaad into Horamalenaad, Path into Hakathur, Permad into Hermadu, Path into Hathur, Buttangala into Bittangala, Podd into Hodduru, Balamberi into Balamuri, Bollarimad into Bellarimadu, Kunjeri into Kunjalageri, Peggala into Heggala, Buttangala into Bittangala, Pacchenad into Hacchenadu, Pacchat into Hacchinadu, Buttiyanda Okka into Bittiyanda, Podd into Hoddur, Pudikeri into Hudikeri, Buttyanda into Bittiyanda, Nuppadokka into Moovathoklu, Napadokka into Nalvathoklu / Napok into Napoklu, Aimbadokka into Aivathoklu, Arvadokka into Arvathoklu, Noorokkanaad into Noorokkalunaad & so on. Besides, festivals like Kailpoud into Kailmuhart, Cauveri Changrandhi into Cauveri Sankramana, Bodnamme into Bedu Habba, Eth Porata into Ethu Herata, Bolakat into Belakata, (can they dare to pronounce Pongal as Hongal? Bisaki as Visaki?), Kakkada Padnett as Haati hadinentu. It shows their disrespect towards Codava's heritage and identity. Even they repeatedly pronounce Codava in all Governmental documents as Kodagaru in spite of Dr. Dwarakanath Commission report for rectification as Codava in Consideration of request made by CNC. This is the reflection of human rights violations by State Govt. through their occupational officialdom on Codava heritage.
Karnataka Govt. wants to rename all the ancient places of Kannada territory. For example Belgaum into Belagavi, Bengaluru into Bengaluru, Mangalore into Mangaluru, Mysore into Mysuru, Gulbarga into Kalaburgi, Bijapur into Vijayapura. In fact, no such names were in existence earlier. Yogi Adhithyanath Govt. in UP has replaced the name of Lucknow into Lakanvathi and Allahabad into Prayagraj. Even earlier Governments have changed and replaced many Historical place names for example Bombay into Mumbai, Calcutta into Kolkata, Madras into Chennai, Cochin into Kochi & Trivandrum into Thiruvananthapuram. Names will attain their birth/creation/origin according to the historical, Cultural, Social, Political & Folkloric situations of the respective places. Around any ancient/ Historical nomenclature of the places, it will be surrounded by thousands of folkloric beliefs & myths. Hence changing, Vulgarizing & subverting Codava nomenclature is vandalism, and destruction of any community or group's identity will amount to a war crime as per the UN charter. Karnataka Govt. being the official custodian of Codava tribalism, instead of protecting us it systematically vandalized our identity & heritage markers.
It’s amazing how any human being will see his/her dreams in their respective mother tongue only. Even during joyous moments & traumatic conditions he/she expresses/exclaims in his mother tongue only. While on the battlefield one exclaims his war cry in his mother tongue only. Even when seriously wounded in the war he screams in his mother tongue only (Though he may know many languages, that doesn't matter. Mother tongue will spontaneously make him speak and think about his mother which is unique & universally accepted unwritten divine policy) Codava being the martial tribe participated in innumerable wars in Coorg, National & Global arena he exclaimed Warcry in his mother tongue Codava Takk only. Similarly, the Political assassinations and inhuman executions of Codava Tribal People carried out by alien monstrous “Keladhi”/Paaleri Raja’s during their 201-year tyrant regime cycle in Madikeri Fort and Naalnaad Aramane continuously and in Devaatt Parmab tragic genocide on Codava tribe cunningly perpetrated by Tipu & French East India Company Army to eliminate entire Codava tribe, Codava martial tribes expressed trauma by screaming in Codava Takk only. For these reasons, on international mother tongue day we CNC offered floral tribute at “Devaatt Parmab” tragic massacre site besides Sathyagriha at Madikeri.
I.Post Script :We are happy to announce that Codava Takk is the living spoken language of the Codava race and has been identified as a popularly spoken language among other 16 such languages in India. To quote formidable evidence better always go through MANORAMA YEARBOOK 2014 Published from Kottayam 686001- Kerala, India. Incidentally, MANORAMA YEARBOOK is the result of a joint venture of the week and MALAYALA MANORAMA. We are further happy to announce that such a thing is the direct consequence of CNC/ Codava National Council’s agitation successively during the past 31 years and now that such a thing has been identified by the people and intelligentsia of this Nation. The MANORAMA YEARBOOK is the prime source of knowledge for preparatory exams for IAS & IFS interns. MANORAMA YEARBOOK is the outcome of known intellectuals, Socio-political scientists, scholars, and authoritative personages across the world. Enough if one goes through the contents that appeared in the MANORAMA YEARBOOK 2014 and have repeated in the matter even in the year 2015, 2016 & 2017 also as mentioned to prove our claims about the inclusion of Codava Language in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. It in fact is the best and formal certificate about the significance of Codava language. Only the thing that remains to be done is the Govt of India should recognize Codava Takk as a regular language and include the same in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution. A suggestion now comes fourth even though they said language had unique and independent character has been suppressed by the authorities throughout and now it has gained momentum on account of the relentless struggle towards such an end by our organization; i.e CNC / Codava National Council. No doubt true that there may be innumerable languages and each and every person certainly knows and talks many languages including his or her own mother Tongue, but strangely enough, all individuals have dreams in their own Mother Tongue. Hence our mother Tongue Codava Takk is paramount for us. This is enough to substantiate Codava demand for the inclusion of the Kodava Takk in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution and also to be considered as one of the languages of UNO.
It hurts us to inform you that we definitely have submitted innumerable Memorandums and applications touching the question of Codava Land Autonomous Region and the inclusion of Codava Takk in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution during the course of our struggle and we have the courage to add that Codava Takk full fills all the necessary qualifications to be incorporated in the 8th schedule of our Constitution.
One must remember that a Mother Tongue takes prominence and becomes paramount and the mother tongue stands first the entire world takes a secondary position.
The popular 16 spoken languages enlisted hereunder
15.Tulu .
The 22 languages which are included in the 8th schedule of our Constitution are enlisted hereunder
1.Assamese. 2.Bangali. 3.Gujarathi. 4.Hindhi. 5.Kannada. 6.Kashmiri. 7.Malayalam. 8.Marathi. 9.Oriya. 10.Punjabi. 11.Sanskrit. 12.Tamil. 13.Telugu14.Urdu. 15. Sindhi was added in 1962. By the 71st Amendment to the Constitution, 16.Konkani. 17.Manipuri. 18. Nepali were added to the list in 1992. In 2003, four more languages were added 19.Bodo. 20.Dogri. 21.Maithili. 22.Santhali(92nd Amendment). It may not be an out-of-place act on our part if we are permitted to inform you that no prier recommendations of any of the Constituent states are neither required nor mandatory for the inclusion of any language; much less Codava Takk in the 8th schedule of our Constitution. To quote an example we drag this opportunity to remind you a fact that no prior recommendation was ever obtained from any states of the Indian Union before the inclusion in the 8th schedule of the above-mentioned languages such an analogy should be followed in respect of Codava Takk for inclusion in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution.
We appreciate the attitude, conviction & vision of Shri B.K Hariprasad, The Hon’ble member of Rajya Sabha in order to save Codava Takk is proved while he moved a PVT member Bill (Constitution Amendment Bill 2016) in the parliament seeking the inclusion of Codava Takk in the 8th schedule annex to our Constitution & It has been tabled & Discussed in the August House, cutting across the party line all the respectable members of Rajya Sabha supported the Bill moved by Mr. B.K Hariprasad for the inclusion of Codava Takk in the 8th schedule of our Constitution, and on behalf of Govt MOS for Home Mr. Kiron Rijiju supported the move and he expressed the opinion that the Union Govt is willing to concede Codava Takk for the inclusion of 8th Schedule in the Constitution.
It is an unforgettable factor that the known linguist of South India rev. Bishop Caldwell even went to the extent of asserting Codava Takk to be the main mother source of the Pancha Dravida languages i.e Tulu, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam & Kannada, and affirms that Codava Takk is the base sources of all these languages. Even the Nationally acclaimed linguist Pro. Sitakant Mahapatra has recommended the inclusion of 38 languages in the 8th schedule of our Constitution and Codava Takk is the 19th on its list. Demand for more languages for inclusion in the Eighth Schedule
At present, as per the Ministry of Home Affairs, there are demands for the inclusion of 38 more languages in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution. These are:
(1) Angika, (2) Banjara, (3) Bazika, (4) Bhojpuri, (5) Bhoti, (6) Bhotia, (7) Bundelkhandi (8) Chhattisgarhi, (9) Dhatki, (10) English, (11) Garhwali (Pahari), (12) Gondi, (13) Gujjar/Gujjari (14) Ho, (15) Kachachhi, (16) Kamtapuri, (17) Karbi, (18) Khasi, (19) Kodava (Coorg), (20) Kok Barak, (21) Kumaoni (Pahari), (22) Kurak, (23) Kurmali, (24) Lepcha, (25) Limbu, (26) Mizo (Lushai), (27) Magahi, (28) Mundari, (29) Nagpuri, (30) Nicobarese, (31) Pahari (Himachali), (32) Pali, (33) Rajasthani, (34) Sambalpuri/Kosali, (35) Shaurseni (Prakrit), (36) Siraiki, (37) Tenyidi and (38) Tulu.
Now a time certainly has reached to make a definitive arrangement to include Codava Takk in the 8th schedule of our constitution as early as possible and in consonance with the things that we mentioned hereunder. To include Codava minority language i.e Codava Takk in the Constitution and do all such things towards the things as are enlisted hereunder in the interest of justice, equity, equality, and good morals.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,

CNC observes & Invites all Codavas to participate in the 18th year of its Annual "International Mother Tongue Day" on 21st February 2021.
Venue - Middle Ground, "Codava Koll Mandh", Madikeri.
Time - 10:30 AM
Our Honorable Goals and Paramount demands are as follows:
1.Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution.
2.Indigenous Codava tribe should be recognized as primitive tribes of Codava Territory.
3.For its holistic empowerment, the minuscule micro minority Codava tribe should be included in the ST (Schedule Tribe) list under Articles 340 & 342 of our Constitution.
4." Codava Thakk"/Codava Language, the mother tongue of the Codava tribe should be incorporated in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution.
5.Vibrant, enchanting, unique, amazing, and enormous culturo-folkloric heritage of Codava tribal world should be included in the intangible cultural heritage list of UNESCO.
PS: LS Manjunath Leader of Budakattu Kuruba Sangharsha Samithi will grace the occasion as Guest of Honour.
After the Conclave, a detailed Memorandum will be presented to GOI & GOK through District Administration.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
CNC volunteers under the leadership of CNC Supremo N U Nachappa Codava offered floral tribute and placed Oblations for those unfortunate souls of Codava victims (Hundreds of Codava tribal clans have been eliminated by the ruthless alien "Keladhi/Paaleri" Royal Family) at Naalnaad Aramane (Naalnaad Castle) premises in Yevakapaadi village of Paadinaad on the early hours of 6th February, 2021.
Remembering our hapless ancestors, both men and women folk, who were tragically and cyclically killed tortured, raped and seduced by the treacherous Keladhi/Rulers in the Naalnaad Aramane/Naalnaad castle and Madikeri Fort Premises continuesly for more than two centuries under their barbaric regime.
Whenever these debauched Kings required women for their lust they sent their soldiers for a which-hunt and forcibly trap and drag Codava tribal girls in to Naalnaad Palace and seduced them. Out of their rapacious unholy act, the women will become pregnant so the hapless women folk conceived Babies, so born infant Babies were eliminated at the place called "Nagaari Kundh" in Yevakapaadi village. Fearing that if the so born illegitimate child will become the legal heir and pave the way for claimancy of succession of the throne.
Always suspicious and apprehensive act of the Rajas (made them to kill infant Babies) continuesly killed the infant Babies. (For example, the Royal Family kidnapped a Namboodri Girl called Bhagavathi from neighboring Malabar and brought her and seduced her in Naalnaad palace, she bore a Baby Boy called Basava, somehow that Baby mysteriously managed to escape from the gallows of death. Later he became a Dewan called "Dewan Kuntta Basava" and he emerged as the most draconian, criminal pimping Minister of the Raja, who kept coaxing the Raja into more horrible acts against the citizens for both of their benefit, which eventually led to their downfall, as well ending the rule of "Keladhi/Paaleri" Dynasty), These heinous crimes cannot be ignored.
Those Codava clans who disobeyed the order of Raja for not providing women and not allowing their women to the Palace were persecuted and mercilessly killed and entire clans eliminated by this Royal Family. Only to eliminate the Codava tribal People these treacherous Royalty kept "Chaadi Siddies" and Brought African origin "Kaapala" people from Malabar, Who were earlier brought by Vasco da Gama to Malabar and Goa while in his voyage mission.The "Kaapala" community were kept and sheltered near Naalnaad Aramane by the cruel Raja to eliminate Codava tribe. The Royal Family entrusted them to the job of beheading Codava tribe.
The Codava subjects were tied to elephants legs for petty mistakes and tragically excuted in a systemic way by the treacherous rulers of Keladhi/Paaleri dynasty in Naalnaad Aramane and Madikeri Fort for more than two centuries (1633 to 1834).
For further details one can go through the masterpiece novel of Dr Masti Venkatesha Iyengar's "Chikavira Rajendra", for this Novel Dr Maasti was presented with the "Jnanpith Award" by the Central Sahithya Academy, which showcases the Tyrannical acts of Keladhi/Paaleri dynasty against the Codava tribe.
The Puliyanda clan and Ketolira clan "allowed" (were forced to allow) land acquisition of their precious ancestral grounds to build the Naalnaad Aramane for the Royal Family. But the thankless Royalty dragged Puliyanda Karicha who resisted the land acquisition by the Raja and had him tied to elephant's leg and tortured and executed.
The Naalnaad Aramane and Madikeri Fort are the living testimony for the cold blooded Political assassinations of their native loyal Codava subjects i.e., the aboriginal indegenous Codava tribe.
The Naalnaad Aramane and the Madikeri Forts and its Premises witnessed the Barbarism of the alien Keladhi/Paaleri rulers for 201 years of darkest regime. (In Austria, megalamoniac Hitler's home was desmantled in 2016 through an act of Parliamentary resolutions. Citing that cruelty and Barbarism should not be show cased as a museum. Which is crime against humanity.)
Here, showcasing of Barbarism of Keladhi Royalty is unacceptable
Now for their heinous crime against Codava tribe as repentance and for loss of Codava tribal population as a measures of compensation both GOI & GOK should include Codava tribe in the Schedule list of our Constitution and granting the Codava Tribe Geo-Political Autonomy is warranted.
CNC volunteers offered reverential floral tribute and Oblations of Naalnaad Aramane Codava victims at Naalnaad Aramane premise on 6th February, 2021.
Along with CNC Supremo N U Nachappa Codava, M/s Apparanda Srinivas, Areyada Girish, Apparanda Prakash, Apparanda Poovanna, Apparanda Prasad, Apparanda Viju, Apparanda Thimmaiah, qnd Areyada Shaawan witnessed and offered tribute.
Codava National Council
"Mandh Conclave "held in "Paalanda Oor Mandh" in Halgunda of "Byra Naad" on 5 February 2021 at the evening hour's of 4.30 PM.
Demanding ST tag for Codava tribe and Geo-Political Autonomy.
CNC President N U Nachappa Codava spoke in detail about the Constitutionality for ST tag under Articles 340-342 and Geo-Political Autonomy under Articles 244,244A R/With 6th and 8th Schedule of our Constitution.
1. Indigenous Codava Tribe should be recognised as primitive tribes of Codava territory:
Recognize indigenous Codava tribe as the most primitive tribe of Codava Territory aka Coorg aka Kodagu. Coorg-Kodag is the derivation of Codava tribe that itself is the blatant truth of our genus and its antiquity in Coorg. All the ancient literature and heritage markers depict the genus of Codava ancestry from Codava soil. Even mythological narratives explained that before the origin of divine spring Cauvery, Codava tribal clan originated and evolved in this smallest piece of land on the earth in the midst of mountainous terrains & hill tracts and rustic jungles. Hence GOI & GOK should consider Codava tribe as primitive tribe of this territory facilitating us to legitimize all our Constitutional claims.(How Kashmiri Pandiths are indigenous to Kashmir likewise Codava tribal people are Indegenous to Coorg.)
Other than Coorg there is no other cultural root for Codava tribe anywhere else in the world. For those who are living and ascending their fortune in Coorg since past several decades are having their cultural roots outside of Coorg.
2. Confer ST tag for Codava tribe under Articles 340-342 of our Constitution:
The diminishing, dwindling, shrinking & vulnerable indigenous Codava tribe should be incorporated in the Schedule list under Articles 340 & 340-342 of our Constitution. All the pre-independence records such as census documents during British raj from 1881 to 1931 makes mentioning about Codava tribe being most indigenous tribe and Epigraphy of India, ethnological study and Anthropological survey of India authenticates our tribal trait.
Codava people are the worshipers of Guru-Karona ie first Codava ie Codava Adam and clanish head Karona as supreme deities. Sun-Moon, Mother earth, Mountains, Divine spring, flora and fauna and weapons were reverentially worshiped by Codava tribe. There is no room for idol worship or superstition. Codavas are such a pure, impeccable and chaste tribe. Only after the advent of "Chola dynasty " Codava people came to know about Shiva. During medieval era our main profession was breeding dogs and hunting and waging war under various conquerors and alien rulers as mercenaries using bow and arrows, sword, speares etc. Codava tribalas are excellent guerrilla warriors and good marksmen. Wild animal meat paricularly wild bore meat is Codavas’ favourite delicacy. There are 7 types of "Kaadkalnji (forest tuber) that we consume. Putharikalnji is one such tuber.
Earlier we didn’t know about agriculture and we didn't have Ainmane. We were dwelling together as group in dense forests in huts as ‘Okkache’. That togetherness transformed as OKka or Clan.
Those days Mandhs are central point for all Codava activities. It served as Spirituo-Folkloric, Valour & warriorhood , Socio- Political, Judicio-Cultural epicenter and most revered Sanctum-Sanctorums of Codava tribal world. Hence it is most warranted that in a Parliamentary Constitutional Democracy it is time to protect the identity of our tribe assigning ST tag under the Constitution for its holistic empowerment.
By considering the repeated requests and innumerable Memorandums by CNC, Union & State Govts jointly entrusted the ethnographic study on Codava tribe to KSTRI Mysore to ascertain our tribal trait and characteristics. But under the incumbent hostile corrupt Director of KSTRI Mysore it seems impossible. Hence we request the GOI & GOK to conduct re-study of Ethnographic study in "Emic" approach with judicious perspective. After completing the formalities, start the process of Constitutional Mechanism exercise for Codava Tribe, the way how PM Modiji took personal initiative to include 6 Tribes of Assam (1. Tai Ahom 2. Koch Rajbongshi 3. Chutia 4. Tea tribes 5. Moran 6. matak) in the ST list inspite of strong resistance from 19 existing tribes of Assam.
We Codava Tribe fulfill all the criteria of Lokur Committee report laid down by GOI for being included in the ST list.
We speak our own language and follow distinctive culture and live in Geographical isolated tracts. Participant Codava tribal People took Oath in the name of Guru-Kaarona, Sun-Moon, Mother Earth & Divine Spring Cauvery in solidarity with CNC's legitimate aspirrations.
Program concluded with singing of National Anthem Jana-Gana-Mana. Mekerira Vijaya welcomed & Vote of thanks by Apparanda Sura. M/s M C Ponnapa, M B Subramani,Telapanda Aiyapa, M U Timmaih, Machhettira Nachappa, M K Kushalappa,M K Muthappa,Cheyyanda Bharath, M K Ashok, M U Jayaram, M K Timmaiah, M N Sanju, M B Esha, Machhettira Tilak,M K Poovanna, M P Vijay, M A Kiran, M S Manju,M K Mohan, Apparanda Sura Kushalappa, Apparanda Mrs Renu Kushalappa,M M Biddappa, Mekerira Mrs Prema Jayaram,Mekerira Mrs Shashi Thimmaiah, Machhettira Mrs Latha Udaya, Mekerira Soma Giri, Mekerira S.Poovaih & Chambanda Janath took part in the Conclave.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,

Date: 26-01-2021
Camp: Madikeri
1.Shri Narendra Modi Ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister,
The Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block,
New Delhi-01.
2.Shri Amit Anil Chandra Shah Ji,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Home Affairs,
Govt of India,
North Block, New Delhi -01.
3.Shri. B.S Yediyurappa Ji,
The Hon’ble Chief Minister,
The State of Karnataka,
Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore -01.
- The Deputy Commissioner of Coorg aka Kodagu aka Codava Land
- The Superintendent of Police of Coorg aka Kodagu aka Codava Land
For an inclusive Republic with Codava Geo-Political Autonomy with ST tag for Codava Tribalism:
Republic day will be meaningful when Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy and all our legitimate aspirations are Constitutionally conceded by the largest Parliamentary democracy as well as largest ethnic diversity nation in the world ie India.
Our honourable goals & Paramount demands are as follows:
1. Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy.
2. Indigenous Codava tribe should be recognized as primitive tribes of Codava Territory.
3. For its holistic empowerment minuscule micro minority Codava tribe should be included in the ST list of our Constitution under Articles 340-342.
4. "Codava thakk"/ Codava language, the mother tongue of the Indigenous Codava tribe should be incorporated in the 8th schedule of our Constitution.
5. Vibrant, enchanting, unique, amazing & enormous Codava cultural heritage should be included in the intangible Cultural Heritage list of UNESCO.
Republic Day Conclave headed by Codava National Council CNC President Sri N U Nachappa Codava.M/s Pattamada Lalitha, Pullera Swathi Kalappa, Nandineravanda Nisha Achaiah, Kaliyanda Prakash, Jammada Mohan, Bacharaniyanda Chippana, Pullera Kalappa, Ajjikutira Lokesh, Chambanda Janath, Areyada Girish, Katumaniyanda Umesh, Madrira Karumbaiah, Machimada Lava Ganapathi, Nandinerava Viju, Kiriyamada Sherin, Puttichanda Don, Mandapanda Manoj, Mandira Chinnappa, Medura Kantti, Napanda Arun, Nandetira Subbaiah, Nandineravanda Appaiah, Pudiyokada Kashi, Kupadira Sabu, Bepadiyanda Biddapa, Avaremadanda Ramesh took part in the Conclave.
Participant Codava tribal People took oath in solidarity with CNC's aspirations in 5he name of Guru-Kaarona, Sun- Moon, Devine Spring Cauvery & Mother Earth.
Memorandum submitted through District authorities. Concluded with the singing of National Anthem Jana- Gana-Mana.
All the above demands are put forth by us according to the fundamental rights enshrined in our sacred Constitution and also should be conceded and implemented by the Governing authorities as their fundamental duties. Also, it is obligatory under UN Charter, Universal declarations, and covenants on International human rights.
If the above-mentioned legitimate demands and honourable goals of the Codava tribal world are recognized and respected with an inclusive mindset, then our Republican system will be meaningful and the idea of diverse culture with the multi-ethnic societal fabric of Indianness will be completed. We expect such a golden day will be a reality very soon.
The day when we Codava tribal community attains all our above said Constitutional demands, the very concept of our national anthem Jana- Gana -Mana will attain its magnificent glory in its real sense.
1. Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy:For ages, till India attained its freedom in 1947 we Codava people had our own self reliant Politico-Administrative unit. After India adopted the noble Constitution, as per Part 'C' State Act, Codava's traditional homeland ie Coorg became a full-fledged Part 'C' State of India vested with legislative, interrogative & deliberative powers.
Under the State-reorganization act 1956, our traditional homeland part 'C' State of Coorg became amalgamated with the newly carved hypothetical constructed the State of Karnataka. The amalgamation is a great Geo-Political catastrophe of the 20th century in the lives of Codava tribe. All our hopes and aspirations were erased by the larger State. It is like a small island or tiny lake submerged in a gigantic reservoir. We have been marginalized, ignored & excluded in the largest Parliamentary Democracy which is a cause for great concern.
Now we Codava tribal people aspiring for rejuvenating the traditional & indivisible homeland in the form of Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy under the 6th Schedule of our Constitution. For which CNC is striving for its end goal relentlessly & peacefully for the last 31 years.
CNC is the true manifestation of the Codava tribal world. We are adhering to our sacred Constitution authored by the greatest statesman of the 20th century Dr. B R Ambedkar.
Directive principles & Articles of Indian Constitution were borrowed from 11 Countries of the world - USA, UK, Canada, Former USSR, Ireland, Japan, Germany, France, China, South Africa, Australia and imbibed the footprints of "Magna Charta" of 1215 and Govt of India act 1935. All these developed countries provided Geo-Political Autonomy- self-rule and Constitutional guarantees for their indigenous tribe and marginalized groups.
Russia, the USA, and South Africa went one-step ahead to protect their minority tribe. For example, the USA & South Africa guaranteed the ancestral landed properties of Red Indians & Blacks under the communal property act.
Russia carved Geo-Political Autonomy for Jews as Jewish Autonomous oblast in Birobidzan region. Even 3rd world Countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iraq provided Geo-Political Autonomy for their indigenous ethnic tribals.
Pakistan accorded Autonomy for 8 Tribal territories called Federally Administered Tribal Region & Federally Administered Tribal Agency (FATA) in the Waziristan region bordering Balochistan in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province. The Arab Republic of Iraq provided Geo-Political Autonomy for Kurdish minority tribes as Kurdistan Autonomous Region( KAR) in Northern Iraq. Bangladesh provided Autonomy for Chakma ethnic groups bordering India in Chithagang mountainous terrains as "Chittagong Hill tracts.”
India too provided Autonomy for Butiya Buddhists of Ladakh as Ladakh Autonomous Region, various ethnic-tribal groups of North Eastern Indian States ( 7 sisters) assigned with ST tag with Geo-Political Autonomy under Articles 371 & 244 R/ with 5th and 6th Schedule of our Constitution. That too Mizoram is considered as a highly literary State and the other NE States with anglicized fabric. Godavari Hill tracts & Visakhapatnam Agency of Andhrapradesh assigned with Scheduled areas under the Constitution.
Despite the Codava tribe's enormous cultural & ethnic differences with other parts of Karnataka and India, it flaunts its “Indian-ness" as proudly as those located elsewhere. Other regions in India may not be possessing such extreme diversity.
Hence carving Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy within Karnataka under the 6th Schedule with Articles 371 is most warranted and which is a Constitutional due and obligation.
Given the 562 heterogeneous and diverse princely states and provinces that including Coorg Province had combined to form the sovereign. Now the authorities should emphasize the integrative principle of "unity in diversity" in the case of Codava tribe to overcome Socio-Economic-Politico-Cultural inequities.
2. Indigenous Codava Tribe should be recognized as primitive tribes of Codava territory:Recognize the indigenous Codava tribe as the most primitive tribe of Codava Territory aka Coorg aka Kodagu. Coorg-Kodag is the derivation of the Codava tribe that itself is the blatant truth of our genus and its antiquity in Coorg. All the ancient literature and heritage markers depict the genus of Codava ancestry from Codava soil. Even mythological narratives explained that before the origin of divine spring Cauvery, Codava tribal clan originated and evolved in this smallest piece of land on the earth in the midst of mountainous terrains & hill tracts and rustic jungles. Hence GOI & GOK should consider the Codava tribe as the primitive tribe of this territory facilitating us to legitimize all our Constitutional claims. (How Kashmiri Pandits are indigenous to Kashmir likewise Codava tribal people are Indigenous to Coorg.)
Other than Coorg there is no other cultural root for the Codava tribe anywhere else in the world. Those who are living and ascending their fortune in Coorg for the past several decades are having their cultural roots outside of Coorg.
3. Confer ST tag for Codava tribe under Articles 340-342 of our Constitution:The diminishing, dwindling, shrinking & vulnerable indigenous Codava tribe should be incorporated in the Schedule list under Articles 340 & 340-342 of our Constitution. All the pre-independence records such as census documents during British raj from 1881 to 1931 makes mentioning about Codava tribe as being the most indigenous tribe and the Epigraphy of India, ethnological study, and Anthropological Survey of India authenticates our tribal trait.
Codava people are the worshipers of Guru-Karona ie first Codava ie Codava Adam and clannish head Karona as supreme deities. Sun-Moon, Mother Earth, Mountains, Divine spring, flora and fauna, and weapons were reverentially worshiped by Codava tribe. There is no room for idol worship or superstition. Codavas are such a pure, impeccable, and chaste tribe. Only after the advent of the "Chola dynasty " Codava people came to know about Shiva. During the medieval era, our main profession was breeding dogs and hunting and waging war under various conquerors and alien rulers as mercenaries using bow and arrows, swords, spears, etc. Codava tribals are excellent guerrilla warriors and good marksmen. Wild animal meat particularly wild bore meat is Codavas’ favorite delicacy. There are 7 types of "Kaadkalnji (forest tuber) that we consume. Putharikalnji is one such tuber.
Earlier we didn’t know about agriculture and we didn't have Ainmane. We were dwelling together as a group in dense forests in huts as ‘Okkache’. That togetherness transformed as OKka or Clan.
Those days Mandhs is the central point for all Codava activities. It served as Spiritual-Folkloric, Valour & Warriorhood, Socio-Political, Judicial-Cultural epicenter, and most revered Sanctum-Sanctorum of Codava tribal world. Hence it is most warranted that in a Parliamentary Constitutional Democracy it is time to protect the identity of our tribe assigning ST tag under the Constitution for its holistic empowerment.
By considering the repeated requests and innumerable Memorandums by CNC, Union & State Govts jointly entrusted the ethnographic study on the Codava tribe to KSTRI Mysore to ascertain our tribal traits and characteristics. But under the incumbent hostile corrupt Director of KSTRI Mysore, it seems impossible. Hence we request the GOI & GOK to conduct a re-study of the Ethnographic study in the "Emic" approach with a judicious perspective. After completing the formalities, start the process of Constitutional Mechanism exercise for Codava Tribe, the way how PM Modiji took personal initiative to include 6 Tribes of Assam (1. Tai Ahom 2. Koch Rajbongshi 3. Chutia 4. Tea tribes 5. Moran 6. matak) in the ST list in spite of strong resistance from 19 existing tribes of Assam.
We Codava Tribe fulfill all the criteria of the Lokur Committee report laid down by GOI for being included in the ST list.
We speak our own language and follow the distinctive culture and live in Geographically isolated tracts.
Codava thakk is the Mother tongue of the indigenous Codava tribe. Codava thakk is an ancient, living, classical and rich language. Recently the author of the Dravidian language family study revealed that the Genus of Codava language is 4,500 years old and it evolved and flourished in Codava Territory as the mother tongue of the indigenous Codava tribe. 2009 UNDP report of UNESCO revealed the shocking news that among 180 vulnerable languages of the world, Codava thakk is listed as an endangered language. Hence it should be Constitutionally protected. As such, as per the 7th amendment of State re-organization act, 1956 Codava thakk should be taught at primary level as Mother's tongue and be included in the administration under Articles 347 and 350 B of our Constitution. Besides, Codava thakk should be incorporated in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution. Linguistic expert Pandith Seethakanth Mahapathra committee constituted by GOI submitted its report and recommended for the inclusion of 38 languages in the 8th Schedule, in which Codava thakk also finds a place in 19th number which is a ray of hope for us.
Our friend and Codava Samaritan the then Rajya Sabha MP Sri B K Hariprasadji moved the Constitution amendment Bill in 2016 for the inclusion of Codava thakk & his Mother tongue Tulu in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution which was widely discussed and debated on the floor of the house. Cutting across the Party line those parliamentarians present in the house during the debate echoed and seconded the Bill. Reciprocating the sentiments and Codava aspirations manifested by Hon'ble B K Hariprasad Ji, on behalf of GOI the then MOS for Home Mr. Kirin Rijiju made a statement and undertook to include Codava thakk in the 8th schedule of our Constitution as per the recommendation report made by renowned linguistic expert Pandith Seethakanth Mahapatra committee.
5. Vibrant, enchanting, unique, amazing & enormous Codava cultural heritage should be included in the intangible Cultural Heritage list of UNESCO:The vibrant, enchanting, unique, amazing, and enormous Culture-folkloric heritage of the Codava tribal world should be included in the intangible cultural heritage list of UNESCO.
Almost all the folkloric heritage of different ethnic groups and tribes of UN recognized countries across the world have been included in the intangible cultural heritage list of UNESCO. In India in 2008, it started with the inclusion of Traditional Vedic hymn chant and continued with Kumbamela as the 13th one in 2017. From India, a total of 13 items are included in the intangible Cultural Heritage list of UNESCO. Heritage covers Arts, games, dances, songs, lyrics, drum beating, Vedic hymn chants, martial arts, artifacts, new years, festivals & folk theater, etc.
The irony is that Codava Cultural heritage is not yet been included. We Codava heritage qualify as first among 13 items and among world Culture it stands equal. All the concerned are visiting Codava festivals and praising our vibrant culture and befooled us and cheated us. In other words, they have betrayed Universal Cultural co-existence theory. (ignoring, excluding & marginalising is an act of silent Cultural genocide rather culturocide) Can anyone enlighten us in what way all those 13 items are unique and superior to our cultural heritage?
Our Marriage, Codava Tribal Clannish Structure, Puthari-Kolaat, Kail pouch Martial Games, Hunting Skill, Codava Tribal Sports, Combat, Mane Paat, Mandh, Ummathaat, Pareyakali, Katthiyaat, Artifacts, Antique Jewellery & Weapons, Dudikott Paat, Chhavu paat, Polchipaat, Baalopaat, etc...etc. are unique and all should have been included in the UNESCO list long ago. Now we demand the inclusion of Codava tribal folkloric Cultural heritage should be included in the intangible cultural heritage list of UNESCO.
India through millenia has been a meeting place of so many races, cultures, tribes, and religions. It is a composite ethnological warehouse of people of caucasoid, Dravidian, Astro-Asiatic, and Mangoloid origin. Rather it is a bunch of flowers. It cannot be made a melting pot.
The rigid theocratic nation like Pakistan also exhibited its magnanimity to include its micro minority cultural-religious "Kalash" community of Chitral valley in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province into intangible Cultural Heritage list of UNESCO.
Hence (Wherefore GOI & GOK should concede and address our long-cherished aspirations and legitimate demands for a durable solution and permanent Politico- Constitutional remedy to pave the way for an inclusive Republic with Codava-Geo-Political Autonomy.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,

Date: 09th January 2021
Part – 1
Under the aegis of CNC, Codava Tribal People unveiled the "Devaatparamb Codava Genocide Memorial Monument” at the Devattparamb Codava Holocaust Memorial site on 9th January 2021.
Part – 2
Devaattparamb Genocide Memorial Monument is the self-determination right of the Codava tribal world.
Part – 1:
Under the aegis of CNC, Codava Tribal People unveiled the "Devaatparamb Codava Genocide Memorial Monument” at the Devattparamb Codava Holocaust Memorial site on 9th January 2021.
CNC Supremo Mr N U Nachappa Codava from Noorokkanaad, Kaliyanda Prakash from Noorambadanaad, Pullera Kalappa from Moodgerinaad, Mandapanda Manoj Mandanna from Bengnaad, Pullera Harsha Bopaiah from Moodgerinaad, Areyada Girish from Paadinaad, Pasura Raja Chengappa from Gadinaad, Bottangada Girish from Marenaad & Ajjikutira Lokesh from Anjigerinaad witnessed the event.
Recently the Sangha Parivar leaders M/s B L Santhosh Ji, Prabhakar Bhat, and C T Ravi echoed the sentiments of the Devattparamb Codava genocide.
Both GOI & GOK are reigned by the Codava friendly BJP. In the organizational structure and Governance, after Modiji and Amith Shah Ji, B L Santhosh Ji is No 3 in the hierarchy.
Hence the word of Santoshji is final. Wherefore they should see that the holy memorial monument should be guarded against any kind of sacrilege.
It is their Constitutional duty and moral responsibility to protect and preserve this Codava Massacre Genocide Memorial Monument.
This is the only way to offer Tribute to the unfortunate souls of our patriarchs and loved ones by these stalwarts. In return, Govt and these leaders will get bountiful blessings from the departed souls.
Part – 2:
Devaattparamb Genocide Memorial Monument is the self-determination right of the Codava tribal world.
The past tragic events at Madikeri Fort and Naalnaad Aramane(Castle) caused by the alien 'Keladhi' (ಕೆಳದಿ) dynasty rulers in their 201 years of the tyrannical regime(1633-1834) and the incident at Devaattparamb on 12th December 1785 which occurred due to their inter-alia alliance, with Hyder, Tipu, and British can never be forgotten.
The entire tragic genocide at Devaattparamb revolves around the Codava tribe only. It narrates the untold story and sorrow of our hapless ancestors. It recalls our panic, trauma, pains and pangs and experiences of our ancestors’ sufferings which included persecution, rape, genocide, and indoctrination of the majority of our tribal folk into unknown alien faiths.
Establishing the Codava Genocide Memorial Monument is the self-esteem right of the Codava tribal world and it is one of the inherent, birth, and fundamental rights which is guaranteed under our most sacred Constitution as well as in the charter of the United Nations Organization.
No power on Earth can deny or intimidate, confuse, bully or bribe the dedicated CNC volunteers or it’s Supremo.
No Political dispensation has any right to poke its nose in Codava's emotions and sentiments regarding Devaattparamb.
No third party intervention is required. It is totally a question of self-pride.
Do not try to jeopardize our self-determination and right to have an exclusive Codava Genocide Memorial Monument for petty Political expediency.
Tomorrow, the seditious conspirators like the Jihadists and the Maoist Naxalite radicals also may claim a stake at that place.
- Article 49 of the Indian Constitution
- Article 27 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations
- Article 7 of The Venice Charter 1964, Legitimize the genocide memorials, monuments, and heritage markers.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,

Date: 03-01-2021
Aspiration of ST tag and Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy for Codava tribal World under Articles 340- 342 and Articles 244- 244A R/ w 6th.& 8th Schedule of our Constitution.
"Mandh Conclave" held under the aegis of CNC at "Kaadlayapa Mandh" in Arvadokka village of Bottiyathnaad, Gonicoppa on the evening hours of 3rd January 2021.
CNC President N U Nachappa Codava explained in detail the legitimacy of paramount demands of Codava tribe. Mr.Kokkanda Cauverapa presided. Mr. Machimaada Lava Ganapathi welcomed, Vote of Thanks by Mr. Kadyamaada Ashok. M/s Kadyamada Preethi Poonacha, Jammada Mohan, Madrira Karumbaiah were in the dais.
Participant Codava tribal people took Oath in the name of Guru-Kaarona, Sun-Moon, Mother Earth, Devine Spring Cauvery in solidarity with CNC.
Concluded with National by Anthem Jana- Gana- Mana
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,

Date : 12.02.2017
1.His Excellency,
The Hon’ble President of India,
Raisina Hills, Rashtrapathi Bhawan,
New Delhi – 01
2.Shri Narendra Modi ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister,
Sovereign Republic of India,
Raisina Hills,
South Block,
New Delhi – 01
3.Shri Rajanath Singh ji,
The Hon’ble Minister for Home Affairs,
Union Govt of India,
Raisina Hills, North Block,
New Delhi – 01
4.His Excellency,
The Hon’ble Governor,
State of Karnataka,
Raj Bhavan, Bangalore - 01
Respected Sir,
Sub: The question of the prohibition of Cow slaughter within Coorg, Kodagu ; the erst while part ‘C’ State of Coorg in Karnataka requested to ratify the said promulgation by the then British Govt. for total ban on cow slaughter in Coorg, proclaimed on 16/01/1835 - an Central legislation – Demand for :
In light of the recent Jallikattu issue, and the Government promulgating an ordinance, it is time they examine the long synergetic relationship between the Codavas / Coorgs and the Cows.
Codava Tribals have always treated the Cows with utmost respect and reverence. Practices such as not milking a Cow/ Milch, whose calf has died (untimely death of calf ; by mark of condolence and bereavement) resting the Ox/Bull on Monday, using only Bulls/Ox to plough the field, never Cows (Milch). Beef eating/Consuming is strictly prohibited in Codava Tribal Society. The use of ‘Gomala’ land only for the purpose of grazing Cows are prominent examples, even we can find mentioning about the Cows in the Codava folklorick literary peace ‘Pattole Palame’. However, there has been a growing trend of mistreatment of Cows in Coorg. A lot of Codavas have already sold their Cows due to lack of availability of land and the influx of migrants such as the illegal immigrants from other States and hardliner ISIS ideology subscribing Terrorist/Anti nationals have led to illegal theft and enmasse buying of Cows for slaughter and consumption. Po’ntiff Sri Raghavendra Theertha Bharathi of Ramachandrapur Matt in his spiritual mission by name ‘Mangala Go Yathre’ have been speaking up about the historic significance of the Cow in our culture, Dr. Subramanyam Swami, eminent economist and Rajya Sabha Member has been a ray of hope in a time like this who intends to move the Private Member Bill in the Parliament.
Unfortunately the so called left progressive thinkers? Group has been violating all the norms of our Constitution. Even though they proclaimed that all the Religious texts and Holy books are nothing before of our Constitution.
Kudige Dairy was known to be the best well maintained animal husbandry institution in the whole of Asia when Codagu/Coorg was a separate ‘C’ type state. When late Lal Bahaddur Shastri was the Union Minister of India a memorable Kishan Mela was held in Kudige. Animal Husbandry and live stock protection is admittedly has been in Codava blood and we are inherited such a thing even now it may be treated as our impartibly connection with live stocks / Cows.
The Foundation What we Codavas practice When we start ploughing of mother earth the one who ploughs the paddy field starts singing melodious folkloric songs until the work is carries and in essence the song is intended to extol the bulls/ox used for the ploughing purpose. In the same manner whenever the paddy transplantations i.e. “naati” in Codavathak: starts singing folkloric “oyya paat” extolling the draught cattle, apart from such things concrete evidence for Codava behavior touching mother earth ploughing Bull/Ox and milch and calves find mention in the “Pattole palame” The main folkloric literary records of Codava culture.
There used to be “Goshala’s” in and around Hudugur of Somawarpet Talluk (near Harangi and Kudige) and in Thithimati of Virajpet Talluk about half a century period, but the men in power and who want to gain power have attempted to convert the said “Goshalas” as house sites to be freely distributed to some Vote Bank entities. This has to be recovered back at once.
Until 1956, when Coorg/Kodagu was an independent ‘C’ type state, we never faced any such problems. After it merged with Karnataka, we have lost most of our rights and voice. The Constitution has understood the importance of Cows and its protection has enshrined in article 48 of the Directive Principles of the State Policy which asks the state to protect Cows and prohibit Cow slaughter.
In view of this the CNC demands that the state and central government take adequate steps to protect the lives of Cows and the existing land. To protect and preserve the Cows will not only provide subsistence to poorer Codava Tribal families but could also be a foundation to a new economic growth as seen in the white revolution of Gujarat’s ‘Anand’ envisaged by late Dr. Kurian.
It is a disheartening factor that the Govt of Karnataka so far has not taken any steps to implement the promulgation handed down by the then the British Commissioner of Coorg Lt. Col. Fraser on dtd. 16-01-1835 prohibiting the Cow slaughter within the breadth of Coorg ;
The promulgation read thus the Coorg/Codavas, like other Hindoos, held the cow sacred; it is a sort of sentimental veneration for the animal which ploughs the fields and, mother like, gives milk; but does not prevent them from inflicting cruelty upon the sacred beast by ill use, neglect and starvation. The slaughter of kine within the limits of Coorg province was distinctly prohibited by Gen. FRASER on the assumption of the administration in the following terms:
Lieutenant Col. C.F LEHARDY,
Superintendent of Coorg,
Having ascertained, that it is highly offensive to the religious feelings of the people of Coorg, that Cows or bullocks should be killed for the purpose of being used as an article of food, I request, that you will be so good as to prohibit this throughout the whole province by any person whether European or native.
MERCARA 16 January 1835
The very essence has enshrined in the directive principles of Article 48 of Our Sacred Constitution: the relevant provision gathered from the Constitution of India reads thus.
Article 48: Organization of Agriculture and animal husbandry: the state shall Endeavour to organize agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and shall, in particular, take steps for preserving and improving the breeds and prohibiting the slaughter, of Cows & Calves and other milch and draught cattle.
The Cow is a sacred animal in the Hindu religion. Cows are considered companions of Hindu God Krishna. Dairy products are extensively used in Hindu culture and are one of the most essential nutritional components of Hindu meals. Panchagavya, a mixture of five products of cow milk, curd, ghee, urine and dung, is consumed in Brahmanical rituals.
The cow has been a symbol of wealth in India since ancient times. Buddha pointed out that ritualistic practices like animal sacrifices are not good. This became one of the core preachings of Buddhism, which was later adopted by Hinduism. Jainism also played a role in cow protection idea in Hinduism. The cow and bull represent the symbol of Dharma.
According to legend, Chola King Manu Needhi Cholan killed his own son to provide justice to a cow. The king hung a giant bell in front of his courtroom for anyone needing justice to ring. One day, he came out on hearing the ringing of the bell by a cow. Upon inquiry he found that the calf of that cow was killed under the wheels of his son's chariot. In order to provide justice to the cow, he killed his own son Veedhividangan in the same manner that the calf had been killed.
Ranjit Singh, founder of the Sikh Empire and Maharaja from 1801 to 1839, banned cow slaughter throughout his domains. Ralph Fitch, a gentleman merchant of London and one of the earliest English travellers to India wrote a letter home in 1580 stating, "They have a very strange order among them - they worship a cow and esteem much of the cow's dung to paint the walls of their houses ... They eat no flesh, but live by roots and rice and milk."
The Mughal emperor Humayun stopped eating beef after the killing of cows in a Hindu territory by his soldiers led to clashes, according to the Tezkerah al-Vakiat. Later Mughal emperors Akbar (reign: 1556 – 1605), Jahangir (1605 – 1627), and Ahmad Shah (1748 – 1754), it is said, imposed selective restricted bans on cow slaughter.
The last Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar banned cow slaughter in 1857 in the territories he nominally controlled, a couple of months before being deposed and deported to Burma by the British. Zafar banned the butchery of cows, forbade the eating of beef and authorized for anyone found killing a cow the terrible punishment of being blown from a canon.
In 1966, Indian independence activist Jayaprakash Narayan wrote a letter to then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi calling for a ban on cow slaughter. Narayan wrote, "For myself, I cannot understand why, in a Hindu majority country like India, where rightly or wrongly, there is such a strong feeling about cow-slaughter, there cannot be a legal ban".
Some prominent leaders of the independence movement such as Mahatma Gandhi, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai, Madan Mohan Malviya, Rajendra Prasad and Purushottam Das Tandon, in order to mobilize the public to participate actively in the freedom movement, assured them repeatedly that on achieving the goal of Swaraj.
The cow was venerated by Father of Our Nation Gandhi. He said: "I worship it and I shall defend its worship against the whole world," and that, "The central fact of Hinduism is cow protection." He regarded her better than the earthly mother, and called her "the mother to millions of Indian mankind." Gandhi said, "Our mother, when she dies, means expenses of burial or cremation. Mother cow is as useful dead as when she is alive.
Founding Father of our Constitution Dr. B R Ambedkar have shown special interest and reverence to implement the ban on Cow slaughter.
Even though as back as 115 years from the framing of our sacred Constitution the Cow slaughter within Kodagu/Coorg was totally prohibited by means of promulgation i.e dtd. 16 January 1835.
Therefore we request you to respect our religious beliefs and age old sentiments and respect being shown to mother like Cows as early as possible without forcing Codava tribals to agitate.
Thanking you,
Copies marked to :
1.Dr. Subramanyan Swamiji, Eminent Economist and Rajya Sabha Member.
2.Sri Raghaveshwara Theertha Bharathi, The revered Seer of Ramachandrapur Matt.
3.Sri Prathap Simhaji, The Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Mysore, Kodagu.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
10th Annual CNC Thoknamme- Gun Carnival will be held under the aegis of Codava National Council (CNC) on 18th December 2020 at 10:30 AM at Kolkeri in Napok to mark “World Minorities Rights Day.”
Gun is a part and parcel of the Codava Tribal World – To showcase and herald the valor and rich folkloric cultural heritage of Codava tribal world, CNC is organizing this Gun Carnival annually with spiritual fervor.
CNC - Codava National Council gracefully invites all Codava tribal people to participate in the Annual Gun Carnival - Thok Namme, which is scheduled to be held at Cauvery Estate of Appachira Rammi Nanaiah in Kolkeri of Napok on 18th December 2020 coinciding with “World Minorities Rights Day.” All intended participants are requested to carry their guns to the ceremony. This program is expressly intended to showcase warriorhood and Codava Tribal Traits and to herald our inherent, birth, fundamental, and Constitutional Rights to retain guns without a license and to reiterate our insistence of gun to be the most Revered Sacrament and Religio-Cultural Emblem and symbol of the martial heritage of the Codava tribe.
Time Schedule of Gun Carnival - Thoke Namme
1. After converging at Cauvery Estate, mass worship of Guns will be performed with utmost reverence on the banks of our sacred River Cauvery. The worship ritual will be headed by CNC President Mr. N U Nachappa Codava, followed by Thok Paat (folkloric weapon prayer).
2. Shooting competition for men, women, and children will start immediately after Gun Worship.
3. A public meeting of all the participants will be held after the shooting competition.
4. Prize distribution.
5. Followed by the resolutions exemplifying the Codava martial trait with the significance of Gun as the center point and its inimitable connection with Codava martial tribe, Codava heritage, and lifestyle.
6. Added attraction would be tasty and sumptuous Codava cuisine.
7. Special prizes will be given to excellent marksmen, both men and women, and also those who have maintained their Guns well.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
Date: 12-12-2020
1. Shri Narendra Modi Ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister,
The Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block,
New Delhi-01
2. Shri Amit Anil Chandra Shah Ji,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Home Affairs,
Govt of India,
North Block, New Delhi -01
3. Shri. B.S Yediyurappa Ji,
The Hon’ble Chief Minister,
The State of Karnataka,
Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore -01
- The Deputy Commissioner of Coorg aka Kodagu aka Codava Land
- The Superintendent of Police of Coorg aka Kodagu aka Codava Land
CNC honored Devaattparamb genocide souls by performing reverential prayer and offered oblations with a floral tribute at Devaattparamb genocide site at early hours on 12 Dec 2020.
M/s N U Nachappa Codava, Kaliyanda Prakash, Pullera Kalappa, Pullera Swathi Kalapa, Pullera Dhanush Ponnanna, Nandineravanda Parvathi, Kaliyanda Sandhesh Achaiah, Nandineravanda Viju, Pasura Raja, Mandapanda Manoj, Mandapanda Suraj, Pattamada Kusha, Pattamada Ashok, Pattamada Prakash Nachappa, Pattamada Uthaiah, Pattamada Anish Cariappa, Manotira Chinnu, Puttichanda Don Devaiah, Pudiyokada Kashi, Bepadiyanda Biddapa, Chambanda Janath, Mandapanda Vihan Devaiah witnessed the event.
1. The World communities should respect and consider Devaattparamb as a tragic genocide memorial site of Codava Tribal World.
2. International Codava Memorial Monument should be established at Devaattparamb Genocide
Memorial site.
3. Devaattparamb Tragic Massacre should be included in the International holocaust remembrance list of the UN.
4. UN and Indian Parliament should jointly pass the resolution condemning the genocide of Codava Tribe at Devaattparamb on 12th December, 1785.
5. French East India Company allied Forces in collusion with Tipu Army committed the massacre of Codava tribe on 12th December, 1785 at Devaattparamb. The French Govt. should own the Responsibility and apologise to the Codava tribe for the role of its predecessors in office for the cold-blooded mass murder of the Codava tribe.
6. To compensate for Codava Tribe's holocaust in its entirety; the UN, the French Govt. and the Govt. of India should join together to build a World standard Memorial Museum at Devaattparamb.
This will be CNC’s 73rd tribute to the Devaattparamb Genocide Memorial site for the last six years. Exactly 235 years back on this same fateful day i.e. 12 Dec 1785, brutal barbarian Tipu massacred Codava tribal warriors. Codava Tribal Warriors defeated Hyder & Tipu 32 times. After 32 failed invasions on Kodagu aka Codava land brutal barbarian Tipu conspired to eliminate entire Codava tribal nationals and cunningly massacred thousands of innocent Codava warriors along with their wives & children. Those who survived were taken as prisoners with heavy chains tied on their legs and dragged till Srirangapatana where they were circumcised, indoctrinated into Islam, and persecuted. Womenfolk were tortured and raped in front of their children and husband, just like the recent horrific sufferings of “Yezidi” women folk of ‘Sinjar’ mountain by ISIS. ( Tipu is the predecessor of ISIS and ISIS is the successor of Tipu.)
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,

Date: 09-12-2020
This will be CNC’s 73rd tribute to the Devaattparamb Genocide Memorial site for the last six years. CNC has effectively attracted the attention of the world conscience.
This time join hands with CNC for homage program of departed hapless Codava tribe victims of 12th December 1785 holocaust at Devaatparamb, Coorg aka Codavaland by offering Meedi in each Codava home on 12th December.
As per Codava tradition, we remember our dear departed Codava souls by offering Meedi (oblation) of pandi erchi curry(pork) and kall’(liquor).
On 12 December every born Codava tribe should offer Meedi of above said Codava cuisine Pandierchi curry and kall’ as oblations. (Or any food which is prepared on that day)
As per Codava ritualistic practice LIGHTING LAMP IS TO OFFER REVERENTIAL PRAYERS TO GURU. For Kaarona and all those dead souls, we Codava people always offer pork curry with Kall’(liquor) as Meedhi (oblations) to satisfy the departed souls.
Codava tribal people should continue this Meedhi ritual in each festival to attain eternal strength & spirit to achieve our cherished goals of ST tag and Geo-political Autonomy.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
Date: 08-12-2020
"Mandh conclave" held under the aegis of CNC at "Poolemaad Eshwara Mandh" in.Begur village of Anjigerinaad ( Ponnampet) at the morning hours of 8th December 2020.
"Demanding ST tag for Codava tribe and Codavaland Geo-political Autonomy " awareness meeting by CNC"
CNC President N U Nachappa Codava spoke in detail about Constitutionality for ST tag under Articles of 340-342 and Geo-political Autonomy under Articles 244,244A R/ W 6th and 8th Schedule of our Constitution.
PS: Mandh is the living testimony of our tribal ancestry and these ancient sanctums- Sanctorums are still in vogue and are used by the Codava tribe now also, which clearly indicates that we are jungle people and are still living in Geographically isolated hill tracts, mountainous terrains of the Western Ghats. Mandh is a multipurpose auditorium of Codava tribal People.
Participants took Oath in solidarity with CNC'S ST tag in the name of Guru- Kaarona, Sun- Moon, Mother earth & Divine spring Cauvery. The program concluded with the singing of the National Anthem Jana- Gana-Mana.
1. Appengada Maale 2. Mathranda Jathiniponnanna 3. Mallanda Nachappa 4. Chodumada Subramani 5. Mandechanda Ponnappa 6. Mandangada Sachin 7. Mallanda Kaverappa 8. Kayapanda Jaga 9. Kechattira Akshay Kariappa 10. Kechattira Poovanna 11. Kayapanda Harsil kushalappa 12. Mandechanda Dineshchittiyappa 13. Chodumada subbaiah 14. Kechattira Aruna 15. Benjanda Kushalappa 16. Mathranda Suku 17. Benjanda Naveen 18. Mandangada Bopanna 19. Chodumada Vicky 20. Mathranda Jaya 21. Chendira Ramacha 22. Nachappa C D 23. Karumbaiah K S 24. Madappa M K 25. Ganapathi C C 26. Ponnappa C G 27. Mathranda Rajendra 28. Thimmaiah C A 29. Chittiyappa C M 30. Veerappa C K 31. Belliyappa B N 32. Mathranda Dikki 33. Mathranda Katti 34. Mallanda Danish Subramani 35. Chendira Kuttappa 36. Kechattira Jaya 37. Chendira Appaiah 38. Mallanda Darshan Muthappa 39. Kechattira Sathish Poovanna 40. Kechattira Sathiya Poovanna 41. Mathranda Muthanna 42. Mathranda N Uthappa 43. Appengada Uthappa 44. Mathranda Naveen 45. Kechattirea Ganapathi 46. Mathranda Roshan Aiyappa 47. Chodumada Biddappa 48. Devan Muthappa M R 49. Madan Muthanna B K 50. Sharin Changappa 51. Abhishek ponnanna 52. Prayan ponnanna 53. Kechattira Nanjappa 54. Subbaiah Raja M U 55. Kottangada Raja Subbaiah 56. Mathranda Kusuma 57. Bhagya Poonacha 58. Bottangada Yashoda 59. Bottangada Muthamma 60. Benjanda Jasmi 61. Bottangada Jappu 62. Armanamada Suseela 63. Benjanda Parvathi 64. Aramanamada Nachappa 65. Mandangada Viban 66. Pokachanda K Ganapathy 67. Benjanda Kaushik 68. Kakamada Aiyappa 69. Kechattira Abin 70. Kechattira Sharanu 71. Bolliyangada Dadu 72. Mathranda Poonacha 73. Byranda Poonacha 74. Kiriyamada Sharin 75. Mathranda Raja Muthappa 76. Mallanda J Nachappa 77. Narendra M K
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,

Date: 7th December 2020
10th Annual CNC Thoknamme- Gun Carnival will be held under the aegis of Codava National Council (CNC) on 18th December 2020 at 10:30 AM at Kolkeri in Napok to mark “World Minorities Rights Day.”
Gun is a part and parcel of the Codava Tribal World – To showcase and herald the valour and rich folkloric cultural heritage of Codava tribal world, CNC is organizing this Gun Carnival annually with spiritual fervour. CNC - Codava National Council gracefully invites all Codava tribal people to participate in the Annual Gun Carnival - Thok Namme, which is scheduled to be held at Cauvery Estate of Appachira Rammi Nanaiah in Kolkeri of Napok on 18th December 2020 coinciding with “World Minorities Rights Day.” All intended participants are requested to carry their guns to the ceremony. This program is expressly intended to showcase warriorhood and Codava Tribal Traits and to herald our inherent, birth, fundamental and Constitutional Rights to retain guns without license and to reiterate our insistence of gun to be the most Revered Sacrament and Religio-Cultural Emblem and symbol of martial heritage of the Codava tribe.
Time Schedule of Gun Carnival - Thoke Namme
1. After converging at Cauvery Estate, a mass worship of Guns will be performed with utmost reverence on the banks of our sacred River Cauvery. The worship ritual will be headed by CNC President Mr. N U Nachappa Codava, followed by Thok Paat (folkloric weapon prayer).
2. Shooting competition for men, women and children will start immediately after Gun Worship.
3. A public meeting of all the participants will be held after the shooting competition.
4. Prize distribution.
5. Followed by the resolutions exemplifying the Codava martial trait with the significance of Gun as the center point and its inimitable connection with Codava martial tribe, Codava heritage and lifestyle.
6. Added attraction would be tasty and sumptuous Codava cuisine.
7. Special prizes will be given to excellent marksmen, both men and women, and also those who have maintained their Guns well.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
Date: 28/11/2020
27th Annual Puthari (the Prime Harvesting festival of Codava Tribal World) Public Celebrations will be held under the aegis of C.N.C on morning hours of 30-11-2020 at Nandineravanda Uthappa’s Paddy Field in Chickabettageri Village of Kush+alla+nagar - FraserPet – reg.
While extending our heartfelt best wishes and greetings of the Annual Puthari Public Celebrations the prime harvesting festival i.e the Auspicious day of inviting the Dhanyalakshmi to house hold Codava Tribal world will be held under the aegis of CNC Codava National Council at 10:30AM on 30-11-2020 in the Paddy Fields of Sri. Nandineravanda Uthappa of Chickabettageri Village, Kushalnagar. We hereby wish the general public who took part in all the connected rituals starting with ceremonial prayers to Codava Tribal Guru & Karona and all the deities followed by Nerekattuva rituals by 5 varieties of fresh leaves such as 1). Geri Thopp 2) Palchi Thopp 3) Mange Thopp 4) Kummi Thopp 5) Arali Thopp after which the ceremonial processions accompanied by Kuthi, Thaliyathaki bolak , Dudikot Paat & Thok – Kathi to the Paddy Fields. Where the final ritual ceremony of cutting the fresh Kad (i.e auspicious day of Inviting Dhanyalakshmi to the house hold). There would be variety of cultural entertainment i.e. Pareya Kali, Kolat & Valagathat immediately after the Kad Edpa ritual followed by Meedi Beppa ( offering oblation ) to Guru & Karona under Nellaki followed by tasty Codava Tribal cereal. THE CODAVA TRIBAL WORLD HAS REPEATEDLY REMEMBERED DURING PUTHARI FESTIVAL, THAT THE MELODIOUS MEMORY OF THEIR GENUS EATING BEETS(PUTHARI KALANJI) AT TIMES. The said celebrations are intended only to exhibit our vibrant cultural heritage and our unbreakable connection with the Codava Tribal Soil. All are cordially invited.
P.S: On an average the Puthari Festival in fact runs over 18 to 20 days from its commencement. Preparatory to the actual Puthari Celebrations the festivities starts with the initial ritual called Eedh (rehearsal of Kolaat & Paat / Folkloric Dance ) ritual for 4 days in a respective Mandhs of any given village. Then comes Kad Edpa ritual. The following day of the Puthari (1) Oor Mandh (2) Naad Mandh (3) Keri Mandh . Next after that every Kodava clannish Okka will hold Mane paat ritual. The ritual continues every clannish family holding such a thing one after other.If there be 10 Codava Tribal clannish family in a given village each of such families will hold Mane Paat one after other during 10 days. After the conclusion of Mane Paat ritual the grand finale would be with the Oororme program (and final Desha Mandh programme at Devatt Paramb) where in which all Codava Tribal clannish families of any given village will participate. But unfortunately these things are not being observed stricto - sensu. This rich, ancient and vibrant ritual has become obsolete on account of the intentional suppressive mishandling by the hegemonic Government systematically after Coorg became merged with Karnataka in 1956. CNC has been trying to rejuvenate the near forgotten Folkloric ritual. We insist that the government at once should declare common holiday to the entire district for Puthari Festivities for a week.
1. Annual Public Puthari Namme Celebrations held under by CNC on 30-11-2020
CNC Resolves to declare Holidays from 30-11-2020 to 14-12-2020 in Coorg and declare one day’s National Holiday as a mark of respecting the aboriginal indigenous Codava Tribal peoples rich folklore Puthari Namme- Regarding
In tune with the earlier program we are celebrating Annual Public Puthari celebrations on 30-11-2020 Rohini Nakshathra Day as it fixed earlier, CNC resolves that Putthari should be declared a public State holiday at least from this year. Earlier Kodagu part ‘C’ State Govt made it regular practice to declare 15 holidays for the purpose. Past 2 ½ decades CNC is celebrating publically all our folkloric festivities in order to give impetus to rich cultural heritage of Codava Tribal World by showcasing it we are attracting the attention of the World community and Constitution authorities to concede our long pending demand and quest for Codava land Autonomy inclusion of Codava Tribe in the schedule list, and inclusion of Codava Thakk in the 8th schedule besides UN should recognize micro minority Codava Tribe in the intangible cultural heritage list of UNESCO.
Without any pretence CNC resolves that Govt should declare 15 days i.e from 30-11-2020 to 14-12-2020 to be holidays for Codava Tribals in Kodagu District and one day holiday for entire nation facilitating Codava Tribals to engage themselves in symbolic harvesting Puthari festivities at their paddy fields (Auspicious day of Inviting Dhanyalakshmi to the house) The very purpose of request for 15 days holidays in reality is intended to allow Codava Tribals to celebrated all the daily rituals such as Ead, Kadedpa, Kolat at Oor Mandh & kolat at Naad Mandh, Mane Paat and Oor Orme etc in accordance with their Codava Tribal rituals. Codava Tribals are performing initial rituals as Ead at Mandh i.e the sanctum sanctorum of Codava Tribal race for 6 days prior to the actual Puthari celebrations in their paddy fields. (Preceded by 6days of rehearsal of a ritualistic folklore activities connected with Puthari.) The rituals are Kolat, Dudikott Paat and Parekali in Mandh i.e Oor Mandh and Naad Mandh, Mane Paat and oororme would be carried out during 6days following the actual Puthari celebarations . Oororme would mark the grand finale. Codava Tribal Culture is as ancient as human society itself and is aglow with heritage marks and the Nation should think of respecting and protecting such a proverbial living culture as is being done in relation to Navroze of Parsis etc etc. Let not our numerically insignificant existence be a reason of rejection for our request. The request for one day ‘s national Holiday is intended only to give respect to the most ancient aboriginal festival of Codava Tribal race by the Govt and so the request for declaring 15days holidays in Coorg during Puthari festivities only to propagate, preserve. Promote and instill necessary psycho for the same. It may not be an out of place act on our part if we are permitted to recollect a fact that the Govt of the erstwhile “C” state of Coorg used to advance loans, bonus and such other monitory benefits to Codava Tribals to celebrate Puthari besides 15days holiday. It may not be an out of place act if we insist that by discarding aboriginal indigenous Codava Tribal Race and our rich festivities certainly amounts to a sacrilege and cultural genocide of Codava Tribal race fit enough to be taken to the UNO .
CNC has been celebrating public Puthari only in order to create awareness within amongst Codava Tribe and to pass proper message to the Govts. As usual public Puthari celebrations were held in the morning hours of 30-11-2020 in the paddy fields. The Entire aspect of the Puthari celebrations by CNC is to showcase the rich folkloric culture of Codava Tribal World and fervor.
We are happy to announce that Govt has declared “Puthari Namme” Day to be a Public Holiday in Kodagu aka Coorg and it is the direct result of CNC having celebrated and has been celebrating public “Puthari Namme” without any gap throughout the Past Quarter Century. For certain we knew that unless all the rights and folkloric festivities are observed in a public manner nothing of the relevance and significance of the festival will not reach the authorities concerned.
May every Codava know that unless we celebrate our folkloric festivities with much flamboyant manner and enthusiasm nothing would come out. Codava Tribal world should know that we must display and exhibit our age old folkloric festivities and rituals in public it certainly will reach the target of highest political destination. We aim for it. With that all our inherent rights, birth rights, and constitution rights will be considered positively.
By declaring “Puthari Namme” day to be holiday in Kodagu aka Coorg Region certainly is not an alms from the Govt. it is a Constitutional obligation Such a thing is due under article 51A(F) in our constitution as well as UN declaration, now we insist that Govt should declare State Holiday.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,
Date: 07-11-2020
“Mandh Conclave " held under the aegis of CNC at “Gumathmad Mandh “ in Kirgoor village of Kirnalnaad at the afternoon hours of 7th November 2020.
“Demanding ST tag for Codava tribe and Codavaland Geo- political Autonomy “awareness meeting by CNC".
CNC President N U Nachappa Codava spoke in detail about Constitutionality for ST tag under Articles 340-342 and geopolitical Autonomy under Article s 244, 244A r/w 6th and 8th Schedule of our Constitution.
PS: Mandh is the living testimony of our tribal ancestry and these ancient Sanctum - Sanctorums are still in Vogue and are used by the Cadava tribe now also, which clearly indicates that we are junglee people and are still living in Geographical isolated hill tracts mountainous terrains of the Western Ghats. Mandh is a multipurpose auditorium of Codava tribal People.
NU Nachappa Codava President CNC Codava National Council .
Participants took Oath in solidarity with CNC's legitimate aspirations in the name of Guru- Karana , Sun-Moon, mother Earth / Bhoodevi and holy spring Goddess Cauvery .
Programme concluded with singing of National Anthem Jana-Gana-Mana.
Kokkengada Rita, Kokkengada Poonacha, Kokkengada Rohini, Kokkengada Babi, Kokkengada Rekha, Kokkengada Vimala, Kokkengada Nilan, Kokkengada Rakesh, Kodengada Subramani, Kodengada Suresh, Kodengada Pavithra, Kodengada Prathista, Kodengada Benzon, Kodengada Divin, Kodengada Deerga, Choppudira M.Ponnappa, Choppudira Vivek, Choppudira Thilak, Choppudira Dikki, Choppudira Rakesh, Choppudira Mahesh, Theetharamada Girish, Theetharamada Pramila, Theetharamada Raki, Kiriyamada Sharin, Kiriyamada Shawn, Kiriyamada Safan, Kiriyamada Deepa, Chiriyappanda Devani, Chiriyappanda Hari, Chiriyappanda Raja, Chiriyappanda Ganesha, Alemada Sudeer, Alemada Thimmaiah, Pemmanda Iyappa, Kakamada Deekshith, Kajamada Karbaiah, Pullangada Natesh, Gandangada Naveen, Gadangada Suresh, Kakamada Kuttappa, Kakamada Adarsha, Pemmanda Madhu.
NU Nachappa Codava
President CNC Codava National Council
PB No 12, Madikeri 571201-
Residence-Noorokkanad Hills.
CodavaLand& Southwest Karnataka,India
Cell NO. 9448721200
Email: nachappa.cnc.codavaland@gmail.com,

Date: 01-11-2020
1.Sri. Narendra Modi ji
The Honourable Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South block, New Delhi -1
2. Sri. Amith Anil Chandra Shah ji
The Honourable Minister for
Home Affairs,
Union Govt. of India
North Block – New Delhi -1
3. Sri B S Yediyurappa ji
The Honourable Chief Minister
State of Karnataka
Vidhana Soudha
Subject: CNC's observation of peaceful "Sathyagraha" in the vicinity of Madikeri Middle Ground "Codava Kol Mandh" as "Codava Quest for Constitutional Rights Day” from Morning 9 AM to 1:30 PM on 1st November (State re-organisation day) 2020.
This year CNC’s ‘New Delhi Chalo’ Satyagraha on 01 November 2020 is held at Coorg aka Codavaland at Madikeri due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Peaceful Sathyagraha of Codava tribal People held under the aegis of CNC headed by CNC Supremo Mr. N U Nachappa Codava, M/a Kaliyandag Prakash, Bacharaniyanda Chippana, Boppanda Bollama Nanaiah, Pattamada Lalitha Ganapathi, Nandineravanda Nisha, Bottolanda Akkama, Nandineravanda Parvathi Nachappa, Ajjikutita Lokesh, Nandineravanda Sumitra, Pullera Swathi Kalappa, Pullera Kalappa, Pullangada Natesh, Jammada Mohan, Machimada Lava Ganapathi, Kandera Suresh, Bottangada Girish, Kiriyamada Sherin, Bepadiyanda Biddapa, Bepadiyanda Dinu, Areyada Girish, Pudiyokada Kashi, Ailapanda Mittu, Chandira Raja, Mandapanda Manoj Mandana, Pattamada Kushalapa, Nandapanda Suraj Cauverappa, Parvangada Navin, Puttichanda Don, Nandineravanda Viju, Kupadhira Sabu, Medura Kantti Naniyapa, Changanda Ponnana, Changanda Chaami Palangappa, Aiyalapanda Pushpa Poonacha, Ailapanda Utham Nachappa, Pasura Raja Chengavppa, Cheyabera Somanna, Napanda Arun Devaiah, Nandineravanda Dinesh, Appachira Bopanna, Participated.
This is to inform you that CNC (Codava National Council) observed a peaceful "Sathyagraha" at Madikeri "Codava Kol Mandh” i.e. the Sanctum-Sanctorum of the Codava tribal World on the 1st of November 2020, which is the State Re-organization Day, to herald and highlight our paramount demands and legitimate aspirations and Honourable goals.
Such as:
1. The Codava tribe should be declared as an Indigenous Primitive tribe of Codava territory. (By considering the genus of our tribal ancestry).
2. Confer ST tag for the Codava tribe under Articles 340 and 342 of our Constitution. (By asserting our primitive tribal trait/characteristics with "Emic" approach)
3. Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy and right to internal Political self-determination (encompassing of the ancient Codava "naads" which is the indivisible and traditional homeland of the Codava tribal world since time immemorial where Codava Civilization blossomed) under Articles 244, 244A R/w 6th and 8th Schedule of our Constitution.
4. "Definitely Endangered" “Codava thakk" according to the UNDP (United Nations Development Program) report, 2009, should be incorporated in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution.
5. The Codava tribe, their folkloric antiquity, and their amazing and vibrant ancient-cultural heritage should be included in the Intangible Cultural Heritage list of UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization).
N U Nachappa Codava,
President, CNC,
Codava National Council,
P B NO 12, Madikeri-571201, Codavaland aka Coorg,
South-West Karnataka, India,
South Asia.
Resi: Noorokkanaad Hills
Subject: CNC's observation of peaceful "Sathyagraha" in the vicinity of Madikeri Middle Ground "Codava Kol Mandh" as "Quest for Constitutional Rights Day” on 1st November (State re-organisation day) 2020.
This year CNC’s ‘New Delhi Chalo’ Satyagraha on 01 November 2020 is held at Coorg aka Codavaland at Madikeri due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
This is to inform you that CNC(Codava National Council) observed a peaceful "Sathyagraha" at Madikeri "Codava Kol Mandh” i.e. the Sanctum-Sanctorum of the Codava tribal World on the 1st of November 2020, which is the State Re-organization Day, to herald and highlight our paramount demands and legitimate aspirations and Honourable goals.
Such as:
1. The Codava tribe should be declared as an Indigenous Primitive tribe of Codava territory. (By considering the genus of our tribal ancestry).
2. Confer ST tag for the Codava tribe under Articles 340 and 342 of our Constitution. (By asserting our primitive tribal trait/characteristics with "Emic" approach)
3. Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy and right to internal Political self-determination (encompassing of the ancient Codava "naads" which is the indivisible and traditional homeland of the Codava tribal world since time immemorial where Codava Civilization blossomed) under Articles 244, 244A R/w 6th and 8th Schedule of our Constitution.
4. "Definitely Endangered" “Codava thakk" according to the UNDP (United Nations Development Program) report, 2009, should be incorporated in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution.
5. The Codava tribe, their folkloric antiquity, and their amazing and vibrant ancient-cultural heritage should be included in the
Intangible Cultural Heritage list of UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization).
Other demands
1. In the darkest regime of 201 years from 1633 to 1834, the cruel alien ‘Keladhi’ rulers serial murdered and killed their loyal Codava tribal subjects after using them to strengthen their throne. This is a most heinous crime and unforgivable act in mankind for which a memorial monument should be established at Madikeri Fort (castle) itself.
2. French Govt should apologise to Codava tribe as a gesture of Civilized world order for its involvement in the genocide of the Codava tribe at Devaattparamb in collusion with Tippu on 12 December 1785. And the Devaattparamb tragic massacre site should be included in the International Holocaust list of UNO and the International genocide memorial monument should be established at Devaattparamb.
CNC President N U Nachappa Codava addressed the gathering and enlightened them about the rights of Indigenous people enshrined in the UN Charter for Indigenous people across the world.
UN declaration on the Indigenous People, micro minority groups & musical tribals across the World- Recognising the aspirations of Indigenous Tribal people to exercise control over their distinctive ways of life and economic development and to maintain and develop their identity, language, and religion within the framework of the States in which they live.
In UN General Assembly affirmed that indigenous people are equal to all other people while recognising the right of all people to be different, to consider themselves different, and to be respected as such.
Affirming also that all people contribute to the diversity and richness of civilizations and cultures, which constitute the common heritage of humankind.
Reaffirming that indigenous people, in the exercise of their rights, should be free from discrimination of any kind. UN is concerned that indigenous peoples have suffered from historic injustices as a result of "Inter alia”, their colonization and dispossession of their lands, territories, and resources, thus preventing them from exercising their right to development in accordance with their own needs and interests.
(Throughout the history of Codava tribe all the alien conquerors & rulers in general and the autocratic “Keladhi" dynasty in particular for 201 years had inter alia with Hyder Ali, Tipu, British East India company and Rajas of neighboring countries like Malabar and so on. Codava tribe have been subjected to continuous subjugation and exploitation by these alien rulers.
This subjugation and exploitation are still continuing in this largest Democratic-Republican country which is a cause for great concern.
The Codava Xenophobia is being continued by Democratic dictatorships under Left wing - Right wing inter-alia.)
Recognising the urgent need to respect and promote the rights of indigenous people affirmed in the treaties, agreements, Covenants, and other constructive arrangements with States.
Recognising that respect for indigenous knowledge, cultures, and traditional practices contribute to sustainable and equitable development and proper management of the environment.
If Codava tribal people are Constitutionally protected under the patronage of ST tag, then the entire Codava territory's Geo-Physical equilibrium will be maintained mainly because of their scientific-based nature worship.
UN is convinced that the recognition of rights of indigenous people in this Declaration will enhance harmonious and co-operative relations between the State and Indigenous people, based on principles of justice, democracy, respect for human rights, non- discrimination, and good faith.
Acknowledging that the Charter of the United Nations, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and cultural rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as the Vienna Declaration and program of action, affirm the fundamental importance of the right to self - determination of all peoples.
There is an urgent need to respect and promote the inherent rights of Indigenous peoples which derive from their cultures, traditions, history and philosophies, and resources.
The below-mentioned articles of the UN charter are certainly applicable with regard to the protection of the Indigenous Codava tribe.
Most relevant parts of Articles of UN Charter- Articles 5, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 26, 27 and 38.
Codava tribal people from time immemorial have developed and practiced their own Republican clannish system of Society. Village Republic and Naad (cluster of villages) Republic ie Vokkaame- Thakkaame.
Codava tribe is a very ancient civilization blossomed on the banks of holy spring lifeline River Cauvery and flourished as old primitive Codava tribal Republic. Codava tribe is still following the age-old of the traditional Republic system. (may not be 100 %)
Codava tribalism is Scientific oriented, Social reforming, durable Civilization. It is not a commodity for sale.
For Codava tribes’ holistic empowerment of their ancient Republican civilization, the State should confer them ST tag under the constitution with State patronage and consider their Geo-Political aspiration as Autonomous Codavaland in the interest of justice.
Congregation expressed their solidarity to Codava National Council & its goals by taking oath in the name of Guru-Karona, sun, moon, earth, and divine spring Goddess Cauvery.
Meeting concluded with the singing of the National Anthem Jana Gana Mana.
After the Sathyagraha, a Memorandum was submitted to GOI, GOK, and the UN through the district administration.
With warm regards,
N.U. Nachappa Codava, BA LLB, Advocate.
President, Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri,
Residence : Noorokkanaad Hills
Kodagu @ Codava Land @ Coorg

Date: 04-10-2020
1. Shri Narendra Modi Ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister,
The Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block,
New Delhi-01
2. Shri Amit Anil Chandra Shah Ji,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Home Affairs,
Govt of India,
North Block,
New Delhi -01
• Through:
M/s Sri B K Hariprasad, MLC, Ex-MP Senior Statesman
Smt. Veena Achaiah, MLC Kodagu.
Dr. Haniyur Chandregowda
Director, Birsa Munda Tribal Research Institute, Bangalore.
Through: The Deputy Commissioner of Coorg aka Kodagu aka Codava Land
Further resolved that both the paramount aspirations of the Codava tribe ie ST tag and Geo-Political Autonomy are synonymous. The conclave resolved to extend solidarity and stand with CNC until the ultimate goal is reached.
1. Declare the Codava tribe as a Primitive tribe.
2. Include the Codava tribe in the ST list of our Constitution.
3. Codava Tribalism should be measured through the “Emic approach”. The Ethnographic study of the Codava tribe, due to CNC’s relentless effort is being carried out through KSTRI Mysore and it should be placed before the Government and sent to RGI if the study has been done under “Emic approach.” If it is done under Etic approach, re-study has to be done with Emic approach considering the antiquity of Codava tribe, meticulous and comprehensive study should be carried out.
4. Out of 7 fundamental rights enshrined in our Constitution, 7th one clearly upholds the Constitutional remedy for the aspirations of people. Now let GOI & GOK concede Codava aspirations of ST tag as the measure of Constitutional remedy.
5. It is noteworthy to mention the 6 Assam tribes here. They are Koch Rajbangsi, Moran, Mutok, Thai Ahom, Chuthiya, Tea tribe. In spite of strong opposition from the existing 19 ST groups of Assam and 40 years of relentless resistance and 8 times rejection by the National Commission for Scheduled Tribe( NCST) and Registrar General of India (RGI), now both GOI & GOA agreed to confer ST tag for those 6 tribes. GOI and GOK should follow the same suit in the case of Codava tribe.
6. Resolved to conduct meetings in all village Mandh and Naad Mandh across Codava territory. Mandh is the ancient temporal seat of the Codava tribal world. It depicts our tribal antiquity and it is the living testimony of tribal ancestry. It is like a multi-purpose open auditorium.
Subject: Invitation and Press release for Codava Seminar for ST. Tag

Subject: Writ Petition by Budakattu Kurubara Sangharsha Samiti, Bangalore.

Date: 10-10-2020
1. Shri Narendra Modi Ji,
The Hon’ble Prime Minister,
The Sovereign Republic of India,
South Block,
New Delhi-01
2. Shri Amit Anil Chandra Shah Ji,
The Hon’ble Union Minister for Home Affairs,
Govt of India,
North Block,
New Delhi -01
The gist of Prof Dr. Balveer Arora’s presentation in the seminar on “Codava Tribalism for ST tag” during CNC’s conclave held at Capitol Village Madikeri on the occasion of ‘International Day for the elimination of racial discrimination’ on 21 March 2019.
Professor Dr. Balveer Arora is
- Internationally acclaimed, the renowned political scientist.
- Former Rector and former Pro-Vice-Chancellor of JNU.
- Currently is the visiting professor at Paris University.
- He is one of the five architects in framing a new Constitution for Tunisia. (One of the Arab Country of North Africa)
Professor Dr. Balveer Arora is supporting, guiding CNC and always accorded Intellectual & Constitutional patronage to CNC’s legitimate Constitutional demand since the inception of CNC rather metamorphosis from Statehood movement to ST tag for Codava tribalism and Quest for Codavaland Geo-Political Autonomy.
We hereby reproduce the gist for your kind knowledge.
1. Reclaiming identity - Codava identity.
2. Reassertion of identity-Revive, protect traditional heritage - language, gender parity, etc.
3. Recognition- by others, State has the power to recognize, to flourish & move forward to protect & preserve Codava identity.
4. Vitality of identity - It is important to record & document.
5. There is history, myths. These two will make a nice cocktail.
6. Motivate youth. Youth diaspora is important.
7. Use modern ways to propagate and mobilize.
8. Link between tribal status & autonomy: Tribal status is an instrument to take forward autonomy. Linking tribal identity to autonomy is more scientific. Under the tribal label - education, self-employment can improve from State help.
9. Timelessness of tradition ie .....
10. Political will –
11. Paths to autonomy - Protecting cultural identity & autonomous status. The union territory concept is not advisable.
12. Promotion of citizen participation. No long term solution is possible without youth participation.
Two important suggestions by Dr. Balbir Arora
1. History to be scientifically documented. For history & culture- Codava Folkloric Experts should take responsibility to provide input.
2. Self-government arrangement
Should be planned.
With warm regards,
N.U. Nachappa Codava, BA LLB, Advocate.
President, Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri,
Residence : Noorokkanaad Hills
Kodagu @ Codava Land @ Coorg
Copies Marked to below mentioned Dignitaries:-
1. His Excellency
Sri. Ramanatha Kovind Ji,
The Hon’ble President
The Sovereign Republic of India,
Raisina Hills, Rashtrapati Bhavan,
New Delhi – 01
2.His Excellency
Sri Venkaiah Naidu Ji,
The Hon’ble Vice President,
The Sovereign Republic of India,
Maulana Azad Road,
New Delhi, 110001
3.Dr. Subramanian Swamy ji,
The Hon’ble Rajya Sabha M P,
& World renowned Economist,
Senior Statesman & Former Union Law Minister,
MP AB-14, Pandara Road,
New Delhi -110003
4.Sri. Arjun Munda Ji
The Hon'ble Minister for Tribal Affairs.
Union Govt. of India
Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road
New Delhi, 110011
5.Shri B.S Yediyurappa Ji,
The Hon’ble Chief Minister,
State of Karnataka,
Vidhana Soudha,
Bangalore -01
6.Sri. B.K. Hariprasad Ji,
The Hon’ble Member of Karnataka Legislative Council
84, 6th Main Road,
Karnataka 560055
7.Sri.D.Kupendra Reddy Ji,
The Hon’ble Ex. Rajya Sabha M P,
RGA Corporate Office
#366, 1st Cross Rd, 3rd Block,
Koramangala, Opp. KIOCL,
Sarjapur Main Road,
Bengaluru, Karnataka – 560034
8.Shri Jagdish Shetty Ji,
VHS National General Secretary,
1/G/61, Iris, Kalpataru Aura,
LBS Marg, OPP R City Mall,
Ghatkopar West,
Mumbai – 400086
9.Shri Pratap Simha, MP,
The Hon’ble Member of Parliament,
Mysore Kodagu,
Jaladarshini Guest House,
Main Road, Mysore City
Date: 13-09-2020
Codava tribal people congregated under the aegis of CNC ( Codava National Council) at "Paaraane" village of 'Kadiyathnaad' on 13 September 2020.
CNC President N U Nachappa Codava spoke length & breadth of CNC's longest Apolitical journey towards achieving its paramount aspiration of Quest for Geopolitical Autonomy & ST tag for Codava tribalism under Articles 244,244A R/w 6th&8th Schedule of our Constitution and Articles340& 342 of our Constitution. All the participant Codava tribe in unison registered their solidarity for attaining the ST tag & Codavaland Geo-political Autonomy.
The program concluded with the singing of the National Anthem Jana-Gana-Mana.
M/s Bidanda Usha Devamma, Changanda Chami Palangapa, Bidanda Nanjapa, Bolthanda Kiran, Bidanda Uthapa, Palandira Chengapa, Chermandanda Suresh, Bolthanda Palangapa, Bolkaranda Machaiah, Mathanda Somana, Ballyatanda Kaushik, Bolkaranda Muddaiah, Changanda Ponnana, Bolkaranda Nanaiah, Appaneravanda Kiran, Bollachetira Kiran Achaiah, Palandira Muthana, Appaneravanda Medapa, Ponjanda Mithun, Bolkaranda Shambu, Palandira Jeevan Uthapa, Palandira Sunil Subbaiah, Kummanda Pemmaiah, Appaneravanda Rajesh, Machanda Saaba Devaiah participated & witnessed the event.
Thanking youWith warm regards
N.U. Nachappa Codava, BA LLB, Advocate.
President, Codava National Council/CNC
P.B. no. 12, Madikeri,
Residence : Noorokkanaad Hills
Kodagu @ Codava Land @ Coorg

Date: 23-08-2020
1.Sri. Narendra Modi ji
The Honourable Prime Minister
Sovereign Republic of India
South block, New Delhi -1
2.Sri. Amith Anil Chandra Shah ji
The Honourable Minister for
Home Affairs,
Union Govt. of India
North Block – New Delhi -1
3.Sri B S Yediyurappa ji
The Honourable Chief Minister
State of Karnataka
Vidhana Soudha
Subject : Codava Quest for Geo-Political Autonomy & ST Tag – Demand for:
Most importantly, political dispensations both at Centre & State must shun the baseless notion that Codava tribal folk/communities will surrender Political Autonomy & Tribalism/ ST tag in return for material prosperity.

KODAVA SPEECH COMMUNITY: AN ETHNOLINGUISTIC STUDY and When Kodagu merged with Mysore: A short political history of the region When Kodagu merged with Mysore: A short political history of the region
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